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张越 《个人电脑》2008,14(10):67-70
节能?在用户衡量服务器优劣的标准中,节能似乎并不被很多人重视,性能、稳定性才是人们一直关注的重点。毕竟作为网络重要节点的服务器,性能以及稳定性是满足用户应用的首要因素。随着服务器平台技术的不断更新,  相似文献   

数据中心节能算法研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了在数据中心服务器的硬件层、操作系统层、应用程序层以及集群层新涌现的节能技术及算法,给出了数据中心节能的其他研究问题,最后介绍了研究热点以及未来所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

华硕服务器2008年策略被定义为节以溯本、能以致用。在此策略的统筹之下,华硕服务器一方面致力于绿色节能技术的创新,将绿色、节能融入到  相似文献   

电信运营商从基础电信业务到IDC业务提供,实现了从电信硬件产品向电信综合服务提供的转变。核心网络设计是IDC机房建设的重要组成。基于IDC机房核心系统的几大重要的建设原则,本文从Internet 接入层、核心层和服务器接入层、运营管理平台四个部分提出了核心网络架构设计的要点,并从IDC机房未来发展和客户重点需求出发,展望了防火墙技术、虚拟网络拥堵控制和节能技术等应用。通过对核心网络的良好设计,电信运营商能更好地提升企业核心竞争力,实现IDC业务的可持续健康发展。  相似文献   

张越 《程序员》2009,(1):82-84
节能?在用户衡量服务器优劣的标准中,节能似乎并不被很多人重视,性能、稳定性才是人们一直关注的重点。毕竟作为网络重要节点的服务器,性能以及稳定性是满足用户应用的首要因素。随着服务器平台技术的不断更新,服务器的性能得到了迅速的提升。从双核Xeon处理器开始,服务器能够给用户提供的运算性能已经远远超越以往的产品,当服务器进入四核、六核时代,性能已经不是制约服务器运行效率的瓶颈。  相似文献   

“目前惠普在服务器方面的研发重点和研发方向主要集中在以下几个方面:一是刀片服务器硬件系统的投资;第二是围绕刀片服务器的生态系统投资,如R D M A解决方案、存储器的扩展解决方案等;第三是在服务器虚拟化方面以及管理软件方面。”惠普工业标准服务器部存储、网络及基础设施副总裁PaulPerez先生在接受记者采访时提出的研发重点也从一个侧面反映了未来服务器的技术发展趋势:刀片化和虚拟化。刀片要取代主机尽管刀片服务器目前在整个服务器市场上所占据的比重不到1%,但分析家预测在2007年这个比例将上升到7%,这表明了刀片服务器的发展前…  相似文献   

目的解决疗养院在有限的硬件成本投入条件下,提高硬件利用率,并对信息系统的整合以及保证其业务的连续性.方法对现有服务器通过VMware虚拟化技术进行整合,再配置存储用于数据存储.结果实现了对系统业务的整合,提升了硬件的利用率,减少了成本,并做到从服务器到存储的高可用性,保证了系统业务的不间断运行.结论虚拟化技术可以有效的解决疗养院各个独立系统的整合,降低硬件成本投入,提升硬件利用率.  相似文献   

多核服务器的能耗越来越巨大,当处理器核心数目增多时,能耗增加更明显。软件的动态功耗调节可以显著的降低整个系统的能耗,但这会影响到系统性能。文章分析了不同种类应用程序的能耗特性。通过硬件测量的数据,我们为软件节能调节提供了依据,得出了如下几个结论:1)软件节能有很大的空间;2)系统物理内存消耗的能耗占整体能耗;3)不同种类的应用程序,对特定硬件的节能调节可以有很好的节能效果同时可以将对系统性能的影响降到最低。  相似文献   

监控和冗余保证单机可靠 网络中的数据对企业越来越重要。主机硬件损坏、突然断电及病毒破坏等,都容易造成数据丢失。这种丢失对企业造成的后果是难以估量的。因而,如何保障数据的安全,成为了企业和服务器厂商考虑的重点。 宝德从服务器特性出发,在基础层面保证系统的可靠性。首先,宝德特有的服务器管理模块PSM,提供了对服务器硬件的监视。  相似文献   

IBM系统部大中华区总经理陈良忠Blade Everywhere(刀片无处不在)是我们的目标,同时也是IBM今年的工作重点。IBM期望通过引入刀片服务器技术帮助用户简化目前复杂的IT环境。在中国,刀片服务器的应用要比欧美国家落后8-12个月。但是,简化IT环境并不仅仅是前端的应用整合,还包括后台的服务器整合。此外,简化IT基础架构不是硬件部门单独能够完成的,IBM的软件部门将会与硬件部门来共同实现这个目标,例如,IBM的硬件部门中负责系统管理的部门将整体转移到软件部门去。IBM大中华区副总裁及软件部总经理宋家瑜目前客户经常遇到的最大问题,…  相似文献   

基于S0cket的双机系统控制程序设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘晓风 《计算机工程》2002,28(1):206-207
可热切换的双机系统广泛用于大型计算机系统的主机,双机切换可通过硬件或软件实现,软件切换的双机在硬件上是独立的,通过控制程序实现任务的切换,双机控制软件可以从服务器供应商或软件公司购买,也可由应用的设计者来开发,讨论了一个采用Socket的双机控制程序的设计。  相似文献   

The Method of Layers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Distributed applications are being developed that contain one or more layers of software servers. Software processes within such systems suffer contention delays both for shared hardware and at the software servers. The responsiveness of these systems is affected by the software design, the threading level and number of instances of software processes, and the allocation of processes to processors. The Method of Layers (MOL) is proposed to provide performance estimates for such systems. The MOL uses the mean value analysis (MVA) linearizer algorithm as a subprogram to assist in predicting model performance measures  相似文献   

We propose a server selection, configuration, reconfiguration and automatic performance verification technology to meet user functional and performance requirements on various types of cloud compute servers. Various servers mean there are not only virtual machines on normal CPU servers but also container or baremetal servers on strong graphic processing unit (GPU) servers or field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) with a configuration that accelerates specified computation. Early cloud systems are composed of many PC-like servers, and virtual machines on these severs use distributed processing technology to achieve high computational performance. However, recent cloud systems change to make the best use of advances in hardware power. It is well known that baremetal and container performances are better than virtual machines performances. And dedicated processing servers, such as strong GPU servers for graphics processing, and FPGA servers for specified computation, have increased. Our objective for this study was to enable cloud providers to provision compute resources on appropriate hardware based on user requirements, so that users can benefit from high performance of their applications easily. Our proposed technology select appropriate servers for user compute resources from various types of hardware, such as GPUs and FPGAs, or set appropriate configurations or reconfigurations of FPGAs to use hardware power. Furthermore, our technology automatically verifies the performances of provisioned systems. We measured provisioning and automatic performance verification times to show the effectiveness of our technology.  相似文献   

市级党政院校的校园网多是大中型规模,由硬件系统和软件系统构成。硬件系统包含网络主干设备和网络支干设备。网络主干设备主要有:路由器、防火墙、核心交换机、外网服务器群等。网络支干设备主要有:汇聚交换机、接入交换机、内网服务器群、硬盘存储阵列等。软件系统包含网络系统软件和网络应用软件。网络系统软件主要有:网络操作系统、网络数据库系统、系统工具软件等。网络应用软件主要有:视频教学系统、资源加工平台系统等。  相似文献   

用HACMP构建高可用主机系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高可用系统指通过高可用软件将一组服务器连接在一起,组成一个集群,通过快速地将用户、应用和数据从发生硬件或软件故障的机器切换至其他机器来提供高可用计算环境。HACMP是基于AIX平台的,在高可用系统层次实现关键性任务计算环境的系统软件。对HACMP技术及HACMP的组成及结构作了介绍,给出了HACMP集群的硬件构成以及用HACMP构建高可用系统的思路和办法,并以HACMP集群在社保信息系统中的应用,阐述了高可用主机系统在信息化建设中的作用。  相似文献   

Sharangpani  H. Arora  H. 《Micro, IEEE》2000,20(5):24-43
The Itanium processor is the first implementation of the IA-64 instruction set architecture (ISA). The design team optimized the processor to meet a wide range of requirements: high performance on Internet servers and workstations, support for 64-bit addressing, reliability for mission-critical applications, full IA-32 instruction set compatibility in hardware, and scalability across a range of operating systems and platforms. The processor employs EPIC (explicitly parallel instruction computing) design concepts for a tighter coupling between hardware and software. In this design style the hardware-software interface lets the software exploit all available compilation time information and efficiently deliver this information to the hardware. It addresses several fundamental performance bottlenecks in modern computers, such as memory latency, memory address disambiguation, and control flow dependencies  相似文献   

The phenomenon of software congestion is examined. The term refers to situations in which the performance bottleneck of a system is an element of software, rather than a hardware device. Software congestion can occur in any system which contains one or more elements of software whose services may be simultaneously desired by multiple clients, but which can service only one client at a time. It is shown that the use of models which ignore software congestion can produce results that are completely irrelevant to actual system behavior. Furthermore, software congestion is frequently invisible to conventional performance measurement tools. A notational scheme, called mobile servers representation, is introduced for describing those systems in which software congestion may be important. An approximate analytical model, called the hyperbolic model, is developed for analyzing systems with software congestion  相似文献   

Software bottlenecks are performance constraints caused by slow execution of a software task, in typical client-server systems a client task must wait in a blocked state for the server task to respond to its requests, so a saturated server will slow down all its clients. A rendezvous network generalizes this relationship to multiple layers of servers with send-and-wait interactions (rendezvous), a two-phase model of task behavior, and to a unified model for hardware and software contention. Software bottlenecks have different symptoms, different behavior when the system is altered, and a different cure from the conventional bottlenecks seen in queueing network models of computer systems, caused by hardware limits. The differences are due to the “push-back” effect of the rendezvous, which spreads the saturation of a server to its clients. The paper describes software bottlenecks by examples, gives a definition, shows how they can be located and alleviated, and gives a method for estimating the performance benefit to be obtained. Ultimately, if all the software bottlenecks can be removed, the performance limit will be due to a conventional hardware bottleneck  相似文献   

The need for participants to communicate across so many platforms has led to the rise in wireless middleware's importance. Middleware is a software layer that resides between programs, OSs, hardware platforms, and communications protocols. Middleware lets different applications and systems, including clients and servers on different platforms, work together. Wireless middleware eases the transformation of markup languages, the delivery of content and data, protocol and device recognition, the incorporation and routing of business logic through enterprise systems, and the adaptation of data formats for compatibility with multiple databases.  相似文献   

数据库是一个信息系统的核心,它的部署对系统的安全、稳定,以及信息系统的性能都有很大的影响.为了追求信息系统的高效稳定运行,在硬件领域要配置UPS不间断电源、高性能服务器、高速的网络出口.通用性硬件对于一个信息系统来说需要很好配置.软件的配置才是信息系统安全和稳定的关键,所以数据库作为信息系统的核心不断地利用现有环境,提出自己的高可用性的解决方案显得尤为必要.  相似文献   

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