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Many projects, such as the construction of roadways, pipelines, and high‐rise buildings, involve repetitive activities. A method for scheduling such work, the Linear Scheduling Method (LSM) is presented. In an LSM schedule, the repetitive activities are plotted as lines of constant or varying slopes on two axes, distance versus time. Discrete activities may be shown at their appropriate times and locations and then referenced to a network schedule for additional detail. The Linear Scheduling Method is illustrated by applying it to an actual roadway construction project. The simplicity of the system and advantages for certain types of projects are revealed. A sample schedule is used to derive information that is comparable to what may be obtained from an equivalent CPM network.  相似文献   

Highway construction often causes an additional road user cost (RUC) to motorists due to traffic flow interruption and congestion in work zones. Consequently, facility owners, such as the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), are often interested in using alternative contracting methods such as A+B contracting to expedite construction. Although many of these contracting methods rely on the RUC to determine incentives or disincentives, no standard method for RUC calculation is available to FDOT district engineers. In addition, existing methods are neither practical nor user-friendly for determining incentives or disincentives. This study intends to develop a RUC calculation procedure for the FDOT that focuses on using data that are easily accessible to FDOT district engineers, such as drawings and maintenance of traffic plans. The procedure is developed based on traffic analysis methods published in the Highway Capacity Manual, previous studies on user benefit analysis and work zones, and empirical data specific to Florida. Case studies are used to illustrate the procedure and to compare it with two other existing models, the Arizona model and the queue and user cost evaluation of work zone model, through correlation analysis, comparison of calculation assumptions, and data input analysis. This study shows that the suggested procedure produces consistent RUC estimates.  相似文献   

An expressway project is often divided into subprojects with different tendering packages, and carried out by several general contractors that apply different scheduling practices. Each schedule may contain hundreds of activities, each of which is associated with multiple pay items that determine its earned monetary value. With such huge amount of information, the reviewer can only check a sample piece of information, and the quality of review highly depends on the reviewer’s experience and devotion. Automated schedule review provides a solution to reduce such problems encountered in the industry. This paper presents a module-based schedule generation and review model, which includes a predefined set of network modules, network builder assistant computer system that helps schedulers manage and reuse the modules to build a new schedule, and another computer system network review assistant (NRA) that helps reviewers review schedules. The NRA uses generalized rule forms to represent the schedule critique knowledge collected from the industry. When potential errors are found, the NRA adopts case-based reasoning to suggest possible correction based on similar cases. The evaluation conducted by the practitioners using real projects indicates that NRA reduces review time, and provides more accurate review on finding activities and related pay items not conforming to standards, and reminding users of important but often omitted activities.  相似文献   

This paper presents a decision support tool that is intended to help highway agencies in evaluating the suitability of nighttime construction for highway projects. This tool was developed as part of a research project sponsored by the Illinois Department of Transportation. The tool is a simple software package that was developed using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and Visual Basic for Applications. The proposed tool utilizes the cost-effectiveness analysis as a basis for comparison between daytime and nighttime operations. The proposed tool is mainly used whenever night shift is thought of as an alternative to the conventional daytime shift. Nonetheless, the tool is also generic in the sense that it can be used to compare different alternative plans such as different lane closure strategies or scheduling alternatives.  相似文献   

Contractors are required by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) to submit a progress schedule identifying the controlling path of activities for a construction project. During the 2000 construction season, MDOT allowed contractors to submit a progress schedule with overlapping or concurrent controlling operations. Prior to this, only one activity at a time could be controlling on the progress schedule. This paper reports on the results of a research project where the focus was to examine the accuracy of the progress schedules, which only list controlling items. Eight construction projects were studied and a determination of progress schedule accuracy was made. This was done to determine if there was an increase in accuracy of the schedules when concurrent controlling operations were used. Included in the eight projects were four without concurrent controlling activities and four with concurrent controlling activities. A comparison based upon similar projects with and without concurrent activities was made. Additionally, 22 projects were analyzed, all without concurrent controlling activities, to determine the accuracy of progress schedules for two types of projects. The comparison revealed that, in three of the four cases, the accuracy of progress schedules increased with the allowance of concurrent controlling activities. The 22 projects revealed that the accuracy of progress schedules varied considerably. It was also determined that contractors overestimated the duration of activities included in progress schedules.  相似文献   

Over the last 5?years the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has completed three experimental long-life urban freeway rehabilitation projects by utilizing a fast-track (accelerated) construction approach of around-the-clock operations under extended closure. This paper presents the fast-track rehabilitation approaches and the as-built production rates of major rehabilitation operations monitored at the three experimental projects. The monitoring results show that the contractor’s production rates varied considerably depending upon the construction logistics, material delivery and hauling methods, lane-closure tactics, and/or pavement designs being implemented. A higher production rate and a noticeable “learning-curve effect” were observed when full-width rehabilitation was compared with partial-width rehabilitation, when continuous lane reconstruction was compared with random slab replacements, and when full roadbed closures were compared with partial lane closures. Findings in this study suggest that Caltrans should evaluate project-specific conditions and constraints, which might restrict use of a preferred rehabilitation scheme, by taking production rate variances into account when establishing schedule baselines of construction staging plans and incentive/disincentive contracts for urban freeway rehabilitation projects.  相似文献   

Linear Scheduling Methods are best suited to projects that display repetitive characteristics, but their use in the construction industry is limited. Line‐of‐Balance (LOB) is a Linear Scheduling Method that also makes use of network technology. Its benefits and shortcomings are investigated in a high‐way surface treatment project where LOB has been used experimentally. It was determined that LOB is extremely sensitive to errors in man hour, crew size, and activity duration estimates. There are also problems of a visual nature with the presentation of the diagram. On the other hand, LOB allows a better grasp of the project than any other scheduling technique because it is possible to adjust activities' rates of production. It provides a smooth and efficient flow of resources and requires less time and effort to produce than network schedules. Research to make Linear Scheduling Methods more attractive is recommended.  相似文献   

Linear repetitive construction projects require large amounts of resources which are used in a sequential manner and therefore effective resource management is very important both in terms of project cost and duration. Existing methodologies such as the critical path method and the repetitive scheduling method optimize the schedule with respect to a single factor, to achieve minimum duration or minimize resource work breaks, respectively. However real life scheduling decisions are more complicated and project managers must make decisions that address the various cost elements in a holistic way. To respond to this need, new methodologies that can be applied through the use of decision support systems should be developed. This paper introduces a multiobjective linear programming model for scheduling linear repetitive projects, which takes into consideration cost elements regarding the project’s duration, the idle time of resources, and the delivery time of the project’s units. The proposed model can be used to generate alternative schedules based on the relative magnitude and importance of the different cost elements. In this sense, it provides managers with the capability to consider alternative schedules besides those defined by minimum duration or maximizing work continuity of resources. The application of the model to a well known example in the literature demonstrates its use in providing explicatory analysis of the results.  相似文献   

Risks always exist in construction projects and often cause schedule delay or cost overrun. Risk management is a key issue in project management. The first step of risk management is risk identification. It includes the recognition of potential risk event conditions in the project and the clarification of risk responsibilities. We conducted multiple-case studies using a systematic analytical procedure to identify risks in highway projects in Taiwan, to recognize risk allocation by contract clauses, and to analyze the influence of risk allocation on the contractor’s risk handling strategies. The results show that the owner allocates risks by stipulating specific contract clauses into five kinds of risk allocation conditions. If a risk is more controllable by the contractor, the owner has a greater tendency to allocate the risk to the contractor. Risk allocation determines which kinds of risks the contractor would take and influences the contractor’s risk handling decisions. The analysis furthermore indicates that, if the probability of a certain risk event condition is uncontrollable, then with the increasing possibility of taking the risk, the contractor’s tendency of risk handling changes from actively transferring the risk to passively retaining the risk. In contrast, if a risk is controllable and certainly allocated to the contractor, the contractor tends to take the initiative to reduce the impact caused by the risk event rather than retain the risk.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multiobjective optimization model for the planning and scheduling of repetitive construction projects. The model enables construction planners to generate and evaluate optimal construction plans that minimize project duration and maximize crew work continuity, simultaneously. The computations in the present model are organized in three major modules: scheduling, optimization, and ranking modules. First, the scheduling module uses a resource-driven scheduling algorithm to develop practical schedules for repetitive construction projects. Second, the optimization module utilizes multiobjective genetic algorithms to search for and identify feasible construction plans that establish optimal tradeoffs between project duration and crew work continuity. Third, the ranking module uses multiattribute utility theory to rank the generated plans in order to facilitate the selection and execution of the best overall plan for the project being considered. An application example is analyzed to illustrate the use of the model demonstrate its new capabilities in optimizing the planning and scheduling of repetitive construction projects.  相似文献   

Reasons for Cost and Schedule Increase for Engineering Design Projects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cost and schedule increases are common in engineering design projects. Some research has studied factors associated with better design performance, but the reasons for cost and schedule increases are not formally investigated. This paper identifies the reasons bottom up from four case project documents and further quantifies their contributions to cost and schedule increases. These reasons are complete and can be used to analyze the cause-effect relationship, trace responsibility, and improve performance for engineering design projects.  相似文献   

In planning for contractor payments, an owner with multiple projects needs to estimate the amount of money to be paid to contractors in coming months. For an owner as large as the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDoT), one is faced with the problem of organizing the budget to ensure that there are sufficient funds for all projects. This investigation was requested by TxDoT to provide a tool to forecast future project payments. Recent account summaries of TxDoT projects from 2001 to 2003 were analyzed for creating mathematical models representing monthly payments for various projects. The data were organized into categories of project types and subcategories of project contract amount. A fourth degree polynomial regression analysis was run on the data and the regression curve, when statistically significant, was taken to be the forecast payment curve. Finally, a computer program was developed to implement the results of the investigation for TxDoT’s needs. The methodology provided will help other highway agencies to create their own equations to better predict project cash flows and trends. This investigation might also benefit researchers in projecting cash flows and trends, while also allowing for improvements.  相似文献   

Although geographic information systems (GISs) have been applied in different areas of transportation, full use of their potential in speed profile analysis and highway design consistency studies has yet to be made. The possibilities that GISs offer for analysis and the increasing number of highway inventories supported by such systems, including traffic data and crash rates, suggest that the implementation of a highway design consistency analysis module within a GIS will facilitate and improve road safety studies. It is with this aim that a GIS-based computer system that builds vehicle speed profiles and analyzes highway design consistency has been developed, in which an operating speed prediction model, acceleration/deceleration rates, and other features can be configured by the engineering user in order to obtain an analysis that is more representative of drivers and local conditions. Application of this system to the study of the design consistency of highways is described, using three examples.  相似文献   

This paper presents a decision support system for optimizing temporary lighting arrangements in nighttime highway construction projects. The system is developed as a multiobjective genetic algorithm that is capable of: (1) maximizing average illuminance on construction sites; (2) maximizing lighting uniformity in the work zone; (3) minimizing glare to workers and road users; and (4) minimizing lighting costs. The system is designed to support decision makers in their search for practical lighting arrangements that provide various tradeoffs among these four conflicting objectives. Five decision variables are optimized in the present system, namely: number of lighting equipment, equipment positioning, mounting height, aiming angle, and rotation angle. The system is also designed to consider and satisfy all practical constraints that can be encountered in this lighting design problem. An application example is analyzed to illustrate the use of the system and demonstrate its capabilities in generating near optimal and practical lighting arrangements for nighttime highway construction projects.  相似文献   

Highway megaprojects (construction projects over $100 million) are fraught with uncertainty. These projects have historically experienced increases in project costs from the time that a project is first proposed or programmed until the time that they are completed. Persistent cost underestimation reflects poorly on the industry in general but more specifically on engineers. Traditional methods take a deterministic, conservative approach to project cost estimating and then add a contingency factor that varies depending on the stage of project definition, experience, and other factors. This approach falls short, and no industry standard stochastic estimating practice is currently available. This paper presents a methodology developed by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for its Cost Estimating Validation Process. Nine case studies, with a mean cumulative value of over $22 billion, are presented and analyzed. Programmatic risks are summarized as economic, environmental, third party, right-of-way, program management, geotechnical, design process, construction, and other minor risks. WSDOT is successfully using the range cost output from this procedure to convey project costs to management and the public.  相似文献   

This case study paper presents an innovative fast-track approach applied to a heavily trafficked urban freeway reconstruction project in Southern California. Badly deteriorated truck lanes in both directions along a 4.5-km stretch of I-15 were rebuilt from the gravel base up. The operations, estimated to take 10?months using traditional nighttime closures, were completed in two 9-day continuous closures with round-the-clock (about 210?h for each direction) operations. This “Rapid Rehab” project adopted state-of-practice technologies to accelerate construction, mitigate traffic disruptions, and propagate project information. As a result, traffic demand through the construction work zone was reduced by 20% and the maximum peak-hour delay was reduced by 50%. The estimated benefits of accelerated reconstruction on this project included a 28% reduction in agency cost and 29% time value savings to road users, compared to the traditional approach of using repeated nighttime closures. Web surveys showed dramatic changes in public perception of the Rapid Rehab approach from initial reluctance and objection to positive support.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the likelihood of occurrence and quantifies the magnitude and rate of discrepancies in highway project final costs with respect to their contract award amounts. Using data from Indiana, we develop a multistep econometric approach that can be used to estimate the effects of factors associated with the contract bidding process, project type, and the project physical environment on cost discrepancies in highway contracts. Estimation findings indicate that for a given project type and project year, contracts of larger size or longer duration are generally more likely to incur cost overruns. In addition, for contracts that incur cost overruns, the cost overrun rate decreases nonlinearly with increasing contract size up to a certain point after which the cost overrun rate increases with increasing contract size. Our approach allows for the possibility that cost overrun amounts are not linearly related to contract award amounts (contract size), and shows that greater analytical flexibility needs to be incorporated into any investigation of contract cost overruns. Agencies interested in improving their financial forecasts can replicate our proposed methodology using local contract data.  相似文献   

In the United States, public agencies are adopting the design-build (DB) delivery method for delivering highway projects after having used the traditional design-bid-build method for generations. In the 2002 design-build contracting final rule, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) strongly encourages the use of two-phase selection procedures for DB procurement. This paper takes a case study approach to investigating the use of a two-phase process for selecting providers of highway design-build services. Using two DB projects in central Texas as case studies, the writers have analyzed project documentation and performed interviews with 37 project participants involved in procurement, including owner representatives and legal consultants. For the first case, the writers selected the $1.3 billion SH-130 tolled expressway project in central Texas. Procurement of the SH-130 DB contract was performed before the FHWA rule on DB contracting was released. In addition, the writers examined procurement activities for the $154 million DB contract for the SH-45 SE tolled expressway, which was procured by the same owner in 2004 following procedures identified in the FHWA rule. As a result, a process was developed that included activities to be performed between the delivery method decision and the contract execution. This process model tracks the differences between the SH-130 and the SH-45 SE processes that are attributable to the latter’s adoption of the FHWA Rule.  相似文献   

More and more state highway agencies (SHAs) have begun to consider the value of time in highway construction. The “A?(cost)+B?(time?cost)+I/D?(incentive/disincentive)” bidding concept is designed to shorten the total contract time by allowing each contractor to bid the number of days in which the work can be accomplished, in addition to the traditional cost bid. I/D are not only used to provide an incentive to the contractor for earlier completion, but also to provide a disincentive for late completion of a project. Contractors are then presented with the problem of determining the best strategy of bid estimation, including construction cost, time cost, and incentive/disincentive. SHAs are also faced with the problem of placing a maximum and/or minimum on the time bid. To provide users a useful tool to estimate project time more accurately using this advanced method, this study develops a quantified model of the price-time bidding contract. The functional relationship between the construction cost and time duration is developed based on data from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). The contractor’s construction cost “A” is then combined with the road user cost and incentive/disincentive to determine the optimum low bid price and time. This optimum can then be used by the SHA to set limits on the range of acceptable time bids. Finally, several projects completed by the FDOT will be used to illustrate the validity of this model.  相似文献   

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