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Michael Weinstock 's significant new book The Architecture of Emergence: The Evolution of Form in Nature and Civilisation calls into question the received notion of culture. Rather than perceiving civilisation as intrinsically human or humanist, standing outside and beyond nature, Weinstock positions human development alongside ecological development: the history of cultural evolution and the production of cities are set in the context of processes and forms of the natural world. In this extract from Chapter 7, Weinstock charts how the proliferation of cities and systems of cities and their extended metabolic systems across the world were characterised by episodic and irregular expansions, consolidation, collapse and subsequent reorganisation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Architecture is on the cusp of systemic change, driven by the dynamics of climate and economy, of new technologies and new means of production. There is a growing interest in the dynamics of fluidity, in networks and in the new topologies of surfaces and soft boundaries. This is part of a general cultural response to the contemporary reconfiguration of the concept of ‘nature’ within the discourse of architecture; a change from metaphor to model, from ‘nature’ as a source of formal inspiration to ‘nature’ as a mine of interrelated dynamic processes that are available for analysis and digital simulation. Michael Weinstock presents an account of the dynamics of natural metabolisms, and suggests an agenda for the development of metabolic morphologies of buildings and cities. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Visions in planning of what a city could or should be tend to be constructed around metaphors, rhetorical tropes that crystalize the image of a preferable future city. Such metaphorizations are never innocent: they draw on pre-existing cultural narratives and activate particular frames of expectation. This article examines two metaphors used in the planning of New York City, and its shores, in particular: the spectre of the ‘valley of ashes’ and the dream of the ‘fresh green breast’. These metaphors, taken from F. Scott Fizgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby (1925), appear time and again in the planning and thinking of the New York shoreline, from Robert Moses’s plans for Flushing Meadow to Major Bloomberg’s waterfront development and Eric Sanderson’s vision of a 2406 New York in Mannahatta (2006). This article examines how the metaphors of the ‘valley of ashes’ and the ‘fresh green breast’ have been adapted throughout decades of planning New York City to accommodate changing relationships, conflicts and ideals, always infused by a pastoral undercurrent that is already questioned in Fitzgerald’s novel.  相似文献   

Here, Guest-Editor Michael Weinstock with Mehran Gharleghi of the EmTech programme at the Architectural Association (AA) School of Architecture in London shift the definition of the intelligent city away from one that is predicated on information and communication technologies towards a deeper and more profound characterisation. They explore the possibilities of cognitive complexity in urbanism emerging out of the interaction of sensory processing and behavioural responses to the world. Within the context of large infrastructural systems, what might, for instance, rapidly developing machine consciousness have in common with collective intelligence? What could the preliminary conceptual schema be for an intelligent city that is sufficiently self-aware to synchronise its systems with climatic and ecological phenomena at regional and local scales?  相似文献   

How might we best track the accelerating demands of global urbanisation? Michael Weinstock, Director of Research and Development at the Architectural Association (AA) in London, proposes a mathematical approach to uncovering the dynamics of cities. He advocates a dual method that reveals any city's particular metabolism by simultaneously mapping its physical shape - its compactness and densities - and its flows of energy, information and materials. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Finding Time     
What has our sense of the acceleration of time got to bear on our experience of cities? How might it be consciously countered by architects ‘finding time’ through ‘thoughtful design and measured observation’. ‘A self-declared ‘cultural polymath’, Tim Makower is the founder of Makower Architects. A partner at Allies and Morrison for many years, he has significant experience in leading large-scale projects, ranging from the King's Cross Masterplan in London to the Old Doha Regeneration Framework, which he draws on here and in his book Touching the City: Thoughts on Urban Scale (Wiley, 2014).  相似文献   

What is generally understood by Modern architecture in China is set to be re-evaluated across the world with a major exhibition this summer at the RIBA in London and a significant new book by Edward Denison and Guang Yu Ren. Here co-author and co-curator of Modernism in China, Edward Denison , outlines why we need to look back to China's Modernist roots in the early 20th century if we are to understand the intense modernisation of the present. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a new edition of a seminal book, Critical Modernism: Where is Post-Modernism Going? (What is Post-Modernism? 5th Edition), Charles Jencks argues that social and economic forces have reached a new stage of global civilisation. This promises the onset of a new cultural strain of thought: Critical Modernism. Here he defines and argues for a significant and more analytical mode of perceiving the world in all its complexity. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is all too easy to be optimistic about the economic and social future of Latin America. Daniela Fabricius , the author of 100% Favela: The Informal Geographies of Rio de Janeiro (forthcoming), calls into question architects working within the realpolitik of a globalised, post-nationalist world. Could an all too ready acceptance of existing conditions and the adoption of informality leave inhabitants short-changed? For to live informally is also to live precariously - no substitute for secure and prosperous living.  相似文献   

Since 2003, Benjamin Bratton and Hernan Diaz-Alonso have conducted a series of parallel theory seminars and design studios at SCI-Arc (Southern California Institute of Architecture). These collaborations have addressed questions of collectivity at varying scales: personal (between two individuals, each with separate professional practices), institutional (between two disciplinary positions, one analytical and the other creative) and cultural (between what is inside and outside the architectural imaginary). The work featured in the article represents another primary mandate of their interinstitutional project: the transdisciplinary implications of design as a general form of practice as opposed to the historical definitions of ‘architecture’ or the architect. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the place of historic gardens in the city of Tabriz vis-a-vis Iranian garden arts. It provides information on the historic gardens of Tabriz, which are no longer in existence, for example, ‘Saheb Abad’ Garden, ‘North’ Garden, ‘Sefa’ Garden, ‘Amir Kabir’ Garden, ‘Saheb Divan’Garden and ‘Fath Abad’ Garden, as well as four historical maps belonging to the Qajar era in the city of Tabriz. In this research, the factors influencing the design of El-Goli Garden were studied, which can be grouped into three major categories: physical, biological and cultural. After a brief study of the above factors in the city of Tabriz and its different microclimates, the types of similarities that exist relating to Iranian garden art were determined.  相似文献   

Michael Weinstock describes the constraints and creativity behind the Wave Canopy, the EmTech Masters programme construction project for 2009, which was located on the upper terrace of the Architectural Association's premises in Bedford Square. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mid-20th-century communist ideal was for cities that were ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’. Wang Jun , an editor at Outlook Weekly magazine and author of a best-selling book on the planning of Beijing, describes how the ambition to accommodate public life in urban space is a relatively modern phenomenon that goes against the grain of a long tradition of landownership in China. Given this background, can the original notion of the ‘People's City’ ultimately survive the current wave of property privatisation? Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

So far the Unit Factor series has focused on design research within the context of the Architectural Association in London. Here the series editor, Michael Weinstock, discusses the possibilities of architects undertaking research in practice. He draws on the experience of Chris Bosse, who is responsible for the competition-winning design for the Watercube, Beijing's National Swimming Centre. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the last few decades an entirely new conception of the material world has emerged. Here, philosopher Manuel DeLanda , whose work has become synonymous with this ‘new materialism’, introduces this novel understanding of materiality. Like any other conceptual framework, it has precedents in the history of philosophy - the work of the Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza is a good example - but only recently has it become coherently articulated with science and technology. Gone is the Aristotelian view that matter is an inert receptacle for forms that come from the outside (transcendent essences), as well as the Newtonian view in which an obedient materiality simply follows general laws and owes all its powers to those transcendent laws. In place of this, we can now conceptualise an active matter endowed with its own tendencies and capacities, engaged in its own divergent, open-ended evolution, animated from within by immanent patterns of being and becoming.  相似文献   

The Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto is internationally renowned for his writings on the informal economy. Through his work as the President of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD) in Lima, he has effectively advocated the creation of a legal system to help the poor access property rights. In his latest book, The Amazon is not Avatar, he makes a significant shift away from the problems caused by massive urban migrations to cities to focusing on the benefits of property and business rights for resource-rich indigenous communities in the Amazon. Angus Laurie interviews De Soto on his current thinking and highlights why he has had such an important influence on social housing in Latin America. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The density of development in Belgium is such that the entire country has become an open city, with little sense of where one metropolitan area begins and another ends. Bruno De Meulder describes the underlying logic of this unbroken urbanscape, and the opportunity it affords for re-editing and reinserting informal social spaces in areas of wasted land. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Techniques and Technologies in Morphogenetic Design expands and develops the themes of the previous, highly successful Emergence: Morphogenetic Design Strategies issue of 4 (Vol 74, No 3, 2004), which was also guest-edited by Michael Hensel, Achim Menges and Michael Weinstock of the Emergence and Design Group. While the first volume elucidated the concepts of emergence and self-organisation in relation to the discipline of architecture, this issue augments its theoretical and methodological foundation within a biological paradigm for architectural design, while also discussing promising, related, instrumental techniques for design, manufacturing and construction. Michael Hensel introduces the issue and explains how it addresses a much broader range of scales, from the molecular to that of macro-structure and, beyond, to ecological relations. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

People in different regions of the world live under different cultural and religious orders and derive various practical ethics from them. Some of these moral and religious principles are clearly more favorable for economic development than others. Yet such ethnological differences are regrettably absent from our prevailing theories of regional economic development. In this paper, culture is defined as a system of relatively slow processes of change — known as cultural arenas. A complex interface exists between these slower processes and the relatively faster ones (known as games). In attempting to assess the development prospects of any region, a key point to grasp is that this cultural interface may be self-organizing. Its future trajectory will therefore be uncertain. To the extent that the proposed system of slow processes may be construed as a region's cultural base, they may control the nature and achievable pace of that region's development.An earlier version of this paper was presented at a Conference onThe Economics of the Cities of Art, held in Venice from 13–15 May 1991.  相似文献   

The Architectural Association in London is renowned for its unique unit structure in which avant-garde research and design strategies are incubated and hatched. In a new series edited by Michael Weinstock, Academic Head at the AA, the activities of the units are brought under the spotlight. ‘Unit Factor’ kicks off with an account by Steve Hardy and Werner Gaiser of the Environments, Ecology and Sustainability research cluster they lead. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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