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We report the noise measurements performed on a synthesized signal at 761 GHz starting from a 5 MHz quartz oscillator, as well as the investigation of the frequency noise of an optically pumped FIR laser and the possible origin of this noise. Bandwidth requirements for phase-locking an FIR laser are obtained.  相似文献   

Phase locking of optically pumped far-infrared lasers to highly stable synthesized signals is an interesting goal, at least for metrological purposes. In this paper, the possibility of obtaining such a stabilization by injection of the reference signal into the laser is investigated, and from the results obtained, it is inferred that this technique can be efficiently used in the frequency range up to 1 THz.  相似文献   

An extensive theoretical and experimental analysis of the absorption and emission spectrum of a CH3OH FIR-laser excited by a conventional CO2 laser is presented. Particular interest is devoted to the Stark shifts of the pump and lasing lines and to the electric field dependence of the Fir-laser output of the various lines. The offsets with respect to the exciting radiation and the Stark shifts of the IR absorption (pump) lines are measured by means of the transferred Lamb dip technique. The theoretical behaviours of the Stark patterns are calculated for several choices of the quantum numbers and selection rules involved in the transitions. A large variety of experimental results are reported and compared to theory. Non-linear Stark shifts have been observed for the 37.5μm FIR laser line and for the IR-pump transitions excited by the 9-P(38) and 10-R(38) CO2 laser Lines. Line assignments are proposed and new FIR laser lines are reported.  相似文献   

Strong far-infrared (FIR) lasing action has been observed in hydrazine optically pumped with isotopic CO2lasers and the N2O laser. The wavelengths of 13 new laser lines have been determined. The results of a recent infrared-microwave double resonance study of hydrazine have been used to assign the transitions involved in the production of five of these new lines and nine of the previously observed laser lines.  相似文献   

In this work we report laser action in 69 new FIR laser lines in CD3OH optically pumped by a regular cw CO2 laser. We have performed measurements of laser wavelength, optimum pressure of the gas, relative polarization and intensity on all lines, including some previously known.  相似文献   

The two or multi-mode optically pumped NH3 FIR laser had been studied theoretically. The NH3 molecular gas was assumed to be a three-level system and obeyed the time-dependent behavior of the density matrix equations. Considering the situation of playing the two or multi-mode optical pumping and the FIR laser field were same polarized. The gain coefficient and the output FIR power of the system could be calculated by using the iteration method. It had been predicted that the two or multiple longitudinal mode optically pumped NH3 FIR laser could have a greater output power or higher lasing efficiency than single mode pumped FIR laser under suitable selected operating parameters of laser.  相似文献   

Thirty-four new FIR lasing lines are reported in vinyl chloride optically pumped by a CO2laser. Ten of them are observed when using pump lines belonging to the 10.8 μm hot band.  相似文献   

In this paper, the density matrix equation of a six-level system has been solved, in case of the FIR wave signals in the system were not small enough to be neglected. The output power density of the laser system has been calculated by means of the iteration method. The saturation effect of the system has been revenled by the numerical calculation. Several sets of curves of laser output power vs, the length of laser with defferent pumping detuning and the optimum operating pressure under certain condition have been obtained. These calculated values were in good agresment with the data provided in the literatures.  相似文献   

脉冲光泵NH_3远红外激光的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验研究了脉冲TEA CO_2激光泵浦NH_3分子系统的六条FIR激光谱线。测量了不同的泵浦能量、气体压强及泵浦吸收率对FIR激光输出能量的影响。结果表明:1,相应于最大FIR激光输出的最佳压强随泵浦失谐量的增大而增加;2,最佳的FIR激光输出不是产生于泵浦吸收率达100%的压强,而是在吸收率约90%左右的压强。  相似文献   

The spectral characteristic of an optically pumped NH3 molecules FIR laser has been studied by a F-P interferometer and a Michelson interferometer. It was verified that when NH3 molecules were pumped by CO2-9R(16) line, a emission by Raman transitions of two photons was produced. When the gas pressure of NH3 increased, the interaction of the Raman transitions rose, then the emission was enhanced and the width of spectral lines were broadened. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical calculations.  相似文献   

Twenty new cw FIR laser lines in CD3OH, optically pumped by a CO2 laser, are reported. The frequencies of 39 of the stronger laser lines were measured relative to stabilized CO2 lasers with a fractional uncertainty, as determined by the reproducibility of the FIR frequency itself, of 2 parts in 107.  相似文献   

The frequencies of 48 optically pumped cw FIR CH2F2 laser lines have been measured relative to stabilized CO2 lasers. Uncertainties are estimated to be about 5 parts in 107.  相似文献   

本文详细介绍最有希望的远红外信号源—光泵远红外激光器(OPFIRL)实验系统,并改进了以往的检测方法,同时对NH_3分子292×10(-6)米的超辐射激光谱线进行了实验研究。  相似文献   

The gain superposition principle (GSP) for optically pumped FIR laser was proposed, and the interaction of Raman processes was proven to be the inevitable result of the GSP, The GSP was well verified in our miniature optically pumped cavity FIR laser experiments. The calculated and experimental results were discused in detail.  相似文献   

New results on the generation and spectroscopic analysis of optically pumped far-infrared (FIR) laser emission from CH3OH have been obtained as part of a systematic study of methanol isotopomers as FIR laser sources utilizing the extended line coverage available from a recently developed high-resolution CO2 laser of high efficiency. For normal CH3OH, six new short-wavelength lines have been found using a 2 m long Fabry-Perot FIR laser cavity. Accurate heterodyne frequency measurements are reported for 14 CH3OH FIR laser lines, nearly all above 100 cm-1, as well as accurate frequency offsets for most of the corresponding CO2 pump lines. Spectroscopic assignments are presented for nine high-frequency FIR laser lines in four pump systems  相似文献   

We have developed the resonance system which is able to operate a TE-CO2 discharge tube in two color emission source. The two color source is excellent in pumping efficiency, spacial overlap and time synchronization of the two emission CO2 lines. We indicate that the competitive operation of the two emissions is well explained by a simple model. When a TE-CO2 laser operates at the total pressure of below half atmospheric pressure, we make clear in this work that the operation of a TE-CO2 laser forms “depression” like hole burning, with regards to the J of the upper laser level by J-J collisional relaxation during the laser emission. As an example of the two-photon source, two-photon pumping of NH3 and FIR emissions are given in this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, the semiclassical density matrix equation was solved to calculate the spectral characteristics of V2:a--sR(0,0) transition in a miniature optically pumped NH3 far infrared laser (mini-NH3-OPFIRL), which was pumped by CO2-10R(6) line. The results of theoretical calculation showed that the spikes in Raman spectrum of V2:a--sR(0,0) would appear when the operating NH3 gas pressure was higher than a certain critical value or pumping power density was lower than a certain critical value, which was caused by Raman processes interaction of AC-Stark splitting. In our experiment, 298 µm FIR spetral line of a--sR(0,0) pumped by a TEA-CO2 laser with 10R(6) line was observed but the spikes could not be observed owing to the limitation of the resolution of the F-P interferometer.  相似文献   

The rotational-torsional-vibrational quantum numbers of the methanol states involved in the FIR laser action for 9P(22) and 9P(32) CO2pumping are derived. The pumping of weak FIR lines occurs through hot-band and weakly allowed IR lines.  相似文献   

Quantum mechanical predictions for the gain of an optically pumped CW FIR laser are presented for cases in which one or both of the pump and FIR transitions are pressure or Doppler broadened. The results are compared to those based on the rate equation model. Some of the quantum mechanical predictions are verified in CH3OH.  相似文献   

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