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In this work, we propose a novel multimedia summarization technique from Online Social Networks (OSNs). In particular, we model each Multimedia Social Network (MSN)—i.e. an OSN focusing on the management and sharing of multimedia information—using an hypergraph based approach and exploit influence analysis methodologies to determine the most important multimedia objects with respect to one or more topics of interest. Successively, we obtain from the list of candidate objects a multimedia summary using a summarization model together with an heuristics that aims to generate summaries with priority (with respect to some user keywords), continuity, variety and not receptiveness features. The performed experiments on Flickr shows the effectiveness of proposed approach.  相似文献   

为处理推荐行为来源复杂、路径多样、不信任陌生推荐等问题,提出一种在社交网络中信任驱动推荐方法。该方法利用贝叶斯网络,计算用户评分的先验概率分布以及朋友之间的联合条件概率,预测用户在该环境下的评分并将推荐给用户。在信任驱动推荐过程中,预测评分既考虑到用户的偏好,也考虑到用户的社会关系;此外,用户的信息交换只限于朋友之间,能够有效保护用户的隐私。实验结果表明,所提出的推荐方法在预测准确率和推荐覆盖率上具有良好的性能。  相似文献   

当前融合评分和标签的推荐方法对两种数据的挖掘程度有限,且大多数局限在提取浅层的线性特征层面.深度学习技术被成功应用于推荐方法,然而数据的稀疏性导致学习的潜在特征效果不好,因此,提出一种融合评分和社会化标签的两阶段深度推荐方法.首先,利用堆叠降噪自编码器分别从评分和社会化标签中提取用户、项目的潜在特征;其次,将学习的潜在特征进行拼接作为用户、项目完整的潜在特征,并与原始评分相结合构建监督学习数据集;最后,将构建的数据集作为BP神经网络的输入以训练评分预测模型.为降低训练误差,通过联合训练的方式进行参数学习.基于MovieLens、Last.FM数据集的实验表明,该方法与几种基准方法相比有更好的推荐性能.  相似文献   

兴趣点(point-of-interest,POI)推荐是基于位置的社交网络(location-based social networks,LBSN)中一项重要的服务。针对目前推荐算法存在的噪声数据影响推荐质量,用户个性化程度低的问题,提出了一种个性化联合推荐算法。提出了引入POI的位置因素去除不可能或可能性较小的POI,形成初步候选集;综合考虑POI的类别、流行度及用户的社会行为,增加用户个性化的程度,提高推荐结果的质量。在Foursquare真实签到数据集上的实验,证明了提出的联合推荐算法与目前先进的算法相比,准确率提高11%,召回率提高8%。  相似文献   

针对传统的协同推荐算法存在数据稀疏和推荐精度低的问题,提出了一种集成社会化标签和用户背景信息的协同过滤(CF)推荐方法。首先,分别计算基于社会化标签和用户背景信息的用户间的相似度;然后,基于用户评分计算用户间的相似度;最后,集成上述3种相似性度量产生用户间综合相似度,并对目标用户进行项目推荐。实验结果表明,与传统的协同过滤推荐算法相比,所提方法在正常数据集和冷启动数据集下的平均绝对误差(MAE)平均降低了16%和22.6%。该方法不仅能有效地提高推荐算法的精度,而且能较好地解决数据稀疏和冷启动的问题。  相似文献   

邵长城  陈平华 《计算机应用》2019,39(5):1261-1268
基于位置的社交网络(LBSN)蓬勃发展,带来了大量的兴趣点(POI)数据,加速了兴趣点推荐的研究。针对用户-兴趣点矩阵极端稀疏造成的推荐精度低和兴趣点特征缺失问题,通过融合兴趣点的标签、地理、社交、评分以及图像等信息,提出了一种融合社交网络和图像内容的兴趣点推荐方法(SVPOI)。首先分析兴趣点数据集,针对地理信息,利用幂律概率分布构造距离因子;针对标签信息,利用检索词频率构造标签因子;融合已有的历史评分数据,构造新的用户-兴趣点评分矩阵。其次利用VGG16深度卷积神经网络模型(DCNN)识别兴趣点图像内容,构造兴趣点图像内容矩阵。然后根据兴趣点数据的社交网络信息,构造用户社交矩阵。最后,利用概率矩阵分解(PMF)模型,融合用户-兴趣点评分矩阵、图像内容矩阵、用户社交矩阵,构成SVPOI兴趣点推荐模型,生成兴趣点推荐列表。大量的真实数据集上的实验结果表明,与PMF、SoRec、TrustMF、TrustSVD推荐算法相比,SVPOI推荐的准确度均有较大提升,其平均绝对误差(MAE)和均方根误差(RMSE)两项指标比最优的TrustMF算法分别降低了5.5%和7.82%,表明SVPOI具有更好的推荐效果。  相似文献   

王珊珊  冷甦鹏 《计算机应用》2016,36(9):2386-2389
针对移动社会网络(MSN)的好友推荐问题,提出了一种基于多维相似度的好友推荐方法。该方法隶属于基于内容的好友推荐,但与现有方法相比,不再局限于单一维度的匹配信息,而是从空间、时间和兴趣三个维度出发,判断用户在各个维度上的相似度,最终通过“差异距离”进行综合评判,向目标用户推荐与之在地理位置、在线时间和兴趣爱好上更具一致性的其他用户成为其好友。由实验结果表明,该方法应用于移动社会网络中的好友推荐服务时,其推荐结果查准率接近80%,查准效率接近60%,性能远高于只基于单一维度的好友推荐方法;同时,通过对三维权重值的调整,该方法可应用于多种特性的移动社会网络中。  相似文献   

The success and intensive use of social networks makes strategies for efficient document location a hot topic of research. In this paper, we propose a common vector space to describe documents and users to create a social network based on affinities, and explore epidemic routing to recommend documents according to the user’s interests. Furthermore, we propose the creation of a SoftDHT structure to improve the recommendation results. Using these mechanisms, an efficient document recommender system with a fast organization of clusters of users based on their affinity can be provided, preventing the creation of unlinked communities. We show through simulations that the proposed system has a short convergence time and presents a high recall ratio.  相似文献   

Lamia Berkani 《Software》2020,50(8):1498-1519
The development of social media technologies has greatly enhanced social interactions. The proliferation of social platforms has generated massive amounts of data and a considerable number of persons join these platforms every day. Therefore, one of the current issues is to facilitate the search for the most appropriate friends for a given user. We focus in this article on the recommendation of users in social networks. We propose a novel approach which combines a user-based collaborative filtering (CF) algorithm with semantic and social recommendations. The semantic dimension suggests the close friends based on the calculation of the similarity between the active user and his friends. The social dimension is based on some social-behavior metrics such as friendship and credibility degree. The novelty of our approach concerns the modeling of the credibility of the user, through his/her trust and commitment in the social network. A social recommender system based on this approach is developed and experiments have been conducted using the Yelp social network. The evaluation results demonstrated that the proposed hybrid approach improves the accuracy of the recommendation compared with the user-based CF algorithm and solves the sparsity and cold start problems.  相似文献   

基于内容算法与社会过滤算法都是迄今为止在社交网络中较为成功的好友推荐算法。结合两者的优点,根据用户已有的好友来给用户推荐新的好友,并与用户的兴趣爱好、地理位置等个人信息相结合的方式来处理好友推荐问题。通过实验验证以及准确率和召回率的评测显示,改进的算法比传统的好友推荐算法在推荐性能上有较为明显的提高。  相似文献   

针对用户在社区网络中面对海量的信息和资源,如何快速便捷地获得自己感兴趣的内容问题,提出一种基于社区网络内容的个性化推荐算法。在得到相同兴趣用户聚类的基础上,该算法首先通过用户访问日志信息挖掘相似内容推荐项,然后根据用户兴趣挖掘新的内容推荐项。实验结果表明,该算法不仅提高了内容推荐精度,而且还扩展了内容覆盖面。  相似文献   


There are many studies conducted on recommendation systems, most of which are focused on recommending items to users and vice versa. Nowadays, social networks are complicated due to carrying vast arrays of data about individuals and organizations. In today’s competitive environment, companies face two significant problems: supplying resources and attracting new customers. Even the concept of supply-chain management in a virtual environment is changed. In this article, we propose a new and innovative combination approach to recommend organizational people in social networks based on organizational communication and SCM. The proposed approach uses a hybrid strategy that combines basic collaborative filtering and demographic recommendation systems, using data mining, artificial neural networks, and fuzzy techniques. The results of experiments and evaluations based on a real dataset collected from the LinkedIn social network showed that the hybrid recommendation system has higher accuracy and speed than other essential methods, even substantially has eliminated the fundamental problems with such systems, such as cold start, scalability, diversity, and serendipity.


文凯  朱传亮 《计算机应用》2018,38(9):2523-2528
针对目前用户偏好数据和社交关系数据十分稀疏的问题,以及用户可能更加喜欢朋友推荐的商品而不喜欢非朋友推荐的商品这样一个事实,提出了一种结合社交网络和用户间的兴趣偏好相似度的正则化矩阵分解推荐算法,首先针对社交关系数据稀疏问题,利用网络的全局和局部拓扑特性挖掘出用户间的信任和不信任关系矩阵,然后定义了一种改进的用户间的兴趣偏好相似度计算方法,最后在矩阵分解的过程中将信任矩阵、不信任矩阵以及兴趣相关性综合起来为用户作出推荐。实验表明该方法优于主要的正则化推荐方法,与基本的矩阵分解模型(SocialMF)、SoRec、TrustMF、CTRPMF、RecSSN算法相比,算法在均方根误差(RMSE)和平均绝对误差(MAE)上分别减小了1.1%~9.5%和2%~10.1%,取得了较好的推荐效果。  相似文献   

目前基于协同过滤的地点推荐算法存在难以准确估算用户偏好、推荐结果准确性不高等问题。改进了传统协同过滤中相似用户计算方法,在迭代过程中分别计算用户相似度和地点相似度的值,并不断交叉调整对方的值,直至收敛。该方法能够在稀疏的数据集下准确计算用户相似性。此外,在top-N推荐阶段,同时考虑了用户的兴趣度和推荐地点离用户所在地距离的影响,并设置阈值控制二者的权重,自适应地产生推荐结果。实验表明,与其它方法相比该方法能够获得更好的推荐效果。  相似文献   

Due to the overload of contents, the user suffers from difficulty in selecting items. The social cataloging services allow users to consume items and share their opinions, which influences in not only oneself but other users to choose new items. The recommendation system reduces the problem of the choice by recommending the items considering the behavior of the people and the characteristics of the items.In this study, we propose a tag-based recommendation method considering the emotions reflected in the user’s tags. Since the user’s estimation of the item is made after consuming the item, the feelings of the user obtained during consuming are directly reflected in ratings and tags. The rating has overall valence on the item, and the tag represents the detailed feelings. Therefore, we assume that the user’s rating for an item is the basic emotion of the tag attached to the item, and the emotion of tag is adjusted by the unique emotion value of the tag. We represent the relationships between users, items, and tags as a three-order tensor and apply tensor factorization. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves better recommendation performance than baselines.  相似文献   

Content-based filtering (CBF), one of the most successful recommendation techniques, is based on correlations between contents. CBF uses item information, represented as attributes, to calculate the similarities between items. In this study, we propose a novel CBF method that uses a multiattribute network to effectively reflect several attributes when calculating correlations to recommend items to users. In the network analysis, we measure the similarities between directly and indirectly linked items. Moreover, our proposed method employs centrality and clustering techniques to consider the mutual relationships among items, as well as determine the structural patterns of these interactions. This mechanism ensures that a variety of items are recommended to the user, which improves the performance. We compared the proposed approach with existing approaches using MovieLens data, and found that our approach outperformed existing methods in terms of accuracy and robustness. Our proposed method can address the sparsity problem and over-specialization problem that frequently affect recommender systems. Furthermore, the proposed method depends only on ratings data obtained from a user's own past information, and so it is not affected by the cold start problem.  相似文献   

为解决传统协同过滤推荐算法中存在的数据稀疏、冷启动以及推荐结果缺乏多样性等问题,提出一种融合社交网络与关键用户的协同过滤推荐算法。该算法在用户—项目评分矩阵基础上,融合用户社交网络信息得出社交信任矩阵,融合关键用户信息得出关键用户评分矩阵。利用三大评分矩阵,分配不同的权重比例,共同来预测用户对于目标项目评分。针对海量数据问题,采用Spark分布式集群实现该算法的计算并行化。实验结果表明,该算法能够有效缓解数据稀疏问题,提高处理速度和推荐准确度。  相似文献   

针对用户在社交网络中添加哪些用户为自己好友的问题,采用好友之间的关系推荐和喜好标签的相似度推荐相结合的方法,提出了改进的推荐算法。首先,通过用户之间的好友关系推荐出目标用户共同好友最多的Top-N用户,其次,通过目标用户和推荐出的Top-N用户间标签的相似性推荐分数最高的用户,再给定他们相应的权重,进行打分,选取分数最高的Top-N用户进行推荐。实验结果表明,运用相结合的算法是有效的,在准确率和召回率上优于同类的好友推荐算法。  相似文献   

Communities are basic components in networks. As a promising social application, community recommendation selects a few items (e.g., movies and books) to recommend to a group of users. It usually achieves higher recommendation precision if the users share more interests; whereas, in plenty of communities (e.g., families, work groups), the users often share few. With billions of communities in online social networks, quickly selecting the communities where the members are similar in interests is a prerequisite for community recommendation. To this end, we propose an easy-to-compute metric, Community Similarity Degree (CSD), to estimate the degree of interest similarity among multiple users in a community. Based on 3460 emulated Facebook communities, we conduct extensive empirical studies to reveal the characteristics of CSD and validate the effectiveness of CSD. In particular, we demonstrate that selecting communities with larger CSD can achieve higher recommendation precision. In addition, we verify the computation efficiency of CSD: it costs less than 1 hour to calculate CSD for over 1 million of communities. Finally, we draw insights about feasible extensions to the definition of CSD, and point out the practical uses of CSD in a variety of applications other than community recommendation.  相似文献   

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