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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Rectal gluten challenge is a simple, sensitive, and specific test of mucosal gluten sensitivity. Our aims in this study were to evaluate gluten sensitivity in a group of relatives of celiac patients and to compare these findings with those obtained on small bowel histology, celiac disease-related serology, and HLA typing. METHODS: A 4-h rectal gluten challenge was performed with 6 g of crude gluten in saline solution in 29 first-degree relatives, 20 well-diagnosed celiac patients, and 10 subjects in whom celiac disease had been excluded. The number of intraepithelial lymphocytes in pre- and postchallenge frozen rectal biopsies (pan T-cell immunocytochemistry) was quantified by computerized image analysis. RESULTS: The intraepithelial lymphocyte response after gluten instillation was significantly higher in celiac disease patients (median, 126% increase above the baseline count; 95% confidence interval: 61-213%) compared with control subjects (median, -5%; 95% confidence interval: -29-5%). Using a cut-off of 20% change in intraepithelial lymphocyte count, 14 relatives (48%) showed a celiac-like response. Two of these subjects had partial villous atrophy and increased lymphocyte counts in the small bowel mucosa. One of them also exhibited a positive celiac disease-related serology and the typical celiac human lymphocyte antibody (HLA) DQ2. The remaining 12, and all those relatives with a negative challenge, had normal small bowel mucosa and were negative for antigliadin and endomysial antibodies. The characteristic celiac HLA (DQA1 0501 DQB1 0201 heterodimer) was identified in five relatives with positive challenge (including the patient with more severe mucosal atrophy) but was also present in eight relatives with no evidence of gluten sensitivity in the rectal mucosa. CONCLUSIONS: Our study characterizes a subgroup of relatives of celiac patients who show mucosal evidence of sensitization after local instillation of gluten in the rectum but who have no other features of celiac disease.  相似文献   

Alteromonas haloplanctis is a bacterium that flourishes in Antarctic sea-water and it is considered as an extreme psychrophile. We have determined the crystal structures of the alpha-amylase (AHA) secreted by this bacterium, in its native state to 2.0 angstroms resolution as well as in complex with Tris to 1.85 angstroms resolution. The structure of AHA, which is the first experimentally determined three-dimensional structure of a psychrophilic enzyme, resembles those of other known alpha-amylases of various origins with a surprisingly greatest similarity to mammalian alpha-amylases. AHA contains a chloride ion which activates the hydrolytic cleavage of substrate alpha-1,4-glycosidic bonds. The chloride binding site is situated approximately 5 angstroms from the active site which is characterized by a triad of acid residues (Asp 174, Glu 200, Asp 264). These are all involved in firm binding of the Tris moiety. A reaction mechanism for substrate hydrolysis is proposed on the basis of the Tris inhibitor binding and the chloride activation. A trio of residues (Ser 303, His 337, Glu 19) having a striking spatial resemblance with serine-protease like catalytic triads was found approximately 22 angstroms from the active site. We found that this triad is equally present in other chloride dependent alpha-amylases, and suggest that it could be responsible for autoproteolytic events observed in solution for this cold adapted alpha-amylase.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis is a complication of adult celiac disease. The gluten-free diet improves but does not normalize bone mineral density. Only few and conflicting data are known about the influence of the disease and diet on bone mineralization in children. The aim of this study was to evaluate the radial bone mineral content (BMC) and density (BMD) in children and adolescents who are asymptomatic on gluten-free diet. The BMD and BMC values of non-dominant radius midshaft in ninety-one children (53 girls and 38 boys, mean age: 11.7 years, mean duration of disease: 8.7 years) were determined by single photon absorptiometry. At the diagnosis and at least three years after gluten-free diet, serum calcium, phosphorous and albumin concentrations and alkaline phosphatase activities were determined in all, and additionally intact parathormone concentrations in 16 patients. The mean BMC Z-score value in the entire study population did not differ from the value of normal age-matched population (mean Z-score: -0.27), but in female adolescent group was significantly lower than the normal value (mean Z-score: -1.04, p < 0.01). In contrast, the mean BMC Z-score value was significantly higher than in normal value in girls (mean Z-score: +1.36, p < 0.001), in boys (mean Z-score: +0.53, p < 0.02) as well as in the total patients group (mean Z-score: +1.01, p < 0.001). The diameter of radius midshaft was significantly smaller in all age group than the normal mean value. Serum laboratory parameters of asymptomatic patients were in the normal range. The serum parathormone value in treated patients was significantly lower than in untreated celiac children (mean +/- SD: 3.77 +/- 1.07 versus 7.89 +/- 2.54, p < 0.01), but significantly higher compared to controls (2.89 +/- 0.9, p < 0.05). The data indicate that the gluten-free diet alone is not able to normalize bone mineralization in children. The significant increase of serum parathormone level in treated asymptomatic patients may be explained by the lower calcium content of gluten-free diet. The authors suppose that low calcium supply in children similarly to adult patients can lead to increased parathormone secretion, which can cause the retardation of bone growth even in treated patients with celiac disease.  相似文献   

The presence of cells positive for interleukin-2 receptors (CD25) and the proportion of Ki-67 positive dividing cells in the crypts were studied with monoclonal antibodies using sensitive immunohistochemical techniques in the rectal biopsy specimens taken from 13 children with inflammatory bowel disease (4 Crohn's disease and 9 ulcerative colitis) and 10 controls. In all specimens, but one, from patients CD25+ cells were found in the surface and crypt epithelium, while in none of controls were seen such cells. The mean percentage of dividing crypt cells was significantly higher in ulcerative colitis (36.0%) and in Crohn's disease (34.6%) than in controls (18.4) (p < 0.001 in both comparisons). In ulcerative colitis, a correlation between CD25/CD3 ratios in the surface and crypt epithelium and the percentage of dividing crypt cells was found. We conclude that activated lymphocytes have a role in the crypt hyperplasia of ulcerative colitis.  相似文献   

We assessed the clonality of duodenal mucosal T cells in patients with celiac disease and controls. Fifteen adult patients were studied. Four patients had a complicated celiac disease, 3 did not respond to a gluten-free diet, and 2 had an ulcerative jejunitis (including 1 patient with nonresponsive celiac disease). Seven patients had an untreated celiac disease responsive to a gluten-free diet. Histological examination of duodenal biopsies of these 11 patients showed benign-appearing celiac disease without evidence of lymphoma. Four patients with nonulcer dyspepsia and normal duodenal biopsies served as controls. TCRgamma gene rearrangements were analyzed by multiplex polymerase chain reaction on DNA extracted from duodenal biopsies. Major clonal rearrangements of the T-cell receptor were found in 4 cases, all with complicated celiac disease. Monoclonality was confirmed by DNA sequencing of the junctional region in 3 cases and by hybridization with clone-specific oligoprobes. Patients with celiac disease responsive to gluten-free diet had mainly a polyclonal pattern, with 1 of them having an oligoclonal rearrangement. An oligoclonal pattern was also observed in 2 control patients. Three patients with complicated celiac disease evolved to T-cell lymphoma with liver (n = 2) or bone marrow (n = 1) invasion. Identical clones were found in the enteropathic duodenojejunum and peripheral blood in the patient with large-cell lymphoma with bone marrow invasion. This study suggests that complicated celiac disease is a cryptic T-cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Osteopenia is a well-known complication of overt celiac disease, but whether such defective bone mineralization is present among asymptomatic or silent patients is not known. Our objectives were: 1) to examine bone mineralization of a group of asymptomatic celiac patients; 2) to compare these results with those of symptomatic patients. METHODS: Bone mineral density of the spine and total skeleton by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry and serum parameters of mineral metabolism of eight recently diagnosed asymptomatic patients with celiac disease were studied. Results were compared with those obtained in 20 untreated symptomatic celiacs, 14 patients treated with gluten-free diet for a mean time of 15 yr, and 153 healthy adult subjects, matched by sex and age. RESULTS: Four and five out of eight asymptomatic patients presented with reduced mineralization of the spine and the total skeleton, respectively (> 1 SD below normal values for sex and age). Two patients presented with severe osteopenia of the spine, and the other three presented with severe osteopenia of the whole skeleton (> 2 SD below mean normal values). Osteopenia at plane bone level (total skeleton) was significantly lower when compared to healthy controls (p < 0.02). Symptomatic untreated patients had significantly more severe deterioration of bone mineralization than did asymptomatics (p < 0.05) and treated patients (p < 0.05). No difference in bone mineral density was observed between treated patients and asymptomatic celiacs. Serum levels of calcium, alkaline phosphatase, 25-OH vitamin D, and parathormone did not show conclusive abnormalities. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide direct evidence that reduced bone mineralization occurs in asymptomatic celiac patients before any other symptom becomes evident. Only early diagnosis and treatment of celiac disease can avoid the deterioration of the bone structure observed in all clinical status of celiac disease.  相似文献   

A prospective study of the prevalence of monosymptomatic celiac disease presented as ferropenic anemia in patients admitted for study such complication of was carried out. All the patients were evaluated by gastroscopy and biopsy of the distal duodenal segment, regardless of endoscopic appearance. Patients presenting an endoscopic lesion clearly suggestive as the origin of the chronic bleeding were excluded from the study. The prevalence of celiac disease, the only manifestation of which was ferropenic anemia, was 3.3% in this series. What is important to note in this study is the importance of duodenal biopsy in the study of ferropenic anemia, with the aim of avoiding diagnostic delay of a possible monosymptomatic celiac disease as the cause of the anemia.  相似文献   

Radiographs of hand and hip joints of 15 hemodialysis patients taken annually over at least 15 years were evaluated in this retrospective study. We looked for signs of A beta 2M-amyloidosis such as lucencies, erosions, and soft tissue swelling. The femoral head-soft tissue distance (FHSTD) was used to estimate the soft tissue swelling of the hips. The number and size of lucencies, the number of erosions, and the FHSTD increased during dialysis. Both hyperparathyroidism and failure of renal allograft transplantation influenced the development of lucencies and erosions after 15 years. The FHSTD at the start of the dialysis appeared to be an independent prognostic factor for the lucencies of the hips and hands. We conclude that the radiological signs of A beta 2M-amyloidosis are influenced not only by the duration of dialysis, but also by age, failure of renal transplantation, hyperparathyroidism and the FHSTD at the start of dialysis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to establish whether body composition in patients with celiac disease is normal and influenced by the age at diagnosis or by the duration of the gluten free diet. METHODS: A group of 66 children with celiac disease and 76 healthy controls were studied by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. We compared celiac patients with the control group, and within the celiac disease group, we compared patients with different age at diagnosis (28 diagnosed in the first 24 months vs 38 later) and with different duration of the diet (16 in gluten free diet for less than 12 months, 11 for less than 24 months, and 39 for more than 24 months). RESULTS: Overall we did not find any significant difference in body composition between overall celiac patients and controls. However the fat mass, the body mass index, and the spine bone mineral density values in late diagnosed celiac patients were significantly lower than in early diagnosed patients (significance values were p < 0.009; p < 0.002; p < 0.002, respectively). Patients on diet for less than 12 months showed significantly lower bone mineral content and density than those on diet for more than 24 months (significance values were, respectively, p < 0.011 and p < 0.022). Spine mineral density was the only parameter significantly influenced both by age at diagnosis (p < 0.03) and duration of gluten free diet (p < 0.008). CONCLUSIONS: Only an early diagnosis of celiac disease in pediatric age and a strict gluten free diet, lasting more than 12 months, allow celiac patients to reach a normal mineralization.  相似文献   

The proper folding of aggregation-prone recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli can be facilitated by co-overexpressing specific molecular chaperones or by culturing the cells in the presence of ethanol or other agents that upregulate the synthesis of all heat-shock proteins (hsps). We have investigated the effect of combining direct chaperone overproduction with ethanol supplementation on the cytoplasmic folding of two aggregation-prone model proteins, preS2-S'-beta-galactosidase and human SPARC. In 25-ml shake flask cultures grown at 30 degrees C, addition of 3% (v/v) ethanol to the growth medium prior to inoculation improved the chaperone-mediated increase in the yields of active preS2-S'-beta-galactosidase 1.5- to 2-fold. When cultures overexpressing the dnaKJ operon were grown in the presence of ethanol, the levels of enzymatic activity were 5-fold higher relative to control cells and preS2-S'-beta-galactosidase aggregation was almost entirely abolished. Combining DnaK-DnaJ overexpression and growth of the cells at temperatures lower than 30 degrees C did not result in a comparable increase in activity. Although the individual effects of ethanol supplementation and dnaKJ overproduction were more limited when the culture volume was raised, a synergistic improvement in preS2-S'-beta-galactosidase activity was observed when the two approaches were used in concert. In contrast, ethanol supplementation promoted the aggregation of human SPARC, a protein exhibiting a chaperone dependency similar to that of preS2-S'-beta-galactosidase. Our results show that ethanol can exert complex and divergent effects on inclusion body formation and that the beneficial effect of the solvent on recombinant protein folding cannot simply be explained by an increase in the intracellular concentration of molecular chaperones.  相似文献   

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is a dipeptidylcarboxypeptidase that occurs in three types of cells: endothelial, epithelial, and neuroepithelial. ACE activity is present in plasma, urine, and vascular endothelium. High levels of ACE are found in the brush border of human small bowel. The aim of this study was to evaluate ACE activity in human stools and to find a correlation with the intestinal loss of epithelial cells. Fifteen healthy subjects (HS) (8 males, 7 females; age range 6-56 years), 20 patients with celiac disease (CD) (11 males, 9 females; age range 15-53 years), and 18 patients with CD in remission after a gluten-free diet (CD-GFD) (8 males, 10 females; age range 14-54 years) were enrolled in the study. The fecal ACE activity was measured in all groups. Fecal samples were kept at -20 degrees C for a subsequent test. In HS, fecal ACE activity was 21.03 +/- 16.17 nmol/min/100 g (mean +/- SD). In patients with CD with subtotal mucosa atrophy, ACE activity was significantly higher (113 +/- 88.94) than in HS and CD on GFD (36.65 +/- 23.9). We have demonstrated ACE activity in human stools. ACE activity in stools seems to derive from the microvilli of the intestinal mucosa, thus suggesting the potential usefulness of ACE determination as an index of enterocyte damage.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: T helper cells are a heterogeneous group of cells that have phenotypic and functional differences. Activated T helper cells have been found in peripheral blood after allergen challenge of subjects with atopic asthma, but the phenotypes of specific T helper subpopulation involved remains to be identified. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the T cell activation markers that may be regulated by allergens, we analyzed peripheral blood lymphocytes obtained before and after allergen challenge from subjects with atopic asthma. METHODS: We analyzed the distribution of the cell surface activation markers, interleukin 2 receptor (IL-2R) and major histocompatibility complex class II antigens (MHC II) among T helper subpopulations classified as naive (CD45RA) or memory (CD45RO) phenotypes. Nine adult subjects with atopic asthma underwent bronchoprovacative allergen inhalation and isocapnic cold air hyperventilation (ISH) challenge followed by serial spirometry. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated at baseline and 2 and 24 hours after challenge. Four-color flow cytometry was used to analyze the expression and distribution in vivo of IL-2R and MHC II activation markers on naive and memory T cell subsets after challenge. RESULTS: At 2 and 24 hours after allergen challenge, there was a significant increase in the CD45RO+IL-2R+ T helper cells compared with baseline (mean +/- SE, baseline, 12.5% +/- 1% versus 2 hours, 18.1% +/- 1% and 24 hours, 17.8% +/- 2%, p < 0.025). MHC II expression was not significantly increased after challenge on naive and memory T helper cells and coexpression of IL-2R and MHC II was only found in a small proportion of CD45RO+ T helper cells (2.7% +/- 1%). No changes of IL-2R or MHC II expression on T helper subsets were observed after ISH challenge in the same patients. We also found that 31% to 46% of T helper cells coexpress CD45RA and CD45RO simultaneously, and upregulation of IL-2-R and MHC II expression occurs only on those T helper cells that express CD45RO. CONCLUSIONS: We have found that T helper cells express both CD45RA and CD45RO isoforms, which suggests the existence of a transitional phenotype among naive and memory T helper cells in peripheral blood. In subjects with atopic asthma, our in vivo analysis characterizes two populations of activated memory T helper cells based on the expression of IL-2R or MHC II surface molecules after allergen challenge.  相似文献   

Vascular occlusion and vasculopathy underlie much of the morbidity in patients with sickle cell anaemia. Platelets may play a role in this vasculopathy. Samples from 43 patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) were examined for evidence of platelet activation using fluorescent-labelled monoclonal antibodies and flow cytometry. There was increased expression of activation-dependent antigens on the platelets from patients with SCD compared to those from both Caucasian and African-American controls. In addition, SCD patients had increased levels of platelet microparticles. Platelets are activated in patients with sickle cell disease. The contribution of platelet activation to sickle cell pathophysiology is under active investigation in our laboratories.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An association between celiac disease and primary biliary cirrhosis has been reported in a few cases, mainly as individual case reports. OBJECTIVES: To screen adult patients with celiac disease for primary biliary cirrhosis and patients with primary biliary cirrhosis for intestinal celiac involvement. METHODS: The celiac group consisted of 336 adults (218 women and 118 men; mean age, 36 yr; range 18-74 yr) with celiac disease diagnosed by serological and histological tests, 38 with newly diagnosed celiac disease and 298 with previously diagnosed celiac disease who were consuming a gluten-free diet. The mean follow-up period was 6 yr (range, 1-16 yr). Liver function parameters and autoantibody levels were determined, and, when indicated, histological tests were performed. The biliary cirrhosis group consisted of 65 subjects (58 women and seven men) (mean age, 59 yr; range, 35-67 yr) with primary biliary cirrhosis diagnosed 1-17 years previously (mean, 7 yr) on the basis of the usual biochemical, serological, and histological criteria. Antigliadin and antiendomysium antibody levels were determined, and two biopsy specimens from the distal duodenum obtained during endoscopy were evaluated. RESULTS: In patients with celiac disease, impairment of liver function was frequently found at diagnosis (16 of 38, or 44%), but primary biliary cirrhosis was diagnosed in only one case. In patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, no cases of celiac disease, as currently defined, were found. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that celiac disease and primary biliary cirrhosis are rarely associated and support the hypothesis that the intestinal lesions per se are not responsible for the liver disease.  相似文献   

Objective:The aim of our study was to investigate the immune status of patients with rectal cancer and its relationship with clinicopathological features.Methods:The serum levels of interleukin-8(IL-8),tumor necrosis factor(TNF-a)and T-cell subgroup contents were measured using a double-antibody sandwich assay of ELISA in 43 patients with rectal cancer,and compared with the normal health adults.Results:In patients with rectal cancer,the serum levels of CD4,CD4/CD8of T-cell subgroup in peripheral blood were significantly lower than the control group(P<0.01),which gradually decreased with increase of Dukes stage;but the levels of CD8,IL-8 and TNF-a were higher than the control group,which gradually increased with increase of Dukes stage.Conclusion:The immunocompromice exists in patients with rectal cancer,there is a correlation between the contents of T-cell subgroup,IL-8 and TNF-a in serum and the Dukes stage of rectal cancer.Therefore immunotherapy can be used in patients with rectal cancer.  相似文献   

A study performed in 50 children carriers of celiac disease with ages between 8 months and 14 years of age, is presented; diagnosis was proved based on clinical picture, histological changes of jejunal mucosa, intestinal absorption tests and response to the suppression of gluten from the diet, with clinical, histological and biochemical control according to international criteria. It has been insisted on the familial study and the gluten overload test and its incidency in the black race. The development of public health has made it possible to demostrate the existence of this disease in our country.  相似文献   

The stomach is frequently involved in children suffering from Crohn's disease (CD). Diagnosis of specific gastritis may be difficult when granulomas are absent. We have used in situ hybridization to examine the expression of interleukin (IL)-12, a key cytokine in the Th1 response. IL-12 p35 and p40 antisense probes were used to examine ileal specimens from 9 children with CD and gastric biopsies from 24 children (13 with CD, 6 with Helicobacter pylori chronic gastritis, and 5 with a normal gastric mucosa). In all patients with CD, many clusters of IL-12-positive cells were present in the lamina propria. This was the case in the ileal specimens as well as in gastric mucosa showing granulomatous gastritis or nongranulomatous gastritis. The same distribution patterns were found for the IL-12 p35 and p40. In three patients with Helicobacter pylori gastritis, few scattered IL-12-positive cells were found. No positive cells were found in the normal gastric mucosa. The focally enhanced IL-12 expression in the gastric mucosa of pediatric patients with CD, with or without specific lesions, suggests that both are indeed linked to the disease and supports the major part of IL-12 in initiating and maintaining of the cascade resulting in the Th1 responses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Diagnosis of unrecognized celiac disease is potentially important. The prevalence of celiac disease in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is uncertain. We report the prevalence of celiac disease in a stratified random sample (n = 101) of adult insulin-dependent diabetic patients (age, 18-59 yr) attending our clinic, and in an age- and sex-matched control group (n = 51). METHODS: Screening was by anti-endomysial antibody, measured by indirect immunofluorescence using sections of human umbilical cord. RESULTS: Celiac disease had not been suspected in any patient at the time of screening. Eight patients tested positive for anti-endomysial antibody, all of whom had a distal duodenal biopsy performed. Five patients had histologic evidence of celiac disease. One patient with negative histology was receiving immunosuppressive therapy for a renal-pancreas transplant. Of the five patients with abnormal histology, two improved on gluten restriction, one was unable to comply, one refused treatment, and one was lost to follow-up. No control subject tested positive for endomysial antibody. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with insulin-dependent diabetes have an increased prevalence of celiac disease. Because most cases are clinically unrecognized, consideration should be given to screening all insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients with endomysial antibodies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of present study was to carry out a personal clinical-epidemiological research concerning a possible correlation between coeliac disease and enamel hypoplasia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-five patients of Cam-pania, aged between 2 and 26 years old, with a diagnosis of coeliac disease (diagnosis in accordance with recent protocol ESPGAN), were subjected to a careful dental examination: at the same time a control-group formed by 105 healthy subjects, of the same province, age- and sex-matched with coeliac patients was examined. RESULTS: The finding of enamel hypoplasias was more significant in coeliac patients (11 cases with a percentage of 2.4%) than in controls (5 cases with a percentage of 4.7%). CONCLUSIONS: The percent rate, if on the one hand is lower than in Finnic studies, on the other hand fundamentally reflects the results of studies on the same topic carried out by other Italian groups. Furthermore also in this research the involvement of milk-teeth is observed as reported by other authors. This appears to confirm a clear association between coeliac disease and dental hard tissues alterations.  相似文献   

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