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The benthic macroinvertebrates of the central basin of Lake Erie were sampled with a Ponar grab in the summers of 1978 and 1979 along a 155-km reach of the nearshore zone (≤ 12 km offshore) in Ohio, U.S.A., at depths of less than 20 m. The major groups and their most abundant species were, in order of overall abundance, Oligochaeta (Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, L. cervix-L. claparedeianus group, L. maumeensis), Sphaeriidae (Pisidium casertanum, P. henslowanum, Sphaerium corneum, Musculium transversum), and Chironomidae (Procladius sp., Chironomus spp.). The average abundance of oligochaetes in the harbors was 21,000 individuals m?2 in 1978 and 12,700 m?2 in 1979, compared with 1,500 m?2 and 1,200 m?2, respectively, in the areas outside of harbors. Comparison of the macrobenthic assemblages with those in other regions of the Great Lakes, using several numerical indices as well as indicator species distributions, indicated that the general area of the nearshore zone outside of harbors possesses a moderate degree of organic enrichment, with a gradient of decreasing pollution in an offshore direction. The harbors appeared to be severely degraded, as reflected by the high densities of oligochaetes and the almost complete absence of all but the most pollution-tolerant species. The documentation of species distributions will enable future assessments of changes in the nearshore benthic communities.  相似文献   

Sedimentation rates range from 0.01 to 0.32 cm/yr in 17 sediment box cores from Lake Superior, as determined by 210Pb geochronology. Shoreline erosion and resuspension of nearshore sediments causes moderate to high (0.05–0.11 cm/yr) sedimentation rates in the western arm of Lake Superior. Sedimentation rates are very high (> 0.15 cm/yr) in marginal bays adjoining Lake Superior; and moderate to very high (0.07–0.19 cm/yr) in open lake regions adjacent to marginal bays. Resuspension of nearshore and shoal top sediments in southern and southeastern Lake Superior by storms is responsible for depositional anomalies in 210Pb profiles corresponding to 1905, 1916–1918, and 1940 storms. Sedimentation rates are very low (0.01–0.03 cm/yr) in the central basins due to isolation from sediment sources. These data indicate that sedimentation rates and processes vary significantly in different regions of Lake Superior. The sedimentation rates provided by this study, in conjunction with previously-reported sedimentation rates, yield a better understanding of the Lake Superior depositional environment.  相似文献   

A radiotracer method is used to determine the rate of sediment reworking by the worm, Stylodrilus heringianus, an organism common in profundal sediments of the Great Lakes. A submillimeter layer of sediment labeled with gamma-emitting cesium-137 is added to the surface of worm-inoculated sediments contained in cells of rectangular cross-section placed in an insulated aquarium (10° C). This layer, progressively buried by the conveyor belt feeding action of the worms, is located by scanning the cell with a well-collimated detector mounted on a hydraulically actuated elevator. Precision in locating the marked layer is greatly enhanced by Gaussian profile analysis developed in this study. Relative uncertainties in location of less than 0.01 cm allow reworking rates as low as 10?3cm/hr to be determined in 1 to 2 days. The effect of variable dissolved oxygen (D.O.) concentrations on sediment reworking rates was determined by adjusting the relative proportions of N2 and O2 introduced into the aquarium through a continuous bubbler system. In a cell subject to gradual reductions in D.O. (about 1 mg/L every 50 hours) from saturation concentration (10.6 mg/L), sediment reworking rates remained virtually constant down to 1 mg/L. Below this value, the rate decreased, approaching zero at 0.2 mg/L. On increasing D. O. values above about 4 mg/L, reworking returned to the initial rate. Gradual decreases in D.O. induced a reversible dormant mode in these organisms. In cells subject to coarse D.O. changes (3.7 to 8.8 mg/L per step), reworking stopped at around 4 to 5 mg/L and did not resume following reinstatement of saturation values for up to 18 days. In all cases more than 70% of worms were alive at the end of the experiment. This study illustrates the potential of the gamma scan system for quantitative behavioral bioassay of the interactions of zoobenthos with altered sedimentary environments.  相似文献   

The Old Woman Creek estuary (OWC), a coastal wetland in Ohio, traps 47% of incoming suspended sediment and has a sedimentation rate of ∼1 cm/yr. Persistence of the OWC wetland and other coastal wetlands with high sedimentation rates seems problematic unless some previously trapped sediment is exported from the wetland.Suspended sediment, 7Be, and 210Pbxs budgets for a single runoff event in the OWC wetland were developed to understand short-term sediment dynamics. The budgets were balanced by subtracting the sum of the imports from the sum of the exports and attributing the difference to either deposition on, or resuspension from, the wetland bed. The wetland exported 118 ± 2%, 93 ± 1%, 74 ± 2% of the delivered sediment, 210Pbxs, and 7Be, respectively, during the studied event. The 7Be/210Pbxs ratios of the total suspended solids and bed sediment were distinct from one anther and used to quantify the relative proportions of recently delivered and resuspended bed material in the sediment efflux from the wetland. The 7Be/210Pbxs ratios suggest that 26 ± 20% of the sediment efflux was resuspended from the bed. While the wetland trapped 13 ± 3% of the sediment it received during the runoff event, resuspension and removal of previously deposited sediment in the wetland was sufficiently large to result in a net loss of sediment from the wetland during the event. Thus, the Old Woman Creek wetland is a sediment sink over the long-term, but can be a net exporter of sediment during single events.  相似文献   

Persistent elevated mercury concentrations in some species of Lake Superior fish and the general lack of information on mercury storage in and fluxes to the lake's sediments prompted the analysis of samples that were collected in 1983. Results of the analyses support the conclusion that Lake Superior sediments have mercury concentrations above background levels at all sites sampled. For those cores which penetrated the sediment deeply enough (the majority of the cores), background mercury concentrations ranged between 0.016 and 0.048 mg/kg. Mercury concentrations in surficial sediments ranged between 0.027 and 0.96 mg/kg. The maximum mercury concentration found in sub-surface sediments (2 to 20 cm deep) was 6.5 mg/kg. The surficial 20 cm of sediment contained 342 metric tons of mercury of which 51% or 174 metric tons was anthropogenic. The surface 2 cm of sediment contained 29 metric tons of mercury of which 76% or 22 metric tons was anthropogenic. Estimated total mercury fluxes to surficial sediments ranged between 0.1 and 10 ng/cm2/y with a mean of 3.2 ng/cm2/y. Background total mercury fluxes to the lake ranged between 0.20 and 0.72 ng/cm2/y with a mean of 0.48 ng/cm2/y. Estimated fluxes of anthropogenic mercury to surficial sediments ranged between –0.42 and 10 ng/cm2/y with a mean of 2.7 ng/cm2/y. The fluxes reported here are only the second known reporting of mercury fluxes to Lake Superior sediments. The inventory of mercury in the sediments is the first reported.  相似文献   

The results of sediment oxygen demand (SOD) measurements for the central basin of Lake Erie, 1979, are presented. Two chambers were used. One, a triangular chamber, has a mixing velocity of 5 cm/sand gives values for SOD of 0.86 ± 0.42 gm2/d (n = 52). The second chamber, a hemispherical dome with gentle mixing, gives values of 0.32 ± 0.11 g/m2/d (n = 13). There are no significant differences in measured values between two stations, located 50 km apart, when measurements from the same chamber design are compared. There are no measurable effects of photosynthesis when daytime values are compared with nighttime values or when light and dark chambers are compared. A comparison of these two SOD values with rates observed for hypolimnetic oxygen decline in the water column shown that the value measured by the dome (0.32 gm/m2/d) is the most plausible value. It is hypothesized that the fluid mechanics of the triangular chamber do not properly emulate the hydrodynamics of the lake, causing the higher values.  相似文献   

Burrowing mayflies (Hexagenia limbata and H. rigida) recolonized sediments of the western basin of Lake Erie in the 1990s following decades of pollution abatement. We predicted that Hexagenia would also disperse eastward or expand from existing localized populations and colonize large regions of the other basins. We sampled zoobenthos in parts of the western and central basins yearly from 1997–2005, along the north shore of the eastern basin in 2001–2002, and throughout the lake in 2004. In the island area of the western basin, Hexagenia was present at densities ≤ 1,278 nymphs/m2 and exhibited higher densities in odd years than even years. By contrast, Hexagenia became more widespread in the central basin from 1997-2000 at densities ≤ 48 nymphs/m2 but was mostly absent from 2001-2005. Nymphs were found along an eastern basin transect at densities≤ 382/m2 in 2001 and 2002. During the 2004 lake-wide survey, Hexagenia was found at 63 of 89 stations situated throughout the western basin (≤ 1,636 nymphs/m2, mean = 195 nymphs/m2, SE = 32, N = 89) but at only 7 of 112 central basin stations, all near the western edge of the basin (≤ 708 nymphs/m2), and was not found in the eastern basin. Hexagenia was found at 2 of 62 stations (≤ 91 nymphs/m2) in harbors, marinas, and tributaries along the south shore of the central basin in 2005. Oxygen depletion at the sediment-water interface and cool temperatures in the hypolimnion are probably the primary factors preventing successful establishment throughout much of the central basin. Hexagenia can be a useful indicator of lake quality where its distribution and abundance are limited by anthropogenic causes.  相似文献   

Sediment-water nitrogen fluxes and transformations were examined at two sites in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, as a model for sandy freshwater sediments. Substantial ammonium release rates (74 to 350 μmole NH4+/m2/h1) were observed in flow-through cores and in situ benthic chamber experiments. Sediment-water ammonium fluxes were similar at the inner and outer bay stations even though inner bay waters are enriched with nutrients from the Saginaw River. The high net flux of remineralized ammonium into the overlying water from these sandy sediments resembles typical data for marine systems (11 to 470 μmole NH4+/m2/h1) but were higher than those reported for depositional freshwater sediments (0 to 15 μmole NH4+/m2/h1; Seitzinger 1988). Addition of montmorillonite clay (ca. 1 kg dry weight/m2) to the top of the sandy cores reduced ammonium flux. Mean “steady-state” ammonium flux following clay addition was 46 ± 2 (SE) % of the initial rates as compared to 81 ± 8% of the initial rates without clay addition. Zebra mussel excretion dominanted ammonium regeneration in the inner bay where the bivalve was abundant, but addition of zebra mussel feces/psuedofeces (3.0 g dw/m2) to sediments did not increase ammonium or nitrate flux. Partial nitrification of ammonium at the sediment-water interface was suggested by removal of added 15NH4+ from lake water passing over dark sediment cores. Sediment-water fluxes of nitrogen obtained from flow-through sediment cores resembled those from in situ benthic chambers. However, extended static incubations in gas-tight denitrification chambers caused more of the regenerated nitrogen to be nitrified and denitrified than occurred with the other two measurement systems.  相似文献   

Since at least the 1940s, multiple anthropogenic disturbances to the Laurentian Great Lakes have had detrimental effects on benthic habitats and biota including decimating the environmentally sensitive burrowing mayfly genus Hexagenia around the mid-1950s. While remediation efforts have facilitated recovery of some populations, benthic surveys in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron in the last 50 years have only occasionally discovered Hexagenia nymphs. Recently, adult Hexagenia swarms have been reported near the bay; therefore, we corroborated the local presence of Hexagenia adults and evaluated the current status of Saginaw Bay Hexagenia nymphs. We quantified adults during mayfly emergence events in 2010 at three Tawas City, Michigan, USA area locations, and found > 17 Hexagenia/m2/site. We quantified nymphs from Ponar grab samples collected at 57 sites in Saginaw Bay between 2009 and 2012, and found 1.5 nymphs/m2 overall with nymphs present at 15.8% of sites sampled, their greatest documented distribution in Saginaw Bay since 1956. Additionally, we mapped bay sediment composition and related sampling site abiotic conditions with both Hexagenia presence and abundance using Zero-Inflated Poisson regression. Model results indicate that the probability of observed Hexagenia absence being true absence is positively related to both sediment sandiness and surficial dissolved oxygen concentration while Hexagenia abundance is greatest where surficial temperatures are ~ 18.6 °C and is also related to sediment sand content. The documentation of nearby adults and in bay nymphs may indicate the beginning of a Hexagenia return to Saginaw Bay, and, therefore, a possible improvement of the ecosystem's benthic health.  相似文献   

Six short sediment cores from offshore stations in Lake Victoria (East Africa) were analyzed for evidence of recent change in the lake's pelagic ecosystem. Three stations were located on a NW-SE transect between 48 m water depth, near the present upper limit of seasonal hypolimnetic oxygen depletion, and the deepest point of Lake Victoria at 68 m. Four stations formed a NE-SW transect across the east-central zone of maximum Holocene sediment accumulation below 64 m water depth. 2I0Pb dating of two cores from deepwater stations established average recent sediment-accumulation rates of 0.032 ± 0.001 g/cm2/yr and 0.028 ± 0.001 g/cm2/yr. Although the deepest part of the basin has been subject to an event of possibly widespread sediment erosion dated to the mid-1920s, core correlation based on the stratigraphy of biogenic Si above this unconformity indicates that deepwater stations have accumulated representative high-resolution archives of lake history over the past 70 years. The sedimentary record of biogenic-Si accumulation in deepwater cores reflects a sequence of events in which progressive enrichment of Lake Victoria with essential nutrients other than Si first led to increased diatom production, until the combination of excess Si demand and greater burial losses of diatom-Si resulted in depletion of the dissolved-Si reservoir and a transition to Si-limited diatom growth. Available sediment chronologies infer that increased diatom production in offshore areas started between the 1930s and early 1950s, and that the recently documented phytoplankton transition to year-round dominance by cyanobacteria started in the late 1980s. Excess diatom production over the past half century has led to significantly higher burial losses of biogenic Si only in the depositional center of the basin at water depths below 60 m.  相似文献   

We measured biomass, percent coverage, and length-frequency of zebra mussels in near-shore areas of western Lake Erie between 16 September and 10 November 1993 as part of a larger study on the ecological relationship between diving ducks and zebra mussels. Wet weight biomass of zebra mussels, determined by SCUBA diving, ranged from 0 to 3,611 g/m2 and averaged ( ± 1 SE) 1,270 ± 380 g/m2 (n = 11). Percent coverage of lake bottom by zebra mussels ranged from 0 to 70% and averaged 17 ± 4.0% (n = 27). Percent coverage of zebra mussels was relatively high in the northern portion (28–70% coverage) and in the southwestern portion (18–40%), but relatively low ( < 5%) in the southeastern portion of the study area. Percent coverage by zebra mussels, determined from underwater videography, was highly correlated (r2 = 0.96) with zebra mussel biomass. Analysis of length-frequency data indicated that there was prominent recruitment of juvenile zebra mussels at only three of eight sites. Average shell length ranged from 11 mm to 15 mm at the other five sites. The non-uniform distribution of zebra mussels, as determined from biomass and videography, may have important ramifications when assessing zebra mussel impacts on waterfowl. These data may also be used when assessing impact of zebra mussels on other aquatic organisms in the near-shore areas of western Lake Erie.  相似文献   

The biogeochemical functioning of large tropical lakes differs substantially from temperate lakes, yet remains poorly understood. We characterized the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling in the water column and sediments of a deep meromictic tropical Lake Malawi (East Africa) by measuring geochemical distributions and compiling whole-lake geochemical budgets. Four locations (100 to 650 m water depth) were characterized. The results reveal that sediments contribute significantly to lake-wide biogeochemical budgets. Sedimentation rates have significantly increased in recent decades. While the export efficiency of organic matter from photic zone to deep sediments is low (14%), organic carbon is buried in the anoxic sediments with high efficiency (27–46%). Area-specific rates of carbon mineralization (4.1 mmol m? 2 d? 1) are similar to those in temperate well-oxygenated large lakes and marine sediments in similar water depths. Ammonium effluxes from sediments (0.44 mmol m? 2 d? 1) contribute 29% to the total nitrogen inputs into the water column, while sediment denitrification (0.035 mmol m? 2 d? 1) and burial of organic nitrogen (0.27 mmol m? 2 d? 1) remove 28% of total inputs in the lake. The recycling efficiency of phosphorus in anoxic sediments is high (73%). P effluxes average 0.037 mmol m? 2 d? 1, suggesting a large and previously unquantified contribution (42%) to water column P inputs. The results underscore the importance of sediments in the geochemical budgets of even large lakes and suggest trends in lacustrine carbon cycling that hold across a wide range of environments.  相似文献   

To better understand zooplankton dynamics in Lake Ontario’s Toronto Harbour and adjacent coastal area (CA), we sampled zooplankton, phytoplankton, nutrients and physical parameters on six dates in 2016. Despite higher levels of nutrients, chlorophyll and primary production in the inner harbor (IH), the areas supported similar May to November zooplankton biomass (IH = 32 ± 7 and CA = 42 ± 10 mg/m3). IH values were much lower than other nutrient-enriched embayments in Lake Ontario, yet CA biomass was twice that of nearshore sites away from Toronto. Small zooplankton such as rotifers and Bosmina dominated IH; and large taxa (Daphnia, calanoids and predatory cladocerans) were more important in the CA. Daphnia, Bosmina, cyclopoids and calanoids were larger in the CA, and adult cyclopoids had higher egg ratios. This led to low annual IH production estimates for both cyclopoid and calanoid copepods. Total phosphorus and chlorophyll did not appear to regulate zooplankton biomass, but positive relationships were found with bacterial biomass in the IH and with temperature in the cool season. Atypically high fish planktivory rates likely suppressed larger IH zooplankton in 2016, allowing small, resilient Bosmina to flourish and contribute 84% of total production in the IH. Comparing 2016 data to previous zooplankton surveys revealed considerable inter-annual variation in proportions of Daphnia, Bosmina and predatory cladocerans over the 1994 to 2016 period, and the strong top-down controls observed in 2016 were not typical. Elevated microbial production may serve as an important alternate trophic pathway supporting cladoceran populations in Toronto Harbour.  相似文献   

Sediment traps were installed at individual index stations in the western basin of Lake Erie and the Mississauga (central) basin of Lake Ontario, and refurbished seasonally during the period 1997–2000. In Lake Ontario, sediment down flux rates and corresponding contaminant down flux rates were highest in winter and increased with depth due to the influence of resuspended bottom sediments. Sediment down flux rates in western Lake Erie (22 to 160 g m−2 d−1) were far greater than in Lake Ontario (0.19–3.0 g m−2 d−1). Suspended material in western Lake Erie was characterized as predominately resuspended bottom sediments; down flux rates were roughly 5- to 10-fold higher in spring and fall, compared to summer. Suspended sediment concentrations of PCBs and other organochlorine contaminants, represented by both annual means and individual seasonal values, were higher in Lake Ontario throughout the duration of the study, compared to Lake Erie. The mean annual concentration of PCBs in suspended sediments over the period 1997–2000 was 330 ng/g in western Lake Erie and 530 ng/g in Lake Ontario. Based on a comparison with historical data from Lake Ontario, mean contaminant concentrations over the period 1997–2000 for PCBs, hexachlorobenzene, and mirex corresponded to decreases of 38%, 74%, and 40%, respectively, since the mid-1980s. Corresponding down flux rates for PCBs, hexachlorobenzene, and mirex decreased by approximately 70%, 90%, and 80%, respectively, since the 1980s.  相似文献   

The development of a mathematical model for calculating the spatial distribution and temporal variation in Cladophora biomass and selected forms of phosphorus at a site on Lake Huron is described. The model is intended for use in evaluating the utility of various phosphorus management strategies in reducing the nuisance growth of Cladophora in the Great Lakes. The model is composed of a transport component which accounts for bulk transfer and exchange of phosphorus within the system and a kinetic component which describes chemical and biological reactions. The kinetic component includes the effects of light, temperature, and internal phosphorus levels on Cladophora growth rate, aspects of phosphorus uptake, and the impact of sloughing and self-shading on standing crop. The numerical value of coefficients associated with kinetic equations have been independently determined through laboratory studies.The model has been calibrated to a data set collected in the vicinity of the Harbor Beach, Michigan, wastewater treatment plant. A satisfactory fit was achieved for model calculations and observed levels of Cladophora biomass, internal phosphorus, and soluble reactive phosphorus. The model has few degrees of freedom because the coefficient values were fixed from field and laboratory measurements. A standing crop of Cladophora biomass of 300 gDW/m2 with an internal phosphorus level of 0.35%P was characteristic of stations in the vicinity of the nutrient source. Soluble reactive phosphorus levels fluctuated widely due to mixing of the effluent plume with offshore waters, but averaged approximately 30 μgP/L. A distinct spatial trend was observed with Cladophora biomass, internal phosphorus, and soluble reactive phosphorus decreasing with distance from the point source of nutrients. The opportunity for model verification by perturbation through phosphorus removal is discussed.  相似文献   

Dreissenid mussels are aggressive invasive species that are continuing to spread across North America and co-occur in the same waterbodies with increasing frequency, yet the outcome and implications of this competition are poorly resolved. In 2009 and 2015, detailed (700 + sample sites) surveys were undertaken to assess the impacts of invasive dreissenid mussels in Lake Simcoe (Ontario, Canada). In 2009, zebra mussels were dominant, accounting for 84.3% of invasive mussel biomass recorded. In 2015, quagga mussels dominated (88.5% of invasive mussel biomass) and had expanded into profundal (> 20 m water depth) sites and onto soft (mud/silt) substrates with a mean profundal density of 887 mussels/m2 (2015) compared to ~ 39 mussels/m2 in 2009. Based on our annual benthos monitoring, at a subset of ~ 30 sites, this shift from zebra to quagga mussels occurred ~ 2010 and is likely related to a population decline of zebra mussels in waterbodies where both species are present, as recorded elsewhere in the Great Lakes Region. As the initial invasion of dreissenid mussels caused widespread ecological changes in Lake Simcoe, we are currently investigating the effects this change in species dominance, and their expansion into the profundal zone, will have on the lake; and our environmental management strategies. Areas of future study will include: changes in the composition of benthos, fish, or phytoplankton communities; increased water clarity and reduction of the spring phytoplankton bloom; energy/nutrient cycling; and fouling of anthropogenic in-lake infrastructures (e.g. water treatment intakes) built at depths > 25 m to avoid previous zebra mussel colonization.  相似文献   

Vertical arrays of sediment traps were installed near the mouth of the Niagara River and at nearshore and offshore sites. Surveys of temperature, turbidity, and conductivity were used to establish that the traps nearest the river mouth were under the river outflow plume. A single offshore array in 1980 indicated downfluxes of 1-2 g · m?2 · d?1 of dry matter in the mid-water column. These fluxes were similar to those of small lakes but much higher fluxes were found near the bottom of Lake Ontario. More extensive work in 1981 confirmed the presence of a near-bottom nepheloid layer and the effect it has on increasing downflux extimates. Sediment traps near shore and at the river mouth caught substantially more material at all depths than did traps at the offshore stations. Downfluxes of phosphorus and sediment were consistent with independent estimates of loading and retention.  相似文献   

Recurrent, massive cyanobacterial blooms composed mainly of the genus Microcystis indicate a broad-scale re-eutrophication of Lake Erie. In the past, ameliorating eutrophication relied on intentionally decreasing point-source tributary nutrient, especially phosphorus, loads to the lake. However, recent research has shown that tributaries load not only nutrients but also bloom-levels of phytoplankton, including Microcystis. We built on this previous work by sampling earlier in the year and in much smaller tributaries in both the Maumee and Sandusky systems. We found Microcystis wet biomasses in these tributaries averaged 3.16 mg/L (± 0.59 mg/L, one standard error of the mean) in 2009 and 3.42 mg/L (± 0.55 mg/L) in 2010. Importantly, we found Microcystis in small ditches in March, much earlier than previously observed. Microcystis biomass did not directly correspond to measured phosphorus, chlorophyll, or phycocyanin concentrations likely reflecting complexities associated with lagged physiological responses and/or non-linear growth relationships. Consequently, our findings emphasize that Microcystis blooms form a more broad-scale problem than previously documented, occurring far upstream much earlier in the year.  相似文献   

Bottom samples were collected in Lake Ontario during the International Field Year for the Great Lakes (IFYGL) in November 1972. Samples were collected in triplicate at 55 stations located throughout the lake.Sand prevailed at the shallow areas but silt dominated the intermediate and deep-water areas. Total carbon and total Kjeldahl nitrogen content of the sediment increased with increased depth, but no trend was evident in the total phosphorus content.Oligochaetes and the amphipod Pontoporeia affinis accounted for 92% of all organisms collected. The former group dominated the shallow areas while the latter dominated the intermediate and deep-water zones. Stylodrilus heringianus and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri were the most widely distributed species, being collected at 51 of the 55 stations.Several approaches were used to evaluate trophic conditions in the lake - the indicator species approach, the oligochaete-density index, a modified “Goodnight-Whitley” index, and the Brinkhurst % L. hoffmeisteri index. The indicator species approach proved to be the most sensitive index because inconsistencies arose when the other indices were applied.The most obviously eutrophic areas were near the mouth of the Niagara River and off Toronto. These areas were characterized by high oligochaete densities dominated by either L. hoffmeisteri or T. tubifex. Mesotrophic conditions were evident along the southern shoreline from the mouth of the Niagara River to Rochester, New York.Stylodrilus heringianus, L. hoffmeisteri, T. tubifex, and P. affinis were significantly related to some of the measured sediment parameters in either the intermediate or deep-water areas.  相似文献   

A shallow site in the western arm of Lake Superior near Duluth, Minnesota was sampled bimonthly from May to October during 1989 and 1990 to identify seasonal and annual changes in bacterioplankton communities. The greatest change in bacterioplankton abundance was between 1989 (1.48 × 109/L ± 0.06 SE) and 1990 (1.14 × 109/L ± 0.06 SE). The majority of bacterial cells (65%) were cocci. Individual cells were larger during 1989 (0.067 μm3 ± 0.007 SE) than 1990 (0.025 μm3 ± 0.002 SE). Although the rate of thymidine incorporation varied from 0.2 to 47.0 pmol/L/h over both years (mean = 12.1 pmol/L/h ± 1.3 SE), no consistent temporal or spatial changes were detected. Bacteria were more abundant (∼2×) and productive (∼10×) at the mouth of the Lester River than offshore of this site. During July and August, a benthic nepheloid layer (BNL) formed at shallow offshore sites but bacterioplankton abundance and production in this BNL were usually similar to values measured in the hypolimnion. Three additional sites from the Duluth basin northeast to the Chefswet basin were sampled during late summer (Aug-Sept) 1990 to identify spatial differences in bacterioplankton communities. Although the number of bacteria was often greater at shallower sites compared to deeper sites further offshore, a strong gradient was not found and bacterial production was similar at all sites. These results may be due in part to the lake basin morphology in this region of Lake Superior, as well as the time when these additional offshore sites were investigated.  相似文献   

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