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The flotation behaviors of ilmenite, titanaugite, and forsterite using sodium oleate as the collector were investigated using microflotation experiments, zeta-potential measurements, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) analyses, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses and the artificially mixed minerals flotation experiments. The results of the microflotation experiments indicate that ilmenite exhibits good floatability when pH > 4.0. Titanaugite possesses a certain floatability at pH 4.0–6.0 and pH > 10.0, and forsterite possesses certain floatability at pH 5.0–7.0 and pH > 9.0. The results of FT-IR and XPS analyses indicate that sodium oleate mainly interacts with Fe, resulting in ilmenite flotation; that the Ca and Mg on the titanaugite surface chemically reacted with sodium oleate, and that the Mg on the forsterite surface chemically reacted with sodium oleate under acidic condition. However, sodium oleate mainly reacted with the Ca and Mg on the titanaugite surface, whereas sodium oleate mainly reacted with the Mg on the ilmenite and forsterite surfaces under alkaline conditions. The results of the artificially mixed minerals flotation experiment demonstrate that the concentrate of TiO2 grade increases from 16.92% to 30.19% at pH 5.4, which represents the appropriate conditions for the flotation separation of ilmenite from titanaugite and forsterite under weak acidic conditions.  相似文献   

通过浮选试验、吸附量测试、zeta电位测试和沉降试验,研究油酸钠对微细粒白钨矿浮选的影响。结果表明,粒度对白钨矿的浮选行为影响较大,细粒级白钨矿浮选回收率低于粗粒级白钨矿。油酸钠是白钨矿的适宜捕收剂,随油酸钠用量增多,细粒级白钨矿回收率增加。油酸钠能在白钨矿表面吸附,增大白钨矿表面接触角的同时促进细粒级白钨矿的团聚,使细粒级白钨矿表观粒度增大,回收率增加。  相似文献   

通过浮选试验、动电位以及表面张力测定等方法研究了油酸钠(NaOL)与十二烷基苯磺酸(SDBS)复配对白钨矿浮选的强化作用。结果表明,NaOL与SDBS组合药剂的最佳添加顺序随矿浆p H值的改变而发生改变,在最佳的添加顺序下,NaOL与SDBS组合使用对白钨矿的捕收能力强于NaOL,而且还可消除或减弱方解石对白钨矿浮选的不利影响。机理研究表明,NaOL/SDBS组合药剂与白钨矿的相互作用强于NaOL与SDBS,且NaOL与SDBS之间存在相互作用,使NaOL/SDBS组合药剂的CMC小于NaOL与SDBS,这些是NaOL与SDBS复配强化白钨矿浮选的主要原因。  相似文献   

为更深刻探讨伴生萤石资源利用率极低的原因,针对萤石被抑制后再活化浮选的可浮性变化,进行了捕收剂、抑制剂和活化剂的单矿物浮选行为研究,通过Zeta电位分析和红外光谱分析,初步解释了被抑制后的萤石即使再活化、浮选表面活性也难以恢复、可浮性也随之变差的现象。初步证明了[SiO(OH)_3~-]、[SiO_2(OH)_2~(2-)]是影响萤石活化浮选的主要因素,同时考查了新型萤石特效活化剂ZC-1对萤石的活化性能。  相似文献   

The effect of Fe(III) ions on the flotation of spodumene, albite, and quartz minerals using sodium oleate (NaOL) was investigated by micro-flotation tests, zeta-potential measurement space, pyrene fluorescence spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). These minerals were difficult to float in the presence of NaOL alone. However, when Fe(III) ions were used as the activator, the flotation of the minerals improved. Zeta potential testing found the addition of Fe(III) at pH conditions <8 to reduce the negative charge on the spodumene, albite and quartz surfaces, which supports a mechanism where Fe(III) adsorbs onto these mineral surfaces, resulting in an expected increase in NaOL collector adsorption with a concomitant increase in the flotation recoveries. Subsequent pyrene fluorescence spectroscopy of these minerals in the presence of NaOL collector, with and without Fe(III) activator, showed the mineral surfaces to switch from polar to non-polar.  相似文献   

The flotation separation of scheelite from calcite using sodium oleate as collector and acidified sodium silicate as depressant has been studied. The results show that sodium oleate has collecting ability to both scheelite and calcite and the flotation separation of scheelite from calcite cannot be realized if collector is used only. The depressant acidified sodium silicate has selective depression effect on calcite and the optimum ratio of sodium silicate to oxalic is 3:1. The use of acidified sodium silicate as depressant can achieve the flotation separation of scheelite from calcite. Infrared studies and zeta potential measurements showed that the pre-adsorption of acidified sodium silicate interferes with the adsorption of sodium oleate on calcite surface while does not interfere with its adsorption on scheelite surface.  相似文献   

随着社会的快速发展,钪资源已经成为重要的战略资源。目前,可供直接利用的资源殆尽,所以利用选矿富集的方法成为资源有效利用的关键。西昌三圆石材废料中Sc2O3品位为68g/t,达不到生产要求,因此需要对矿石进行富集回收。工艺矿物学研究表明,辉石和角闪石中Sc2O3的含量相对较多,二者是选矿回收的主要载钪矿物。本文通过磨矿细度、捕收剂的pH试验和药剂用量试验,确定采用“一粗一扫一精,精选尾矿再扫”的浮选流程;最终在磨矿细度为-200目占95%;粗选油酸钠用量250g/t,氢氧化钠用量2200g/t;扫选油酸钠用量150g/t,氢氧化钠用量500g/t的条件下,获得Sc2O3精矿品位为79.75g/t,回收率为65.11%的较好指标,旨在为钪的回收利用提供一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

硫化锌矿资源面临枯竭的同时,低品位、难处理的氧化锌矿受到了越来越多的关注。以异极矿纯矿物为研究对象,对硫化钠在其表面的反应动力学以及无机钠盐(碳酸钠与硫化钠)的协同活化作用进行了研究。结果表明,异极矿与硫化钠之间的硫化反应属于一级反应,反应的速率方程通式为lg Ct=-kt/2.303+lg C0,其中k为速率常数,Ct为硫化钠在t时刻的浓度,异极矿较难硫化的主要原因是异极矿只能吸附较少硫化钠参与硫化反应,且反应速率很慢;异极矿经过无机钠盐共同作用后,生成的"类碳酸锌"新物质能够很好的被硫化,生成稳定的硫化膜,实现相变活化浮选,从而提高异极矿的浮选回收率。  相似文献   

油酸钠为捕收剂时白钨矿和磷灰石的可浮性相近,难以实现分离。通过浮选试验、理论计算和动电位测定的方法研究了硅酸钠和焦磷酸钠对白钨矿与磷灰石的选择性抑制作用。结果表明,硅酸钠对白钨矿和磷灰石的抑制作用相似,而焦磷酸钠能够以P2O47-的形式强烈抑制磷灰石,同时对白钨矿的抑制能力较弱。机理研究表明,焦磷酸钠的基团电负性介于钨酸根和磷酸根离子之间,且磷灰石表面的钙离子密度大于白钨矿,使焦磷酸钠对磷灰石的抑制作用强于白钨矿。  相似文献   

通过对蒙古国的萤石矿样进行选矿试验研究,确定采用一次粗选、一次扫选、六次精选、中矿顺序返回的选矿工艺,获得了Ca F2品位为98.27%、回收率为90.14%的萤石精矿,其中Si O2含量为0.68%,Ca CO3含量为0.29%,杂质含量较少,为该资源的开发利用提供了基础依据。  相似文献   

通过纯矿物浮选试验,研究了黑云母在油酸钠和十二胺为捕收剂时的浮选行为。结果表明,油酸钠单独作用时,对黑云母基本没有捕收作用;十二胺在强酸性条件下对黑云母有较强捕收作用;二者混合使用对黑云母的捕收作用最强,在中碱性条件下的浮选回收率可达80%以上。Zeta电位、红外光谱测试及溶液化学计算结果表明,十二胺在黑云母表面发生了物理吸附作用;单一油酸钠在黑云母矿物表面不发生吸附作用;十二胺主要以RNH_3~+离子和离子-分子缔合物RNH_3~+·RNH_2的形式吸附于黑云母表面;油酸的水解组分都不与黑云母矿物作用;油酸钠与十二胺水解组分的电性中和,降低了捕收剂的临界胶束浓度,二者的共吸附效应可以改善黑云母表面的疏水性,从而使浮选效果变好。  相似文献   

胺类捕收剂对异极矿等4种矿物浮选行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考察了不同碳链长度的胺类捕收剂对异极矿、石英、白云石和褐铁矿浮选行为的影响,讨论了胺的碳链长度对捕收异极矿的影响。结果表明,在pH为9~11的条件下,异极矿的浮选回收率最高,胺对异极矿的选择性随着脂肪胺碳链长度的增加而增加,其中,十八胺对异极矿具有较好的捕收能力和选择性。  相似文献   

陶洪  张芹  王飞  左倩 《金属矿山》2012,41(6):61-63
通过单矿物浮选试验,研究了油酸钠体系中微细粒赤铁矿的浮选行为,并考察了六偏磷酸钠、硅酸钠、焦磷酸钠、淀粉、腐植酸钠这5种抑制剂对微细粒赤铁矿可浮性的影响。结果表明:在油酸钠浓度为4×10-4 mol/L、pH=10时,微细粒赤铁矿的浮选效果最佳。5种抑制剂对微细粒赤铁矿均表现出明显的抑制作用,它们抑制能力的强弱排序为淀粉>腐植酸钠>焦磷酸钠>六偏磷酸钠>硅酸钠。  相似文献   

The flotation separation of chalcopyrite and pyrite was studied in the presence of sodium humate. The results of flotation tests indicated that pyrite can be selectively depressed by sodium humate, and the activity of sodium humate was strongly affected by the pH of the pulp. At high pH values, pyrite was strongly depressed by sodium humate; however, the content of chalcopyrite was not affected. Ore flotation tests were successfully conducted in the laboratory and at the Dexing Copper Mine by applying sodium humate as a pyrite depressant. By adding 40-60 g/t of sodium humate to the pulp and adjusting the pH to 10-10.5 with CaO, a concentrate with a Cu content of 24% was obtained without reducing the Cu recovery rate. In addition, the dosage of CaO was reduced, and the recovery of Au, Ag and Mo in the copper concentrate was enhanced due to the reduced pH of the pulp. The zeta potential, adsorption of xanthate and contact angle of the mineral surface were measured, and the results from surface measurements indicated that there was a strong hydrophilic interaction between sodium humate and the surface of pyrite. Moreover, the results revealed that the interaction between sodium humate and chalcopyrite was weak. Infrared (IR) spectra of pyrite and sodium humate were obtained, and the results indicated that sodium humate was chemically adsorbed on the surface of pyrite.  相似文献   

In this study, the flotation of a copper–gold ore in the presence of 10% bentonite in tap water and sea water was investigated. It was found that bentonite had a deleterious effect on copper and gold flotation in tap water, but this deleterious effect was mitigated in sea water. Rheology measurements, settling tests and Cryo-SEM analyses were conducted to understand the underpinning mechanism. It appears that the high viscosity produced by bentonite due to its swelling capacity and cross-linked network structures negatively affected flotation hydrodynamics and therefore copper and gold flotation in tap water. It is interesting that sea water reduced the swelling capacity of bentonite and modified the association modes of bentonite platelets in flotation pulp, resulting in the breakup of links between the structures with relatively large pores, which contributed to the improvement of copper and gold flotation.  相似文献   

Clay minerals have a deleterious effect on flotation. In a previous study (Peng and Zhao, 2011), the authors found that the flotation of secondary copper minerals such as chalcocite was more affected by clay minerals than the flotation of primary copper minerals such as chalcopyrite due to stronger surface oxidation resulting in an electrostatic attraction to clay particles. In this current study, the intention was to use electrolytes to mitigate the adverse effect of clay minerals on chalcocite flotation. A copper ore mainly containing chalcocite was examined. In fresh tap water, kaolinite significantly depressed chalcocite flotation. However, with an increase in the electrolyte concentration, the recovery of chalcocite was increased. It is concluded that the electrolytes reduce the electrostatic attraction between kaolinite and chalcocite so that the surface coating of kaolinite on chalcocite surfaces may be mitigated leading to improved chalcocite flotation. It is interesting to find that anions and cations with a greater atomic size had a more beneficial effect which may be associated with their tendency to modify surface hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

将油酸钠与一种自制的螯合捕收剂配成组合捕收剂WM-1,用WM-1对东鞍山赤铁矿进行正浮选试验,并与单一油酸钠进行对比,结果表明,在最优条件下,经1次粗选,WM-1可获得精矿铁品位50.62%,精矿铁回收率85.05%的良好指标,而单一油酸钠的精矿铁品位和精矿铁回收率仅为50.62%和90.22%,并且WM-1具有一定的耐低温性。机理分析显示,WM-1组合捕收剂与赤铁矿之间的吸附包括静电吸附和化学吸附。  相似文献   

针对云南某地氧化锌矿石褐铁矿含量高、氧化锌以异极矿为主的特点,考察了脱泥条件、硫化钠用量、分散剂种类和用量以及胺种类和用量对异极矿浮选指标的影响。试验结果表明,预先脱泥能够有效改善氧化锌矿石浮选指标。在预先脱除-11μm矿泥,六偏磷酸钠1.67 kg/t,十八胺1.43 kg/t,硫化钠14.28 kg/t的条件下,异极矿氧化锌的浮选回收率可以达到89.15%,对原矿的总回收率达到64.28%,锌精矿品位达28.72%。  相似文献   

In iron ore concentration, reverse cationic flotation of quartz has been successfully employed for particles below 150 μm previously deslimed. Amine and starch are used, respectively, as quartz collector and iron oxides depressant. Understanding the mechanisms of reagents interaction is relevant to improve the separation selectivity, especially for high amine dosages. The term clathrate was used to explain this interaction, meaning a molecular compound in which molecules of one species occupy the empty spaces in the lattice of the other species, resulting in the depression of hydrophobic minerals. Laboratory scale experiments were carried out with itabirite iron ore in three different size ranges. The clathrate formation between molecules of amine and starch may explain the increase of SiO2 content in the concentrates of the coarse size range (−150 + 45 μm) due to an increase in amine dosage.  相似文献   

Different size fractions of coarse magnetite were floated in water in a monobubble Hallimond tube with an increasing dosage of sodium oleate (Na01), diethyl dixanthate ((EtX)2), and hexadecane. All maximum recovery (Rm) vs collector concentration curves plotted for various size fractions were similar in shape having zero recovery at a low and high collector concentration with a maximum recovery in between at a characteristic collector dosage cm, which provides maximum hydrophobicity of the system. Properties of the studied flotation system and literature data indicated that the cessation of magnetite flotation with a high dosage of Na01 is due to hydrophilic layers of oleate ions sorption, while in the other two systems it is due to oil agglomeration of the solids. The values of the maximum particle size which can still be floated (am50), taken from the maximum recovery vs particle mean size at the concentration equal to cm and Rm=50%, seems to be the parameter which well characterizes any solid-collector-water flotation system because this value derives mainly from the hydrophobic properties of the flotation system and particle density in water, . The am50 value and the so-called “flotometry equation” (for our Hallimond tube in the form Lm = am50) were used for calculation of the parameter Lm which in turn was used for a comparison of the floatability of magnetite with different collectors and subsequently with other flotation systems. The values of parameter Lm indicated that magnetite floatability increases in the order: collectorless (mechanical carryover), flotation with (EtX)2, flotation in the presence of hexadecane, and oleate flotation. It was established that the floatability of magnetite with Na01 is equal to the floatability of galena with (EtX)2 and very similar to the collectorless floatability of Teflon. Floatability of the above three systems is most likely the maximum possible floatability of a solid in an aqueous environment.  相似文献   

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