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Subclass IIb aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (Asn-, Asp- and LysRS) recognize the anticodon triplet of their cognate tRNA (GUU, GUC and UUU, respectively) through an OB-folded N-terminal extension. In the present study, the specificity of constitutive lysyl-tRNA synthetase (LysS) from Escherichia coli was analyzed by cross-mutagenesis of the tRNA(Lys) anticodon, on the one hand, and of the amino acid residues composing the anticodon binding site on the other. From this analysis, a tentative model is deduced for both the recognition of the cognate anticodon and the rejection of non-cognate anticodons. In this model, the enzyme offers a rigid scaffold of amino acid residues along the beta-strands of the OB-fold for tRNA binding. Phe85 and Gln96 play a critical role in this spatial organization. This scaffold can recognize directly U35 at the center of the anticodon. Specification of the correct enzyme:tRNA complex is further achieved through the accommodation of U34 and U36. The binding of these bases triggers the conformationnal change of a flexible seven-residue loop between strands 4 and 5 of the OB-fold (L45). Additional free energy of binding is recovered from the resulting network of cooperative interactions. Such a mechanism would not depend on the modifications of the anticodon loop of tRNA(Lys) (mnm5s2U34 and t6A37). In the model, exclusion by the synthetase of non-cognate anticodons can be accounted for by a hindrance to the positioning of the L45 loop. In addition, Glu135 would repulse a cytosine base at position 35. Sequence comparisons show that the composition and length of the L45 loop are markedly conserved in each of the families composing subclass IIb aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. The possible role of the loop is discussed for each case, including that of archaebacterial aspartyl-tRNA synthetases.  相似文献   

The magnesium dependences of the ATP/PPi exchange and tRNA aminoacylation of reactions were measured for six aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (isoleucyl-, tyrosyl- and arginyl-tRNA synthetases from class I, and histidyl-, lysyl- and phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetases from class II). The measured values were subjected to best-fit analyses using sum square error calculations between the data and the calculated curves in order to find the mode of participation of the Mg2+ and to optimize the sets of the kinetic constants. The following four dependences were observed: the class II synthetases require three Mg2+ for the activation reaction (including the one in MgATP), but the class I synthetases require only one Mg2+ (in MgATP); in class II synthetases both MgPPi and Mg2PPi participate in the pyrophosphorolysis of the aminoacyl adenylate. Arginyl-tRNA synthetase from class I also shows a better fit if also Mg2PPi reacts, but in the isoleucyl- and tyrosyl-tRNA synthetases only MgPPi but not Mg2PPi is used in the pyrophosphorolysis. Different synthetases have different requirements for the tRNA-bound Mg2+ and spermidine, independent of the enzyme class. 1-4 Mg2+ or spermidines are required in the best fit models. At the end of the reaction in all the synthetases analysed the dissociation of Mg2+ from the product aminoacyl-tRNA essentially enhances the subsequent dissociation of the aminoacyl-tRNA from the enzyme. The binding of ATP to the E. aminoacyl-tRNA complex also speeds up the dissociation of the aminoacyl-tRNA from most of these enzymes.  相似文献   

The serpins are a widely distributed group of serine proteinase inhibitors found in plants, birds, mammals and viruses. Despite the great evolutionary divergence of these organisms, their serpins are highly conserved, both in sequence and structurally. Amino acid sequences were aligned by a combination of automatic algorithms and by consideration of conserved structural elements in those serpins for which crystal structures exist. The program HOMED was used which allowed the alignment of amino acids to be simultaneously converted into the equivalently aligned nucleotide sequences. The aligned amino acids were used as the basis for superposition of the four known three-dimensional structures for which coordinates are available and compared with an optimal three-dimensional superposition in order to estimate the reliability of the sequence alignment. Phylogenetic relationships implied by these nucleotide sequence alignments were determined by the method of maximum parsimony. The proposed gene tree suggested that as much diversity existed between the plant serpin and mammalian serpins as was present among mammalian serpins and provided further evidence that the architecture of serpin molecules is highly constrained.  相似文献   

Maximum lifespan has been one of the most common aging measures in comparative studies, while the Gompertz model has recently attracted both proponents and critics of its capacity to adequately describe the acceleration of mortality in the oldest age classes. The Gompertz demographic model describes age-dependent mortality rate acceleration and age-independent mortality using the parameters alpha and A, respectively. Evolutionary biologists have predominantly used average longevity in studies of aging. Little is known about the evolutionary relationships of these measures on the microevolutionary time scale. We have simultaneously compared Gompertz parameters, average longevity, and maximum longevity in 50 related populations of Drosophila melanogaster, many of which have been selected for postponed aging. Overall, these populations have differentiated significantly for the A and alpha parameter of the Gompertz equation, as well as average and maximum longevity. These indices of aging appear to measure the same genetic changes in aging. However, in some specific population comparisons, the relationships among these measures are more complex. In a second experiment, environmental manipulation of longevity had substantially different effects from genetic differentiation, with the A parameter accounting for changes in overall mortality. The adequacy of the maximum lifespan and the Gompertz equation as indices of aging in evolutionary studies is discussed.  相似文献   

Detailed medical and clinical examinations were carried out on 1608 men attending an infertility clinic to determine if any of those exhibiting abnormal semenograms also had any other readily identifiable clinical condition. In all, 1210 men showed abnormal semenograms according to World Health Organization criteria. Karyotyping of the white blood cells in these 1210 men revealed 44 (3.6%) individuals with either autosomal or sex chromosomal aberrations. However, no single characteristic feature of their semenogram or clinical condition was of any diagnostic value to predict the existence of a chromosomal anomaly.  相似文献   

Phosphinothricyl-alanyl-alanine (Pt tripeptide (Ptt), bialaphos) is a metabolite produced by Streptomyces viridochromogenes and Streptomyces hygroscopicus. It contains the unique phosphinoamino acid phosphinothricin (Pt), which after cleavage from Ptt is active as an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase. We have isolated three enzymes that assemble the building block of the Ptt peptide backbone in a nonribosomal mechanism. The first enzyme, named Ptt-synthetase I (PTTS I), activates N-acetyldemethylphosphinothricin (AcDMPt) as adenylate and thioester. Pt is not activated. PTTS I can also activate N-acetylphosphinothricin (AcPt) or N-acetylglutamate as structural analogues of AcDMPT. Native PTTS I has an estimated size of 62 kDa whereas the denatured form displays a size of 76 kDa. Immunoblot analysis and determination of its N-terminal protein sequence revealed that PTTS I is identical with the gene product of phsA. The phsA gene was previously identified near the Pt-resistance gene pat in the Ptt biosynthesis gene cluster in S. viridochromogenes. Besides PTTS I, two alanine-activating enzymes (PTTS II/III) were partially purified from S. viridochromogenes with estimated native sizes of ca. 120 kDa (enzyme 1) and ca. 140 kDa (enzyme 2). Both enzymes bind alanine as a thioester via the corresponding adenylate. Level of PTTS II/III and product formation were correlated with each other in several different strains of S. viridochromogenes. These results indicate that Ptt is synthesized by three peptide synthetases, each activating one single amino acid. The data also confirm previous genetic data, which suggest that AcDMPt-Ala-Ala is the precursor of Ptt.  相似文献   

The accuracy of protein synthesis essentially rests on aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases that ensure the correct attachment of an amino acid to the cognate tRNA molecule. The selection of the amino acid substrate involves a recognition stage generally followed by a proofreading reaction. Therefore, to change the amino acid specificity of a synthetase in the aminoacylation reaction, it is necessary to alleviate the molecular barriers which contribute its editing function. In an attempt to accommodate a noncognate amino acid into the active site of a synthetase, we chose a pair of closely related enzymes. The current hypothesis designates glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GlnRS) as a late component of the protein synthesis machinery, emerging in the eukaryotic lineage by duplication of the gene for glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (GluRS). By introducing GluRS-specific features into the Rossmann dinucleotide-binding domain of human GlnRS, we constructed a mutant GlnRS which preferentially aminoacylates tRNA with glutamate instead of glutamine. Our data suggest that not only the transition state for aminoacyl-AMP formation but also the proofreading site of GlnRS are affected by that mutation.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic tree for major lineages of iguanian lizards is estimated from 1,488 aligned base positions (858 informative) of newly reported mitochondrial DNA sequences representing coding regions for eight tRNAs, ND2, and portions of ND1 and COI. Two well-supported groups are defined, the Acrodonta and the Iguanidae (sensu lato). This phylogenetic hypothesis is used to investigate evolutionary shifts in mitochondrial gene order, origin for light-strand replication, and secondary structure of tRNACys. These three characters shift together on the branch leading to acrodont lizards. Plate tectonics and the fossil record indicate that these characters changed in the Jurassic. We propose that changes to the secondary structure of tRNACys may destroy function of the origin for light-strand replication which, in turn, may facilitate shifts in gene order.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases catalyze aminoacylation of tRNAs by joining an amino acid to its cognate tRNA. The selection of the cognate tRNA is jointly determined by separate structural domains that examine different regions of the tRNA. The cysteine-tRNA synthetase of Escherichia coli has domains that select for tRNAs containing U73, the GCA anticodon, and a specific tertiary structure at the corner of the tRNA L shape. The E. coli enzyme does not efficiently recognize the yeast or human tRNACys, indicating the evolution of determinants for tRNA aminoacylation from E. coli to yeast to human and the coevolution of synthetase domains that interact with these determinants. By successively modifying the yeast and human tRNACys to ones that are efficiently aminoacylated by the E. coli enzyme, we have identified determinants of the tRNA that are important for aminoacylation but that have diverged in the course of evolution. These determinants provide clues to the divergence of synthetase domains. We propose that the domain for selecting U73 is conserved in evolution. In contrast, we propose that the domain for selecting the corner of the tRNA L shape diverged early, after the separation between E. coli and yeast, while that for selecting the GCA-containing anticodon loop diverged late, after the separation between yeast and human.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences from strains of the four species currently in the genus Chlamydia, C. pecorum, C. pneumoniae, C. psittaci, and C. trachomatis were investigated. In vitro-amplified RNA genes of the ribosomal small subunit from 30 strains of C. pneumoniae and C. pecorum were subjected to solid-phase DNA sequencing of both strands. The human isolates of C. pneumoniae differed in only one position in the 16S rRNA gene, indicating genetic homogeneity among these strains. Interestingly, horse isolate N16 of C. pneumoniae was found to be closely related to the human isolates of this species, with a 98.9% nucleotide similarity between their 16S rRNA sequences. The type strain and koala isolates of C. pecorum were also found to be very similar to each other, possessing two different 16S rRNA sequences with only one-nucleotide difference. Furthermore, the C. pecorum strains truncated the 16S rRNA molecule by one nucleotide compared to the molecules of the other chlamydial species. This truncation was found to result in loss of a unilaterally bulged nucleotide, an attribute present in all other eubacteria. The phylogenetic structure of the genus Chlamydia was determined by analysis of 16S rRNA sequences. All phylogenetic trees revealed a distinct line of descent of the family Chlamydiaceae built of two main clusters which we denote the C. pneumoniae cluster and the C. psittaci cluster. The clusters were verified by bootstrap analysis of the trees and signature nucleotide analysis. The former cluster contained the human isolates of C. pneumoniae and equine strain N16. The latter cluster consisted of C. psittaci, C. pecorum, and C. trachomatis. The members of the C. pneumoniae cluster showed tight clustering and strain N16 is likely to be a subspecies of C. pneumoniae since these strains also share some antigenic cross-reactivity and clustering of major outer membrane protein gene sequences. C. psittaci and strain N16 branched early out of the respective cluster, and interestingly, their inclusion bodies do not stain with iodine. Furthermore, they also share less reliable features like normal elementary body morphology and plasmid content. Therefore, the branching order presented here is very likely a true reflection of evolution, with strain N16 of the species C. pneumoniae and C. psittaci forming early branches of their respective cluster and with C. trachomatis being the more recently evolved species within the genus Chlamydia.  相似文献   

The genomic sequences of Methanococcus jannaschii and Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum contain a structurally uncommon seryl-tRNA synthetase (SerRS) sequence and lack an open reading frame (ORF) for the canonical cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (CysRS). Therefore, it is not clear if Cys-tRNACys is formed by direct aminoacylation or by a transformation of serine misacylated to tRNACys. To address this question, we prepared SerRS from two methanogenic archaea and measured the enzymatic properties of these proteins. SerRS was purified from M. thermoautotrophicum; its N-terminal peptide sequence matched the sequence deduced from the relevant ORF in the genomic data of M. thermoautotrophicum and M. jannaschii. In addition, SerRS was expressed from a cloned Methanococcus maripaludis serS gene. The two enzymes charged serine to their homologous tRNAs and also accepted Escherichia coli tRNA as substrate for aminoacylation. Gel shift experiments showed that M. thermoautotrophicum SerRS did not mischarge tRNACys with serine. This indicates that Cys-tRNACys is formed by direct acylation in these organisms.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARSs) are the key components of the protein biosynthesis machinery. They are responsible for maintaining the fidelity of transfer of genetic information from DNA into protein. The database is a compilation of amino acid sequences of all aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases known to date. It contains 422 primary structures of the AARSs available as separate entries or alignments of related proteins. The database is available via the World Wide Web at http://rose.man.poznan.pl/aars/index.html  相似文献   

The toxicokinetics of the four stereoisomers of the nerve agent C(+/-)P(+/-)-soman was analysed in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood in anaesthetized, spontaneously breathing pigs during a 90-min period after injection of soman. The pigs were challenged with different intravenous (i.v.) doses of C(+/-)P(+/-)-soman corresponding to 0.75-3.0 LD50 (4.5, 9.0 and 18 microg/kg in a bolus injection and 0.45 microg/kg per min as a slow infusion). Artificial ventilatory assistance was given if, after soman intoxication, the respiratory rate decreased below 19 breaths/min. Blood samples were taken from a femoral artery and CSF samples from an intrathecal catheter. The concentrations of the soman isomers were determined by gas chromatography coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry. All four isomers of soman were detected in both blood and CSF samples. The relatively non-toxic C(+/-)P(+) isomers disappeared from the blood stream and CSF within the first minute, whereas the levels of the highly toxic C(+/-)P(-) isomers could be followed for longer, depending on the dose. Concurrently with the soman analyses in blood and CSF, cholinesterase (ChE) activity and cardiopulmonary parameters were measured. C(+/-)P(-) isomers showed approx. 100% bioavailability in CSF when C(+/-)P(+/-)-soman was given i.v. as a bolus injection. In contrast, C(+/-)P(-) isomers displayed only 30% bioavailability in CSF after slow i.v. infusion of soman. The ChE activity in blood decreased below 20% of baseline in all groups of pigs irrespective of the soman dose. The effect of soman intoxication on the respiratory rate, however, seems to be dose-dependent and the reason for ventilatory failure and death. Artificial ventilation resulted in survival of the pigs for the time-period studied.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the Braconidae were examined using homologous 16S rDNA gene sequence data. Analyses recovered the few well-supported relationships evident in this family from morphological analyses, viz the monophyly of the microgastroid complex of subfamilies, the monophyly of the cyclostome complex of subfamilies (= braconoids), a sister-group relationship between the Alysiinae and Opiinae, and a close relationship between the Helconinae and Blacinae. With respect to the braconoid complex of subfamilies, a sister-group relationship was recovered between Aphidiinae and Mesostoinae, and a clade composed of Gnamptodontinae + Histeromerinae + Rhyssalinae + Aphidiinae + Mesostoinae was also recovered. The Doryctinae and Rogadinae sensu lato (s.l.) were generally not resolved as monophyletic. With respect to the helconoid complex of subfamilies, a sister-group relationship was recovered between Sigalphinae and Agathidinae, whereas Neoneurinae fell out among other helconoid subfamilies. Other relationships among the helconoid subfamilies were unclear from these analyses. With respect to the microgastroid complex of subfamilies, our data conform to morphological estimates, recovering ((Microgastrinae + Miracinae) + Cardiochilinae) + Cheloninae. The topology of our trees suggests that the cyclostome subfamilies are a natural derived group, inferring that endoparasitism (not ectoparasitism) is the ancestral state for the Braconidae, unless all of the ectoparasitic ancestors of the helconoid + microgastroid subfamilies are now extinct.  相似文献   

The incidence of nonaneurysmal congenital anomalies of the retinal arteries was determined by ophthalmoscopic examination of the eyes of 2,100 consecutive healthy individuals whose ages ranged from 6 to 68 years. Unusual anomalies were triple branching, anomalous course, arteriolar-arterial crossing, unusual tortuosity, prepapillary loops, aberrant macular arteries, unusual supply of the optic disc, presumed total ciliary arterial supply of the retina, anomalous relationship with the central retinal vein at the optic disc, and pseudoaneurysm of a major retinal artery. Cilioretinal arteries are the commonest of the congenital vascular anomalies of the retina.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We identified the incidence and types of genital and urinary anomalies, and established a plan for evaluating the urinary system in the CHARGE association. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 32 patients in whom the CHARGE association was diagnosed. RESULTS: Of the 32 patients identified 22 (69%) had genitourinary abnormalities. Genital anomalies, including micropenis, penile agenesis, hypospadias, chordee, cryptorchidism, a bifid scrotum, atresia of the uterus, cervix and vagina, and hypoplastic labia majora, labia minora and clitoris, were present in 18 patients (56%). Of the 24 patients who underwent renal ultrasound 10 (42%) were diagnosed with urinary tract anomalies including a solitary kidney, hydronephrosis, renal hypoplasia and duplex kidneys. Further evaluation revealed vesicoureteral reflux, neurogenic bladder secondary to spinal dysraphism, nephrolithiasis, ureteropelvic junction obstruction and a nonfunctioning upper pole in both duplex kidneys. CONCLUSIONS: There is a high incidence of genitourinary anomalies in the CHARGE association. Because of this high incidence of anomalies, patients with this condition should undergo a careful genitourinary evaluation, including renal and bladder ultrasound, and voiding cystourethrography screening.  相似文献   

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