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针对有限元分析中网格最优化问题,本文提出一种改进的生成四面体网格的自组织算法。该算法首先应用几何方法将三角形表面模型重新构造成规定大小的分类体数据,同时由该表面模型建立平衡八叉树,计算用以控制网格尺寸的三维数组;然后将体数据转换成邻域内不同等值面的形态一致的边界指示数组;结合改进的自组织算法和相关三维数据的插值函数,达到生成四面体网格的目的。实验对比表明,该方法能够生成更高比例的优质四面体,同时很好地保证了边界的一致。在对封闭的三维表面网格进行有限元建模时,本文算法为其提供了一种有效、可靠的途径。  相似文献   

基于医学体数据生成四面体网格的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈欣  熊岳山 《软件学报》2008,19(Z1):78-86
为了从医学体数据直接构造四面体网格,提出一种基于栅格的网格生成算法.该算法的主要思想是从背景栅格中提取并填充代表区域边界的等值面.首先,对医学体数据进行预处理与采样,构建一个背景栅格.其次,用对偶方法从栅格提取三角表面网格,用于分段线性逼近等值面.然后,对栅格中所有位于等值面之内或与等值面相交的立方体,用预定义的模板分解成四面体单元.最后,用Laplacian平滑技术优化四面体网格.在均匀网格的基础上,研究了自适应网格生成算法,在保持网格几何精度的同时精简单元数量,以提高有限元计算效率.给出了从CT数据生成人体股骨远端四面体网格的实例,该网格模型被用于虚拟膝关节镜手术.  相似文献   

三维模型四面体化是一种重要的有限元网格生成技术.介绍了一种特征保持的四面体网格生成及优化算法.首先使用三维模型主成分分析进行预处理,然后用体心立方构建初始四面体,接着通过拉普拉斯坐标改变模型边界切点的移动方式保持模型的局部特征,最后构造改进的密度能量误差函数优化四面体网格质量.实验结果表明,该方法可行、有效,且能很好地保持模型特征.  相似文献   

目的 为保护3维模型数据的版权,提出一种在3维视图下和线框视图下都可察觉的3维网格可见水印,并针对三角形网格建立了相应的可见水印算法。方法 该算法首先将待嵌入区域投影到2维平面上,再将矢量形式的水印信息嵌入其中,最后将该区域投影到原模型上。算法的核心过程是将三角形划分成在水印信息内和在水印信息外的两部分。文中借鉴了Sutherland-Hodgeman多边形裁剪算法,将其应用于水印嵌入的过程。结果 为验证算法的可行性,使用3个3维模型数据进行了实验,实验结果表明该算法较好地保持了原模型的外观,且嵌入的水印信息在两种视图下清晰可见,嵌入水印后的数据增加量约为10%。结论 本文算法可有效地嵌入水印信息,达到保护3维模型数据版权的目的。  相似文献   

为了从医学体数据构建面向虚拟手术仿真系统的器官实体模型,提出一种基于局部特征尺寸的Delaunay四面体化算法。首先采用Marching Cubes算法和外存模型简化技术从体数据中得到器官等值面简化模型,提出重心射线法去除内部冗余网格,获得器官多面体表面;然后基于局部特征尺寸构建表面顶点保护球,结合Delaunay细分算法生成边界一致的初始四面体网格;最后提出基于随机扰动的空间分解法快速生成内部节点,并逐点插入到四面体网格中优化单元质量。该算法克服了Delaunay细分算法无法处理锐角输入的缺点,并从理论  相似文献   

目的 3D形状分析是计算机视觉和图形学的一个重要研究课题。虽然现有方法使用基于图的卷积将基于图像的深度学习推广到3维网格,但缺乏有效的池化操作限制了其网络的学习能力。针对具有相同连通性,但几何形状不同的网格模型数据集,本文利用网格简化的边收缩操作建立网格层次结构,提出了一种新的网格池化操作。方法 本文改进了传统的网格简化方法,以避免生成高度不规则的三角形,利用改进的网格简化方法定义了新的网格池化操作。网格简化的边收缩操作建立的网格层次结构之间存在对应关系,有利于网格池化的定义。新定义的池化操作有效地编码了层次结构中较粗糙和较稠密网格之间的对应关系。最后提出了一种带有边收缩池化和图卷积的变分自编码器(variational auto-encoder,VAE)结构,以探索3D形状的隐空间并用于3D形状的生成。结果 由于引入了新定义的池化操作和图卷积操作,提出的网络结构比原始MeshVAE需要的参数更少,因此可以处理更稠密的网格模型。结论 实验表明提出的方法具有更好的泛化能力,并且在各种应用中更可靠,包括形状生成、形状插值和形状嵌入。  相似文献   

目的 体参数化模型具有诸多优良特性和广泛的应用前景,如何生成有效的体参数化模型是迫切需要解决的问题.方法 首先定义了样条体参数化模型表达式,提出控制点设定是体参数化的核心问题.给定6个表面样条曲面的控制点,从计算域到参数域的调和映射方程的差分形式出发,给出了生成体参数化模型控制点的方法.提出雅克比矩阵和等参网两种方法用以检测体参数化模型的网格质量.结果 基于点云模型,构建了体参数化模型,且将该方法与离散孔斯插值法、凸组合插值法两种方法生成的体参数化模型网格质量进行了对比.结果表明,离散调和函数法生成的体参数化模型相对更为稳定与优化.结论 离散调和映射能初步生成体参数化模型,但需要进一步优化并提供了良好初始化条件.  相似文献   

为满足生物医学仿真系统对器官几何模型在Delaunay表面重构和四面体建模两方面的需求,提出一种面向四面体网格生成的Delaunay refinement表面重构算法.算法将从医学体数据中经过等值面提取和简化的初始表面作为输入和边界限定条件,为每个限定点计算局部特征尺寸并构建保护球,计算保护球与限定线段的交点并与限定点一起作为初始点集,生成Delaunay辅助四面体网格,引入一个迭代细分过程恢复边界,最终获得Delaunay重构表面.针对细分过程中的收敛性问题,文中给出了详细的理论证明和算法实例.此外,通过Delaunay四面体生成的对比实验表明该算法在Delaunay器官表面重构和四面体建模两方面兼具有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

目的 浮雕是雕塑艺术的一种,根据其空间结构和用途的不同分为高浮雕、浅浮雕和凹浮雕3类。随着数字化技术和3D打印技术的发展,数字化浮雕的生成技术已经成为近年来计算机图形学领域的研究热点之一,从3维模型生成浮雕以其真实自然的效果成为浮雕生成的主要方法之一。为了使即将进入该领域的学者尽快了解该方法的现状和发展趋势,本文对3种类型的浮雕生成技术进行了系统的综述。方法 介绍了3种类型的浮雕生成技术,着重比较分析了基于3维网格模型的数字浅浮雕生成过程中的关键技术,存在问题及解决方案。针对复杂3维网格模型在生成数字凹浮雕过程中存在的部分细节信息丢失、特征线类型体现形式不完善、线条与形体间的过渡尚未解决、生成浮雕效果不自然等具体问题,提出了适用于3维复杂网格模型生成数字凹浮雕的研究方案。同时,从角色动画序列出发,对最优浮雕的生成技术进行了探讨,探讨结合信息熵理论计算选择最佳动作及观察视角的场景,还原艺术家的创作过程,为适用于面向3维打印的用户浮雕产品定制服务提供了可行的解决方案。结果 基于3维模型的浮雕生成方法是生成数字浮雕的一种重要方法,如何通过压缩和细节保持相关算法得到效果自然的浮雕模型一直是研究者们研究的热点问题。结论 虽然由3维模型生成数字浮雕是一种行之有效的方法,但是仍存在细节信息丢失、线条过渡不自然、特征线类型不完善等几个值得继续研究的问题,另外一个值得研究的问题就是如何智能地从3维动画序列生成浮雕。  相似文献   

目的 网格模型的拼接和融合是3维模型编辑的一个重要方面。为了提高3维模型之间拼接曲面的精度和效率,提出一种基于三次均匀B样条曲线曲面的网格融合方法。方法 首先,利用协变分析和数据驱动方法在目标模型上选定融合区域、确定要融合模型的大小及方向;其次,根据选定的3维网格模型,确定待拼接区域的边界,识别并记录边界点集,利用三次B样条插值边界点集;然后,对边界曲线进行双三次B样条曲面插值得到拼接区域连续曲面,并以此作为两模型拼接时的过渡面;最后,对拼接区域重采样,并对其三角化,以实现网格模型的无缝光滑拼接和融合。结果 为了验证本文方法对3维模型拼接的有效性,选取4组不同的模型,分别对其使用本文提出的融合拼接方法进行实验,对前两组模型的拼接效果进行了对比试验,实验结果表明,本文方法可以达到很好的拼接效果,对于融合区域以外的部分能够保持源模型的细节特征,拼接部分的过渡区域光顺平滑,拼接后的模型完整性佳。在运行时间相差0.05 s内,与数据驱动的建模方法相比,本文方法可以处理的节点数至少多2 000个,面片数至少多5 000个。结论 本文方法能够适用于具有任何边界的模型,在选取模型时,对于模型的形状、大小、拓扑结构等的要求较低,适用于新模型的快速建造,因此,该算法可应用于医学、商业广告、动画娱乐以及几何建模和制造等较为广阔的应用领域。  相似文献   

This paper describes an algorithm to extract adaptive and quality 3D meshes directly from volumetric imaging data. The extracted tetrahedral and hexahedral meshes are extensively used in the finite element method (FEM). A top-down octree subdivision coupled with a dual contouring method is used to rapidly extract adaptive 3D finite element meshes with correct topology from volumetric imaging data. The edge contraction and smoothing methods are used to improve mesh quality. The main contribution is extending the dual contouring method to crack-free interval volume 3D meshing with boundary feature sensitive adaptation. Compared to other tetrahedral extraction methods from imaging data, our method generates adaptive and quality 3D meshes without introducing any hanging nodes. The algorithm has been successfully applied to constructing quality meshes for finite element calculations.  相似文献   

The meccano method is a novel and promising mesh generation technique for simultaneously creating adaptive tetrahedral meshes and volume parameterizations of a complex solid. The method combines several former procedures: a mapping from the meccano boundary to the solid surface, a 3-D local refinement algorithm and a simultaneous mesh untangling and smoothing. In this paper we present the main advantages of our method against other standard mesh generation techniques. We show that our method constructs meshes that can be locally refined using the Kossaczky bisection rule and maintaining a high mesh quality. Finally, we generate volume T-mesh for isogeometric analysis, based on the volume parameterization obtained by the method.  相似文献   

一种保留特征的网格简化和压缩递进传输方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对数字博物馆中三维藏品网络传输及传输过程中藏品特征保留的需要,提出了一种保留拓扑及纹理特征的网格简化方法,在三角形折叠简化算法的基础之上,通过引入边界三角形和色异三角形等概念,对误差矩阵的计算和误差控制方法进行了改进,保留了原始模型的几何边界和纹理属性等特征信息;并结合递进网格和压缩编码,构造了基于八叉树编码的递进网格文件,从而实现了基于网络的三维模型递进传输系统.  相似文献   

This paper describes an automatic and efficient approach to construct unstructured tetrahedral and hexahedral meshes for a composite domain made up of heterogeneous materials. The boundaries of these material regions form non-manifold surfaces. In earlier papers, we developed an octree-based isocontouring method to construct unstructured 3D meshes for a single material (homogeneous) domain with manifold boundary. In this paper, we introduce the notion of a material change edge and use it to identify the interface between two or several different materials. A novel method to calculate the minimizer point for a cell shared by more than two materials is provided, which forms a non-manifold node on the boundary. We then mesh all the material regions simultaneously and automatically while conforming to their boundaries directly from volumetric data. Both material change edges and interior edges are analyzed to construct tetrahedral meshes, and interior grid points are analyzed for proper hexahedral mesh construction. Finally, edge-contraction and smoothing methods are used to improve the quality of tetrahedral meshes, and a combination of pillowing, geometric flow and optimization techniques is used for hexahedral mesh quality improvement. The shrink set of pillowing schemes is defined automatically as the boundary of each material region. Several application results of our multi-material mesh generation method are also provided.  相似文献   

Template-based finite-element mesh generation from medical images   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The finite-element (FE) method is commonly used in biomedical engineering to simulate the behaviour of biological structures because of its ability to model complex shapes in a subject-specific manner. However, generating FE meshes from medical images remains a bottleneck. We present a template-based technique for semi-automatically generating FE meshes which is applicable to prospective studies of individual patients in which FE meshes must be generated from scans of the same structure taken at different points in time to study the effects of disease progression/regression. In this "template-based" meshing approach, the baseline FE (tetrahedral) volume mesh is first manually aligned with the follow-up images. The triangulated surface of the mesh is then automatically deformed to fit the imaged organ boundary. The deformed surface nodes are then smoothed using a Laplacian smoothing algorithm to correct triangle (surface nodes) distortion and thus preserve triangle quality. Finally, the internal mesh nodes are smoothed to correct distorted tetrahedral elements and thus preserve tetrahedral element quality. This template-based approach is shown to be as accurate and precise as the previous technique used by our group, while preserving element quality and volume.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present efficient algorithms for generating hierarchical molecular skin meshes with decreasing size and guaranteed quality. Our algorithms generate a sequence of coarse meshes for both the surfaces and the bounded volumes. Each coarser surface mesh is adaptive to the surface curvature and maintains the topology of the skin surface with guaranteed mesh quality. The corresponding tetrahedral mesh is conforming to the interface surface mesh and contains high quality tetrahedra that decompose both the interior of the molecule and the surrounding region (enclosed in a sphere). Our hierarchical tetrahedral meshes have a number of advantages that will facilitate fast and accurate multigrid PDE solvers. Firstly, the quality of both the surface triangulations and tetrahedral meshes is guaranteed. Secondly, the interface in the tetrahedral mesh is an accurate approximation of the molecular boundary. In particular, all the boundary points lie on the skin surface. Thirdly, our meshes are Delaunay meshes. Finally, the meshes are adaptive to the geometry.  相似文献   

Depending upon the numerical approximation method that may be implemented, hexahedral meshes are frequently preferred to tetrahedral meshes. Because of the layered structure of hexahedral meshes, the automatic generation of hexahedral meshes for arbitrary geometries is still an open problem. This layered structure usually requires topological modifications to propagate globally, thus preventing the general development of meshing algorithms such as Delaunay??s algorithm for tetrahedral meshes or the advancing-front algorithm based on local decisions. To automatically produce an acceptable hexahedral mesh, we claim that both global geometric and global topological information must be taken into account in the mesh generation process. In this work, we propose a theoretical classification of the layers or sheets participating in the geometry capture procedure. These sheets are called fundamental, or fun-sheets for short, and make the connection between the global layered structure of hexahedral meshes and the geometric surfaces that are captured during the meshing process. Moreover, we propose a first generation algorithm based on fun-sheets to deal with 3D geometries having 3- and 4-valent vertices.  相似文献   

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