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Introduction The maintenance of the soft rock roadway is one of main factors that affect the high-production and high-efficiency of mine. The difficult reasons in main-taining this kind of roadway are the large deformation, unstable deformation and different deformation mechanism from other surrounding rock. Because the rock pressure behavior of soft rock engineering and its corresponding control measures are related with rock deformation, so supporting theories and control meth-ods based on t…  相似文献   

The properties of broken rock before and after grouting reinforcement are studied.Testing results show that grouting can raise the residual strength of broken rock, and the bro-ken rockness by grouting can keep the steady supporting capacity within a relatively large de-formation range. Revealing of the characteristics of stage deformation and damage process comes to the conclusion that the supporting of soft rock roadway should be analyzed in a dy-namic view, and the grouting should be delayed at a proper occasion. Based on the above,the stepwise reinforcement technology characterized by immediate shotcreting, timely bolting and delay grouting is put forward and illustrated with a successful engineering practice.  相似文献   

Analysis of soft rock roadway deformation mechanism in Zhangshuanglou Mine   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
On basis of ground stress surveying and analysis of physical nature and mechanics character of rock, the deformation mechanism of west main roadway in Zhangshuanglou Mine is studied. It is put forward that engineering mechanics nature, infiltration of water and con-centrated stress on pillar are the main factors to affect stability of the west main roadway. The overall thinking used to restore the roadway is raised.  相似文献   

By combining the practices of deep mine mining in Changguang Mine field and using the Universal Distinct Element Code 3.0 (UDEC3.0) numerical computing method, the distribution characteristics of deformation field and stress field as well as the surrounding rock deformation regularity of soft rock roadway are analyzed under extremely complicated geolog-ical conditions, a technical principle of bolting to control the surrounding rock of roadway is put forward. And also using a dynamic control for surrounding rocks designing method, the supporting parameters and implement plan are rationally determined. The experimental tests have obtained a good controlling result of surrounding rock.  相似文献   

The designing method and the supporting mechanism of both bolt and small cable anchor for full-seam roadway in the weaker thick coal seam are systematically analyzed, and the construction technology and the supporting results are briefly summarized.  相似文献   

李向东 《锚杆支护》1999,3(4):33-35
本文介绍了该矿西二采区软岩巷道锚杆-钢支架耦合支护的设计和施工,并对它的技术经济效果作了介绍。  相似文献   

本文详细分析了四矿丁戊组石门高应力软岩巷道变形破坏的原因,对该石门的受力变形力学机制进行了科学的归类,并介绍了四矿在该石门高应力软岩巷道段综合治理的主要做法及取得的效果。  相似文献   

The variation of the stress in the bolted surrounding rocks structure of the roadway driven along goaf in a fully mechanized top-coal caving face with moderate stable conditions are studied by using numerical calculation. The essential deformation characteristics of the surrounding rocks in this kind of roadway are obtained and the key technology of bolting sup-port used under these conditions is put forward.  相似文献   

淮北某矿南翼轨道大巷围岩条件差,且经受两次工作面回采动压影响,围岩自身强度不足以支撑实际承受的应力,巷道变形严重.通过分析该巷道围岩失稳原因,提出二次锚网索支护设计方案,根据现场测点观测情况,5个月后,围岩变形逐渐趋于稳定,顶板下沉量不明显,两帮内移量约182 mm,底鼓量约312 mm,支护效果显著.  相似文献   

高应力复合型软岩巷道支护技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以某矿井底车场巷道为例,通过对围岩物化分析、力学参数、地应力测试,现场工程地质调查及巷道破坏特征分析,针对该矿软岩巷道围岩变形量大和流变变形显著这两个特点,提出了一次支护采用强力锚喷网、二次支护采用锚注支护是适合该矿岩体特点的合理支护形式,并在该矿西大巷延拓及井底车场巷道、硐空修复中成功应用,取得了良好的技术经济效果。  相似文献   

针对阳城煤矿南翼软岩大巷严重底鼓和断面收缩等非线性流变大变形控制难题,综合采用力学试验、现场测试和理论分析等方法,分析了南翼大巷围岩的地质力学特性和破坏特征;通过建立受二向均布载荷作用下的巷道力学模型,研究揭示了阳城煤矿南翼软岩大巷变形破坏力学机制。结果表明:地应力环境对大巷产生了极为不利的影响;大巷围岩属HJS复合型软岩,节理裂隙发育、松动破坏严重,使得可承载的完整岩层厚度较小是大巷破坏严重的关键因素。基于大巷复杂的破坏机制,提出了以锚注为主体的锚网索喷注联合支护方式,并设计使用了新型的注浆锚索,注浆管+注浆锚索深、浅耦合注浆,取得了良好的现场应用效果,实现了软岩大巷变形的有效控制,为类似巷道工程提供了参考。  相似文献   

结合裴沟煤矿井下实际情况 ,介绍了锚、喷、网联合支护在软岩巷道的应用 ,并着重介绍了围岩变形的监测以及取得的良好技术经济效果  相似文献   

软岩巷道锚网喷注支护施工技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了锚网喷注联合支护作用机理及在深井高应力软岩中的应用情况 ,对技术经济效益也进行了分析  相似文献   

分析了矿井软岩巷硐变形的原因,并结合现场实际提出了具有针对性的以"锚、喷、网"支护为主,关键部位加锚索为辅的支护方案,通过现场工业性试验,取得了良好的经济和技术效果。  相似文献   

汪超  陈朋磊 《中州煤炭》2021,(8):257-264
针对车集煤矿深部巷道特变形大、难维护等特点,采用理论分析、数值模拟和工业试验等综合手段,研究了深部高应力软岩巷道围岩控制技术,以原有巷道破坏现状为基础,分析了全断面分阶段支让协同控制技术体系,主要包括高应力大变形巷道初次强支让压技术、高应力巷道底板卸压技术、巷道二次强支强注稳定成巷技术,并进行了工业试验。研究得出,该技术具有明显的技术经济及社会效益,可进一步深化研究和推广应用。  相似文献   

由于巷道围岩破碎不稳定,支护的悬吊、组合拱、组合梁等作用不明显,原有的巷道支护方式—锚网喷支护,不能有效的控制围岩和对巷道进行有效的支护,巷道变形严重,通过对巷道围岩进行注浆处理,使巷道围岩相对稳定,从而使原有支护方式对巷道起到有效支护的作用。  相似文献   

万年煤矿极松软破碎岩体巷道支护技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对万年煤矿极松软破碎岩体巷道难以支护的问题,分析了巷道变形和破坏的主要原因,提出了对其治理的锚、喷、注联合支护方案,并成功地在三水平轨道暗斜井中进行了支护实践,巷道变形量明显减小,支护成本大幅度下降。  相似文献   

根据祁南煤矿82回风上山破坏实际情况,将其分为破坏较轻段、破坏较重段、整体需返修段3种类型,针对这3种情况分别提出了锚注支护方案、施工工艺并对锚注支护的参数进行了选择.经过在82回风上山的实际应用表明,锚注支护不仅能保持巷道的稳定,而且还取得了显著的经济效益.  相似文献   

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