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Conditional distribution coefficients (Dom) for Sb(III) binding to three commercial humic acids (terrestrial, coal, and aquatic) were measured at environmentally relevant Sb(III)/DOC ratios and as a function of pH using an equilibrium dialysis method. Maximum binding of Sb(III) was observed around pH 6 for two of the humic acids. The third humic acid showed constant Dom values up to pH 6 and decreasing Dom values for pH > 6. Sb(III)/DOC ratio was found to be important for Dom (20 times higher Dom for 60 times lower Sb(III)/DOC ratio). Moreover, Dom depends on the individual humic acid, suggesting that different functional groups are involved and/or different degrees of stabilization by chelation or H-bridges. Chemical modeling of Sb(III)-humics binding at different pH values is consistent with two binding sites involving (i) a phenolic entity forming a neutral complex and (ii) a carboxylic entity forming a negatively charged complex. Under environmentally relevant conditions, over 30% of total Sb(III) may be bound to natural organic matter.  相似文献   

The fate of arsenic in the aquatic environment is influenced by dissolved natural organic matter (DOM). Using an equilibrium dialysis method, conditional distribution coefficients (Dom) for As(III) and As(V) binding onto two commercial humic acids were determined at environmentally relevant As/dissolved organic carbon (DOC) ratios and as a function of pH. At all pH values, As(V) was more strongly bound than As(III). Maximum binding was observed around pH 7, which is consistent with H+ competition for binding sites at low pH values and OH- competition for the arsenic center at high pH. For both oxidation states, Dom values increased with decreasing As/DOC ratios. Dom values were fitted as a function of the As/DOC ratio for As(III) and As(V). Compared to the aquatic humic acid, the terrestrial humic acid had a higher affinity for arsenic binding with 1.5-3 times higher Dom values under the same conditions. Al3+ in excess to arsenic successfully competed for strong binding sites at low As/DOC ratios. Under environmentally relevant conditions, about 10% of total As(V) may be bound to DOM, whereas >10% of As(III) is bound to DOM at very low As/DOC ratios only. Binding of arsenic to DOM should be considered in natural systems.  相似文献   

采用梯度稀释平板分离法从土壤中分离菌种,并通过与研究中心实验室购买和保存的其他11株菌株进行比较,最终筛选出了一株香兰素摩尔转化率和转化效率相对较高的菌株B7,结合菌株形态学特征、生理生化试验结果和菌株16S rRNA序列分析鉴定及系统发育分析结果,最终鉴定该菌株为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)。  相似文献   

Binding of pyrene, fluoranthene, and phenanthrene to dissolved humic acids (HA) was determined by the fluorescence quenching (FQ) and complexation-flocculation (CF) methods. Determinations by the CF method, using varying contaminant concentrations and a constant HA concentration, yielded nonlinear Freundlich-type isotherms (n = 0.65-0.84). Experiments using both the CF and the FQ methods with varying HA concentrations and a constant contaminant concentration yielded curved "Stern-Volmer"-type plots that also indicate nonlinear binding. These findings suggest that linear partitioning or site complexation in the presence of excess available sites cannot fully describe the interactions of hydrophobic compounds with dissolved humic material. Site-specific hydrophobic interactions at limited interior or external molecular surfaces may be considered.  相似文献   

The five major reductive degradation products of TNT-4ADNT (4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene), 2ADNT (2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene), 2,4DANT (2,4-diamino-6-nitrotoluene), 2,6DANT (2,6-diamino-4-nitrotoluene), and TAT (2,4,6-triaminotoluene)-labeled with 15N in the amine positions, were reacted with the IHSS soil humic acid and analyzed by 15N NMR spectrometry. In the absence of catalysts, all five amines underwent nucleophilic addition reactions with quinone and other carbonyl groups in the soil humic acid to form both heterocyclic and nonheterocyclic condensation products. Imine formation via 1,2-addition of the amines to quinone groups in the soil humic acid was significant with the diamines and TAT but not the monoamines. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) catalyzed an increase in the incorporation of all five amines into the humic acid. In the case of the diamines and TAT, HRP also shifted the binding away from heterocyclic condensation product toward imine formation. A comparison of quantitative liquid phase with solid-state CP/MAS 15N NMR indicated that the CP experiment underestimated imine and heterocyclic nitrogens in humic acid, even with contact times optimal for observation of these nitrogens. Covalent binding of the mono- and diamines to 4-methylcatechol, the HRP catalyzed condensation of 4ADNT and 2,4DANT to coniferyl alcohol, and the binding of 2,4DANT to lignocellulose with and without birnessite were also examined.  相似文献   

The acid-base properties of humic acids (HAs) are known to significantly affect the acid-base buffering capacity of soils, thus having a marked influence on the speciation of cations in the soil solid and liquid phases. Detailed information on the proton binding behavior of humic-like acids (HALs) from organic amendments and humic acids (HAs) from amended soils is, therefore, of intrinsic interest for the evaluation of the agronomic efficacy and environmental impact of soil amendment. In this work, the acid-base properties of HLAs isolated from sewage sludge (SS) and municipal solid waste compost (MSWC), and HAs isolated from soils amended with either SS or MSWC and the corresponding nonamended control soils were investigated by potentiometric titrations at various ionic strengths (0.01, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.3 M) over the pH range from 3.5 to 10.5. The nonideal competitive adsorption (NICA)-Donnan model that describes proton binding by two classes of binding sites with low and high proton affinity, i.e., carboxylic- and phenolic-type groups, was fit to titration data, and a set of fitting parameters was obtained for each HLA and HA sample. The NICA-Donnan model successfully described the shapes of the titration curves, and highlighted substantial differences in site density and proton-binding affinity between the HLAs and HAs examined. With respect to the nonamended control soil HAs, SS-HLA and MSWC-HLA were characterized by smaller carboxylic-type and phenolic-type group contents, larger affinities for proton binding by the carboxylic-type groups, and smaller affinities for proton binding by the phenolic-type groups. Amendment with SS and MSWC determined a number of modifications in soil HAs, including decrease of acidic functional group contents, slight increase of proton affinity of carboxylic-type groups, and slight decrease of the affinities for proton binding by phenolic-type groups. These effects were more evident in the HA fraction from the SS-amended soil than in the HA fraction from the MSWC-amended soil. Thus, both organic amendments examined can be a considered as a valuable source of organic matter for soil. However, MSWC appears to be an amendment of greater quality producing a smaller impact than SS on proton-binding behavior of soil HA.  相似文献   

Ferulic acid (4‐hydroxy‐3‐methoxycinnamic acid) is the most widespread hydroxycinnamic acid in the plant world, where it is a key molecule in cell wall architecture. Owing to its high antioxidant properties, ferulic acid shows large potential applications in food industry as well as in the health and cosmetic markets. There is thus a high interest in extracting this high‐value compound from waste materials of the agricultural industry, which requires the selection of an appropriate quantification method. This paper therefore gives an overview of analytical methodologies developed over past decades for quantification of ferulic acid and its oligomers. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Natural Organic Matter (NOM) is a major sorbent for organic pollutants in soils and sediments. While sorption under oxic conditions has been well investigated, possible changes in the sorption capacity of a given NOM induced by reduction have not yet been studied. Reduction of quinones to hydroquinones, the major redox active moieties in NOM, increases the number of H-donor moieties and thus may affect sorption. This work compares the sorption of four nonionic organic pollutants of different polarities (naphthalene, acetophenone, quinoline, and 2-naphthol), and of the organocation paraquat to unreduced and electrochemically reduced Leonardite Humic Acid (LHA). The redox states of reduced and unreduced LHA in all sorption experiments were stable, as demonstrated by a spectrophotometric 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol reduction assay. The sorption isotherms of the nonionic pollutants were highly linear, while paraquat sorption was strongly concentration dependent. LHA reduction did not result in significant changes in the sorption of all tested compounds, not even of the cationic paraquat at pH 7, 9, and 11. This work provides the first evidence that changes in NOM redox state do not largely affect organic pollutant sorption, suggesting that current sorption models are applicable both to unreduced and to reduced soil and sediment NOM.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of humic and fulvic acid concentration (in the range of 1-1000 mg/L) on the binding of the two trace metals Cu(II) and Pb(II). The ability of the non-ideal competitive adsorption (NICA)-Donnan model to correctly predict Cu and Pb binding at low humic or fulvic acid concentration and lower ionic strength (0.01 M NaNO3), based on model parameters obtained from experiments conducted at high humic or fulvic acid concentrations (approximately 1000 mg/L) and higher ionic strength (0.1 M NaNO3), was tested. The binding of Cu and Pb to humic and fulvic acid in 0.01 M NaNO3 was determined over wide ranges in proton and metal ion activities using three different methods: ligand exchange-adsorptive differential pulse cathodic stripping voltammetry at low humic or fulvic acid concentrations (1-3 mg/L), differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry at intermediate humic or fulvic acid concentrations (10-20 mg/L), and ion-selective electrodes at high humic or fulvic acid concentrations (approximately 1000 mg/L). The results demonstrate that binding isotherms for Cu and Pb can be measured at low humic or fulvic acid concentration using suitable voltammetric techniques. The binding isotherms for Cu and Pb to humic and fulvic acid obtained at constant pH values in the range of pH 4-8 are shown to be independent of humic and fulvic acid concentration. The NICA-Donnan model, calibrated for Cu and Pb binding using data measured at high humic and fulvic acid concentrations and an ionic strength of 0.1 M, accurately predicts Cu and Pb binding at low humic and fulvic acid concentrations and lower ionic strength (0.01 M). We conclude that NICA-Donnan parameters obtained by fitting experimental data measured with ion-selective electrodes at high humic or fulvic acid concentrations can be used for geochemical modeling of soils and aquatic environments with much lower concentrations of humic or fulvic acids.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy was used to study the disaggregation kinetics of a peat humic acid (PPHA) at several pH. FCS measures diffusion coefficients of fluorescent molecules and aggregates, thus allowing for the determination of disaggregation rates with a temporal resolution of seconds to minutes. Disaggregation was initiated by dilution of a peat concentrate consisting of a mixture containing 80% large aggregates (average hydrodynamic radius, rH, of about 300 nm) and free monomers (average rH of about 1 nm). Upon dilution at different pH values, aggregate size decreased, and the proportion of free monomers in solution increased until complete disaggregation occurred. The mechanism appeared to involve the release of monomers from the surface of the aggregates. The pH markedly affected the disaggregation rate. Complete disaggregation took 1 month at pH 3.6, took less than 1 h at pH 5.6, and was extremely rapid in alkaline solutions. The results suggested that at least two processes were operating in parallel with the overall rate being the sum of both processes. At pH higher than 4.5, the disaggregation rate increased more than 3 orders of magnitude per pH unit increase. For concentrations lower than 30 mg L(-1), the equilibrium condition for the PPHA was complete disaggregation even for a pH as low as 3.6.  相似文献   

Chemical incorporation of sulfonamide antimicrobials into natural organic matter may represent an important process influencing the fate of these synthetic, primarily agents in soil and sediment environments. We previously demonstrated that a fungal peroxidase mediates covalent coupling of sulfonamide antimicrobials to model humic constituents; reactions with the 2,6-dimethoxyphenol syringic acid produced Schiff bases (Bialk et al. Environ. Sci. TechnoL 2005, 39, 4436-4473). Here, we show that fungal laccase-mediated reaction of sulfapyridine with the orthodihydroxyphenol protocatechuic acid yields a Michael adduct. We synthesized 15N-enriched sulfapyridine to facilitate determination of the covalent linkage(s) formed between sulfapyridine and protocatechuic acid by NMR spectroscopy. 1H-(15)N heteronuclear multiple bond correlation experiments and tandem mass spectrometry demonstrated that the sulfapyridine anilinic nitrogen engaged in a Michael addition reaction to oxidized protocatechuic acid to form an anilinoquinone. Michael adducts are more stable than the previously reported imine linkages between sulfonamides and 2,6-dimethoxyphenols. Michael addition to quinone-like structures in soil organic matter is expected to diminish the mobility and biological activity of sulfonamide antimicrobials.  相似文献   

Aminated polyacrylonitrile fibers (APANFs) were prepared by surface modification of polyacrylonitrile fibers (PANFs) with diethylenetriamine in a solution, and the APANFs were studied as an adsorbent for humic acid removal in a series of batch adsorption experiments. The surface modification reaction introduced the amine groups on the surface of the fibers, and the APANFs had a zero point of zeta potentials at pH 8.1, in contrast with pH 3.5 for the PANFs. Adsorption experiments indicated that the APANFs were very effective in removing humic acid from aqueous solutions in the pH range of 2-10, whereas the PANFs did not adsorb humic acid at all under the same conditions. It was found that both electrostatic interaction and surface complexation mechanisms played important roles in humic acid adsorption on the APANFs, although the relative importance of each of the adsorption mechanisms varied with solution pH values. With the advantages of large specific surface areas and enhanced reactive surface properties, the APANFs have great potentials in water treatment for the removal of humic substances and other polarized or electrically charged species.  相似文献   

Humic substances originated from aquatic, soil, or sediment environments are mixtures of humic compounds with various characteristics. Sorption interactions with isolated, well defined humic fractions can be studied either in an aqueous phase ("dissolved humic substances"), or in a solid-phase, by coating mineral particles with the humic materials, or simply by working with humic acid particles (powder) at low pH to minimize dissolution. Each attitude, by definition, can be studied by different experimental techniques and has a different meaning for understanding natural environmental processes. In this study, a new tool for studying sorption interactions is presented. Sol-gel was used as an inert matrix to immobilize (entrap) various humic acids (HAs), and then used to study the interactions of several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with the entrapped HA. Linear and nonlinear sorption coefficients were highly correlated with contaminant hydrophobicity. Sorption of pyrene to immobilized HA was in the order of soil HA > Aldrich HA approximately = peat HA. It was concluded that the entrapped HAs retained their original properties in the gel matrix and were accessible to the external contaminant through the pore network. Additionally, binding coefficients of pyreneto dissolved humic substances and to dissolved organic matter (DOM) were determined from the reduction in pyrene sorption to immobilized HA in the presence of dissolved humic material or DOM in solution. Binding coefficients of pyrene were in the order of the following: dissolved Aldrich HA > dissolved peat fulvic acid (FA) > DOM derived from mature compost > DOM derived from fresh compost.  相似文献   

阿魏酸(FA)分别与乙醇、正丁醇、正辛醇和正十二醇进行直接酯化得到了4种FA烷基酯。用DPPH(1,1-二苯基-2-苦肼基自由基)法和史卡尔(Schaal)烘箱试验法分别测定了FA及其烷基酯在均相甲醇溶液和油水体积比为28的水包菜籽油乳液中的抗氧化效率。结果发现:FA在甲醇溶液中的抗氧化效率最高,其DPPH自由基清除能力为0.967mmol Trolox/mol。FA辛酯在乳液中的抗氧化效率最高,在乳化剂体积分数为1.0%下,添加了FA辛酯的乳液的共轭二烯值达到1所用的时间和p-茴香胺值达到6所用的时间分别为51,40d。用假相动力学模型测定了FA及其烷基酯在乳液界面的质量分数,结果表明,FA辛酯在乳液中的抗氧化效率最高是由于其在乳液界面的质量分数最高的缘故。  相似文献   

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