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行波堆属于钠冷快中子反应堆,在设计上属于第四代核电技术。天然铀中只有约0.7%的同位素能被直接利用,但是利用行波堆技术,铀资源的30%—40%,甚至60%—70%可以物尽其用。行波堆有如此高的利用率,其堆芯的燃烧过程究竟有何不同?我们可以将行波堆比作一根木棒,反应堆首次点火启动,相当于木棒顶端点燃。火焰燃烧时,放出能量,相当于裂变反应放出能量,而此时木棒被烧成木炭的部分,相当于增殖过程。当火焰继续顺着木棒往下烧的时候,新增殖的木炭也同时开始燃烧,这时,木棒放出来的能量就由两个波次组成,其一波是木棒燃烧释放的能量,其二波是木炭燃烧放出来的热量,这两个波次的能量一前一后不断向下燃烧,直到整个木棒变成灰烬,燃烧过程才结束。 相似文献
本文论述了在制定中国核能长期规划时,研究世界先进堆技术发展趋势的必要性.作者认为,下个世纪热堆电站将还会有一个相当长时期的发展阶段。而在下世纪初,第二代核电站可能形成一种新的潮流,这些新一代先进堆都具有固有安全和非能动安全特性的设计新概念.其中最有希望的是 AP-600和 MHTGR。中国专家们正在严密注视和紧紧跟踪这两个方向. 相似文献
关于核电发展的几点思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
美国提出了第4代核电的概念.本文分析其由来及所提设计目标草案,并与URD相比较.特别讨论了有关核燃料循环与防止核扩散的问题.希望能引起我国核决策机构关注国际动向,密切结合国情,订好核能发展规划. 相似文献
根据到下世纪中(2050年)我国能源和电力需求预测,分析了快堆在我国未来核电事业发展中的战略地位。 相似文献
主要介绍了我国在建、在运核电机组的基本状况和最新进展,以及我国在提升核设施安全水平方面的相关措施。在国家能源局印发的《能源技术创新“十三五”规划》要求之下,我国推出一系列先进核能和小型堆的发展计划,开展了“海洋核动力平台示范工程建设”并建立相关标准。最后总结了中国核电目前面临的挑战和未来的展望。 相似文献
关于核电发展的几点思考——由美国提出的“第4代核电”引起的话题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
美国提出了第 4代核电的概念。本文分析其由来及所提设计目标草案 ,并与URD相比较。特别讨论了有关核燃料循环与防止核扩散的问题。希望能引起我国核决策机构关注国际动向 ,密切结合国情 ,订好核能发展规划 相似文献
世界需要建设新的核电,以满足电力需求增长,取代将退役的运行机组,同时继续推进核电对环境的重要贡献。为此,研发了一系列新机型,即第三代和第三代+,以保证近期部署计划之选用,在美国至2010年,在欧洲至2015年。由美国西屋公司研发的AP1000是一个二回路百万千瓦级的压水堆核电厂,具有非能动安全特性,大大简化了电厂设计,使电厂造价和电价更具有竞争性,它是第一个获得美国核管会最终设计批准的第三代+核电设计。简单描述了AP1000的设计特性和主要技术性能,参考有关文献给出了较详细的评估。分析了中国核电在21世纪初十几年间从第二代向第三代过渡的历史性转变中面临的机遇和挑战。如果在中国建造第一座AP1000,关键因素是平衡它所带来的风险和利益。 相似文献
It is not simple to solve the problem of competitiveness of nuclear power technologies in evolutionary upgrading the conventional nuclear power plants (NPP) such as light water reactors (LWR), which requires high expenditure for safety. Moreover, the existing LWRs cannot provide nuclear power (NP) for a long time (hundreds of years) because the efficiency of use of natural uranium is low and closing the nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) for those reactors is not expedient.The highlighted problem can be solved in the way of use of innovative nuclear power technology in which natural uranium power potential is used effectively and the intrinsic conflict between economic and safety requirements has been essentially mitigated.The technology that is most available and practically demonstrated is the use of reactors SVBR-100 — small power multi-purpose modular fast reactors (100 MWe) cooled by lead-bismuth coolant (LBC). This technology has been mastered for nuclear submarines’ reactors in Russia.High technical and economical parameters of the NPP based on RF SVBR-100 are determined from the fact that the potential energy stored in LBC per a volume unit is the lowest.The compactness of the reactor facility SVBR-100 that results from integral arrangement of the primary circuit equipment allows realizing renovation of power-units LWRs, the vessels’ lifetime of which has been expired. So due to this fact, high economical efficiency can be obtained.The paper also validates the economical advantage of launching the uranium-fueled fast reactors with further changeover to the closed NFC with use of plutonium extracted from the own spent nuclear fuel in comparison with launching fast reactors directly with on uranium-plutonium fuel on the basis of plutonium extraction from spent nuclear fuel of LWRs. 相似文献
This paper attempts to examine the relationship between nuclear weapons proliferation and civilian nuclear power development based on the history of Atoms for Peace Initiative. To investigate the relationship, a database was established by compiling information on a country's civilian nuclear power development and various national capabilities and situational factors. The results of correlation analysis indicated that the initial motivation to develop civilian nuclear power could be mostly dual purpose. However, for a civilian nuclear power program to be ultimately successful, the study finds the role of nuclear nonproliferation very important. The analysis indicated that the presence of nuclear weapons in a country and serious interest in nuclear weapons have a negative effect on the civilian nuclear power program. The study showed the importance of state level commitment to nuclear nonproliferation for the success of civilian nuclear power development. NPT ratification and IAEA safeguards were very important factors in the success of civilian nuclear power development. In addition, for a country's civilian nuclear power development to be successful, the country needs to possess strong economic capability and be well connected to the world economic market through international trade. Mature level of democracy and presence of nuclear technological capabilities were also found to be important for the success of civilian nuclear power program. 相似文献
Roderick Hyde Muriel Ishikawa Nathan Myhrvold John Nuckolls Lowell Wood 《Progress in Nuclear Energy》2008,50(2-6):82-91
We examine the principal concerns regarding provision of a large fraction of human energy needs with nuclear fission reactor-derived electricity, and offer robust physics and engineering responses to each of them. We then propose a representative system-level integration of these solutions to the longstanding problems that have confronted nuclear fission-based power. This integration obviates all fuel supply issues, including the entire set of isotopic enrichment ones, while rendering comparably useful as nuclear fuels all of the actinide elements and isotopes. It entirely avoids transport and reprocessing and the full set of ad hoc waste disposal issues, and completely precludes all those involving proliferation/diversion of fissile isotopes into weapons' programs. It offers high-grade heat in pressurized helium gas for thermodynamically efficient, economically appealing, environmentally attractive combined-cycle conversion to electricity while robustly avoiding prospects of internal overheating of any portion of the reactor's core or fuel. It provides highly redundant means of any desired statistical reliability for prevention of core meltdown in LOCA circumstances. It provides zero biospheric hazard in event of either natural or man-made catastrophe. It requires – indeed, admits of – no operator control actions, other than initial start-up and final shutdown commands, so that operator errors are entirely precluded; during the half-century of potentially full-power operational life in between these two commands, it thermostatically regulates in an entirely automatic manner its own nuclear power generation to match the heat removed from its core in a time-varying fashion. The thorium-burning variant of this new class of reactors involves no long-lived actinide isotopes, thereby obviating a present-day keystone issue of long-term reactor waste storage and disposal. Each of these novel features is technologically separable, so that these new reactor design concepts may be applied piecewise to enhance prospects of nuclear reactor-centered power generation in many different utilization circumstances. However, synergisms arising from their full integration seem likely to be compellingly attractive in most situations, for a constellation of economic and safety reasons. We therefore project a bright future for cheap electricity safely obtained in >10 TWe quantities from nuclear power reactors of this new type, moreover over multi-century time frames. We observe that pertinent aspects of neutron physics and modern technology together offer a far richer spectrum of possibilities for nuclear power reactors than has been significantly explored through the present; the present architecture is merely exemplary. 相似文献
ZANG Ming-Chang 《核技术(英文版)》2003,14(2)
The potential market for desalination industry is forecasted in China for a long term. A co-generation policy is proposed in power production and desalination. It has been predicted that the desalination would become a huge industry in China provided that the technology of desalination is improved and fresh water cost reduced to a certain Ievel accepted by Chinese residents. 相似文献
LINMeng YANGYan-Hua ZHANGRong-Hua HURui 《核技术(英文版)》2005,16(3):177-180
A nuclear power plant real-time engineering simulator was developed based on general-purpose thermal-hydraulic system simulation code RELAPS. It mainly consists of three parts: improved thermal-hydraulic system simulation code RELAP5, control and protection system and human-machine interface. A normal transient of CHASHMA nuclear power plant turbine step load change from 100% to 90% of full power, was simulated by the engineering simulator as an application example. This paper presents structure and main features of the engineering simulator, and application results are shown and discussed. 相似文献
我国核电产业发展的铀资源保障 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
叙述了国内外铀资源的探明储量、供应能力、消耗量等情况,根据我国核电发展的现状和未来核电发展的规划,分析了我国核电发展的铀资源保障情况,提出了铀资源保障的有关建议。 相似文献
把握核电可持续发展的几个重要问题 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
指出了我国核电可持续发展的几个重要问题,即核电发展要实现系列化规模化;积极消化吸收第三代核电技术;大力推进内陆核电站的建设;开发快中子增殖堆核电站,构建核燃料循环体系等。 相似文献
当前,我国核电处于陕速发展阶段,而信息情报工作可以为核电的建设、持续发展提供必要的保障作用。本文在对核电发展的现状、前景进行分析的基础上,重点介绍了核领域信息资源——INIS数据库的基本隋况和利用,并举实例说明INIS工作在和平利用核能的事业中发挥越来越重要的作用。 相似文献
描述我国必须积极发展核电,解决能源短缺问题。核电国产化和自主化是发展核电的关键,自主化和国产化的核电技术才具备竞争实力,中国具备核电产业国产化和自主化的条件和能力。技术的引进、消化和吸收可以提高我国核电研发能力,加速我国核电产业的自主化和国产化进程。 相似文献