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混合动力车辆动力系统建模与仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以并联式混合动力车辆为研究对象,基于MATLAB/Simulink软件,建立了发动机、电动机、蓄电池以及整车仿真模型,制定了整车控制策略.仿真结果表明,应用该策略对发动机与电机间的功率输出进行协调控制,能明显提高整车燃油经济性,并能够维持SOC在规定的工作区间变化.  相似文献   

针对控制策略参数优化中存在的问题,提出一种利用多学科优化平台OPTIMUS进行履带式混合动力车辆整车控制策略参数优化的新方法.首先基于优化设计的思想,建立履带式混合动力车辆性能优化问题的数学模型.然后采用自适应遗传优化算法,对优化问题进行数值求解.结果表明,优化后车辆在某特定工况下燃油消耗减少13.4%,说明该方法可以找到一组全局最优的参数,可以大大缩短控制参数的实车标定时间.  相似文献   

刘海鸥  晋磊  董诗瑾  苗成生 《兵工学报》2015,36(8):1377-1383
重型车辆在动力性和燃油经济性上有较大的提升空间。分析了配备自动机械变速器(AMT)的重型车辆换挡动力中断特性,在此基础上建立了AMT重型车辆整车模型,并利用动态规划(DP)求解出重型车辆在确定道路下的最优综合性能换挡序列。计算对比原有换挡规律和DP决策下的车辆运行性能,仿真结果表明,通过调整运行耗时和燃油消耗量的加权因子,可以获得兼备动力性和燃油经济性的综合性能最优换挡序列,在保证AMT重型车辆动力性的前提下改善了燃油经济性,对AMT重型车辆的自动控制具有指导意义。  相似文献   

盖江涛  生辉  周广明  刘丽芳 《兵工学报》2021,42(10):2180-2188
串联式混合动力履带车辆前后功率链功率是否平衡,对车辆的动力性影响很大。针对实车急加速工况直流母线电压被拉低影响车辆动力性问题,开展串联式混合动力履带车辆急加速工况功率平衡控制策略研究。基于不同驱动电机外特性下系统波动情况,以及车辆行驶功率需求和发动机-发电机组响应特性,提出一种发动机-发电机组稳压和DC/DC-蓄电池组补偿的功率平衡控制策略,并通过实时仿真验证。实验结果表明,该策略可以平衡急加速工况前后功率链功率,直流母线电压波动范围-4.6%~2.36%,能够很好地保持系统稳定性。  相似文献   

电子无级传动(e-CVT)混合动力车辆具有无级变速的特性,其旋转质量换算系数δ随无级传动的速比变化,并且与发动机、电机的工作状态密切相关,优化δ对提高加速性能具有重要意义.首先应用动能定理,推导得到了针对电子无级传动车辆的时变旋转质量换算系数的计算式.基于该系数,针对一款电子无级传动混合动力车辆,利用二次规划方法对加速性能进行优化计算,得到了加速性能最优的控制策略,并进行仿真验证.结果表明,基于连续可变旋转质量换算系数得到的加速控制策略有利于混合动力车辆加速性能提升.  相似文献   

以串联式混合动力多轴重型特种车辆为研究对象,混动参数匹配的合理性决定了车辆动力源潜能的发挥、机电子系统之间的协同程度以及动力性、经济型、可靠性等关键技术指标满足要求。为了提升车辆的综合性能,需要在初始设计阶段对车辆关键子系统进行匹配优化设计。结合国内外研究经验,从性能需求层面出发,对车辆边界约束条件进行计算分析,优化车辆重要混动参数,形成了车辆混动参数匹配优化模型,提升匹配过程的精准性。最后,通过典型循环工况仿真验证,证明了该参数匹配方法的合理性。  相似文献   

为提升混联式机电复合传动(EMT)履带车辆全路况条件下机电联合制动的稳定性,提出一种基于电机饱和度的可变比例系数并联式全工况机电制动力分配策略,以有效处理路面附着条件、驾驶员意图、滑移率和电池荷电状态等约束,减弱履带打滑现象和电机制动力饱和现象。建立EMT系统动力学模型,分析工况约束条件下系统的机电制动特性和动态约束边界。提出以电机制动饱和度为核心的动态机电制动力分配目标,并设计滑移率控制器,以实现满足全工况制动稳定性目标的总制动力求解和底层机电制动力协调分配。利用扩张型状态观测器精确估计时变路面附着系数,并基于遗传算法对控制参数进行优化。利用仿真和硬件在环实验对高速紧急制动进行模拟。研究结果表明:全路况机电联合制动控制策略满足整车制动性能要求,兼顾制动能量回收效率和电机安全运行等多种指标,有效降低液压制动器的机械压力,提高了制动器使用寿命和制动过程的安全性。  相似文献   

为提高轻型越野战术车辆的整车动力性,针对车辆的自动变速器换挡规律进行优化设计.依据MATLAB/Simulink的仿真环境,构建基于车速和油门开度双参数换挡规律的整车动力模型.以双参数换挡规律的换挡点为优化对象,采用遗传算法对换挡点进行优化.根据加速度参数能反映车辆纵向动态的特性,引入加速度,采用模糊控制算法对换挡规律...  相似文献   

一种多目标约束下的主被动段弹道联合优化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对助推-滑翔式弹道导弹,提出一种主被动段弹道联合优化设计方法,并以多目标约束下的最大射程弹道设计为例,讨论了联合优化设计过程中所需解决的一些关键问题.仿真结果表明,相比于分段优化设计方法,联合优化方法所设计出弹道性能指标有明显提高.  相似文献   

基于优化设计理论,建立了以车辆动力性为优化目标的多轴越野车辆驱动力分配系数的优化模型.利用MATLAB GUI编制了相应的软件,该软件可对车辆驱动力分配系数进行优化,也可对其车辆动力性进行计算.以某一4×4越野车辆为例,对其驱动力分配系数进行了优化,通过对优化前后车辆动力性能的对比分析,验证了优化模型的精确性及软件的实用性.  相似文献   

Tetraacetyldibenzylhitane (TADBIW) was subjected to debenzylation by nitrosating with inorganic materials available commercially to synthesize tetraacetyldinitrosohexaazaisowurtzitane (TADNSIW). TADNSIW was purified, and its structure was determined by FTIR, 1H NMR, MS and element analysis. The debenzylation reaction of TADBIW gave quantitative benzaldehyde as a by-product. This indicates that the reaction produces an imine cation as an intermediate. Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane (HNIW) was prepared from unpurified TADNSIW with the yield over 96.0 % and the purity more than 98.0 %. And the mechanism of the reaction from TADNSIW to HNIW is proposed to be oxidation of nitroso and nitration of acetyl on the molecule of TADNSIW, This reaction system involved is simple, and the reaction can complete within a short time and under mild conditions. The product can be easily to separate and the waste disposed readily.  相似文献   

The stability under illumination of transmission-mode GaAs photocathode sealed in the third generation intensifier is investigated by use of spectral response testing instruments. The variations of spectral response with the illumination times under weak and intense illumination are compared. The variations of photoemission performance parameters are also characterized. The results show that during initial several weak illuminations photocathode behaves no evident decay and a maximum sensitivity is achieved, while under intense illumination the sensitivity of photocathode begin to decrease largely at the first illumination. The calculated performance parameters show that the variation of surface escape probability with illumination times is a direct cause of instability of photocathode. It is also found that under intense illumination peak wavelength is moved towards short-wave and peak response is decreased, which shows that the ability of long-wave response of photocathode is decreased.  相似文献   

The technique of watermarking has been introduced into 2D vector maps for many potential applications such as protecting the copyright of important GIS (geographical information system) data and tracing the data source of military maps. In most previous works, although the validity of the map data could be preserved during the embedding procedure, the shape-distortions of the map elements are usually neglected which would tend to degrade the invisibility of the watermarking schemes. A shape-preserving algorithm for watermarking 2D vector maps is presented in this paper. A 1D distance sequence extracted from the original map is adopted as the cover data instead of 2D coordinates. A watermark bit is represented by changing the distributions of the cover data. The embedding procedure induces lower shape-distortions than in former works. Experimental results indicate better invisibility of the proposed scheme, as well as its robustness to certain attacks such as map simplification, interpolation, additive noise and most geometric transforms.  相似文献   

Open rule-setting method advanced in this paper concentrates on providing designers of engines with a convenient way to express their design innovations and develop the expected prototypes in the early CAD stage, and constitute effective models for the following analysis process of CAE and CAPP. The problems arisen in the process of conceptual design with the traditional experience-based development method are analyzed. Based on those analyses, open rule-setting method is presented and some associated technical problems are discussed. The functional framework of open rule-setting system was built as software engineering methods. The speciality of the engine product as a kind of complex product and the requirement of the engine product based on its structural particularity to rule-setting system are considered carefully. A demonstration is supplied to illustrate how the open rule-setting method enhances the efficiency and quality of the engine conceptual design.  相似文献   

By analyzing the working principle of Linux network device driver, discussing the Linux network driver structure and its key technologies, the general network driver structure and its design methodologies in Linux system are summarized. Through modifying the network device driver of Linux device driver 3rd version snull, c and improving the COW technology, the Zero-Copy technology in Linux (kernel version 2.6.11 ) is implemented. In the end, the success test tells us that the thorough analysis of network device driver is the foundation of many applications, and it also provides a certain improvement to a lot of real applications, even to military application development.  相似文献   

A Passive Acoustic Radar is presented as a necessary complement to electromagnetic wave radar, which will be expected to be an effective means for detecting cruise missiles. Acoustic characteristics of supersonic flying projectiles with diverse shapes are expounded via experiment. It is pointed out that simulation experiment could be implemented using bullet or shell instead of cruise missile. Based on theoretical analysis and experiment, the ““acoustic fingerprint““ character of cruise missile is illustrated to identify it in a strong noise environment. After establishing a locating mathematical model, the technique of acoustic embattling is utilized to resolve a problem of confirming the time of early-warning, considering the fact that velocity of sound is much slower than that of light. Thereby, a whole system of passive acoustic radar for detecting supersonic cruise missile is formed.  相似文献   

A novel image restoration scheme, which is super-resolution image restoration algorithm Poisson-maximum-afterword-probability based on Markvo constraint (MPMAP) combined with evaluating image detail parameter D, has been proposed. The advantage of super-resolution algorithm MPMAP incorporated with parameter D lies in the fact that superresolution algorithm MPMAP model is discrete, which is in accordance with remote-sensing imaging model, and the algorithm MPMAP is proved applicable to linear and non-linear imaging models with a unique solution when noise is not severe. According to simulation experiments for practical images, super-resolution algorithm MPMAP can retain image details better than most of traditional restoration methods; at the same time, the proposed parameter D can help to identify real point spread function (PSF) value of degradation process. Processing result of practical remote-sensing images by MPMAP combined with parameter D are given, it illustrates that MPMAP restoration scheme combined PSF estimation has a better restoration result than that of Photoshop processing, based on the same original images. It is proved that the proposed scheme is helpful to offset the lack of resolution of the original remote-sensing images and has its extensive application foreground.  相似文献   

A nonlinear terrain following(TF) and terrain avoidance(TA) controller is proposed for missile control systems. Based on classical TF algorithm (adaptive angle method), a new method for TF controller is proposed by using angle of attack. A method of obtaining terrain outline data from digital elevation map (DEM) for TF control is discussed in order to save store space. A TA algorithm is proposed by using bank-to-turn technique. The block control model, which is suitable for backstepping design, is given for nonlinear model of missile. Making full use of the characteristics of the system and combining block control principle and backstepping technique, a robust controller design method is proposed. Uncertainties in every sub-block are allowed, and can be canceled by using the idea of nonlinear damping. It is proved that the state tracking errors are converged to a neighborhood of the origin exponentially. Finally, nonlinear six-degree-of-freedom simulation results for the missile model are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control law.  相似文献   

The test scheme of static postponing time given in our actual national military test standard on shrapnels used to control riot is a nine-point test scheme on the combined action of three kinds of temperatures and three kinds of pressures,the consumed ammunitions are more excessive. Statistic analysis and tentative checkout about a lot of test data are done,feasibility gists are put forward for optimizing of the test design scheme. The optimizing design and data analysis of test scheme of the item are done by managing uniformity design theory, two scientific and reasonable six-point test schemes are confirmed. The feasibility and reliability of the optimizing design schemes put forward above are proved ulteriorly by test validating. The gained schemes not only have good design uniformity and little ammunition wastage and meet the test demand, but also have better forecast ability for the result data of other points using the mathematic models from the actual test points.  相似文献   

Multi-laser-target tracking is an important subject in the field of signal processing of laser warners. A clustering method is applied to the measurement of laser warner, and the space-time fusion for measurements in the same cluster is accomplished. Real-time tracking of multi-laser-target and real-time picking of multi-laser-signal are introduced using data fusion of the measurements. A prototype device of the algorithm is built up. The results of experiments show that the algorithm is very effective.  相似文献   

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