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Three important sectors-public administration, financial services, and manufacturing-are compared in this study with respect to their telecommunications acquisition practices. The three sectors are compared on a number of variables pertaining to the role and management of telecommunications technology, the process of acquiring telecommunications technology, and the outcome of this process. Findings indicate that information technology plays a more important role in the service-oriented sectors than in manufacturing. The acquisition process for telecommunications appears to be more elaborate in the public sector organizations than in private firms. In a relative sense, public sector and financial service organizations are more likely to opt for service solutions for their telecommunications needs as compared to manufacturing organizations that rely mainly on equipment-based solutions  相似文献   

The increasing importance of emerging information technologies has prompted many researchers to examine the nature of innovation adoption within organizations. However, the nature of organizational influences in the innovation adoption process is still not well understood. This study surveyed Business Week 1000 companies to determine whether organizational strategies, structure, or context facilitate the adoption decision of integrated services digital networks (ISDN). The results suggest that companies most receptive to ISDN are larger, less open, have more slack resources, more technology expansion actions, and fewer technology restriction actions  相似文献   

3.3IP电信网的商业模型及其相关技术 商业模型是要由技术来支持的,不同的商业模型导致不同技术的产生.Internet是从军网、科研网逐步发展过来的.从本质上来讲,Internet的设计理念是一种非赢利性的系统体系的设计理念,最典型的例子就是引起Internet爆炸性发展的Web的设计就是非赢利性的,电信运营商是无法来经营W eb业务而据此赢利的.Internet的泡沫出现,以及泡沫破灭后,产业的大滑坡,当然是与炒作有关,但最本质的还是技术因素,因为Web是一种不可赢利的技术,要用一个不能赢利的系统赚钱,除了炒作外别无它路可走..COM的大量倒闭,网络公司的相继破产,其根源是商业模型及其相关的技术问题.  相似文献   

“IPv6+”技术标准体系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
李振斌  赵锋 《电信科学》2020,36(8):11-21
“IPv6+”的愿景是通过对IPv6技术的扩展和增强释放IPv6的技术潜力,满足5G和云时代对大规模、高可靠、新业务和智能化IP网络的需求。“IPv6+”的技术内涵包括以SRv6网络编程、网络切片(VPN+)、随流检测(iFIT)、新兴多播(BIERv6)、业务链(SFC)、确定性网络(DetNet)和感知应用网络(APN)等为代表的一系列协议和技术创新,目前正在各标准组织中分阶段进行标准的研究与制定。标准化是“IPv6+”技术创新的重要工作,全面地定义了“IPv6+”技术标准体系,包括与“IPv6+”相关的标准组织、“IPv6+”标准全景图、“IPv6+”标准创新3个阶段以及每个阶段的关键技术创新和标准布局。  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2002,39(4):16-17
Champions of telemedicine, the systematic application of information and telecommunications technology to the practice of healthcare, have been very patient. By the 1980s, pilot projects begun amid great hopes in the 1950s and 1960s had fizzled out for the most part. More recently, however, telemedicine has undergone something of a resurgence, as technology has begun catching up with aspirations. Perhaps nowhere is this renaissance so vitally needed as in India. With their dependence on high-bandwidth real-time technologies, most telemedicine projects of the past decade have been ill suited to India. Now, though, new hopes are being engendered there by the confluence of low-bandwidth telemedicine with a growing middle class, an improving telecommunications infrastructure, a world-class software industry, and a medical community open to new ideas  相似文献   

Telecommunications is unique among technologies in its minimum demands upon the material and energy resources of nature. Throughout its history-particularly in the past century-it has found ways to increase its message handling capacity and reduce the unit costs by engineering developments, particularly by improved coding procedures. These coding procedures exploit both the single worldwide common medium of the radio spectrum and the multiple use of physical conductors employing cables and tubes and, more recently, by optical transmission to carry many messages simultaneously through common media. The cost of individual messages has continually decreased and the available media would be wasted rather than consumed if not used. Telecommunications may be substituted for many technologies such as physical transportation, which would consume scarce supplies of energy and materials. The paper is a historical outline of how the technology of telecommunications has expanded in the past century based on concepts as old as man's discovery of speech, smoke signals, picture writing, and the alphabet.  相似文献   

The Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) has been developed as the framework to support administrations in managing telecommunications networks. It suggests the use of OSI Systems Management (OSI-SM) as the technology for management information exchanges. Distributed object technologies, such as the Common Object Request Broker architecture (CORBA), address the use of software application program interfaces (APIs) in addition to interoperable protocols. Their use in TMN has been the subject of intensive research in previous years, with most approaches focusing on interoperability aspects with OSI-SM. We examine the issues behind using distributed object technologies in TMN via a native fashion, with network elements supporting distributed objects directly, e.g., a “CORBA to the switch” approach. The proposed solution tries to maintain the full OSI-SM expressive power in a way that other solutions have not attempted before. Performance and scalability issues are considered, while the approach has been validated through implementation  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅猛发展,P2P技术在互联网上的应用超过了Web而成为在流量上占据统治地位的新型应用。同时,P2P技术的影响力不仅限于互联网,还间接地延伸到了电信网和广电网。使用P2P技术的新业务对传统领域带来冲击的同时,也协助解决了三网融合的技术瓶颈。ENUM技术作为跨越互联网和电信网的基础性架构,是融合网络的一条重要的技术途径。将ENUM技术与P2P相结合,可以使P2P共享的优势延伸到电信网络,加速网络融合。  相似文献   

Since information technologies have become critical to business success as a tool for organizational innovation, successful implementation of information technology (IT) innovation is viewed as one of the most crucial tasks for many organizations. This paper examines the effects of the contextual factors on the implementation of the client/server system as an interrelated IT innovation. The authors clarify the concept of IT innovation by distinguishing between IT innovation object and IT innovation process and provide the conceptual framework for IT innovation process. Four types of IT innovation implementation were classified according to the dimensions of implementation scope and implementation pace. They developed a set of relevant propositions and examined them through multiple case studies following Yin's case-study methodology  相似文献   

Ma  Hairuo  Zarki  Magda El 《Wireless Networks》2002,8(4):371-380
Because of the telecommunications de-regulation act and progress in wireless technologies, we will see the co-existence of heterogeneous broadband access infrastructures in the broadband video service industry in the near future. In this paper, we addressed the error control issue when transmitting MPEG-2 video streams over wireless access networks for broadband video broadcast or multicast services. An end-to-end transport protocol based on ATM and wireless ATM technologies is proposed. For video services, the underlying transport network should be transparent and quality should be maintained uniformly over all the segments whether wireline or wireless links. For network resources to be used efficiently, error control should be applied locally on the wireless segments so as to avoid the excessive overhead over the reliable wireline portions. Because a broadband video broadcast or multicast service is a one-to-multiple point service, FEC is the most prevalent error control mechanism. Due to the important role of MPEG-2 control information in the decoding process, priority MPEG-2 control information has to be differentiated from MPEG-2 data information, and excess error protection has to be allocated to it in order to achieve satisfactory QoS. Therefore, a header redundancy FEC (HRFEC) scheme for error control is applied at the local distribution centers before the MPEG-2 encoded video streams are transmitted over the wireless channels. HRFEC is an FEC-based selective protection scheme, which allocates extra error protection to important control information. Simulation results show that the quality of the reconstructed video sequence is vastly improved by using HRFEC, when the channel condition is poor.  相似文献   

随着电信行业技术革新和快速迭代,5G、人工智能、大数据分析、物联网等技术的不断涌现,为电信行业数字化和智能化转型提供了技术前提和基础平台。归纳了电信行业五大重点业务类型及应用前景,以业务支撑系统、大数据平台、云计算业务、物联网业务为典型案例,结合业务特点深度分析业务管理与技术方面的网络数据安全风险,提出数据安全管理工作体系搭建、数据安全技术保障能力配备的对策与建议,为电信企业积极应对新形势、新情况和新问题提供思路。  相似文献   

The factors leading to the formulation of standards to meet the rapid expansion of telecommunications in China are discussed. The categories chosen for the standards and their use in managing the deployment of telecommunications networks in China are described. The standards development approach used creates standards that involve the adoption of a layered approach to networking and the definition of sets of open standards for each of these layers. The resulting integrated network is divided into three layers: the bearer layer, support layer, and service layer. To provide this layered approach, four types of telecommunications standards, appropriate to the functional needs of organizations using the standards, have been developed. The four functional types are: telecommunications basic technical standards, engineering and construction standards, operations and maintenance standards, and telecommunications general standards  相似文献   

Exponential advances in telecommunications and computer technology are driving the United States and the world into the information age, an age of instantaneous and massive communication all over the world. The rapid pace of new technology has made the old concept of the franchised telephone monopoly obsolete-an obsolescence confirmed and hastened by the 1996 Telecommunications Act. However, the new environment has also made traditional modes of telecommunications regulation obsolete. In this article, the authors argue that, in many key areas, regulators are actually standing in the way of delivery of the information age to many Americans. Traditional regulation has long controlled such key aspects of a regulated telephone company's operations as the introduction of new services and the price at which services must be offered to the public. These regulations, as applied to the last remaining heavily regulated telecommunications firms, the local exchange carriers, have reached the point where they are now counterproductive and anti-investment. Particularly in the world of data communications, where everything is new, regulators should strive to reduce regulatory burdens in order that the market forces which new technologies are unleashing can bring benefits to the entire public  相似文献   

BT has around 1300 applications covering all aspects of its operations. The need to keep pace with an increasing rate of change in the telecommunications industry is being impacted by the ability to design and manage changes to such a large integrated applications portfolio. Computing technology and design methods are also advancing, and both old and new technologies have to work together. Achieving a balance between replacement and enhancement of applications within the constraints of money, time, and skills availability has to be carefully managed. New ways of looking at the portfolio have been developed so that a set of coherent strategies for the design and management of change can be implemented.  相似文献   

The European Telecommunications Standards Institute is guiding the continent-wide progress toward a unified telecommunications market. The objective of the Institute is to produce the technical standards which are necessary to achieve a large unified European telecommunications market. Further, the principal role of the Institute is technical prestandardization and standardization at the European level in the following fields: areas common to telecommunications and information technology subject to decisions by the Information Technology Steering Committee (ITSTC); and areas common to telecommunications and sound and TV broadcasting in cooperation with other organizations such as the European Broadcasting Union. The activities of the Institute build upon worldwide standards, existing or in preparation, and contribute to the production of harmonized new worldwide standards in the same fields  相似文献   

冯志新 《通信技术》2012,45(1):69-71,83
对云计算和虚拟化在电信行业智能数据中心的应用进行了研究。电信行业的数据中心是各类电信增值业务的部署核心,是实现数据共享和进行数据存储、处理操作的重要区域。为了满足当前电信行业需要处理海量数据的需求,在对云计算、虚拟化以及存储区域网络等关键技术进行研究的基础上,应用相关技术设计了电信行业智能数据中心,以虚拟化技术为基础,整合了数据中心的软硬件资源,使数据中心资源具备了智能化管理和动态部署的能力,其实际的运行效率显著提高。  相似文献   

刘斌 《世界电信》1994,7(4):8-12
今天的世界电信界和计算机界正处在一个飞速发展的变化时期,高技术日新月异,新产品层出不穷。面对这样一个技术与产品令人眼花缭乱的形势,如何把握世界电信与计算机技术发展的主旋律,看准市场方向,已成为大家非常关心的问题。作者于今年3月下旬赴德国现代科技城汉诺威参加了Cebit’94——国际电信与计算机产品展览会,本文介绍了Cebit’94所展示的最新技术和产品,并围绕当今电信与计算机工业一些主要的技术发展热点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

An approach for using computer-based operations systems not only to support new telecommunications technologies and services but to facilitate their introduction is described. This approach is considered beneficial to telephone companies for two reasons. First, operations processes can become increasingly automated, allowing manual procedures to be phased out. Second, operations need to become an integral part of new network technologies and services to help provide the advanced telecommunications services that customers are demanding. It is demonstrated that joint planning for services, technologies, networks, and operations in the early stages of a project can result in rapid, but orderly, evolution  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of environmental, organizational, and managerial characteristics on discontinuous innovation across three industries (aerospace, electronic components, and telecommunications) that are highly dependent upon innovation for survival and competitive advantage. The authors randomly mailed survey questionnaires to 900 chief executive officers located across the USA and obtained quantitative data from 192 individuals. To validate these results, they conducted structured follow-up interviews of 25 executives. The findings suggest that discontinuous innovation increases with environmental dynamism and that structure and processes (intrafirm linkages, experimentation and transitioning, or sequencing from one product/project/program to another) contribute to discontinuous innovation. These results suggest that top managers are active, not passive, in influencing discontinuous innovation within their organizations.  相似文献   

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