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李四德  梁绪树 《黄金》1997,18(8):57-59
对加强和完善建设工程档案资料管理的几点看法李四德梁绪树(中国黄金总公司投资部)档案资料是工程建设的全部真实记录,做好建设工程档案资料的收录、编撰、管理和使用,使档案资料达到全面、完整、规范、通用,对于建设项目的顺利进行和项目建成后顺利地交付生产、使用...  相似文献   

分析了西文图书编目的信息来源及在网络中如何获取西文图书著录信息的途径、使用方法。通过对这些信息资源的了解与掌握,提高西文图书编目工作效率与书目数据质量,以期达到工作思路的创新与发展。  相似文献   

介绍了网络环境下专业图书馆编目工作的变化和现状。这些变化有编目工作的对象信息载体的多样化,网络联机编目系统的出现,可利用的在版编目数据和出版商元数据的出现和增多等。这些变化大大提高了编目的效率,同时也对编目人员提出了新的要求。此外,以冶金工业信息标准研究院为例,阐述了冶金专业图书馆编目工作应考虑的问题。  相似文献   

文献编目是图书馆重要的基础业务工作,随着信息化及网络化的迅速发展,图书馆文献编目工作模式发生了显著的变化。文章在阐述编目工作者必须坚持的基本原则的基础上,分析了图书编目工作者必须树立的基本思想,并提出了图书编目改革的对策建议。  相似文献   

编目是文献资源进入图书馆流通的第一道程序,是图书馆开展其他业务的前提条件,只有通过编目文献信息资源才能形成有序、合理的信息流,本文作者根据自己的实际工作经验,就目前我国图书馆编目工作中存在的主要问题展开分析,并就如何提高图书馆编目工作效率提出合理化建议.  相似文献   

提出了具有中、英文题名的英文文献与原版英文文献编目存在的差别,阐述了具有中、英文题名英文文献编目的看法。  相似文献   

完善和有效地开发利用环境监测档案资料是环境执法案件举证的基础工作。本文就档案资料中的监测单位资质认证、环境监测人员执业资格认可、环境监测方法标准规范的统一有效、监测工作的程序与过程科学规范、监测仪器设备档案的建立与质量完善5方面开展讨论。利用合格有效的监测档案资料是避免环境执法败诉案件发生的关键。  相似文献   

图书分类编目是图书馆业务的基础工作,是图书加工处理的中心,近年我国分类图书编目虽然取得了较大的发展,但仍有很多的问题和不足.本文通过分析我国编目工作的现状,讨论分类编目领域中存在的一些急待解决的课题,并预测其未来的发展趋势.  相似文献   

宝钢科技图书馆的管理采用对等网络系统,实现了流通,编目,检索查询,采购的一体化,成为面向企业图书馆需求的方案。  相似文献   

地质档案资料往往存在多而散,查找利用难的特点,本文通过对地质档案资料的二次开发整理在地质找矿工作中取得的成果,说明了地质档案资料开发利用的紧迫性,指出了新时期地质档案管理工作的发展方向和管理方法。  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Human developmental neuropsychology by Otfried Spreen, David Tupper, Anthony Risser, Holly Tuokko, and Dorothy Edgell (1984). The authors accepted a formidable challenge when they undertook this volume. The goals were first to review developmental psychology, pediatric neurology, and developmental neurobiology and, second, to integrate the information from these fields, attempting to make it understandable for the nonspecialist. They succeeded at the first and failed at the second. As a survey and catalogue of information, the book is truly impressive. It summarizes some 1600 references from very diverse fields and includes many goldmines of little-known material for the specialist. The volume is worth the price for this alone and I expect to use it often as a reference source. Finally, the book will serve as a good companion to Gaddes' book, Learning Disabilities and Brain Function. What is most important about this combination is that both books are from the psychology department at the University of Victoria and serve to underscore the fact that this department is developing into an important center for neuropsychological study in Canada. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Animal models for psychiatry by J. D. Keehn (1986). The topic of this book is timely, for the use of nonhuman laboratory animals in behavioural research has become a controversial issue. As an expert on ethical issues in psychological research, Keehn is an appropriate person to examine and summarize the role of nonhuman species in the study of abnormal behaviour. In the first section of the book, Keehn attempts to evaluate the ethics of behavioural experimentation with nonhuman subjects and to summarize several principles of humane experimental procedures. In the second part of the book he catalogues various clinical syndromes in nonhumans and describes various experimental paradigms that he believes are appropriate for the study of "psychiatric" disorders. As a defence of animal research and a summary of animal syndromes, the book is successful. As a summary of animal models and a guide for the researcher, both novice and experienced, I found the book disappointing on two scores. First, the book is not held together by any theoretical glue but rather seems more of a catalogue of examples of psychopathology in nonhumans. My second disappointment comes from the author's uneven emphasis on different disorders. Overall, I enjoyed the book and feel it is a useful volume. It provides an extensive summary of examples of psychopathology in nonhumans and illustrates the usefulness of behavioural studies as models of neurotic conditions in particular. Further, it argues forcefully for the importance of behavioural research in the study of mental disorders and could serve as a good place for undergraduates to read about the issues involved in animal research. The book falls short, however, as a "must have" volume for those active researchers or clinicians. Unfortunately, it offers us little insight into the nature of psychopathologic behaviour in either human or nonhuman subjects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Psychotherapies attention! is a file of Quebec Science, by a group of mental health professionals--five psychologists, a social worker and a psychiatrist. The seven authors of this volume wonder about certain fundamental questions to which is confronts all psychotherapy: why? which? how? The book is divided into ten chapters. One chapter demonstrates how psychology is often used as instrument of domination; subjectivism in psychology is also addressed. The various schools of psychotherapy are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

网络环境下的高校图书采访   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
着重讨论了在网络环境下图书采访对象、采访策略以及采访方式的变化  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Canada's king: An essay in political psychology by Paul Roazen (1998). This book offers us an intriguing look at a set of psychiatric notes and files on Canada's longest-serving prime minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King. While not intended to be a full biography of King, Roazen does succeed in shedding light on a dark corner of this man's "dual" life. Roazen presents King as a man full of paradoxes, not the least of which is his distinguished but relatively unknown place in history. During his lifetime, his visits to mediums, holdings of seances, and hosts of other supernatural predilections remained guarded secrets. King naturally portrayed himself as the dutiful "public servant," skillful negotiator, and polished professional, with his private, spiritual/mystical side tucked "in the closet." After his death, King's "other" side has slowly been revealed to the public. The reviewer might have preferred a stronger sense of "leadership" or more insight into the evidence, but he never failed to find Roazen informative and his scholarship sound, if somewhat historiographically undernourished. Roazen concludes, and the reviewer would agree, that the most remarkable thing about King and the uncovering of his psychiatric file is how such an odd mix of ambition, mysticism, "neuroticism," and political savvy combined to give Canada its longest-serving prime minister and one of its most successful politicians. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

高校档案服务创新的必要性及实施路径研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
档案的价值和意义是通过为社会服务而实现的,高校档案工作的服务性,是高校档案馆赖以生存和发展的基础。创新高校档案服务机制是信息社会发展的必然要求,是高等教育改革的必然要求,是高校档案馆自身发展的必然要求。要实现高校档案服务创新,一是要建立现代化的管理方式、服务手段和服务方式;二是拓展档案信息的校内服务功能;三是凝练一支整体素质过硬的档案工作团队;四是加强学校服务和社会服务功能逐步渗透。  相似文献   

通过对火力发电厂电子文件档案管理现状分析,针对不足和差距,加强火力发电厂电子文件档案管理工作的途径和方法,完善火力发电厂电子文件全过程管理制度,加强电力企业档案之间的横向联合,真正形成资源共享。  相似文献   

介绍了VB报表数据转换到*.DBF文件的实现原理与方法.从VB报表到TXT文件,再从TXT文件到DBF文件,并对其实现进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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