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为解决服务流程中数据流建模因复杂而易出错的问题,提出一种服务流程的服务之间数据映射的自动生成方式。该方式将流程中每个服务的输入参数与可能为它提供数据的服务的输出参数作匹配,得到每个输入参数的最佳匹配,从而自动生成服务之间的数据映射。该方式利用服务输入、输出参数的模式描述,采用自动模式匹配技术进行模式之间的匹配,同时结合服务流程的相关信息提高匹配的准确率,自动生成流程的数据流,使得用户只需关注服务之间的逻辑组合,不必在数据映射过程上浪费大量的时间和精力,提高了工作流系统的可用性。  相似文献   

A new computer code has been developed to automatically extract quantitative twin statistics from electron backscatter diffraction data. The new code is an improvement upon previous codes in that it handles materials of any crystal symmetry, type I, Type II and compound twins, and general stress states. Moreover, accuracy of the results has been greatly improved. In addition, twin statistics including number, area fraction, twin thickness and twinning dependencies on orientation, grain size and neighbourhood effects can be routinely analysed. The new code has been applied to scan data from deformed magnesium, zirconium and uranium, and can potentially be used for any twinning material for which reliable electron backscatter diffraction results can be obtained.  相似文献   

A means for acquiring elemental depth profiles in digital form using ion scattering spectrometry for materials having well resolved binary elastic scattering peaks is described. The integrated counts for each elemental peak or background region are stored in consecutive channels of a multichannel scaler using the system sweep multiplexer to provide the time base necessary to advance the scaler address. A typical depth profile for a copper-chromium bi-layer sample collected in this manner is presented.  相似文献   

简要介绍了超临界流体制色谱仪的信号收集,数据处理与自动控制的设计要点和基本方法。  相似文献   

按照中国气象局业务观测规范,新一代天气雷达体扫数据要求及时存储。新一代天气雷达体扫资料数据量大,手工进行压缩存盘是一项繁杂的工作。本文介绍了一种新一代天气雷达(CINRAD/CD)基数据自动压缩存贮备份程序,该程序实现了无人操作、安全可靠地多重存储备份雷达基数据资料,减少了业务上的繁杂工作。  相似文献   

文章介绍了西宁新一代天气雷达观测资料的自动归档方法.CINRAD/CD型天气雷达的RPG和PUP系统产生的大量观测基本数据及二次产品数据分别存放在不同的目录文件下,种类繁多且数量庞大的雷达观测数据大量占用计算机硬盘空间.为及时保存各类雷达数据、避免数据资料丢失、保证计算机正常运行,业务人员需要频繁整理压缩各类雷达数据,主作量大,效率低.使用VB编写应用程序或利用批处理工具调用RAR命令均可以实现数据自动压缩归档的目的,有效提高工作效率,但实践证明利用VB编写应用程序实现数据归档更加稳定高效.  相似文献   

针对当前传统坐姿标注方法,存在操作繁琐、人工标注效率低等问题,提出了一种基于三维坐姿的压力数据自动标注方法。该方法基于双指针时间戳匹配实现双目视觉数据和压力数据同步实时采集;采取归一化、自适应中值滤波处理压力数据,去除压力数据量纲影响和尖峰噪声;利用二维姿态估计与匹配优化、坐标变换和多点三角测量处理视觉数据,提取6个三维人体关键点信息;构造基于坐姿特征的骨架图和基于邻接节点间空间三维投影角度特征,建立一个基于三维坐姿的标注信息生成模型;利用标注信息标注压力数据,构建带标注的坐姿压力数据集。实际应用中,单个样本数据对视觉-压力端采集平均时间差仅为21 ms,生成标注准确率达98.98%,自动标注平均耗时0.199 s,标注速度较人工标注提升13.3倍。  相似文献   

为实时准确获取农田信息,提高农田实验数据的自动采集与管理水平,实现节水灌溉,该文综合农学、统计学、物联网技术和生态学等的基本理论与方法,以3S(CIS,RS,GPS)技术为核心,基于遥感技术的宏观性、GPS精准定位的特点以及地理信息系统的空间性,结合无线通信、Web等相关集成技术,借助专家决策系统的生产和管理决策,针对某农田测坑试验场开发了一款具有自主知识产权的农田测坑试验数据(空气温度、湿度和光照度、土壤含水量等)自动化采集与管理软件系统,可现场检测设备远程操作,并具有数据采集、输入和输出、查询、统计、分析等功能。  相似文献   

介绍一种用于离散数据的三轴数控粗加工代码生成算法。该算法以离散数据点为输入信息,先构建一个网格曲面,然后通过一系列的计算步骤,最终得到用于实现离散数据曲面粗加工的数控代码。详细阐述该算法的推导过程,并给出算法的实现细节。该算法被证明具有良好的使用价值。  相似文献   

利用VB和Surfer实现不连续区域气象资料的自动成图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Surfer软件具有强大的数据处理和显示功能,本文介绍了Surfer的主要功能、Active自动化技术及其与VB应用程序的接口,并利用该接口技术将VB的强大软件开发能力和Surfer强大的绘图功能相结合,同时在完成跨区域Blank文件的基础上,实现不连续区域气象数据的自动绘图,给出了辖区为两块不连续区域的广州市萝岗区气象资料的自动成图实例。  相似文献   

为满足施工期洪水预报及梯级电站联合调度的需要,在硕多岗河流域内建成一套由1个中心站,20个水文、雨量遥测站,8个施工区水位站,21个闸门监测点组成的水情自动测报系统。本文对系统的总体结构,设备配置及功能,组网方式及软件配置等作了详细的介绍和分析。  相似文献   

通过建立拨号网络连接并在自动气象站监控软件(SAWSS)中正确设置自动站组网的方法,在宽带网络出现故障时,利用备份拨号网络实现自动气象站观测资料的即传即拨、传完即断,达到既可以保障观测资料传输的时效性,又可以减轻观测人员工作强度,节约办公经费的目的,可在各观测台站推广使用。  相似文献   

Localizing a histological section in the three‐dimensional dataset of a different imaging modality is a challenging 2D‐3D registration problem. In the literature, several approaches have been proposed to solve this problem; however, they cannot be considered as fully automatic. Recently, we developed an automatic algorithm that could successfully find the position of a histological section in a micro computed tomography (μCT) volume. For the majority of the datasets, the result of localization corresponded to the manual results. However, for some datasets, the matching μCT slice was off the ground‐truth position. Furthermore, elastic distortions, due to histological preparation, could not be accounted for in this framework. In the current study, we introduce two optimization frameworks based on normalized mutual information, which enabled us to accurately register histology slides to volume data. The rigid approach allocated 81 % of histological sections with a median position error of 8.4 μm in jaw bone datasets, and the deformable approach improved registration by 33 μm with respect to the median distance error for four histological slides in the cerebellum dataset.  相似文献   

The water level is one of the most important physical parameters of the physical model experiment. A large-scale physical model usually has many water level meters, It is an important basis for the accurate simulation of the water level to determine the transformation relationship between those level meters readings and the altitude in the prototype. Based on collimated characteristics of laser and image processing by binarization of gray image and character segmentation, an automatic transformation system was developed to improve transformation accuracy. The main idea is to use laser scanner to build a reference plane, then light illuminates the water level meter, so that the CCD on the top of the water level meter could gather the laser beam and convert light intensity to image signals. With further image processing, such as threshold transformation, the system can get the coordinate of laser center. Due to the fixed relationship between the coordinate and the water level meter measurement data, then the system can found transformation relation between water level meter and altitude automatically. Experiments show that comparing with the manual calibration, relative error of automatic calibration water level meter altitude conversion decreased from ±1.34% to ±0.19%.  相似文献   

An optoelectronic measuring complex is used for prompt measurements of the atmospheric transparency to wavelengths of 0.35–1.03 m and the meteorological optical range of 0.1–300 km under various weather conditions with a relative error of no more than 15%.  相似文献   

金沙江下游梯级水电站水情自动测报系统是在金沙江流域现有站网和水文测验设备设施基础上,根据工程施工期间水情预报方案的需要,合理布设水情遥测站网,为金沙江下游梯级水电站施工期间提供实时准确的水情信息。本文详细地介绍了金沙江下游梯级水电站水情自动测报系统的站网布设、总体结构、通信组网方式、遥测站设备等。  相似文献   

Knowledge-based systems have made their mark in improving many manufacturing processes, but there is still a stumbling block in the process of converting human knowledge into a form where a computer or expert system can use it. The authors describe a successful way of deriving knowledge directly from raw data. The data gathered are processed for all shifts over a period of seven days to produce, for each shift, a value for the productivity variables.  相似文献   

介绍用单片机与逻辑控制电路自动测量和控制刀具的切削温度和切削力,从而保证刀具在切削加工中长久正常地工作,以达到提高刀具寿命、减少刀具消耗的目的。  相似文献   

本文的内容是设计车辆运输粉状物质采样电控系统,简要介绍了矿山企业中的车辆运输粉状产品(物质)采样机的产生背景和应用意义。接下来简单概括了采样机的总体方案设计,详细讲述了采样机电控系统主体软硬件的设计过程和设计方法。  相似文献   

该文介绍一种最新开发的换向阀,它不同于普通的滑阀结构,也不是插装阀结构.它具备密封性好、无驱动、适应高压和大流量、组成系统结构简单、性能可靠等特点.根据它的功能特点,把它称之为:自动换向阀.  相似文献   

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