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The morphology, cell proliferation and function of transplanted normal, hyperplastic and adenomatous human parathyroid tissue was studied after transplantation to athymic mice. The iPTH was evaluated in relation to morphology. Human parathyroid tissue collected during surgery for hyperparathyroidism was implanted subcutaneously into athymic mice (nu/nu-BALB/cA) and was analysed 1, 4, 7 and 12 weeks after transplantation. The transplants were examined by light and electron microscopy and by autoradiography after continuous infusion of 3H-thymidine. The relative amount of viable tissue was evaluated using a computer image analysing programme. Graft function was evaluated by measuring human iPTH in mouse serum. A transplant take ratio of 93% was observed. The proliferation rate in adenoma grafts at 12 weeks after transplantation was five and fifteen times that observed in normal and hyperplastic transplants, respectively. In normal and adenoma groups, a continuous increase in iPTH concentrations was observed, but in the hyperplastic group the iPTH remained on the same level. The secretion of iPTH in relation to the amount of transplanted tissue and the fraction of viable tissue was at the same level at 12 weeks in normal and adenomatous grafted animals. In conclusion, human parathyroid tissue was successfully transplanted and maintained its original structure. The growth potential, but not the iPTH secretion, was significantly higher in adenoma grafts compared to grafts from hyperplastic and normal glands.  相似文献   

Melanocytic nevi (n = 406) covering a range of sizes and gross morphologic features were excised from human donors, sampled for histologic diagnosis, and transplanted to athymic (nude) mice. Ninety percent of these xenografts survived transplantation, of which a subset was irradiated daily with ultraviolet light to promote neoplastic transformation. Over 16 weeks of observation, nearly all grafts histologically showed focal inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrosis, progressing in approximately 30% of grafts to complete regression at final observation. During the inflammatory phase, the nevi often had junctional intraepidermal melanocytic hyperplasia in a lentiginous pattern, with cytologic hypertrophy, dendritic morphology, and hypermelaninization. These changes were evident in approximately 20-30% of nevi where they were absent before transplantation, suggesting that host factors, such as those related to the immune response, had stimulated growth. Graft survival was independent of nevus size and initial histologic diagnosis. No melanomas developed in any of the grafts, either spontaneously or with ultraviolet irradiation. These results indicate that successful transplantation can be achieved in a high proportion of human nevus xenografts and that the majority survive for a period of time that would be sufficient for experimental studies. The host response, however, has effects on intraepidermal melanocytic growth that lead to progressive fibrous replacement of the nevus, introducing significant artifacts that compromise the model. Furthermore, malignant transformation of engrafted melanocytes seems to be a rare event, which would limit studies of neoplastic progression in the transplanted melanocytes. Nonetheless, the intraepidermal melanocytic pattern described here evidently constitutes one pattern of melanocyte growth that could be exploited experimentally for studies of growth and differentiation control in melanocytes.  相似文献   

Explants of highly metastatic human renal cell carcinoma SN12Cpm6 cells in athymic mice were treated with sodium D-glucaro-delta-lactam (sodium 5-amino-5-deoxy-D-glucosaccharic acid-delta-lactam; ND-2001). ND-2001 (50 micrograms/ml) caused 78% inhibition of lung metastasis of SN12Cpm6 cells (two of five animals remaining metastasis free). The in vitro tumor cell invasion assay showed that ND-2001 (100 micrograms/ml) suppressed the invasive activity of SN12Cpm6 cells to Matrigel matrix at an inhibition rate of 72%. These results suggest that ND-2001 may be a new anti-metastatic drug against human cancer cells.  相似文献   

A nondestructive leak detection method developed at Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) was tested for both gas-flushed and vacuum flexible packages. In the method, a gas package containing 0.5 to 5.0% (vol/vol) hydrogen in nitrogen was positioned in a test chamber, a controlled vacuum was pulled in the chamber through a pipe connected to a hydrogen sensor, and leaking packages were detected by the sensor as increased H2 concentration. The H2 tracer gas (0.5 to 5.0%) was introduced into leaking finished vacuum packages at 200 kPa pressure. Within 1 to 4 s the developed test method was able to detect leaks down to 10 to 15 microns and 20 to 30 microns in diameter in commercially manufactured gas-flushed packages filled with roasted meat balls and vacuum packages filled with ground coffee, respectively. Before leak testing, the vacuum packages were charged with H2 for 30 s. The sensitivity and leak detection time of the test method were improved when the H2 concentration in the package was increased and when the free space in the test chamber was decreased. The evaluated H2 concentrations did not affect the sensory or microbiological quality of the roasted meat balls. This study clearly demonstrated that the hydrogen tracer gas leak detection method has potential to be further developed as a fast, nondestructive, on-line leak testing apparatus for flexible packages with or without a headspace.  相似文献   

Phosphate retention plays an important role in the pathogenesis of secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with renal failure. In in vitro studies, high extracellular phosphate levels directly stimulate PTH secretion in rat and bovine parathyroid tissue. The present study evaluates the effect of high phosphate levels on the secretion of PTH and the production of prepro PTH mRNA in human hyperplastic parathyroid glands. The study includes parathyroid glands obtained from patients with primary adenomas and from hemodialysis and kidney-transplant patients with diffuse and nodular secondary hyperplasia. The experiments were performed in vitro using small pieces of parathyroid tissue. The ability of high calcium levels to decrease PTH secretion was less in adenomas than in secondary hyperplasia; among the secondary hyperplasia, nodular was less responsive to an increase in calcium than diffuse hyperplasia. In diffuse hyperplasia, PTH secretion was increased in response to 3 and 4 mM phosphate compared with 2 mM phosphate, despite a high calcium concentration in the medium; prepro PTH mRNA levels increased after incubation in 4 mM phosphate. Similar results were obtained with nodular hyperplasia, except that the elevation of PTH secretion in response to 3 mM phosphate did not attain statistical significance. In adenomas, high calcium concentrations (1.5 mM) did not result in inhibition of PTH secretion, independent of the phosphate concentration, and the prepro PTH mRNA was not significantly increased by high phosphate levels. In conclusion, first, the PTH secretory response to an increase in calcium concentration is less in nodular than diffuse hyperplasia; second, high phosphate levels directly affect PTH secretion and gene expression in patients with advanced secondary hyperparathyroidism.  相似文献   

To address the question whether calretinin (CR) may protect cells against Ca2+ overload or trophic factor deprivation, PC12 cells were transfected with plasmids containing a CR coding region under control of a cytomegalovirus promoter. Nerve growth factor (NGF) treatment induced differentiation, increased transfection efficiency (at least 10-fold) and activated the CR gene (as found by RNase protection method and immunohistochemistry). Exogenous CR expression was identified either in living cells by fluorescence of green fluorescent protein (when the CR coding region was fused to this protein) or in fixed cells by CR immunoreactivity. Undifferentiated and NGF-differentiated populations of transfected cells were incubated in the presence of a Ca(2+)-ionophore or in media deprived of serum or NGF. Expression of exogenous CR in undifferentiated or NGF-treated cells (due to transfection) or endogenous CR (due to gene activation by NGF) did not render PC12 cells more resistant to insults such as Ca(2+)-overload and trophic factor deprivation.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that tumor progression is a microevolutionary process in which increasingly aggressive clones, generated through genetic instability, emerge in an initially monoclonal lesion. The present study was undertaken to determine how rapidly a dominant clone will emerge from an initial polyclonal situation, and whether dominance of these clones is a prerequisite for the onset of metastasis. To this end, colon-carcinoma cells were infected in culture with an amphotropic retroviral vector containing the neomycin-phosphotransferase gene, which makes cells resistant to neomycin. A heterogeneous population of neomycin-resistant cells carrying random retroviral integrations was xenografted to the subcutis and to the cecum of nude mice. The xenografts obtained, as well as the available metastases, were analyzed as to viral integrations by Southern blotting. The results show that, (i) clonal selection already takes place during growth of the primary tumor; (ii) dominant clones also generate metastases. The retroviral integration pattern of metastases turned out to be identical to that found in the primary xenografts. This pattern remained unchanged in tumors obtained after serial transplantations of cells cultured from metastases.  相似文献   

The effects of linoleic acid (LA), an omega-6 fatty acid precursor for prostaglandin biosynthesis, on the later stages of human breast cancer cell metastasis were studied by the intravenous injection of tumor cells into nude mice (). MDA-MB-435 cells were grown as solid tumors in donor mice fed a 12% or 2% LA-containing diet. These cells were harvested, and injected via a tail vein into recipient mice also fed a 12% LA (Group 1) or 2% LA (Group 2) diet. Other groups were fed 12% LA (Group 3) or 2% LA (Group 4), but injected with the cells grown in vitro in a low-LA culture medium. At necropsy 8 weeks later, the incidence of metastatic lung nodules was higher in Group 1 high LA donor/high LA recipient mice (p<0.001), and, to a lesser degree, Group 2 low LA donor/low LA recipient mice (p<0.05) compared with Groups 3 or 4. The extent of metastasis was significantly higher in Group 1 compared with any of the other groups, including metastasis to the ovaries, which occurred in 27% of the Group 1 mice. These findings show that LA, most likely by increased synthesis of cyclooxygenase products, stimulates metastasis, at least in part, by direct effects on the tumor cells, rather than on potential metastatic sites in the host.  相似文献   

The actions of the novel calcium (Ca2+) channel antagonist mibefradil (Ro 40-5967), a selective T-type channel blocker in myocardium, were investigated in embryonic rat spinal motoneurones maintained in culture. Whole-cell currents were recorded with the patch-clamp technique. Motoneurones displayed transient, low-voltage-activated (LVA) and, more sustained, high-voltage-activated (HVA) Ca2+ currents. The LVA currents were small and preferentially blocked by amiloride and low doses of nickel. Most of the HVA Ca2+ current flowed through N-type Ca2+ channels, while L-, and P/Q-type channels represented a smaller fraction. Mibefradil caused a rapid and reversible dose-dependent block of inward Ca2+ channel currents. Inhibition was nearly complete at 10 microM, suggesting mibefradil blockade of all subclasses of Ca2+ channels. The IC50 was approximately 1.4 microM on currents measured at 0 mV, from a holding potential of -90 mV. Inhibition of LVA Ca2+ current occurred over the same contraction range. Slow tail currents induced by the dihydropyridine agonist Bay K 8644 were also blocked by mibefradil, although with a slightly lower potency (IC50 = 3.4 microM). These broad inhibitory effects of mibefradil on Ca2+ influx were also supported by the strong inhibition of depolarization-induced intracellular calcium transients, measured from Indo-1 loaded motoneurones imaged with confocal microscopy. We conclude that mibefradil has potent blocking effects on Ca2+ channels in mammalian motoneurones. We hypothesize that therapeutic and pharmacological effects of mibefradil may involve actions on Ca2+ channels other than type T.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is limited information available regarding the effect of catheter ablation of the antioventricular (AV) junction on left ventricular (LV) function. Both deterioration and improvement in LV function have been reported following direct current (DC) ablation of the AV junction. The deterioration of LV function following DC ablation of the AV junction may be due to the accompanying barotrauma, DC arcing and direct coagulation, or even the effects of chronic ventricular pacing. If this deterioration of LV function was a result of the accompanying effects of DC shock, the use of radiofrequency ablation (RF) should not result in deterioration of LV function. AIM: To study LV function before and after different methods of AV junction ablation and in patients with chronic ventricular pacing without AV junction ablation. MATERIAL: This study assessed LV function in patients following RF ablation, low energy DC ablation of the AV junction and compared the results with our previously reported finding in patients who had AV junction ablation using high energy DC shock. A group of patients undergoing permanent single chamber ventricular pacemaker implantation without AV junction ablation were selected as controls. METHODS: All patients were paced in the ventricle at 110 beats/minute during LV function assessment by radionuclide angiography. Global LV function and segmental wall motion abnormalities were assessed before, immediately following and three months after ablation. RESULTS: In the high energy DC ablation group, a fall in global LV function (50 +/- 3.0% to 43 +/- 3.0%, p = 0.02) and impairment of segmental wall motion were detected. Low energy DC ablation resulted in segmental wall motion impairment similar to high energy DC but without affecting global ejection fraction (47.0% +/- 6.7 to 45.5% +/- 3.1, p > 0.05). Neither RF ablation (44.0% +/- 3.3 to 45.3% +/- 3.5, p > 0.05), nor chronic pacing (46.7% +/- 4.9 to 47.0% +/- 2.9 p > 0.05) had any effect on global or segmental LV function. CONCLUSIONS: Low energy DC or RF ablation of the AV junction does not affect global LV ejection fraction. The deterioration of global LV function after high energy DC shock ablation appears to be related to the accompanying effects of DC energy and not to the effects of chronic ventricular pacing.  相似文献   

A simulation model was developed to test the accuracy of indirect estimates of maternal mortality (the sisterhood method). The model generated a first generation of grandmothers, a second generation of mothers (with brothers and sisters), and a third generation of children (births). In the second generation, maternal mortality was introduced. Empirical values for the parameters of fertility and mortality were taken from a prospective survey in Senegal (Niakhar). Results based on 100 simulations of the same situation revealed several limitations of the sisterhood method: The indirect estimates could fall as far as 33 percent from the true values on individual cases; the indirect estimates tended to be systematically higher than the direct estimates; their range was wider, as were their confidence intervals; and biases were particularly strong for the younger age groups of respondents. Reasons for these biases are explored.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) overexpression in human breast cancer cell tumorigenicity in athymic mice. Estrogen-dependent MCF-7 cells were stably transfected with pSVTGF beta 1. A clone was isolated which overexpressed TGF-beta 1 mRNA and secreted > 10-fold more TGF-beta activity into the tissue culture medium. Similar to the parent line, the MCF-7/TGF-beta 1 cells were relatively insensitive to exogenous TGF-beta 1 and exhibited low levels of TGF-beta receptors. Clonogenicity in soft agarose, doubling time, morphology, and sensitivity to 17 beta-estradiol and the antiestrogen tamoxifen were not altered in the transfected cells. Inoculation s.c. of MCF-7/TGF-beta 1 cells in ovariectomized nude mice resulted in 100% tumor formation which was totally abrogated by i.p. administration of the neutralizing anti-TGF-beta 2G7 IgG2B. The parent cells formed tumors only after estrogen supplementation. By immunohistochemistry, higher levels of TGF-beta 1 protein were detected in MCF-7/TGF-beta 1 tumors than in estrogen-induced parent MCF-7 tumors. Administration of 1 microgram TGF-beta 1 i.p. daily for 3 weeks after tumor cell inoculation transiently supported estrogen-independent growth of parent MCF-7 tumors in castrated nude mice. These data indicate that overexpression of TGF-beta 1 in human breast cancer cells can contribute to their escape from hormone dependence.  相似文献   

Human tumor transplants were grown in a thymus defective nude mouse mutant (nu/nu BALB/c/A/Bom). Procedures for local irradiation of the tumor with 60Co-radiation are described. An introductory test of the usefulness of these transplants in studies of radiation effects on human tumors is performed by investigation of the time course of regression of adenocarcinoma transplants in six mice following single exposures of 375, 750, 1180 and 1575 rd, respectively, and malignant melanoma transplants in two mice following single exposures to 1475 and 2420 rd, respectively. The higher radioresistance of the malignant melanomas relative to that of the ovarian tumor is expected on the basis of clinical experience and indicates that radiation effects on human tissue implants in nude mice mirror some of the fundamental features of the in situ situation.  相似文献   

Ia-bearing macrophages from spleens and peritoneal cavities of athymic (nu/nu) and euthymic (nu/+) were compared. Macrophages from both strains of mice had equal antigen-presenting ability. The basal numbers of unstimulated Ia-bearing peritoneal macrophages were equal, but only euthymic mice recruited large numbers of Ia-bearing macrophages after Listeria infection. The i.p. injections of a "macrophage Ia-recruiting factor" induced exudates rich in Ia-bearing macrophages in both athymic and euthymic mice. These data suggest 2 levels of control of Ia-bearing macrophages: a basal T cell-independent level and a stimulated level dependent on mature T cells.  相似文献   

This study provides the first quantitative indication of the limits of sensitivity of a bone scan with technetium (99Tc-MDP) in detecting skeletal metastases and thereby also helps to explain the fact that bone scans may be negative when metastases are present in the bone marrow. Since 99Tc-MDP remains the least noxious and most widely used isotope for bone scanning, these results have direct clinical relevance in the evaluation of patients with solid tumors and possible metastatic spread.  相似文献   

Angiogenin (Ang), an inducer of neovascularization, is secreted by several types of human tumor cells and appears critical for their growth. The murine anti-Ang monoclonal antibody (mAb) 26-2F neutralizes the activities of Ang and dramatically prevents the establishment and metastatic dissemination of human tumor cell xenografts in athymic mice. However, for use clinically, the well-documented problem of the human anti-globulin antibody response known to occur with murine antibodies requires resolution. As a result, chimeric as well as totally humanized antibodies are currently being evaluated as therapeutic agents for the treatment of several pathological conditions, including malignancy. Therefore, we have constructed a chimeric mouse/human antibody based on the structure of mAb 26-2F. Complementary DNAs from the light and heavy chain variable regions of mAb 26-2F were cloned, sequenced, and genetically engineered by PCR for subcloning into expression vectors that contain human constant region sequences. Transfection of these vectors into nonproducing mouse myeloma cells resulted in the secretion of fully assembled tetrameric molecules. The chimeric antibody (cAb 26-2F) binds to Ang and inhibits its ribonucleolytic and angiogenic activities as potently as mAb 26-2F. Furthermore, the capacities of cAb 26-2F and its murine counterpart to suppress the formation of human breast cancer tumors in athymic mice are indistinguishable. Thus cAb 26-2F, with its retained neutralization capability and likely decreased immunogenicity, may be of use clinically for the treatment of human cancer and related disorders where pathological angiogenesis is a component.  相似文献   

Radiation survival curves for Lewis lung tumours in the lungs ranging in size from 0-5 to 20 mm3 have been obtained, and a size-dependent variation in hypoxic fraction was found. Cell-survival studies following treatment of various sizes of s.c. tumours indicated that the effects of 60Co gamma-rays and the chemotherapeutic agents 1,3-bas(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) and cyclophosphamide are all size-dependent. Large pulmonary nodules which had regressed but had not been cured by cyclophosphamide regrew with a radiosensitivity that was characteristic of previously untreated tumours. The results give additional experimental support to the clinical interest in early adjuvant therapy of micrometastases, and sequential combined modality therapy for larger tumours.  相似文献   

The effect of thymidine (TdR) on the growth of a human melanoma transplanted in nude mice has been studied. It was found that the injection of 1 g/kg/h of TdR for at least 72 h is sufficient to suppress the growth of the melanoma cells. This inhibition lasts for the duration of the treatment, and causes no apparent toxicity to the host. Nude mice treated for 6--9 days with TdR survived 158 days after melanoma transplant versus 126 days for the controls.  相似文献   

The invasion-3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, which evaluates invasive potential into the reconstituted basement membrane, Matrigel, was performed on 49 human gastrointestinal carcinomas transplanted in nude mice. There were 19 colorectal carcinomas, 10 pancreatic carcinomas, 10 gastric carcinomas, 8 esophageal carcinomas, and 2 bile duct carcinomas. The percent invasion (PI) value of each tumor by the invasion-MTT assay expresses the invasive rate of tumor cells into the Matrigel as a percentage. There were no significant differences in correlations between the PI values and primary tumor site, clinicopathological findings, tumor doubling time, or DNA index; however, the PI values of primary tumors and lymph nodes with liver metastases were significantly higher than those of primary tumors without liver metastasis (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the primary tumors with synchronous (P < 0.05) or asynchronous (P < 0.01) liver metastases showed significantly higher PI values compared with the primary tumors without liver metastases. These results suggest that PI is not only an independent factor to predict liver metastasis, but it also correlates closely with liver metastasis. Thus, the invasion-MTT assay for primary tumors might be clinically useful to predict liver metastasis in patients following surgery for gastrointestinal carcinomas.  相似文献   

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