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Simple empirical models were used to evaluate the potential impact of a number of eutrophication management strategies on a southern African man-made lake. Both the traditional approach to the management of eutrophic systems, that of using point source control of nutrients to restore a system to a less enriched state, and a more pragmatic approach of productively utilizing an enriched system, were considered. Predictions were made of present conditions in the lake to establish the validity of the models used, and future conditions, following implementation of point source control, were described using the models. Alternative management strategies of food chain manipulation and protein harvesting were assessed in the light of the anticipated altered state of the impoundment. The present findings indicate that alternative management options are probably not viable for the impoundment under prevailing economic conditions. The need for more sophisticated models on which to base biological management decisions was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The restoration of a small hypereutrophic urban lake in Baton Rouge, Louisiana was accomplished by isolating the lake from its primary source of nutrient loading: a larger, connecting lake that was heavily contaminated by sewage. Restoration objectives were directed towards reducing phosphorus levels in the system to minimize chronic summer fish kills. Previous studies had identified a critical phosphorus level of 0.4 mg l−1, below which no fish kills had been observed in this system. Above this level the kill frequency was a uniform 3.0%. Water quality data, consisting of 13 parameters, were collected over a four and one-quarter year period, representing conditions before, during and after the isolation. Evaluation of total phosphorus data indicated an approx. 90% reduction in estimated risk of summer fish kills as a result of the isolation. A general reduction in nutrient levels, as well as an increase in system stability, was also observed. Isolation of the lake proved to be a simple and economical means of attaining management objectives.  相似文献   

The relation of mean total phosphorus concentrations to morphoedaphic index (calculated as the ratio between the mean depth and the alkalinity or the conductivity) has been examined for a large, diverse, widely distributed group of lakes.A highly significant correlation was found in lakes practically not affected by anthropogenic input of phosphorus. As a consequence the phosphorus concentration in a lake resulting from natural, background, loading could be calculated on the basis of the morphoedaphic index. The evaluation of natural phosphorus concentration allows the prediction of the maximum extent to which actual phosphorus concentrations could be reduced in culturally eutrophied lakes by eliminating the anthropogenic inputs and to calculate “permissible” loadings necessary to achieve natural trophic conditions that will not necessarily correspond to oligotrophy.  相似文献   

Due to rapid urbanisation and economic development, Dianchi Lake has been eutrophic since the 1980s. Control of nutrient loading is regarded as the primary restoration method. Two independent approaches: analysis of 13 years of Dianchi Lake monitoring data using Support Vector Machines (SVM) and a nutrient‐enrichment experiment, identified phosphorus and nitrogen as simultaneously limiting. Total phosphorus (TP) has a clear, stable correlation with chlorophyll‐a (Chl‐a) concentrations in Dianchi Lake. Compared to total nitrogen (TN), TP shows a stronger correlation when Chl‐a concentration is below 0.051 mg/L and an almost equal correlation when it is above this level. An excessive phosphorus to nitrogen ratio may stimulate compensatory fixation of atmospheric N2 by cyanobacteria; therefore, only reducing the external nitrogen input may not necessarily result in lower total nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations. We recommend that reducing the lake TP load to the lowest economically‐feasible level is the most cost‐effective restoration measure.  相似文献   

某会议中心人工湖富营养化问题严重,采用以人工湿地为主的工艺进行水质生态修复,工程运行至今,除总氮外,其余人工湖湖水水质指标均满足《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)中Ⅳ类水体要求,而且,人工湿地操作管理简单、运行费低、无二次污染。结果表明,人工湿地技术适宜于富营养化水体水质生态修复。  相似文献   

浅议企业预算管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周兰 《山西建筑》2003,29(11):105-106
介绍了企业实施预算管理的现状及存在的问题,从企业实施预算管理的意义、特征等方面进行了论述,指出了企业只有通过科学的预算管理,才能进行有效的决策控制。  相似文献   

This paper describes the seasonal partitioning of phosphorus (P) across the sediment–water interface in Loch Leven, Scotland, and discusses the implications for future lake management strategy with respect to recovery from eutrophication. In a 10‐month survey, surface water total phosphorus (TP) concentrations were highest in late summer and lowest in early spring. In contrast, sediment TP concentrations were highest in mid‐winter and lowest in late summer. Water discharge at the main outflow of the loch was highest when water‐column TP was low and sediment TP high, and vice versa. Monthly sediment P uptake/release values showed significant cycling between the water‐column and the sediment and showed seasonal variation in four release‐sensitive P pools. Regulating the water level to increase flushing during sediment release periods and decrease flushing during uptake periods has the potential to significantly enhance the recovery of shallow lakes and reservoirs following historic nutrient loading.  相似文献   

Twenty-five seepage meters were positioned in East Lake Tohopekaliga, Florida, to determine groundwater seepage contributions of water and nutrients to the lake in 1983. Seepage was found to be an important source of water to the lake, contributing 14.3% of the water sources, and rates decreased significantly (P < 0.01) with distance from shore. A comparison of the piezometer and seepage meter techniques for measuring nutrient loading to the lake indicates the direct seepage meter technique overestimated nutrient inputs due to the enclosure to the sediments, possibly resulting in anaerobic conditions and increased release rates of ammonium nitrogen and phosphate. These results suggest that past studies employing this technique may be in error. Nutrient loading, calculated from piezometer nutrient data and seepage meter flow data, show that the groundwater nutrient loading in the lake was significant, contributing 8.7 and 17.6% of the total phosphorus and total nitrogen inputs to the lake, respectively.  相似文献   

不同底泥系统的湖泊内源释磷规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综合运用了现场高频率水质和环境因子检测、底泥磷分级测定、实验室模拟这3种研究手段,对3个底泥生态系统各异(自然湖、存有底泥的人工湖、铺有防渗膜无底泥的人工湖)的典型湖泊进行了底泥磷释放和水体富营养化规律研究.结果表明:除掉底泥而铺设防渗膜无法改善湖泊的富营养化状况;夏季水华暴发会导致湖泊底层处于缺氧状态,最低DO浓度<1 mg/L,同时pH值会升高,最高可达9.5,此状态可持续2个月以上;人工湖底泥中Fe-P和Al-P的成分均高于自然湖,在夏季高温、缺氧、碱性pH的典型环境条件下底泥磷的释放量要远大于自然湖,同时其富营养化程度也高于自然湖.  相似文献   

苏锦明 《山西建筑》2011,37(19):195-196
结合南湖水质情况,探讨了南湖的生态修复方案,根据2008年南湖水水质分析报告,对比研究了南湖补水工程前后水质的变化情况,分析结果表明:生态浮岛和仿生植物净化技术是该湖生态修复的有效方法。  相似文献   

Establishing nutrient reference condition (baseline environmental condition) of lakes in ecoregion is a critical consideration in the development of scientifically defensible aquatic nutrient criteria. Three methods were applied to determine reference conditions in Yungui Plateau ecoregion lakes with respect to total phosphorus, total nitrogen, planktonic chlorophyll a (chl a) and Secchi depth. First, minimally developed lake/catchment units were identified based on existing geographical database and visual basin survey. Lakes in these catchments were considered minimally disturbed ‘reference lakes’. Second, the frequency distribution of all of the lake data presently available by each variable was plotted, and the lower 25th percentile was selected as the reference condition for each value. Third, median nutrient, chl a and Secchi depth values were determined for the best one‐third of lakes and applied as indicators of reference condition. The result of model prediction and data from historical record were used to test three techniques for determining reference condition. Reference conditions, as determined by these three methods, broadly agreed for all parameters. Overall, the data suggest that multiple methods can be used to determine reference condition, and that in Yungui lakes, reference condition corresponds to oligotrophic–mesotrophic status.  相似文献   

李爱玲 《山西建筑》2012,(22):259-260
通过对工程概算的重要性的认识,总结了建设项目进行工程概算时出现的问题,针对这些问题提出了应对措施,从而提高工程概算的准确性,确保项目投资的有效控制。  相似文献   

工程预算作为建设项目的重要经济评价依据,其结果的准确性就更是重中之重,因此,对预算的管理控制就显得十分重要。本文阐述对工程预算进行管理控制应注意的方面。  相似文献   

万婷婷  李向光 《山西建筑》2011,37(15):224-225
以市政工程为例,针对目前工程预算管理中存在的专业化管理水平不高、缺乏高效预算管理方法等问题进行了分析,提出了相应的对策并作了具体阐述,以指导相关人员科学有效地进行工程预算管理。  相似文献   

Water scarcity in North Cyprus (NC) began in the 1960s and is still tremendously increasing. Thus far no serious measurements have been taken to address this problem. Increased water demands led to extraction of water from unrestricted groundwater resources. Extreme water extractions caused the salinization of coastal aquifers up to brackish waters and the consequent depletion of interior aquifers. Such a situation requires precise control of water resources through an integrated water resources management (IWRM). Although the situation has reached an alarming state, no detailed research has been performed to establish the present demands of water in order to anticipate the future demands. Hence, this study, based on the IWRM approach, examines water budget of the country.  相似文献   

夏萍  张东  卢宁  叶辉  王铮 《供水技术》2011,5(4):1-4
为了配合南方某水库水环境的调查,对库外、库首、库中、库尾等各监测点的浮游藻类群落结构和数量及藻毒素进行了为期三个月的监测和分析,并对藻类密度和环境因子做了相关性分析,评价了该水系的富营养化状态.结果表明,藻类密度与CODMn、DOC呈显著正相关,与水温、浊度、pH、TN、TP呈较小正相关性,与DO和TN/TP呈较小负相...  相似文献   

随着我国国民经济的不断快速发展,我国城镇化建设速度迅猛发展,城市化进程不断加快,但与此同时也造成了环境污染、资源紧张等问题。随着我国教育水平的不断进步,人们的思想文化教育进一步提升,环保意识也越来越强烈,在建筑业中也逐渐倾向于绿色建筑工程的建设。本文主要详细分析绿色建筑工程造价预算和成本控制的特点并探讨如何进行合理有效的造价预算和成本控制。  相似文献   

降雨与库水位共同作用下近坝库岸边坡滑坡模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据云南省龙江水电站近坝库岸边坡滑坡特点,为了对降雨与库水位共同作用下近坝库岸边坡滑坡有深入的了解,进行了降雨与库水位共同作用下边坡滑坡大型模型试验研究。试验结果表明:降雨是引起近坝库岸边坡滑坡的重要因素,降雨与库水位共同作用下近坝库岸滑坡有效应力减小,研究库水位以下边坡土体的抗剪强度减小;库水位作用使得边坡产生沉降和裂缝,边坡的滑坡是由降雨和库水位共同作用引起,库水位以下边坡土体水分入渗充分,边坡内部孔隙水压力较大,边坡易产生滑坡且滑坡规模较大,近坝库岸边坡滑坡属于浅层牵引式滑坡。  相似文献   

李恩宏  刘洋  潘俊 《供水技术》2013,7(1):10-13
以沈阳市中型水库富营养化评价为例,探讨了物元可拓法评价水体富营养化的可行性。通过建立水库富营养化评价标准以及选取评价因子,并利用关联度来确定水体富营养化等级。对沈阳市中型水库评价结果表明,丰水期40%的水库为中度富营养化,60%为重度富营养化;枯水期60%为中度富营养化,40%为重度富营养化。采用物元可拓法可以较精确地评价水体富营养化程度,还可以反映水体富营养化的趋势,该方法较其他方法更适用于水体富营养化评价。  相似文献   

Delay in lake recovery caused by internal loading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simplified model of the lake-sediment system is proposed, which aims to predict the long term evolution and the recovery time of eutrophied lakes.The model represents the state of lake and sediment each by means of a single variable. Having recourse to a well-defined set of assumptions as for sediment processes, and adopting time independent coefficients, the model balance equations can be solved analytically, and the evolution of the state variables towards steady state conditions, can be discussed in terms of characteristic times of the considered system. Particular attention is devoted to the consequences of P saturation of the solid phase in surface sediment layers, i.e. to a situation which is frequently present in eutrophied lakes.The model is applied to the case of the highly eutrophied Lake Varese (Northern Italy), in which internal P loadings from sediments appear to be substantial.Taking into account the coupling between lake and sediments, the time needed to attain the steady state P concentration compatible with the present P loadings is evaluated as 5 times the water renewal time of the lake.It is also shown to what extent the assumptions on sediment dynamics affect the model predictions.  相似文献   

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