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An adaptation to a data reduction method is outlined for determining backscatter coefficients, eta, when broad-bandwidth pulses are employed. The accuracy of these eta values is assessed with well-characterized phantoms, for which backscatter coefficients based on their physical properties have been independently calculated. One phantom produces Rayleigh-like scattering, where the backscatter coefficient varies smoothly with frequency over the analysis bandwidth. A second phantom exhibits local maxima and minima in the scattering function versus frequency due to the presence of millimeter-sized graphite gel spheres in a gel background. The method was found to produce accurate results using time gate durations as small as 2 mus, although better accuracy is obtained for longer gate durations, particularly when the sample exhibits resonance peaks in backscatter versus frequency. Use of a Hamming window in place of a rectangular window extends the accuracy near the upper and lower limits of the frequency range.  相似文献   

Broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) is a clinically proven indicator of osteoporotic fracture risk. BUA measurements are typically performed in through- transmission with single-element phase sensitive (PS) receivers and therefore can be compromised by phase cancellation artifact. Phase-insensitive (PI) receivers suppress phase cancellation artifact. To study the effect of phase cancellation on BUA measurements, through-transmission measurements were performed on 16 human calcaneus samples in vitro using a two-dimensional receiver array that enabled PS and PI BUA estimation. The means plus or minus standard deviations for BUA measurements were 22.1 plusmn 15.8 dB/MHz (PS) and 17.6 plusmn 7.2 dB/MHz (PI), suggesting that, on the average, approximately 20% of PS BUA values in vitro can be attributed to phase cancellation artifact. Therefore, although cortical plates are often regarded as the primary source of phase cancellation artifact, the heterogeneity of cancellous bone in the calcaneal interior may also be a significant source. Backscatter coefficient estimates in human calcaneus that are based on PS attenuation compensation overestimate 1) average magnitude of backscatter coefficient at 500 kHz by a factor of about 1.6 plusmn 0.3 and 2) average exponent (n) of frequency dependence by about 0.34 plusmn 0.12 (where backscatter coefficient is fit to a power law form proportional to frequency to the nth power).  相似文献   

A new version of the well-known double-inclusion model of Hori and Nemat-Nasser [Mech. Mater. 14 (1993) 189] is proposed in this work. First, the original model is reformulated in a general way dealing directly with multiphase composites. As in the case of two-phase composites, it is shown that the double-inclusion model includes as special cases some of the previously existing models. Finally, a new solution of the model is proposed that represents more closely the interactions in the material.  相似文献   

Flight safety in all weather conditions demands exact and reliable determination of flight-critical air parameters. Air speed, temperature, density, and pressure are essential for aircraft control. Conventional air data systems can be impacted by probe failure caused by mechanical damage from hail, volcanic ash, and icing. While optical air speed measurement methods have been discussed elsewhere, in this paper, a new concept for optically measuring the air temperature, density, pressure, moisture, and particle backscatter is presented, being independent on assumptions on the atmospheric state and eliminating the drawbacks of conventional aircraft probes by providing a different measurement principle. The concept is based on a laser emitting laser pulses into the atmosphere through a window and detecting the signals backscattered from a fixed region just outside the disturbed area of the fuselage flows. With four receiver channels, different spectral portions of the backscattered light are extracted. The measurement principle of air temperature and density is based on extracting two signals out of the rotational Raman (RR) backscatter signal of air molecules. For measuring the water vapor mixing ratio-and thus the density of the moist air-a water vapor Raman channel is included. The fourth channel serves to detect the elastic backscatter signal, which is essential for extending the measurements into clouds. This channel contributes to the detection of aerosols, which is interesting for developing a future volcanic ash warning system for aircraft. Detailed and realistic optimization and performance calculations have been performed based on the parameters of a first prototype of such a measurement system. The impact and correction of systematic error sources, such as solar background at daytime and elastic signal cross talk appearing in optically dense clouds, have been investigated. The results of the simulations show the high potential of the proposed system for reliable operation in different atmospheric conditions. Based on a laser emitting pulses at a wavelength of 532 nm with 200 mJ pulse energy, the expected measurement precisions (1-σ statistical uncertainty) are <0.6 K for temperature, <0.3% for density, and <0.4% for pressure for the detection of a single laser pulse at a flight altitude of 13,000 m at daytime. The errors will be smaller during nighttime or at lower altitudes. Even in optically very dense clouds with backscatter ratios of 10,000 and RR filters suppressing the elastic backscatter by 6 orders of magnitude, total errors of <1.4 K, <0.4%, and <0.9%, are expected, respectively. The calculations show that aerospace accuracy standards will be met with even lower pulse energies of 75 mJ for pressure and 18 mJ for temperature measurements when the backscatter signals of 10 laser pulses are averaged. Using laser sources at 355 nm will lead to a further reduction of the necessary pulse energies by more than a factor of 3.  相似文献   

The lidar of the Radio Science Center for Space and Atmosphere (RASC; Kyoto, Japan) make use of two pure rotational Raman (MR) signals for both the measurement of the atmospheric temperature profile and the derivation of a temperature-independent Raman reference signal. The latter technique is new and leads to significant smaller measurement uncertainties compared with the commonly used vibrational Raman lidar technique. For the measurement of temperature, particle extinction coefficient, particle backscatter coefficient, and humidity simultaneously, only four lidar signal are needed the elastic Cabannes backscatter signal, two RR signals, and the vibrational Raman water vapor signal. The RASC lidar provides RR signals of unprecedented intensity. Although only 25% of the RR signal intensities can be used with the present data-acquisition electronics, the 1-s -statistical uncertainty of nighttime temperature measurements is lower than for previous systems and is < 1K up to 11-km height for, e.g., a resolution of 500 m and 9 min. In addition, RR measurements in daytime also have become feasible.  相似文献   

Various groups are using the frequency dependence of backscattering to characterize tissue. In most cases, sparse scatterer concentrations are assumed in relating scattering parameters to tissue properties. This study addresses the relationship between backscatter frequency dependence and scatterer volume fraction. Backscatter coefficients (BSC) in the 2.5 to 9.0 MHz frequency range were measured for agar-gel phantoms containing Sephadex scatterers (mean diameter 42 μm) at volume fractions ranging from 5 to 50%. The BSC increased with scatterer volume fraction at low scatterer concentrations; at higher concentrations, the BSC reached a maximum with concentration and then decreased with yet increasing scatterer concentrations, as has been noted by previous authors. In addition, the volume fraction for the maximum backscatter coefficient varied with frequency, generally being greater at higher frequencies than lower frequencies, and the frequency dependence of the backscatter coefficient was greater for the higher scatterer concentrations than for the lower concentrations. These results are predicted by continuum models, where the spatial autocorrelation function depends on scatterer volume fraction  相似文献   

A variation of the conventional combined Raman-elastic backscatter lidar method, the 1-2-3 lidar method, is described and analyzed. This method adds a second transmitter wavelength to the conventional combined Raman-elastic backscatter lidar. This transmitter wavelength is identical to that of the Raman receiver. One can generate the transmitted beam at this wavelength by Raman shifting the laser radiation in molecular nitrogen or oxygen. Measuring a second elastic lidar signal at the Raman-shifted wavelength makes it possible to eliminate differential transmission effects that can cause systematic errors in conventional combined Raman-elastic backscatter lidar.  相似文献   

Conclusion The suggested methodical principles for the viability study of an introduced measurement system showed that the introduction of the graphicoanalytical method of testing results in a yearly saving of more than 8000 rubles.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 11, pp. 22–24, November, 1974.  相似文献   

Conclusions It follows from the investigation of backscatter of radiations (at maximum energies of 10–290 fJ, i.e., of 0.155–1.711 MeV) from an aluminum backing with a 2 geometry that for weightless samples the intensity of the saturation backscatter is virtually independent of the -radiation energy, whereas for weightable samples it increases with a rising energy of particles.The coefficients thus obtained for -radiators with a finite active-layer thickness, which include the effects of self-scatter and self-absorption of output radiation over an angle of 2, can be used for approximate computation of the activity of radiators with a known active-layer thickness from the measured external output of -particles (and vice versa).  相似文献   

Systems based on the detection of Compton backscattered X rays have been deployed for screening personnel for weapons and explosives. Similar principles are used for screening vehicles at border-crossing points. Based on well-established scattering cross sections and absorption coefficients in conjunction with reasonable estimates of the image contrast and resolution, the entrance skin dose and the dose at a depth of 1 cm can be calculated. The effective dose can be estimated using the same conversion coefficients as used to convert exposure measurements to the effective dose. It is shown that the effective dose is highly dependent on image resolution (i.e. pixel size).The effective doses for personnel screening systems are unlikely to be in compliance with the American National Standards Institute standard NS 43.17 unless the pixel sizes are >4 mm. Nevertheless, calculated effective doses are well below doses associated with health effects.  相似文献   

A new direct BE formulation is proposed for the solution of elastodynamic problems. An analytical regularization procedure is devised via an integration‐by‐parts technique without introducing any hypothesis about either the discretization of the boundary geometry or the space–time interpolation of the elastic fields involved. The only requirement is for continuity in the displacement field. The regularization of the integral equations for static elasticity using the same approach, already available in the literature, is presented as a particular case of the general procedure introduced herein. The numerical implementation of this technique is discussed and two‐dimensional examples are presented. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Shirley EL 《Applied optics》2004,43(13):2609-2620
I present a formulation for treating diffraction effects on total irradiance in the case of a Planck source; earlier work generally depended on calculating diffraction effects on spectral irradiance followed by summation over spectral components. The formulation is derived and demonstrated for Fraunhofer diffraction by circular apertures, rectangular apertures and slits, and Fresnel diffraction by circular apertures. The prospects for treating other sources and optical systems are also discussed.  相似文献   

A theoretical formulation for the profile of the integrated backscatter coefficient (IBC) is derived. This new formulation is based on a theoretical treatment. It includes correction for the diffraction of the ultrasonic beam and correction for the non-ideal nature of the reference signal. The inclusion of these correction factors permits accurate quantitative profiling of the IBC over the transducer focal zone. Experimental measurements are first performed on well-calibrated vessel-equivalent phantom materials and subsequently on human coronary arteries in vitro. A spherically focused 50.0 MHz f/1.83 transducer is used. IBC profiles are shown for three samples that are representative of early, mid, and advanced atherosclerotic coronary disease. The IBC profiles clearly differentiate the arterial tissues. However, variation between samples with histologically confirmed intimal thickening (N=24) was large. The mean IBC (±1 standard deviation), in (Sr.mm)-1, for media, adventitia, and thickened intima were 3.86×10-3, 1.53×10-2, and 2.24×10-2, respectively. The mean IBC of thickened intima is larger than previous measurements obtained from femoral arteries, and the mean IBC for media and adventitia layers are lower, reflecting differences in tissue composition between coronary and femoral vessels  相似文献   

The acquisition and interpretation of in vivo ultrasonic measurements in tissue encounter problems associated with limited access to the region of interest, intermixed scattering structures with different characteristic dimensions, and system-dependent effects. This work addresses these problems by adapting and testing a technique for measuring the absolute attenuation and the absolute backscatter coefficient (effective backscatter cross section per unit volume of material), as a function of frequency, in a single-transducer backscatter configuration. The frequency-dependent attenuation and backscatter coefficients of a tissue-mimicking gelatin phantom containing a random distribution of two populations of scatterers were measured, Three transducers with different center frequencies and focusing characteristics were used in order to verify that system-dependent effects were removed by the technique and to investigate the change in the measured parameters across a broad range of frequencies (2 to 60 MHz). A spherical autocorrelation model was applied to measurements of the backscatter coefficient in order to estimate the size of scatterers. Measurements demonstrate that the backscatter and attenuation properties of a mixture of two distinct intermixed scatterer-size populations change as a function of the frequency range across which the model is applied. Comparison of both the magnitude and the frequency dependence of the experimental results with the theoretical prediction of the backscatter coefficient showed good agreement  相似文献   

1引言测量钢的声速和声衰减是一件基础但十分有意义的工作,因为钢在工业上有着非常广泛的应用。超声波在钢中传播后声速和声衰减会发生变化,通过这种变化便可以了解钢材料的部分特性,从而对钢的无  相似文献   

A variational method for retrieving the aerosol optical thickness and backscatter coefficient profiles from multiangle lidar measurements is presented and discussed. A monostatic single-wavelength low-energy lidar system was operated at different zenith angles during the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) campaign in 1999 to characterize the aerosol plumes in the Indian monsoon. The variational method was applied to lidar data to retrieve profiles of optical thickness and the backscatter coefficient for nighttime and daytime measurements. Results are obtained with an uncertainty of 10% below 3 km (nighttime) and 2.8 km (daytime) and a bias of less than 0.01. During daytime the retrieval of optical parameters is indeed limited to a lower altitude owing to the sky background signal and the atmospheric inhomogeneity. In both cases the total aerosol optical thickness is consistent (+/- 10%) with the integrated value derived from sunphotometer measurements. Backscatter-to-extinction ratios estimated in different regions by two distinct methods compared well, which proves the capability of the method to assess optical measurements and account for the altitude dependence of the phase function.  相似文献   

A new, simple extrapolation technique to enhance the lateral resolution of pulse-echo imaging systems is presented. The method attempts to build an image that could be obtained with a transducer aperture larger than that physically available, extrapolating the information contained in the image to be enhanced. The extrapolation process requires small hardware modifications of the standard echographic systems. The computational cost is very low compared with Fourier-based deconvolution approaches. The obtained computer simulations give very interesting and promising results  相似文献   

Femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy (FSRS) is a new technique that produces high-quality vibrational spectra free from background fluorescence. FSRS combines a narrow-bandwidth picosecond Raman pump pulse with an approximately 80 fs continuum probe pulse to produce stimulated Raman spectra from the pump-induced gain in the probe spectrum. The high intensity of the Raman pump combined with the broad bandwidth of the probe produces high signal-to-noise vibrational spectra with very short data acquisition times. FSRS spectra of standard solutions and solvents such as aqueous Na2SO4, aqueous KNO3, methanol, isopropanol, and cyclohexane are collected in seconds. Furthermore, stimulated Raman spectra can be obtained using just a single pump-probe pulse pair that illuminates the sample for only approximately 1 ps. Fluorescence rejection is demonstrated by collecting FSRS spectra of dyes (rhodamine 6G, chlorophyll a, and DTTCI) with varying degrees of fluorescence background and resonance enhancement. The high signal-to-noise, short data acquisition time, fluorescence rejection, and high spectral and temporal resolution of femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy make it a valuable new vibrational spectroscopic technique.  相似文献   

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics - In this study, the electrical properties of LaAlO3 prepared via spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique at 1650, 1700, and...  相似文献   

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