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To test the hypothesis that rats (Rattus norvegicus) emit airborne, differential odors in response to reward and nonreward, donor rats received random sequences of rewarded and nonrewarded placements in small compartments and an airstream transported odors from these compartments to test rats in a separate chamber. When donors remained in the compartments during, or were removed just prior to, air transport, test rats utilized transported odors as discriminative cues signaling their own reward and nonreward for a lever-press response. When the airstream was passed through a clean compartment containing paper flooring extracted from donor compartments, test rats were not able to discriminate. Test trials to assess for control by food odors suggest that donor-produced odors, rather than food odors per se, provided the discriminative signals for test rats. Results confirm the existence of somewhat volatile, although apparently stable, odors emitted in response to reward and nonreward, and implicate a differential in amount and/or type of odor produced by donors to these two events as the source of discriminative control.  相似文献   

At least some anthranilates (e.g., methyl anthranilate), and acetophenones (e.g., orthoaminoacetophenone) are aversive to mice as well as to birds. Here we systematically examined nine acetophenone isomers (ortho, meta, para) and moieties (amino, hydroxy, methoxy) previously tested as drinking and feeding repellents for European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). All nine substances reduced intake by mice in single-bottle tests. When molecular characteristics were examined, amino group reactivity and, to a lesser extent, isomeric position (i.e., resonance), were related to the strength of the avoidance response. Unlike effective avian repellents, the presence of intramolecular hydrogen bonds did not appear to affect avoidance responding.  相似文献   

Predator odors induce defensive behavior in many prey species. For various reasons, studies carried out up to now have been unable to establish whether predator odor recognition is innate or not. Mostly, only particular odors or wild-living (i.e., experienced) test animals have been used in these studies, restricting the conclusiveness of the observations. In the present study, the behavioral effects of exposure to different predator odors on predator odor-naive laboratory male rats were compared with the effects of different nonpredator odors and of a no-odor control stimulus. Results show that exposure to urine of canids and felids, but not of herbivores or conspecifics, induce defensive behaviors. Taken together, the study provides support for the hypothesis that there is an innate recognition of predator odors in laboratory rats.  相似文献   

The role of volatile infochemicals emitted by feces of larvae in the host-searching behavior of the parasitoidCotesia rubecula was evaluated during single- and dual-choice tests inside a wind tunnel. The following treatments were tested: feces produced by second and fourth instars ofPieris rapae (preferred host), second instars ofP. brassicae (inferior host), second instars ofP. napi (nonhost), and wet feces of second instars ofP. rapae. During a single-choice situation females ofC. rubecula oriented to all types of feces tested. When a preference was to be made,C. rubecula preferred feces of second instars ofP. rapae over that of fourth, feces ofP. rapae over that ofP. brassicae, feces ofP. napi over that ofP. brassicae, and wet over normal host feces. No preference was exhibited between feces of second instars ofP. napi and that of second instars ofP. rapae. The relative importance of infochemicals from host feces versus plant damage caused by host larvae to the searching behavior ofC. rubecula was also evaluated. Plant damage was more important to the searching females than host feces when feces were present in specific concentrations in relation to damage. The volatiles released by normal and wet feces of second instars ofP. rapae, wet feces of fourth instars ofP. rapae, and normal and wet feces ofP. brassicae were collected and identified. Overall, 85 chemical compounds were recorded belonging to the following chemical groups: alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, esters, isothiocyanates, sulfides, nitriles, furanoids, terpenoids and pyridines. The blend of chemicals emitted by feces of different instars ofP. rapae and different species ofPieris exhibited an instar and species specificity in both quantity and quality. Wetting of normal feces increased the amount of volatile chemicals released, and it was also responsible for the appearance of new compounds. The role of feces of larvae in the host-seeking behavior ofC. rubecula is discussed.  相似文献   

We conducted a predator bite survey on a population of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) considered to be under substantial predation pressure by western plains garter snakes (Thamnophis radix). Scarring, due to failed predation attempts by garter snakes and crayfish (Orconectes virilis), was observed significantly more often in breeding males than in breeding females and nonbreeding minnows. Likely, territorial nest defense under the edges of rocks along the water's edge, a habitat occupied by crayfish and frequented by snakes, caused the breeding males to be differentially vulnerable to predation. Under controlled laboratory conditions, breeding males from this population exhibited an antipredator response to chemical stimuli from live snakes (T. sirtalis andT. radix) significantly more often than breeding female minnows from the same population and breeding minnows of both sexes from a population that was presumed to be under lower predation pressure from snakes.  相似文献   

In the iguanid lizardDipsosaurus dorsalis, chemical food stimuli were discriminated from other odorants by vomerolfaction. This was demonstrated in a 2 × 3 experiment in which groups of lizards with sealed vomeronasal ducts or sham-sealed vomeronasal ducts responded to carrot chemical stimuli, cologne, and distilled water presented on cotton-tipped applicators. Abilities to detect and discriminate food chemicals were abolished in lizards having sealed vomeronasal ducts. For tongue-flick attack score and number of lizards biting, the sham-sealed group responded more strongly to carrot stimuli than to the control stimuli, but the group having sealed ducts did not. Lizards having sham-sealed ducts responded more strongly to carrot stimuli than did lizards having sealed ducts; responses by the two groups of lizards to control stimuli did not differ. Tongue-flicking occurred when the vomeronasal system detected a chemical stimulus from either carrot or cologne. Biting occurred only when the vomeronasal organ detected food stimuli (from carrot). Most duct-sealed lizards opened their mouths, some repeatedly. Mouth-opening thus occurs when the vomeronasal organ does not detect chemicals. It may be an attempt to stimulate or prime the vomeronasal organ or to dislodge the sealant.  相似文献   

After an extensive examination of the release rates and blend ratios of pheromonal components emitted by field-collected femalePectinophora gossypiella (Saunders), we find no evidence of resistance to pheromones applied to cotton fields to disrupt mating. Females from fields with 3–5 years of exposure to disruptant pheromones as well as those from fields with only minimal exposure to disruptant pheromones emitted (Z,Z)-7,11-hexadecadienyl acetate at a rate of ca. 0.1 ng/min and (Z,E)7,11-hexadecadienyl acetate at ca. 0.06 ng/min. The ratio of pheromonal components was much less variable than the measured emission rate and was centered about a 61:39Z, Z to Z,E ratio. In contrast to the blend ratio emitted by females, the composition of the pheromonal blend used in monitoring populations and disrupting mating is centered about 50:50 Z,Z to Z.E. In general there was a remarkable consistency in the release rate and blend ratio among populations of females throughout southern California and those from a laboratory colony. It would appear that, although resistance to theP. gossypiella pheromone is still a very real possibility when it is used heavily in pest management as a mating disruptant, there are current agricultural practices and conditions which would hinder its development. Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders), Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate prey chemicals from control substances and the presence of a poststrike elevation in tongue-flicking (PETF) rate are experimentally demonstrated in the lacertid lizard,Podarcis muralis, The tongue-flick attack score, a composite index of response strength, was significantly higher in response to integumental chemicals from cricket than to cologne or distilled water. The cricket chemicals additionally elicited a significantly greater rate of tongue-flicking and higher proportion of attacks by the lizards than did control stimuli. PETF combined with apparent searching movements strongly suggest the presence of strike-induced chemosensory searching (SICS). Experimental evidence indicates that both PETF and SICS occur in insectivorous representatives of three families of actively foraging autarchoglossan lizards, suggesting their widespread occurrence in such lizards. The adaptive roles of chemosensory behavior in the foraging behavior of P.Muralis are discussed. It is proposed that these lizards may form chemical search images and that PETF and SICS may have been present in the lacertilian ancestors of snakes.  相似文献   

UPD-glucose transferases are found in the cytosolic and microsomal fractions of the grain aphidSitobion avenae F. Gel filtration and SDSPAGE revealed that the microsomal fraction contained several forms of the enzyme. The molecular weights of the three most active fractions might be 68,000, 66,000, and 36,500. There was a negative correlation between the enzymes' activity in extracts of aphids and the concentration of DIMBOAaglucone in the winter wheat variety fed on by the aphid. A strong inhibition of the activity of the UPD-glucose transferases was observedin vitro at a concentration of DIMBOA as low as 0.01 mM. There was a greater activity of the enzymes in aphids fed on seedlings of susceptible than on moderately resistant wheat cultivars. Prolonged feeding on resistant cultivars resulted in a further reduction in the activity of the aphid's enzymes. The significance for cereal aphids of the role of their UDP-glucose tranferases in the detoxification of plant allelochemicals and adaptation to resistant varieties of cereals is discussed.  相似文献   

In studies of the lysis of rabbit erythrocytes, red beet cells, andPenicillium notatum protoplasts by the potato glycoalkaloids -solanine and -chaconine, the latter was consistently the more membrane-disruptive compound and erythrocytes the more susceptible cell type. A 11 mixture of solanine and chaconine produced pronounced synergistic effects in all three test systems. In beet cells, such effects were apparent from an early stage of treatment and persisted over a period of several hours. With erythrocytes and fungal protoplasts, the synergism was maximal with mixtures containing approximately 70% chaconine, whereas with beet cells it peaked at approximately 40% chaconine. Synergistic interactions between solanine and chaconine also occurred with regard to cholesterol binding in vitro, with a maximum response corresponding to the 50% mixture. The implications of these findings for the nature and efficacy of chemical defense systems in plants are discussed.  相似文献   

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