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服装店铺的管理就是要通过店铺员工来完成店铺业绩目标,而不是直接通过经营者本人来完成。要改变这种以将代兵的局面,就要学会店铺经营的"放、教、盯"。经销商王小姐曾经先后在多家店铺从事导购和店长工作。在此期间,无论是销售业绩,还是商品陈列水平,各方面表现都极为突出,是同事们竞相学习的好榜样。经过多年的努力和长期的业务实践,  相似文献   

服装店铺环境设计和服装展示陈列是影响服装零售业发展的重要因素之一,不仅关系到顾客的购物体验,还能直接影响销售业绩。随着竞争日益激烈,商家必须重视如何打造吸引人的店铺环境,使其与品牌文化相契合,从而提升市场形象、提高销售额。文章将集中探讨服装店铺环境设计与服装展示陈列之间的紧密联系,以及设计的原则和策略如何帮助店铺实现其目标。  相似文献   

正春夏是太阳镜的销售旺季,i-cool近视太阳镜作为一个新品类,通过服务挖掘复购率,通过品牌提高客单价,是零售店业绩增长的保障!对于零售店老板而言,进货上货都不是问题,问题是如何促进店内的销售。尚酷针对这种状况,设立了专业的培训部,定期走访市场,帮助合作的零售店做好销售相关的培训,培训内容包括成品展示、专业产品知识、销售技巧等。  相似文献   

<正>情景再现——国庆、中秋双节的销售旺季刚一忙完,店长小王回顾自己这段时间以来,亲力亲为做了很多事情,尤其在店铺的业绩提升方面。但对于店铺的全面工作,却做得不够好,细想下来店里其实还是存在着不少问题。比如,全店对店长的依赖性过大,淡季空闲时员工无所事事,一到旺季却又显得有些手忙脚乱、账目容易出错等。  相似文献   

贾小艺 《中国制衣》2011,(5):72-73,61
顾客逛街浏览服装款式时可谓是"一目千款",有时候你的服装款式再好看,顾客只是一扫而过那也是让你的服装商品"怀美不遇"。因此导购通过贴心而言简意赅的服装美感形容词描述,不但可以留住顾客的脚步,还可以帮助顾客快速分辨需求,激发购买欲望。因此,想要做好销售,就要尝试把自己变成顾客,用顾客的角度和心理变化来提供销售服务,但如果真的让你"以顾客为出发点销售服装款式,你会吗?"  相似文献   

《给香港服装公司的建议》是香港贸易发展局在对内地北京、上海、成都、广州等不同地区主要城市的服装市场和服装消费者进行了调查研究之后给出的一份报告,它比较客观地反映出内地服装消费者在购买服装时的消费心理。对这种心理的分析和研究,在服装产品设计、生产、销售的整个循环中具有非常重要的意义。1、消费情绪高涨期对消费者比较喜欢在什么时间购买衣服的把握直接影响到服装企业的销售业绩。在香港贸易发展局《给香港服装公司的建议》中,调查显示,内地消费者在购物旺季如五一劳动节、国庆节、农历新年以及其它假日等时间的服装消费情…  相似文献   

在信息发达、服装风格同质化的时代,终端成为消费者区别各品牌服装、产生购买冲动和理由的主要因素之一。从精心设计布局的橱窗新品展示到店内的氛围细心营造,从导购的销售技巧培训到服务水平的监督,无不说明服装品牌对终端的愈来愈重视。品牌在不断发展,店铺数量在迅速扩张,而店铺管理上却普遍暴露出标准不统一、地方市场执行贯彻力不够、不同市场间差距拉大等严重问题。因此品牌又不得不投入大量的人力和物力进行管理监督,却往往  相似文献   

为解析消费者对童装店铺的视觉感知,为营造童装店铺中符合企业品牌形象的店铺陈列氛围,利用儿童色彩特点,以三个服装风格为陈列调整对象进行陈列优化。基于色彩和消费行为理论的基础上,利用店铺实际的建筑位置和商场环境,进行各个子单元的陈列主题优化,通过调整前后的销售数据对比,得出有利于企业的服装陈列方法和技巧,可促进品牌销售业绩及品牌文化的传播。  相似文献   

以服装店铺为研究对象,通过实证研究分析服装店铺形象、顾客感知价值和购买意愿之间的关系。研究结果表明,在中国的服装实体零售中,店铺形象4个维度中商品形象、服务形象和氛围形象对顾客感知价值和购买意愿有显著的正向影响作用,而便利形象对购买意愿没有显著的影响。顾客感知价值对购买意愿有显著的正向影响作用,在服装店铺形象与购买意愿之间起到部分中介作用。建议服装企业合理制定营销策略打造良好的店铺形象,满足顾客多方面的价值需求,提高顾客的购买意愿,在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。  相似文献   

高融  王玲  杨以雄 《纺织学报》2016,37(12):146-152
为探析服装消费者线上购买决策模式,为服装线上零售店铺提供针对性的优化方案,参考已有文献构建出消费者决策指标,通过专家访谈确定重点指标。案例以品牌天猫旗舰店为研究载体,基于五段量表对消费者进行指标满意度和购买意愿问卷调查。通过因子分析提取了5个决策因子,经最优尺度回归建立消费者购买意愿回归方程。计算结果表明消费者在案例店铺购物意愿一般,店铺存在优化空间。分析结果发现:5个决策因子对消费者的购买意愿均产生正相关影响;其中售后、选货等因子对消费者购买意愿影响显著,而案例店铺在安全方面的表现需要重点提升。  相似文献   

Price, origin, and type of production are all known to influence consumer choices when it comes to fresh food. However, the interactions between these factors have received limited attention in the food choice literature. With the growth of online grocery shopping services, another under-investigated issue is the willingness to buy (WTB) fresh food products sold online. Our aim was to partially fill these gaps, by applying a scenario-based methodology. We exposed 324 individuals to 54 scenarios describing a situation in which a character goes to buy apples. The scenarios featured all possible combinations of four within-participants factors: purchase site (traditional market or online grocery shopping service), origin (within 50 km of the character’s home, elsewhere in France, or foreign country), price (low, average, or high), and type of production (organic, sustainable or conventional farming). For each scenario, participants rated their WTB for the apples on sale. Analyses conducted on the whole sample showed that consumers’ WTB was higher for locally grown, organic, and low-priced apples. Furthermore, cluster analysis revealed three consumer segments with different behavioral profiles. Price-sensitive consumers’ WTB was higher for imported apples at a low price than for local apples at a high price. Non-online consumers unconditionally rejected the online grocery shopping service regardless of the apples’ price, origin, and type of production. Organic consumers were more willing to buy imported organic apples than domestic conventional ones. Hence, consumers’ preferences for domestic products should be interpreted in the light of factors such as price and type of production.  相似文献   

Male calves are purchased from the dairy industry in North America to produce red meat. The price paid for male calves varies widely, and it is unclear which variables influence the price paid for each calf. The objective of this study was to assess how the health traits of calves at the time of arrival and demographic variables affect the breakeven purchase price of a male calf entering the veal industry. A financial model was constructed using the prevalence of health abnormalities, weight at arrival, source of the calf, number of days in the barn, base carcass price, days to mortality, feed costs, season at arrival, interest rate, housing location, carcass dressing percentage, and costs associated with housing, labor, utilities, trucking, and health to calculate the breakeven purchase price and an estimate of profit. Sensitivity analysis was conducted using health variables measured at arrival and demographic variables, including season at arrival and housing location, to identify the factors with the largest impact on the predicted average daily gain, early and late mortality risk, breakeven purchase price, and profit. At the baseline inputs, the average calculated profit was ?$5.36 per calf and it was most sensitive to the location of housing where calves were fed and the body weight of the arriving calf. The mortality risk in the first 21 d after arrival (early) was calculated to be 2.2%, whereas the risk of mortality after 21 d (late) was 3.7%. The risks of early and late mortality were most sensitive to the level of dehydration measured at arrival and the season at arrival for the purchased calves, respectively. The calculated average daily gain was 1.12 kg/d and it was most sensitive to housing location. The breakeven purchase price was calculated to be $242.49 per calf, which was most sensitive to the housing location where the calves were fed. The results of this analysis demonstrate that veal producers need to consider many variables before purchasing calves. In addition to overall market conditions, veal producers should factor health characteristics and the expected performance of the calves they purchase into what they are willing to pay for them.  相似文献   

Zhu W. 《毛纺科技》2016,(5):70-72
The thesis studies China's major men's business casual sweater brands' price parity systems. It chooses the three online shopping websites Taobao, Tmall and 360 buy to investigate and analyze China's eight major men's casual business sweater brands' prices. Based on men's sleeveless sweaters' price, it tries to establish a price parity system for national men's business casual sweater. Through analysis and pratical study of the case brands, it comes to a conclusion that the system has certain representativeness and complies with the market. Having been tested by the practices, the system is practical and can be used in deciding the prices of national business casual sweaters.  相似文献   

<正> 想象一下刚出炉的北京烤鸭,或是新鲜多汁的荔枝,或是刚冲泡的西湖龙井的美妙香味!借助一种创新而又环保的技术-NaturePrint,芬美意精心创造出一系列独特的香精,使您的想象成为现实。该技术被芬美意的科学家们用于精确捕捉和识别大自然的香味秘密,同时不会破坏它的来源。调香师们因而可以调制“栩栩如生”的香精,就象天然存在的香味“指纹”。  相似文献   

朱嘉 《中华纸业》2008,29(1):34-41
造纸行业2007年延续了高速发展的态势,行业盈利能力、固定资产投资和行业景气度均呈增长趋势,行业将逐步走入景气周期。2008年,原材料价格方面,由于新增产能集中释放,木浆价格有望下降,废纸价格由于供给增速放缓、需求强劲等原因将呈现上涨趋势;纸品方面,文化纸和白卡纸的市场情况依旧良好,新闻纸和铜版纸虽然依旧供过于求,但程度将有所缓和,箱板原纸由于产能集中释放,供大于求,行业洗牌或将开始。  相似文献   

<正> 豆腐,据载是2000年前的西汉时期,淮南王刘安门下术士为求仙丹偶然所得。豆腐的发明是中国食品史上的一项伟大创举,被誉为"东方龙脑"、"中华民族的国粹"、"中国第一菜"。自从发明了豆腐后,中华民族凭借着勤劳、智慧与不断创新的精神,在豆腐的基础上衍生出了豆腐乳、干豆腐、卤豆  相似文献   

如今的各大商场及购物中心,都十分注重营造优美的购物环境,提供丰富多彩、适销对路的商品,但往往忽视导购素质及柜台接待技巧和方法。同顾客直接打交道的导购一向被看作商铺的门脸,其形象也是商场及品牌整体形象的反映。所以导购素质的高低,接待技巧如何,对商场及品牌来讲是至关重要的。以下问题应该是诸多导购在销售过程中经常遇到的问题,当你遇到这样的"刁钻"顾客,你如何应对自如?  相似文献   

选取欧美及亚洲12个国家来西安市旅游的游客作为调查对象,将旅游服务质量分为5个等级设计问卷,研究境外游客对国内旅游服务质量的满意度.运用因子分析方法,从住宿、餐饮、交通、购物、娱乐、导游服务、邮电通讯等7个方面评价旅游服务.调查显示,我国的住宿、餐饮业发达,且价格便宜,对旅华游客具有特殊的吸引力.在购物、娱乐和通讯方面,游客基本满意,但是饭店设施的结构有待于进一步完善.在交通方面,交通运力不足,安全、效率、环境都较差是我国旅游业发展的主要障碍.  相似文献   

<正> 一向以微胶囊化香精而闻名的芬美意公司,如今为乳化香精带来了新的标准,公司开发出的新型乳化香精Perma-Stabil~((R)) CE and Perma-Stabil~((R)) DE~2,克服了传统型乳化香精的缺点,现介绍如下。 芬美意响应客户的需求 最近,芬美意的研发部与饮料设计部合作,开发了微胶囊化液体香精的风味传递系统。当今市场上供应的传统型香精存在以下许多缺点,而芬美意发现  相似文献   

<正> “希望竞争对手把我们当作一只沉睡的狮子”。以低调著称的芬美意人,终于开口了。这是芬美意首席执行官柏德瑞·芬美意先生(以下简称CEO)近日参加芬美意(中国)有限公司新工厂落成典礼期间,回答记者一连串追问,吐出的一句意味深长的话。随后,他也反问了记者一句:“芬美意公司保持低调的态度很像你们中国人。中国人工作很辛苦,但你们难道会到处去宣扬‘我的工作很辛苦’吗?” 面对种种自我吹嘘,互相标榜,弄虚  相似文献   

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