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Bridge Reliability Assessment Based on Monitoring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the past decade, monitoring concepts for structural systems have been subjected to a rapid development process. They have become more and more important in the intervention planning (e.g., maintenance, repair, rehabilitation, replacement) on new and existing structures. Nevertheless, there is still a strong need for the efficient use of structural monitoring data in the reliability assessment and prediction models. Updating prediction models, based on monitoring data, affect the intervention strategies. Since these strategies involve costs, monitoring systems assist the efficient spending of available budgets. Therefore, the demand for the efficient use of monitoring data is not only related to structural reliability, but also to cost aspects. In an extended sense, structural monitoring can be considered similar to quality assurance and acceptance sampling, since it is not practically possible to continuously monitor all performance indicators in all critical sections of an entire structural system. Nevertheless, the continuous and simultaneous measurements at discrete points of a deteriorating structural system, as provided by monitoring, allow the assessment of the performance of a structure with respect to different limit states. The aim of this paper is twofold: (a) To present an approach for the efficient inclusion of monitoring data in the structural reliability assessment process; and (b) to demonstrate the use of monitored data for the development of prediction models. The approach is illustrated on an existing highway bridge (the Lehigh River Bridge SR-33), a structure located in Pennsylvania and monitored by the Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems Center, a National Engineering Research Center at Lehigh University.  相似文献   

Formwork and the associated shoring represent a significant proportion of the costs associated with the construction of multilevel concrete structures. To minimize these costs, a limited number of formwork and shoring sets are recycled up the structure as construction progresses, eliminating the need for a new set of formwork and shoring with each new slab. When a slab is posttensioned using draped tendons, slab lift occurs as a portion of the slab self-weight is balanced. The formwork and shores supporting that slab are unloaded by an amount equivalent to the load balanced by the posttensioning. This produces a load distribution through the structure that is inherently different from that of a conventionally reinforced slab. This paper presents two design methods suitable for modeling the multilevel formwork process for posttensioned slabs: A modification to the simplified analysis method and a finite element model—both techniques will be of immediate use by industry practitioners and of interest to researchers examining the load distribution phenomenon. The paper also summarizes the findings of one of only a few research projects in which actual shore loads were monitored during the construction of a multilevel posttensioned building, which is used to validate the proposed design models.  相似文献   

Traditional bridge evaluation techniques are based on design-based deterministic equations that use limited site-specific data. They do not necessarily conform to a quantifiable standard of safety and are often quite conservative. The newly emerging load and resistance factor rating (LRFR) method addresses some of these shortcomings and allows bridge rating in a manner consistent with load and resistance factor design (LRFD) but is not based on site-specific information. This paper presents a probability-based methodology for load-rating bridges by using site-specific in-service structural response data in an LRFR format. The use of a site-specific structural response allows the elimination of a substantial portion of modeling uncertainty in live load characterization (involving dynamic impact and girder distribution), which leads to more accurate bridge ratings. Rating at two different limit states, yield and plastic collapse, is proposed for specified service lives and target reliabilities. We consider a conditional Poisson occurrence of identically distributed and statistically independent (i.i.d.) loads, uncertainties in field measurement, modeling uncertainties, and Bayesian updating of the empirical distribution function to obtain an extreme-value distribution of the time-dependent maximum live load. An illustrative example uses in-service peak-strain data from ambient traffic collected on a high-volume bridge. Serial independence of the collected peak strains and of the counting process, as well as the asymptotic behavior of the extreme peak-strain values, are investigated. A set of in-service load and resistance factor rating (ISLRFR) equations optimized for a suite of bridges is developed. Results from the proposed methodology are compared with ratings derived from more traditional methods.  相似文献   

The use of continuous welded rail (CWR) with direct fixation of track on concrete deck is typical of most modern light-rail aerial structures. The interaction between the CWR and the elevated structure takes place through direct-fixation rail fasteners, which have a nonlinear force-displacement relationship. Factors that have significant influence on this interaction include the following: the bearing arrangement at the substructure units, trackwork terminating on the aerial structure, type of deck construction, and type of rail fasteners. To better understand the interaction mechanism, a nonlinear three-dimensional (3D) finite-element analysis of a straight, skewed, elevated steel guideway was carried out using the commercially available software GT STRUDL. The load cases considered in this study are temperature change, temperature change with rail breaking, and train braking. Results are presented in the form of rail axial stresses along the length of the bridge and normal bearing forces at both abutments and at all pier locations. The study shows that nonlinear 3D modeling can give a comprehensive insight into the rail-structure interaction (RSI) forces.  相似文献   

The paper introduces a design space for the design of prestressing tendons concentric with members for strengthening steel truss bridges. The design space contains all feasible solutions for the cross-sectional area of the tendon and the level of prestressing that satisfy the following criteria: (1) tendon yielding; (2) member buckling; and (3) member fracture and yielding. In the tendon design, two options for the degree of prestressing and backup are available. The prestressing option controls the amount of fatigue crack propagation under cyclic loadings, while the backup option provides the tendon area capable of replacing or backing up the member.  相似文献   

Load and resistance factor design (LRFD) is the standard structural design practice. In order for foundation design to be consistent with current structural design practice, the use of the same loads, load factors, and load combinations would be required. In this paper, we review the load factors presented in various LRFD codes from the United States, Canada, and Europe. A simple first-order second-moment (FOSM) reliability analysis is presented to determine appropriate ranges for the values of the load factors. These values are compared with those proposed in the codes. The comparisons between the analysis and the codes show that the values of load factors given in the codes generally fall within ranges consistent with the results of the FOSM analysis. However, it would be desirable for the successful development and adoption of the geotechnical component of LRFD codes to have uniformity of load-factor values across different codes for the loads that are common for virtually all civil structures.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical model conceived to simulate the behavior up to collapse of continuous concrete beams prestressed with bonded or external tendons. Its most valuable feature is the ability to automatically determine the most suitable extent of each load increment according to the actual stiffness of all the segments that form the discretized beam. A crucial problem of nonlinear structural analysis is numerical evaluation of the rotation capacity of plastic hinges, especially when dealing with concrete beams prestressed with external tendons, which is a technology nowadays increasingly adopted in new continuous bridges and in the rehabilitation or strengthening of old or damaged structures. This problem is discussed in depth and a simple rule, which differs from those usually discussed in the scientific literature, is adopted to subdivide the beam into discrete elements. The effectiveness of the numerical model is tested by comparing its numerical output with the outcomes of 14 experimental tests. This comparison looks promising since the mean value of the error on load carrying capacity is only 0.1%, with a 2.4% standard deviation.  相似文献   

In the last years an increasing interest has been devoted to all the topics related to the security and safety of people. Particular attention has been paid to health monitoring of large civil structures hosting many people, such as high-rise buildings and stadiums. Some extraordinary events, such as the Millennium Bridge oscillations in London, excited by pedestrians, or the Bruce Springsteen concert at the Ullevi Stadium in which coordinated jumps from the crowd caused serious damage to the structure, and drew attention toward a deeper and more careful study of all those problems related to the dynamic behavior of civil structures and their interaction with crowds. Research on these topics is also aimed, among others, at developing techniques allowing for a continuous monitoring of the structure, starting from a set of measurements that can be performed continuously, 24?h a day, without the need to stop the structure's functionality. The vast scientific literature confirms the possibility of relating structural health to the evolution of modal parameters, often reaching the aim of localizing any eventual damage, a task otherwise impossible with different techniques. This paper shows part of a long lasting project involving Politecnico di Milano in the setting up of a permanent health monitoring system at the G. Meazza Stadium in Milan. The aim of this project was the evaluation of the actual health state of the structures constituting the stands of the stadium and the deployment of a permanent monitoring system to record the vibration levels reached in all substructures during each event. Evaluation of the actual structure condition was performed by the use of ambient vibration, which was also checked against traditional experimental modal analysis, performed by using an inertial force given by a hydraulic actuator and a detailed measurement mesh. This offered the chance to exploit all possible information concerning natural frequencies, modal shapes, and damping factors. This task is extremely time consuming and expensive, therefore, it cannot be repeated very often. The possibility of using the data coming from the permanent monitoring system, which is about to be installed, is then an attractive perspective to improve structural diagnosis. It is expected that using operational modal analysis techniques will mean knowledge of the excitation applied to the structure will not be required. The parameter estimation obtained by this technique is usually affected by a spread, given both by the uncertainty of the adopted identification techniques and the influence of external parameters, such as crowd loading or temperature. As damage identification is related to changes of the modal parameters, the evaluation of their normal spread is fundamental to fix a threshold in order to identify possible worrysome situations. This paper deals with the identification of the spread in the modal parameter estimation of one of the grandstands of the so-called 3° ring of the G. Meazza Stadium in Milan, performed analyzing data collected over more than one year. Vibration data have been recorded during different events, such as soccer matches and concerts. The considered data came from a set of sensors similar to that which is to be installed for the permanent monitoring system, to check about the possibility to use the monitoring system as a diagnostic tool for the structure. A study was also carried out to identify critical aspects in the sensors’ choice and their placement, in order to provide useful information about the design of the permanent monitoring system. The presented results can be used to determine confidence intervals out of which changes in the modal properties can be considered anomalous, and so, worthy of being deeply investigated to assess structural integrity.  相似文献   

A field load test is an essential way to understand the behavior and fundamental characteristics of newly constructed bridges before they are allowed to go into service. The results of field static load tests and numerical analyses on the Qingzhou cable-stayed bridge (605?m central span length) over the Ming River, in Fuzhou, China are presented in the paper. The general test plan, tasks, and the responses measured are described. The level of test loading is about 80–95% of the code-specified serviceability load. The measured results include the deck profile, deck and tower displacements, and stresses of steel-concrete composite deck. A full three-dimensional finite-element model is developed and calibrated to match the measured elevations of the bridge deck. A good agreement is achieved between the experimental and analytical results. It is demonstrated that the initial equilibrium configuration of the bridge plays an important role in the finite-element calculations. Both experimental and analytical results have shown that the bridge is in the elastic state under the planned test loads, which indicates that the bridge has an adequate load-carrying capacity. The calibrated finite-element model that reflects the as-built conditions can be used as a baseline for health monitoring and future maintenance of the bridge.  相似文献   

One potential failure mechanism that needs to be considered for the design of braced excavations in soft clays is basal-heave instability. Many uncertainties are associated with the calculation of the basal-heave factor of safety, including the variabilities of the loadings, geotechnical soil properties, and engineering and geometrical properties of the wall. A risk-based approach to failure is necessary to incorporate systematically the uncertainties associated with the various design parameters. This paper demonstrates the potential for the reliability index–based approach for evaluating the basal-heave stability of braced excavations in clay. By using basic structural reliability concepts that reflect the degree of uncertainty of the underlying random variables in the analyses, engineers will have increased awareness of the uncertainties and their effects on the probability of failure. This study shows that the assumption of a linear limit state (failure) surface can be used to provide reasonable estimates of the reliability index and the probability of failure. Mathematical expressions, tables, and charts have been provided to estimate the probability of basal-heave failure for wide and deep excavations.  相似文献   

Due to limited resources, structural health monitoring (SHM) of highway bridges has to be integrated in structural performance assessment in a cost-effective manner. The instrumentation and the long-term SHM procedures are generally chosen with emphasis on most critical bridge components for a particular failure mode. However, global structural analysis is necessary to obtain useful structural performance information. It is then a major challenge to use monitoring data at some locations to perform a structural reliability analysis at other locations. In this paper, a methodology for lifetime serviceability analysis of existing steel girder bridges including crawl tests and long-term monitoring information is presented. The case where the initial goal of monitoring is to provide data for a fatigue analysis of some bridge components is considered. The monitoring results are used to perform a structural reliability analysis of different sections that are critical considering serviceability of the bridge. Limit state equations are used firstly by adhering to the load and strength formulas and requirements set forth in AASHTO specifications, and secondly by integrating monitoring information. Serviceability with respect to permanent deformation under overload is estimated for the girders with these two different methods and a time-dependent performance analysis is conducted by considering corrosion penetration. The proposed approach is applied to the I-39 Northbound Bridge over the Wisconsin River in Wisconsin. A monitoring program of that bridge was performed by the Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems Center at Lehigh University.  相似文献   

The context of structural monitoring of concrete dams as part of hydropower assets management is described. A tool that fits well into this context is the control of the uplift pressure of concrete dams. A monitoring technique suitable for this purpose was developed based on an automated water-level measurement technique using time-domain reflectometry and standard air-dielectric coaxial cable sensors. The signal is interpreted automatically by applying a threshold method to determine the apparent water level, which is then used to calculate the uplift pressure. A field test at a concrete dam column displayed consistent results, which were used as input to a reliability-based stability safety analysis. The results show that this technique can be very useful for uplift pressure monitoring. The information determined can serve as input to the maintenance work as well as assist engineering decisions.  相似文献   

Two frequency response correlation criteria, namely the global shape correlation (GSC) function and the global amplitude correlation (GAC) function, are established tools to quantify the correlation between predictions from a finite-element (FE) model and measured data for the purposes of FE model validation and updating. This paper extends the application of these two correlation criteria to structural health monitoring and damage detection. In addition, window-averaged versions of the GSC and GAC, namely WAIGSC and WAIGAC, are defined as effective damage indicators to quantify the change in structural response. An integrated method of structural health monitoring and damage assessment, based on the correlation functions and radial basis function neural networks, is proposed and the technique is applied to a bookshelf structure with 24 measured responses. The undamaged and damaged states, single and multiple damage locations, as well as damage levels, were successfully identified in all cases studied. The ability of the proposed method to cope with incomplete measurements is also discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study, results of reliability analyses of four selected rehabilitated earth dam sections, i.e., Chang, Tapar, Rudramata, and Kaswati, under pseudostatic loading conditions, are presented. Using the response surface methodology, in combination with first order reliability method and numerical analysis, the reliability index (β) values are obtained and results are interpreted in conjunction with conventional factor of safety values. The influence of considering variability in the input soil shear strength parameters, horizontal seismic coefficient (αh), and location of reservoir full level on the stability assessment of the earth dam sections is discussed in the probabilistic framework. A comparison of results with those obtained from other method of reliability analysis, viz., Monte Carlo simulations combined with limit equilibrium approach, provided a basis for discussing the stability of earth dams in probabilistic terms, and the results of the analysis suggest that the considered earth dam sections are reliable and are expected to perform satisfactorily.  相似文献   

Secondary elements such as barriers, sidewalks, and diaphragms may affect the distribution of live load to bridge girders. The objective of this study is to evaluate their effect on girder reliability if these elements are designed to be sufficiently attached to the bridge so as not to detach under traffic live loads. Simple-span, two-lane structures are considered, with composite steel girders supporting a reinforced concrete deck. Several representative structures are selected, with various configurations of barriers, sidewalks, and diaphragms. Bridge analysis is performed using a finite-element procedure. Load and resistance parameters are treated as random variables. Random variables considered are composite girder flexural strength, secondary element stiffness, load magnitude (dead load and truck traffic live load), and live load position. It was found that typical combinations of secondary elements have a varying influence on girder reliability, depending on secondary element stiffness and bridge geometry. Suggestions are presented that can account for secondary elements and that provide a uniform level of reliability to bridge girders.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the American Association of State Highway Officials’ (AASHTO) new Guide Manual for Condition Evaluation and Load and Resistance Factor Rating of Highway Bridges that was completed in March 2000 under a National Cooperative Highway Research Program research project and adopted as a Guide Manual by the AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures at the 2002 AASHTO Bridge Conference. The new Manual is a companion document to the AASHTO Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Design Specifications in the same manner that the current Manual for Condition Evaluation of Bridges is to the AASHTO Standard Specifications. The new Manual is consistent with the LRFD Specifications in using a reliability based limit states philosophy and extends the provisions of the LRFD Specifications to the areas of inspection, load rating, posting and permit rules, fatigue evaluation, and load testing of existing bridges. This paper presents an overview of the manual; specifically, the new Load and Resistance Factor rating procedures are explained and the basis for their calibration is discussed.  相似文献   

Piezoceramic transducers (PZTs) are extensively used in the nondestructive evaluation of damages in various engineering structures. This paper, the second of a two-part paper, focuses on the application of a PZT using three-dimensional (3D) directional sum impedance (DSI). The semianalytical 3D admittance has been formulated and experimentally validated in the first paper. This part deals with the application of the 3D DSI model in damage analysis where by damages were numerically simulated for various types of specimens and the DSI admittance signatures were predicted and compared. The deviations of the signature from that of the undamaged state provide an indicator for the health of the structure. This technique is nondestructive in nature, and the damages were quantified using root-mean-square deviation in signatures with respect to the undamaged state signature. In Part I, the properties of the PZT and their influences on admittance signatures were briefly presented. In this part, a thorough investigation was made and the importance of all the PZT properties in damage analysis was presented.  相似文献   

Bridge-level failure event definitions per limit state have evolved from failure of one key bridge component as representative of the whole bridge system to failure of at least one of multiple components. However, an entire set of bridge failure event possibilities exists between these two extremes in the same limit state, such as failure of any two, any three, or any desired subset of bridge components. This paper proposes a closed-form combinatorial method to evaluate all possible ways in which bridge components can fail within and across limit states. It also highlights bridge component importance measures as key by-products of the closed-form solution. Calculations are illustrated with a particular yet illustrative system failure event, called the augmented event, which incorporates failures of at least one component in a given limit state and joint failures of multiple important components in a previous limit state. Bridges in as-built and retrofitted conditions are used to illustrate the augmentation calculation under seismic loads and the application of the proposed system reliability method. The results reveal an increase in median system fragility at the moderate limit states in the range of 4–20% relative to traditional approaches that neglect augmentation. This methodology to connect bridge components to bridge system reliability can readily support infrastructure stakeholder decision making and risk management through an efficient approach that can adapt to evolving system failure event definitions.  相似文献   

System identification is an area which deals with developing mathematical models to characterize the input-output behavior of an unknown system by means of experimental data. Structural health monitoring (SHM) provides the tools and technologies to collect and analyze input and output data to track the structural behavior. One of the most commonly used SHM technologies is dynamic testing. Ambient vibration testing is a practical dynamic testing method especially for large civil structures where input excitation cannot be directly measured. This paper presents a conceptual and reliable methodology for system identification and structural condition assessment using ambient vibration data where input data are not available. The system identification methodology presented in this study is based on the use of complex mode indicator functions (CMIFs) coupled with the random decrement (RD) method to identify the modal parameters from the output only data sets. CMIF is employed for parameter identification from the unscaled multiple-input multiple-output data sets generated using the RD method. For condition assessment, unscaled flexibility and the deflection profiles obtained from the dynamic tests are presented as a conceptual indicator. Laboratory tests on a steel grid and field tests on a long-span bridge were conducted and the dynamic properties identified from these tests are presented. For demonstrating condition assessment, deflected shapes obtained from unscaled flexibility are compared for undamaged and damaged laboratory grid structures. It is shown that structural changes on the steel grid structure are identified by using the unscaled deflected shapes.  相似文献   

The response surface Monte Carlo method (RSMCM) is proposed for reliability analysis of aerostatic response and aerostatic stability for different types of long-span bridges, in which the nonlinear effects due to geometric nonlinearity and deformation-dependent aerostatic loads are taken into consideration. The geometric parameters, the material parameters, and the aerostatic coefficients of the bridge girder are regarded as random variables in the proposed method. RSMCM has higher accuracy in comparison with the traditional response surface method and requires much less computational cost than the conventional Monte Carlo method. The proposed method is applied to reliability analysis of aerostatic response and aerostatic stability of the Hong Kong Ting Kau Bridge, and reasonable results illustrating effectiveness of the method are obtained.  相似文献   

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