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随着近几年教育教学模式的不断改革,将心理学引入学校思想政治课成为了学校思想政治课的一个研究重点。在学校的思想政治课中运用心理学知识,既可以满足学生的好奇心、求知欲和渴望成功的心理需求,也可以使教学达到事半功倍的效果。本文主要阐述心理学知识在学校思想政治课中的运用,首先写心理学知识在学校思想政治课中的作用,然后写其具体的运用。  相似文献   

新课改实施以来,多媒体在思想政治课教学中的应用日益广泛。多媒体丰富了思想政治课的教学内容,精彩了思想政治课的课堂,激发了学生学习的兴趣,推动了新课改的深化。但有的教师在教学中为用多媒体而用多媒体,抛弃了传统教学优势,导致了教学活动表面热闹,但学生的认知不够深入。为此,我们要大声呼吁:在政治课教学中,在用好多媒体的同时,要挖掘传统教学的优势。  相似文献   

新课改实施以来,多媒体在思想政治课教学中的应用日益广泛.多媒体丰富了思想政治课的教学内容,精彩了思想政治课的课堂,激发了学生学习的兴趣,推动了新课改的深化.但有的教师在教学中为用多媒体而用多媒体,抛弃了传统教学优势,导致了教学活动表面热闹,但学生的认知不够深入.为此,我们要大声呼吁:在政治课教学中,在用好多媒体的同时,要挖掘传统教学的优势.  相似文献   

信息技术与高二《思想政治》教学整合(一) 编者按:教育信息化、网络化的发展是当今教育发展的一大趋势,而信息技术与学科课程整合是目前国内外教育信息化、网络化乃至教育改革与发展的一个热点问题。从本期起,我们将配合本学期政治课堂教学进度推出胡兴松老师主持的连载——《信息技术与高二(思想政治)教学整合——教学积件系统》,旨在促进信息技术与思想政治课教学的整合,为信息化、网络化条件下的思想政治课教学开辟一个新的途径,以促进思想政治课教学的现代化。  相似文献   

张文艺 《网友世界》2014,(18):244-244
职业高中思想政治课教学效果是我们每个教师最关注的问题,我认为:它同教学师生的心理状态有密切联系,师生具有良好的心理状态有益于思想政治课教学取得成功,获得高效益,索得最大价值。相反,师生存在不良的心理状态常常导致思想政治课教学的失败,难以发挥其应有的作用。然而,令人忧思的是在政治教师队伍中有相当部分的教师未认识这一“规律”,或不重视这一问题,不少政治课教学存在着严重的心理误区。我就职业高中思想政治课教学存在的主要心理误区作一剖析。  相似文献   

王明环 《网友世界》2014,(1):115-115
在思想政治课教学中,运用多媒体有利于把抽象的思想政治问题具体化和形象化,有利于创造生动活泼有效的教学情境,有利于增加课堂容量,提高教学质量,有利于突出教学重点、突破教学难点,增强课堂教学活力,优化课堂教学过程。  相似文献   

正教学积件不同于传统课件,是第一代教学软件——课件的继承与发展;是第二代教学软件——积件的创新与发展;是信息技术与思想政治课教学整合的集成与结晶。它是在一个固定的平台内,以模块的形式,将资源素材库、微教学单元库、教学策略库等内容嵌入其中。教师在教学时只需在现有的平台内进行不同的选择运用;它也不同于目前  相似文献   

目前,多媒体已经逐步运用到初中思想政治的教学中,给思想政治的教学带来很多方便,极大地提升了初中思想政治课的教学效率.文章以当前多媒体在初中思想政治教学中的应用现状为切入点,探讨了其优点和存在的问题,并对多媒体在初中思想政治教学上的发展趋势发表了-些看法.  相似文献   

把心理教育纳入中学思想政治课的课程体系,是政治课教学改革的一项重大举措。能否运用新教材,上好这门以心理教育为主线的政治课是我  相似文献   

吴吴文  叶小平 《福建电脑》2008,24(9):196-196
信息技术在教学中的应用已有多年。新课改下,通过信息技术与学科教育的整合来促进教学改革,推动学校教育的现代化。信息技术应用于中学思想政治课教学有三种模式——研究性学习、电子学习、网络主题探究。理性审视它们,并加以实践探索。寻找教学实践的新思路、新策略;对思想政治课的网络课程建设提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

Norm negotiation in online multi-player games   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In recent years, the proliferation of VOIP data has created a number of applications in which it is desirable to perform quick online classification and recognition of massive voice streams. Typically such applications are encountered in real time intelligence and surveillance. In many cases, the data streams can be in compressed format, and the rate of data processing can often run at the rate of Gigabits per second. All known techniques for speaker voice analysis require the use of an offline training phase in which the system is trained with known segments of speech. The state-of-the-art method for text-independent speaker recognition is known as Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM), and it requires an iterative expectation maximization procedure for training, which cannot be implemented in real time. In many real applications (such as surveillance) it is desirable to perform the recognition process in online time, so that the system can be quickly adapted to new segments of the data. In many cases, it may also be desirable to quickly create databases of training profiles for speakers of interest. In this paper, we discuss the details of such an online voice recognition system. For this purpose, we use our micro-clustering algorithms to design concise signatures of the target speakers. One of the surprising and insightful observations from our experiences with such a system is that while it was originally designed only for efficiency, we later discovered that it was also more accurate than the widely used GMM. This was because of the conciseness of the micro-cluster model, which made it less prone to over training. This is evidence of the fact that it is often possible to get the best of both worlds and do better than complex models both from an efficiency and accuracy perspective. We present experimental results illustrating the effectiveness and efficiency of the method.
Charu C. AggarwalEmail:


Encryption can be explained as the process of transforming information into an unintelligible form and thus making it extremely hard for others to understand the meaning of the message. Encryption can be used to disguise messages so that even if a message is diverted, it will not be revealed.6  相似文献   

A natural consequence of the extended use of CAD systems for the design and production of any kind of vessel is its use in Virtual Reality environments, mainly because now it has become an accessible technology. Virtual Reality is extended in every industry, in every sector, at any level. Important improvements both in software and hardware have had an important impact in its use in the shipbuilding industry, where it is necessary to handle complex ship 3D models with huge amount of data. So, efficiency is the base condition in the Virtual Reality navigation around a vessel. To enhance it, there are three important factors that play a fundamental role. The first one is having an appropriate CAD system with all the information of the ship in a single data base. The second important issue is to have a viewer, which is a tool that allows the management of the 3D model to be used in Virtual Reality environments. No need to say that a good integration between the viewer and the CAD system will be translated into more functionality and better performance. Finally, the third important player is hardware, which makes possibility the Virtual Reality navigation in many different environments.This paper describes first of all different efficient uses of Virtual Reality in the shipbuilding industry, taking in consideration all the agents involved and describing in particular the advantages for any of them. Regarding the software requirements, it will be described in particular the new FVIEWER, developed by SENER for the Virtual Reality navigation and design review and based on the FORAN system. From the hardware side, it will be described some of the most relevant and feasible applications of the Virtual Reality, taking in consideration potential uses and accessible technology in the market. The future of the Virtual Reality in shipbuilding will be explained after that.  相似文献   

Recently, Horsman et al. (Proc R Soc Lond A 470:20140182, 2014) have proposed a new framework, Abstraction/Representation (AR) theory, for understanding and evaluating claims about unconventional or non-standard computation. Among its attractive features, the theory in particular implies a novel account of what is means to be a computer. After expounding on this account, I compare it with other accounts of concrete computation, finding that it does not quite fit in the standard categorization: while it is most similar to some semantic accounts, it is not itself a semantic account. Then I evaluate it according to the six desiderata for accounts of concrete computation proposed by Piccinini (Physical computation: a mechanistic account, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015). Finding that it does not clearly satisfy some of them, I propose a modification, which I call Agential AR theory, that does, yielding an account that could be a serious competitor to other leading account of concrete computation.  相似文献   


After a brief general introduction, some fundamental aspects of the microwave remote sensing problem will be discussed. Using a few results of the research work performed in The Netherlands, it is shown that our knowledge of the interaction between microwaves and natural targets did increase considerably. At the same time however, it has to be admitted that a number of questions related to the practical application of microwave remote sensing remain unanswered and therefore further investigations will be necessary.  相似文献   

Waveguide bends of complex geometrical shape frequently occur in microwave systems. To make an accurate prediction of the bend's electrical performances it is useful to employ a general numerical algorithm, such as the finite element method (FEM), which is able to cope with complex geometries. However, since in common practice bends are manufactured either on the E- or H-plane, the FEM can be significantly simplified for these cases, thus enhancing its numerical efficiency. In this article, it is illustrated how the FEM can be simplified and it is shown, by means of several examples, how it can be applied to the case of a straight waveguide which is bent and clamped to obtain low return losses. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Reliability has become a key factor in KBS development. For this reason, it has been suggested that verification and validation (V&V) should become an integrated part of activities throughout the whole KBS development cycle. In this paper, it will be illustrated how the PROLOGA workbench integrates V&V aspects into its modelling environment, such that these techniques can be of assistance in the process of knowledge acquisition and representation. To this end, verification has to be performed incrementally and can no longer be delayed until after the system has been completed. It will be shown how this objective can be realised through an approach that uses the decision table formalism as a modelling instrument.  相似文献   

Accidents occurring in nuclear power plants cannot be depended upon to train experts of nuclear operators. Generally, this expertise is developed through the simulator training. In this training course, only limited varieties of malfunctions can be presented. Thus, it would be impossible for operators to cope with any other possible anomalies of diverse varieties. Operators have to reorganize knowledge and experiences obtained in the training. Of course, prescribed procedures are far from covering them. This paper presents the structure and contents of a “operator's mental model” and it can deal with flexible operations under any situation. Based on the record of the simulator experiments, in-depth analyses were conducted by interviewing with experienced operators in order to model operators' thinking patterns and also to arrive at the aims behind their actions and utterances. Summarizing the findings obtained, fundamental functions of the mental model in coping with anomalies resulted in the following: (1) suggesting suitable preventive measures by envisioning the ongoing (future) scenario of plant dynamics; (2) identifying causes by investigating symptoms and implying causal remedies to eliminate them or to avoid influences from them and (3) adopting immediate responses simply formulated by “if alarm A then action B”. These functions, as well as the mental model itself, can be made available by getting information on plant status and operator's structured knowledge together. The substances and structures of the mental models could be proposed, including implications of how to create it for a specific event, and finally they were synthesized into a more generalized format.  相似文献   

The term ‘interactive’ appears in two distinct strands of educational research discourse: one concerning pedagogy and the other concerning new technologies in education. As new technology increasingly pervades most classrooms in the UK, it seems likely that it would be fruitful to explore, both theoretically and empirically, links between the concepts of ‘interactive teaching’ and ‘interactive technology’.  相似文献   

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