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It is shown by an ac calorimetry technique that the multiple heat capacity anomalies which occur below the superconducting transition temperature for small polycrystalline Nb3Sn samples are intrinsic to these samples. The recent suggestions that shear stresses can account for these results are analyzed for their validity. The dependence of the occurrence of these multiple anomalies upon the thermal history of the samples was investigated.Supported in part by U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under the Contract No. USAEC-AT-(04-3)-34 at the Department of APIS, UCSD, La Jolla, California. Present work supported under the auspices of ERDA.Supported by Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Systems Command USAF, under AFOSR Contract No. AFOSR/F-44620-72-C-0017.  相似文献   

We have fabricated Nb3Ge microbridges, including those with variablethickness geometry, with submicrometer lengths, by means of plasma etching combined with lithographic techniques. The measuredI-V characteristic and the temperature variation of the critical current are consistent with that expected from the vortex concept. However, a deviation is observed in the microwave steps: the magnitude of the critical current oscillates with microwave power in a manner which agrees with an analog simulation based on the RSJ model. We have found a strong correlation between the bridge behavior and the film parametersT c and ρ n (normal resistivity). The critical current is reduced rapidly with a decrease inT c and an increase in ρ n , while in high-T c and low-ρ n bridges a linearI-V characteristic appears at low voltages. Taking into account the influence of pinning, we discuss the results in terms of vortex motion.  相似文献   

A method is described for calculating the surface impedance of thin superconducting films using the theory of Mattis and Bardeen of the surface impedance of superconductors. An approximate extension of the theory to the case where the superconducting order parameter inside the film varies slowly in space is presented. Calculations using the theory are compared with experimental measurements of the surface impedance at 3 GHz of thin tin films on bulk lead substrates. Agreement between theory and experiment is good.  相似文献   

A modified technique for the sputtering of high-T c Nb3Ge using low Ar pressure is reported. The experimental arrangement involved only conventional equipment and ordinary vacuum conditions. Nb3Si with the A-15 structure was also prepared in a similar manner.The earlier stage of this work was supported by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract AEC-AT-(04-3)-34.  相似文献   

The conditions necessary for the formation of Nb 3 Ge by low-pressure rf sputtering with a superconducting transition temperatureT c >21 K have been investigated. Samples have been deposited onto cooled substrates so that the film is first amorphous and then is crystallized by a subsequent annealing, and onto hot substrates, in which case the film is crystalline upon deposition. The highestT c samples were obtained for a substrate temperature of 735±25° C. The optimum substrate temperature is the same as the optimum annealing temperature for crystallizing films which were first deposited onto cooled substrates. Special conditions are necessary for the formation of single-phase A15 samples of Nb 3 Ge with an optimumT c . We have utilized the collisions that the sputtered atoms undergo with the sputtering gas molecules to thermalize the sputtered atoms. We report here on sputtering in both krypton and in argon.  相似文献   

We have studied the surface structure of rf-sputtered Nb3Ge films by means of reflection electron diffraction and Auger electron spectroscopy. It is found that a tetragonal Nb5Ge3 phase exists, being partly disordered, at the surface of high-T c films, whereas A15 phase is predominant in the body of the film as proved by x-ray diffraction. The tetragonal surface phase is replaced by an amorphous phase in thin films of <1000 Å, where reducedT c 's as compared with those of thick films are found. Single A15 phase occurs at the surface of Ge-deficient films which have lowT c 's. Auger analysis has shown a pronounced Ge-rich layer with a depth of 60–100 Å, depending on film composition and thickness. At the top of the surface layer, Ge is enriched beyond a composition corresponding to Nb5Ge3. It is inferred that the Ge-rich layer is responsible for formation of the tetragonal phase.Work supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan.  相似文献   

ac losses of Nb3Ge tapes prepared by chemical vapour deposition have been measured between 4 and 16 K. Several tapes were observed to exhibit complete shielding of the normal substrate by the Nb3Ge coating, which is continuous around the tape circumference. These tapes had measured losses that were acceptably low for power transmission up to 14 K. Another class of tapes showed high losses characteristic of ohmic currents flowing through the normal substrates. Microscopic examination revealed continuous longitudinal edge cracks for these samples. A correlation observed between ‘edge cracking’ and Nb3Ge coat thickness is discussed in terms of the differential contraction from coating temperature between the Nb3Ge and the substrate in a completely enclosed geometry.  相似文献   

Nb3Al AND Nb3(Al,Ge) tapes with excellent superconducting properties have been fabricated using high energy density laser beam irradiation, irradiations were carried out continuously on Nb-25at%AI and Nb-20at%Al -5at%Ge tapes prepared by powder metallurgical processing. With the high power density and short irradiation time, the tape could be heated and cooled much faster than a tape heat treated by conventional methods. The results were fine structure and large critical current density Jc values at high magnetic fields. Jc at 23 Tesla was over 104 A/cm2. This value was much greater than that obtained from a commercial Nb3Sn superconductor. New continuous irradiation systems have been developed for scale-up development. Nb3Al tapes 10 m in length were successfully fabricated. There was some scatter in Jc along the tape length. Small coil tests in magnetic fields indicated that the tape had excellent stability against a flux jump and mechanical strain.  相似文献   

The specific isobaric heat capacity (cp) was measured for R125 (pentafluoroethane) in the gas phase by using a flow calorimeter. Twelve measurements for R125 were obtained at temperatures from 313 to 333 K and at pressures from 0.8 to 2.4 MPa. Some of them are close to the saturation curve. The expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of the temperature measurements is estimated to be less than 23 mK, and that of the pressure measurements is less than 14 kPa. The expanded uncertainty for cp is estimated to range from 12 to 22 J kg−1 K−1. Also, the experimental data were compared with available equations of state. From the results, it became clear that these data will be essential to improve available models so as to represent more reliable thermodynamic properties of R125 and refrigerant mixtures with R125 that are used for refrigeration and air conditioning systems.  相似文献   

Nb3Ge films with thicknesses between 60 and 800 nm were deposited onto heated sapphire substrates by thermal coevaporation. Stoichiometric Nb3Ge samples crystallize in a single-phase A15 structure with a lattice parameter of 5.14 ». Critical current densities and upper critical magnetic inductions were measured as a function of temperature, film thickness, and magnetic field orientation. The critical currents and fields show maxima for parallel field orientation. This is due to the random orientation of the crystallites. With decreasing thickness an increasing second maximum for normal field orientation is observed. This behavior can be explained by additional precipitates caused by internal stress.Dedicated to Professor Dr. B. T. Matthias on the occasion of his 60th birthday.Research supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Nb3Ge films with thicknesses between 0.5 and 1.5 m have been deposited on heated sapphire substrates by dc sputtering in a pure argon atmosphere. With a maximum superconducting onset temperature T c= 22.7 K, these high-T csamples crystallize in a single-phase A15 structure with lattice parameters down to 5.14 ». Critical current densities and upper critical magnetic inductions have been measured as a function of magnetic field orientation, temperature, and film thickness. The anisotropies of the critical currents and fields depend on the microstructure of the samples and show maxima for the field orientation normal to the sample surface in those films that exhibit columnar growth of the crystallites normal to the substrate. The temperature, field, and angular dependences of the pinning forces in these films are compared to existing pinning theories.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. B. T. Matthias on the occasion of his 60th birthday.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The T c behavior of vapor-deposited Nb3Ge and Nb3Sn is examined as a function of low-fluence alpha-particle irradiation. It is found that for Nb3Sn with 15 -cm the T c is insensitive to low doses of radiation, whereas Nb3Ge with 0 50 -cm has its T c depressed immediately with irradiation. It is suggested that the T c behavior of A-15 superconductors in the regime of small dose is strongly influenced by the initial state of the sample. Furthermore, it is argued that the behavior of the T c with dose can be qualitatively explained by considering a sharp structure in the density of states N(E), the smearing of which by defects leads to a depression in T c .Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration.Also at Materials Science Department, SUNY at Stony Brook.Also at Physics Department, SUNY at Stony Brook.  相似文献   

M. Suzuki  H. ōuchi  T. Anayama 《低温学》1983,23(5):265-266
Tc values of sputter-deposited Nb3Ge films were measured using both the balancebridge method and the four-probe resistance method.  相似文献   

Measurements are presented of the resistivity in samples of (Nb0.99Ti0.01)1–x Gex, 0.17 x 0.24, from the superconducting transition temperature T cto 300 K. The T cattains its maximum value of above 22 K and the residual resistivity its minimum value at the same off-stoichiometric composition when x = 0.205. At this same value of x the transition width is narrowest and the residual resistivity extrapolates to a finite value, indicating a comparatively low resistance ratio is to be expected. The resistance ratio achieved in these samples with Ti substitution is comparable to that achieved in the best samples of pure Nb3Ge and is indicative of the short mean free path in this system.Supported by NSF DMR 78-03217 and PSC-BHE Research Award Program.  相似文献   

The heat capacity of undoped Si and Si doped with Nb (1018 cm-3) and Dy (1017 cm-3) was measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSM-2M and Mettler instruments). The phase transition from diamond Si to the high-pressure phase Si II was found to occur in undoped Si between 550 and 650 K. No phase transition was observed in Si doped with Nb or Dy, indicating that the dopants strengthen the Si lattice, thereby impeding structural changes.  相似文献   

An alternating heat flow method is used to measure the heat capacity of metals at low temperatures under hydrostatic compression. The phase shift method is developed for taking account of the losses in the medium. The method was tested by measuring the heat capacity of Sn at pressures up to 10 k bar. The errors of measurements are ~3%.  相似文献   

《Thin solid films》1984,115(4):315-327
Metastable A15 Nb3Ge films were sputter deposited onto sapphire substrates under thermalizing conditions. Simultaneously the configuration of the electric potential was varied by the application of a negative bias to the tantalum substrate holder or to both the holder and the growing Nb-Ge film. Films deposited with no bias showed an initial nucleation with disordered crystallites of low super-conducting transition temperature Tc and a subsequent “homoepitaxial” growth process towards a well-ordered state of high Tc. In contrast, bias sputtering led to well-ordered A15 crystallites at an earlier growth stage, which was then succeeded by a non-homoepitaxial growth process. These results will be discussed in the context of ion bombardment of the growing film surface and of the tantalum holder.  相似文献   

Surface acoustic waves at 1200 MHz were used to investigate the properties of a 0.5-µm-thick film of Nb3Ge. This film was rf-sputtered onto a substrate consisting of a piezoelectrically active 3.5-µm AlN layer which was chemically vapor-deposited over a sapphire substrate. The attenuation coefficient of the surface acoustic waves was measured from 0.8 to 30 K. The raw data are analyzed to eliminate interference effects due to splitting of the wave into two components. One of these is at the surface of the film and the other may be a surface skimming bulk mode which is at the film-substrate interface. The resultant curve of attenuation versus temperature in the superconducting region is then used to determine the distribution function of the superconducting transition temperature of the film. Although the film starts to become superconducting at 21 K and the majority of the film appears to become superconducting at 18 K, it is also found that a significant amount of the film does not become superconducting until 10 K. The difference between the attenuation measured in the normal state and the superconducting state is used to obtain the electron mean free path in the film. This is compared to values obtained from electrical measurements.Research supported by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Grant No. AFOSR 81-0002.Research supported by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Contract No. AFOSR F49620-78-C-0031.  相似文献   

Measurements of the critical magnetic field slope near the superconducting transition temperature T care reported for samples of Nb1–x Ge x , (Nb0.99Ti0.01)1–x Ge x , and (Nb0.99Zr0.01)1–x Ge x for 0.15x0.25. The samples investigated were produced by trisputtering onto heated polycrystalline alumina substrates. The critical magnetic field slope near T cfor substituted samples is comparable to that of Nb3Ge alone. The highest T cvalues, the highest resistance ratios, and the narrowest transitions, however, occur for samples with excess transition metal component.Supported by PSC-BHE Research Award Program.  相似文献   

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