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No pharmacotherapies have been shown to increase long-term (> or = 6-month) abstinence rates among smokeless tobacco (ST) users. Available evidence suggests that underdosing may occur with standard-dose nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) in ST users. We investigated the effect of high-dose nicotine therapy on tobacco withdrawal symptoms among ST users in a randomized, controlled clinical pilot study. A total of 42 ST users using at least 3 cans or pouches per week were randomized to nicotine patch doses of 63, 42, or 21 mg/day or placebo for 8 weeks. Multiple daily assessments of tobacco withdrawal and nicotine toxicity were obtained with an electronic diary. During the first week of nicotine patch therapy, we observed a dose-response relationship such that higher nicotine patch doses were associated with less decreased arousal (chi2 = 6.87, p = .009), less negative affect (chi2 = 3.85, p = .05), and less restlessness (chi2 = 3.90, p = .048). During the second week, higher nicotine patch doses were associated with less decreased arousal (chi2 = 6.77, p = .009). Overall, the frequency of nicotine toxicity symptoms did not differ by dose group. Of specific symptoms, nausea was observed to be more frequent in the 63 mg/day dose group compared with placebo (p = .035). In conclusion, high-dose nicotine patch therapy resulted in a greater reduction of tobacco withdrawal symptoms among ST users using at least 3 cans per week. High-dose nicotine patch therapy is safe and well tolerated in this population of tobacco users.  相似文献   

This article updates a 1990 review of the effects of tobacco abstinence by reviewing (a) which symptoms are valid indicators of tobacco abstinence and (b) the time course of tobacco abstinence symptoms. The author searched several databases to locate more than 3,500 citations on tobacco abstinence effects between 1990 and 2004; 120 of these were used in this review. Data collection and interpretation were based solely on the author's subjective judgments. For brevity, the review does not evaluate craving, hunger, performance, and several other possible outcomes as withdrawal symptoms. Anger, anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating, impatience, insomnia, and restlessness are valid withdrawal symptoms that peak within the first week and last 2-4 weeks. Constipation, cough, dizziness, increased dreaming, and mouth ulcers may be abstinence effects. Drowsiness, fatigue, and several physical symptoms are not abstinence effects. In conclusion, no major changes are suggested for DSM-IV criteria for tobacco/nicotine withdrawal, but some deletions are suggested for ICD-10 criteria. Future studies need to investigate several possible new symptoms of withdrawal and to define more clearly the time course of symptoms.  相似文献   

Smokeless tobacco (ST) products have the potential to be used as a harm reduction method for cigarette smokers. These products can deliver significantly less toxicants than cigarettes, although they are not toxicant free nor harmless. It is important to examine potential health risks and benefits of these products. These two small pilot studies examined the effects of two different ST products (Exalt and Ariva) compared with medicinal nicotine, another potential harm reduction product. Dependent, healthy adult cigarette smokers, who were motivated to quit smoking, underwent 1 week of baseline smoking measurement. They were then asked to quit smoking and were randomly assigned to use either an ST product or a medicinal nicotine lozenge (MNL, Commit) for 2 weeks, then crossed over to use the other product for 2 weeks. In the last week, following the sampling phase, subjects could choose the product they wished to use. Assessments were made repeatedly during baseline cigarette use and throughout the 5 weeks of treatment. Outcome measures included biomarkers for tobacco exposure and subjective, physiological, and behavioral responses. Tobacco-specific carcinogen uptake was greater from Exalt than from the MNL, and was comparable between the MNL and Ariva. Physiological effects and subjective effects on withdrawal and craving were comparable among Exalt, Ariva, and the MNL. Ariva was preferred over the MNL, which was preferred over Exalt. With the exception of medicinal nicotine products, low-nitrosamine ST products have the greatest potential to result in reduced toxicant exposure compared with other combustible reduced exposure products and have promise for reducing individual risk for disease. However, the population effect of marketing of such products as reduced exposure/reduced risk is unknown. The need for further research in this area and regulation of tobacco products is evident.  相似文献   

This paper addresses methodological issues in the assessment of nicotine withdrawal and craving in clinical trials of smoking cessation therapies. We define withdrawal as a syndrome of behavioral, affective, cognitive, and physiological symptoms, typically transient, emerging upon cessation or reduction of tobacco use and causing distress or impairment of behavioral function. Offset effects (effects related to removal of a direct nicotine effect) are sustained effects of cessation or reduction of tobacco use that cause distress or impairment. Withdrawal and craving are important as potential predictors of relapse, as mediators and markers of treatment effects, and as clinical phenomena in their own right. Symptoms recommended for assessment include craving, irritability, depression, restlessness, sleep disturbance, difficulty concentrating, increased appetite, and weight gain; anxiety deserves further study. We recommend reporting of data on each of these individual symptoms, and use of multiple-item assessments. Although some standardized measures of withdrawal have promising psychometric properties, no measure has yet fully established its reliability, validity, and broad applicability and, therefore, we do not currently favor universal adoption of any one measure. Assessment of objective indices of withdrawal (e.g., hormonal changes) is currently technically challenging and of unknown value. Although weekly assessment may suffice in some large trials, more intensive measurement can provide better sensitivity. Analyses of withdrawal should include baseline measures and be sensitive to potential instability in baseline. Analytic approaches should take into account potential bias when only abstinent subjects are examined. Conversely, heterogeneity should be considered when smoking subjects are included in intent-to-treat analyses. Withdrawal data from clinical trials focused on assessing abstinence rates may be biased because of progressive subject loss to dropout and relapse; different designs and approaches are needed to investigate the process and natural history of craving and withdrawal.  相似文献   

Recent reports suggest that nicotine withdrawal symptoms are common among adolescents after a few weeks of intermittent tobacco use. No current model of nicotine dependence had predicted the rapid development of symptoms of dependence and withdrawal before the development of tolerance. We present a model that integrates neuroscience with clinical observations regarding how nicotine dependence develops, progresses, and resolves in humans. The central tenet of this sensitization-homeostasis model is that nicotine's dependence liability derives from its ability to stimulate neural pathways responsible for the suppression of craving. As a result of sensitization, the craving suppression produced by nicotine is magnified to superphysiological levels. The overinhibition of neurons responsible for craving initiates compensatory homeostatic measures that stimulate the craving pathways and result in craving when nicotine is absent. Separate homeostatic mechanisms are responsible for craving, withdrawal, and tolerance. The sensitization-homeostasis model is unique in its attribution of dependence to craving suppression, its attention to the temporal relationships among clinical features of nicotine dependence, and its extensive integration of clinical observations and basic science. It provides a framework for theory-based research.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that women may be less likely to obtain therapeutic benefit from nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). The present study tested this hypothesis, using two different types of NRT medications. A secondary analysis of two randomized clinical trials was performed: One compared active 21-mg nicotine patch with placebo among 193 men and 309 women, and the other compared active 2-mg or 4-mg nicotine lozenge with placebo among 788 men and 1,030 women. Using logistic regression analysis of 6-month continuous abstinence and survival analysis, we assessed the efficacy of patch and lozenge among women and tested for a gender x treatment interaction. Active NRT was more effective than placebo among women, for both patch and lozenge. In the lozenge trial, women were less successful than men. The gender x treatment interaction was not significant in either study, whether assessed by logistic regression or survival analysis. In the lozenge trial, gender moderated the effects of smoking rate and dependence (but not treatment) on outcome: These variables affected success rates only among women. Treatment with nicotine patch or lozenge is effective for women, and the analysis did not reveal significant gender differences in efficacy. Gender differences in outcome may be moderated by nicotine dependence.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether treatment with the combination of denicotinized cigarettes and 21-mg nicotine patch for 2 weeks before a designated quit date could lessen cravings for smoking, thereby helping smokers abstain from smoking. The study was a randomized controlled clinical trial conducted at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New York, in 2004 and 2005. Patients included 98 adult heavy smokers (using 20 or more cigarettes/day). Half of the subjects received 2 weeks of combination of denicotinized cigarettes (Quest 3) and 21-mg nicotine patch for 2 weeks before the quit date. The remaining smokers were switched to light cigarettes (Quest 1) during the 2 weeks before the quit date. After the quit date, all subjects received counseling for smoking cessation and were provided nicotine patches for up to 8 weeks after the quit date. Self-reported cravings for smoking, withdrawal symptoms, and smoking abstinence were measured at predetermined intervals using phone-based surveys and in clinical visits. The group that used denicotinized cigarettes and nicotine patch before quitting reported less frequent and less intense cravings for cigarettes in the 2 weeks before and after the designated quit date. Self-reported withdrawal symptoms and quit rates did not differ significantly between the groups. The use of a denicotinized cigarette combined with the nicotine patch appears to lessen cravings to smoke in the immediate postcessation period. A larger, better-powered study is needed to test if this treatment combination has merit for increasing quit rates.  相似文献   

This preliminary study examined the effects of tobacco-free snuff (intervention, n = 52) compared with no snuff (control, n = 54) for reducing tobacco use among smokeless tobacco (ST) users not interested in quitting. Both groups received behavioral instructions, and intervention subjects received tobacco-free snuff for 8 weeks. Participants were required to reduce their intake by 50% during the first 4 weeks and by 75% during the subsequent 4 weeks. Follow-up occurred at 12 weeks. Significant reductions were observed from baseline to week 8 (end of treatment) for both treatment groups in the amount of ST use (tins/week and dips/day, p<.001); mean urinary cotinine (p<.001); and mean urinary total NNAL, a carcinogen biomarker (p<.001). At week 8 the intervention resulted in a lower mean total NNAL (p = .048). Compared with the control condition, the intervention resulted in a higher percentage of subjects achieving at least a 50% reduction in cotinine (p = .046) and total NNAL (p = .002) at the end of treatment, more quit attempts (p = .030), and a longer mean duration of abstinence (p = .013) through follow-up. An ST reduction intervention incorporating tobacco-free snuff could potentially reduce risk for ST-related disease beyond that achieved with no snuff by increasing the number of patients who achieve significant reductions in carcinogen exposure and, more important, by facilitating tobacco abstinence by increasing quit attempts and abstinence duration.  相似文献   

Smokers' minimal exposure to nicotine replacement treatments (NRTs) may account for poor compliance and outcome with these treatments. This study tested effects of information versus sampling of NRTs on smokers' preferences and expectations. The study was a crossover comparing information-only (INF) with sampling (SMP) methods for five NRTs: gum (2 and 4 mg), lozenges (2 and 4 mg), and inhalers. Subjects were given computer-based presentations on NRTs (INF) and rated and ranked use variables (e.g., ease, sensory/ritual, perceived relief, embarrassment) and overall choice for "use to quit." After INF testing, subjects sampled each NRT (SMP) and again rated and ranked drugs. SMP was brief (4 min) to mimic potential use in practice. Results showed changes in perceptions and preferences post-SMP. NRT preferences shifted for overall "use to quit" (59%) and most use variables (43%-63%) post-SMP. Inhalers (generally top choice) showed a 20% drop in choice to quit (p<.04) and a 24% drop in anticipated "relief of withdrawal" (p<.04) post-SMP; 4-mg lozenge ratings increased for "relief of withdrawal" (p<.02). Ratings improved post-SMP for three of the five NRTs ("ease of use," p<.05) but were reduced overall for liking "sensory action" (p<.003) and reduced for all but 2-mg gum for "use to quit" (p<.03). Positive changes were seen in improved ratings of NRTs chosen post-SMP. Given that reactions to NRTs change with experience, sampling should allow for a more realistic choice of NRT (self-tailoring) and better compliance versus current trial-and-error methods.  相似文献   

This article updates a 1990 review of the effects of tobacco abstinence by reviewing (a) the etiology, (b) animal models, (c) the epidemiology, and (d) the clinical significance of tobacco abstinence effects. The author searched several databases to locate more than 3,500 citations on tobacco abstinence effects between 1990 and 2004. For brevity, the review does not evaluate these effects in regard to craving, hunger, or performance. Data collection and study conclusions were based on the author's subjective judgment. The most validated etiological model suggests that withdrawal is related to decreased dopaminergic activity, but how this relates to nicotine receptor changes is unclear. The two most validated animal models describe increases in intracranial self-stimulation thresholds or observable physical signs. Significant withdrawal symptoms occur in at least half of smokers when they try to quit. Withdrawal appears to produce clinically significant distress and impairment. Increases in depression after abstinence, but not other symptoms, prospectively predict relapse. In conclusion, the proposed neurobiological mechanisms by which withdrawal occurs leave several unanswered questions. Although animal models have been developed, how well they mimic withdrawal in humans is unclear. Tobacco withdrawal is common and can be distressing. Withdrawal-induced depression appears to undermine the smoker's ability to remain abstinent.  相似文献   

The subjective and reinforcing effects of drugs of abuse may depend partly on their rate of onset, with faster acting formulations typically producing stronger effects than slower ones. In this within-subjects study, we examined the acute effects of nicotine replacement therapy via nicotine nasal spray (fast delivery) vs. transdermal nicotine patch (slow delivery) on craving, withdrawal, cardiovascular responses, subjective ratings, and reinforcing effects of smoking. Smokers (N=30) not seeking treatment participated in three sessions, each after overnight smoking abstinence, involving 14-mg nicotine (Nicoderm) or placebo patch, followed 4 hr later by intermittent administration of nicotine (Nicotrol) or placebo nasal spray. Specifically, the three group comparisons were nicotine patch condition (with placebo spray), nicotine spray condition (with placebo patch), and placebo condition (placebo spray and patch). Nicotine patch and nicotine spray were never administered in the same session. Blood nicotine levels were similar between nicotine patch and nicotine spray conditions, by design. Heart rate and systolic blood pressure were higher following nicotine spray vs. the other conditions, as hypothesized. However, other than reductions in craving related to nicotine spray and patch at some points, no differences between conditions were observed in withdrawal, subjective effects of sprays and smoking, or smoking reinforcement assessed by a computer task. Thus, under these acute conditions, the speed of nicotine delivery from nasal spray vs. patch differentially affected cardiovascular responses and perhaps craving but did not influence withdrawal, subjective ratings, and smoking reinforcement.  相似文献   

This study, which tested two motivational interviewing treatment approaches, assessed the feasibility of conducting a community-based smoking cessation intervention among homeless smokers. Participants (N = 46) were recruited from multiple facilities in the Kansas City area and were randomized to two counseling conditions in which they received five individual motivational interviewing sessions, six group meetings, and their choice of 8 weeks of 21-mg nicotine patch or 4-mg nicotine lozenge. The two counseling conditions consisted of motivational interviewing targeted either to smoking behaviors exclusively (smoking only) or to smoking and other addictions or life events that could affect ability to quit (smoking plus). Group meetings were designed to provide educational information and social support. Measures of feasibility assessed included the proportion of participants who returned for randomization among those eligible, adherence to prescribed nicotine replacement therapies, retention rates at the week 26 final study visit, and biochemically verified 7-day abstinence at week 26. Most participants (69.6%) chose nicotine patches, and 32% of those participants reported using at least four patches per week. Carbon monoxide verified 7-day abstinence rates in the smoking-only and smoking-plus groups were 13.04% and 17.39% (ns), respectively, at week 8 and 8.70% and 17.39% (ns), respectively, at week 26. Participants who used at least four patches per week were more likely to have quit at 8 weeks than were those who used fewer patches (33.3% vs. 10.5%, p = .30). Results support the feasibility of conducting a smoking cessation intervention among homeless smokers. Findings also show promising effects for nicotine replacement therapy and counseling in this population. Developing programs to improve smoking cessation outcomes in underserved populations is an essential step toward achieving national health objectives and for ultimately reducing tobacco-related health disparities.  相似文献   

In order to better understand why those higher in impulsivity experience more difficulties during smoking abstinence, the current study examined the possible mechanisms contributing to cigarette smoking relapse. Fifty dependent cigarette smokers completed measures designed to assess craving, tobacco withdrawal severity, and negative affect during 48 hours of nicotine abstinence. Using a series of multilevel models (SAS Proc Mixed Procedure), significant impulsivity x time analyses revealed differences in craving, F(2, 96) = 3.74, p<.05, and anxiety, F(2, 96) = 3.23, p<.05. Simple slopes analyses indicated that heightened trait-impulsivity predicted greater increases in craving and anxiety during a 48-hour abstinence period. These findings suggest that smokers with higher levels of impulsivity may lack the ability to find an accessible and comparable substitute for cigarette smoking during a cessation attempt. This study also highlights the importance of considering individual differences when treating those who wish to quit smoking.  相似文献   

The tobacco industry markets potential reduced exposure products (PREPs) to smokers, including oral products that are intended to be used in situations where cigarettes cannot. For example, Ariva, marketed by Star Scientific, is a tablet made from compressed tobacco powder and is intended for "adult smokers in situations where they cannot or choose not to smoke." No objective data are available regarding Ariva's effects in smokers, including its nicotine delivery, cardiovascular profile, or subjective effects. In this single-session, clinical laboratory study, 10 overnight-abstinent cigarette smokers were administered one Ariva tablet, followed 90 min later by two Ariva tablets, followed 90 min later by three Ariva tablets. Participants allowed each dose to dissolve in their mouths according to package instructions. Blood was sampled, heart rate monitored, and subjective effects assessed regularly. Ariva delivered nicotine in a dose-dependent manner; mean (SD) nicotine levels increased from 2.4 ng/ml (0.9) at baseline, to 3.4 ng/ml (1.4) 45 min post-1 tablet, 7.3 ng/ml (4.0) 45 min post-2 tablets, and 9.7 ng/ml (4.4) 45 min post-3 tablets. Heart rate increased after tablet administration, independent of dose. The tablets also significantly decreased subjective ratings of craving and urge, and increased ratings of nausea. Based on this short-term laboratory evaluation, Ariva exposes users to nicotine and may suppress some symptoms of tobacco abstinence, though its nausea-inducing characteristics may limit initial acceptability.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that tobacco craving predicts relapse to smoking among adult smokers attempting to quit. We hypothesized a similar relationship between craving and lapse (any smoking following a period of abstinence) among adolescent smokers during the treatment phase of a clinical trial. A visit was considered a lapse visit if the participant reported smoking or had a carbon monoxide level of 7 ppm or greater subsequent to an abstinent visit. A total of 34 participants (mean age = 14.9 years [SD = 1.3]; mean cigarettes/day = 18.0 [SD = 7.6]; mean Fagerstr?m Test for Nicotine Dependence score = 6.8 [SD = 1.34]; 65% female), were included in the present analysis of 167 treatment visits. Logistic regression analyses showed a positive relationship between degree of craving, measured by the Questionnaire on Smoking Urges, and lapse during smoking cessation treatment (p = .013). Additionally, linear regression analyses demonstrated a strong positive association between cigarettes smoked per day and craving scores (p<.001). Taken together with other data, these findings suggest that degree of craving might influence tobacco abstinence for adolescent smokers. Thus monitoring and addressing craving appears useful to increase the success of adolescent smoking cessation.  相似文献   

Gabapentin affects the glutamate and gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) neurotransmitters through which it may facilitate smoking abstinence. To obtain preliminary estimates of efficacy of gabapentin for smoking cessation, we conducted a single-arm, open-label study of gabapentin, 1,800-mg/day administered in three equal divided doses for 8 weeks. A total of 50 adult smokers were enrolled. All participants received a brief behavioral intervention at each medication visit. A total of 37 participants completed all follow-up assessments. At end-of-treatment the biochemically confirmed point-prevalence and prolonged smoking abstinence rates were 28% (95% CI=16%-42%) and 24% (95% CI=13%-38%), respectively. At 6 months, the biochemically confirmed point-prevalence and prolonged smoking abstinence rates were 20% (95% CI=10%-34%) and 16% (95% CI=7%-29%), respectively. Among subjects who continued to smoke and completed the follow-up assessments, the reported number of cigarettes smoked per day (mean+/-standard deviation) was significantly less than at baseline: -10.0+/-8.2 (p<.001). Adverse effects were minor and well tolerated. Our results suggest that gabapentin may increase smoking abstinence. An adequately powered randomized clinical trial assessing different doses of this drug against a placebo would be the reasonable next step.  相似文献   

This study of postmenopausal female smokers (N = 94) asked: During short-term smoking abstinence, do the beneficial effects of transdermal nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) on acute symptomatology (i.e., withdrawal, cigarette craving, smoking urges, mood, depressive symptoms, motor speed, and reaction time) differ in women who use and do not use hormone replacement therapy (HRT)? Participants were recruited according to HRT and non-HRT use (self-selecting), then randomized within strata to active nicotine or placebo nicotine patch. After 1 baseline week of smoking, participants quit smoking for 2 weeks. Women received cessation counseling and were monitored for abstinence. Dependent measures were collected during five clinic visits. Two-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were run on change scores for dependent variables, with nicotine patch group (active/placebo) and HRT group (HRT/non-HRT) as independent variables and age as a covariate. No interactions were found between HRT and patch condition, but both showed specific effects. During the first abstinent week, women on active nicotine patch (compared with placebo) experienced less severe withdrawal, greater reductions in cigarette cravings, and lower (more favorable) Factor 1 scores on the Questionnaire of Smoking Urges. During the second abstinent week, women using HRT (compared with the non-HRT group) exhibited better mood (Profile of Mood States scores) and less depression (Beck Depression Inventory scores). These results suggest the following: First, the efficacy of transdermal nicotine replacement is not adversely modified by women's HRT use; second, ovarian hormones might influence women's responses to smoking cessation, and thus should be considered in developing effective strategies for women to quit smoking.  相似文献   

Medication noncompliance with smoking cessation pharmacotherapies is a significant problem in both research and clinical settings. This randomized, controlled, single-blind study compared three single-session psychological interventions to increase use of nicotine gum during a 15-day treatment period. A total of 97 adult smokers were randomized to receive standard treatment (ST, n = 31), brief feedback (BF, n = 32) plus ST, or contingency management (CM; i.e., payment for chewing at least 12 pieces/day on 10 of 15 intervention days, n = 34) plus ST and BF. Only the CM condition led to significantly greater average daily gum use (pieces/day: ST, 6.17; BF, 7.81; CM, 10.17 [p values <.05]) and higher rates of compliance (ST, 13.6%; BF, 25.2%; CM, 65.6% [p values <.001]). No differences were observed in smoking abstinence, nicotine withdrawal, or urinary cotinine as a function of treatment. Implications of the present findings are discussed, including application to clinical trials and extension to real-world use of nicotine gum.  相似文献   

Because few tobacco withdrawal scales have been submitted to appropriate validity analyses, we sought to develop and assess the validity of a new, self-administered scale measuring cigarette withdrawal symptoms. We generated the instrument content by conducting a qualitative survey of 404 smokers and ex-smokers. Then we tested 61 items on the Internet in 3,050 smokers and ex-smokers. Subsamples provided comprehensive retest data after 17 days (n = 1218) and smoking status after 41 days (n = 673). The study resulted in a 21-item, six-dimension scale labeled the Cigarette Withdrawal Scale (CWS-21). The six subscales cover the main components of nicotine or tobacco withdrawal in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems and in qualitative data: Depression-anxiety, craving, irritability-impatience, appetite-weight gain, insomnia, and difficulty concentrating. The six scores had a satisfactory test-retest reliability (r = .60-.71) and a high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = .83-.96). The factor structure of the scale was robust in a bootstrap resampling procedure. In ex-smokers, all scores except appetite-weight gain and insomnia predicted relapse at 41-day follow-up. In recent ex-smokers who had quit smoking less than 14 days before baseline, all scores except appetite-weight gain decreased between baseline and the 17-day retest. In baseline ex-smokers who relapsed to smoking at the 17-day retest, appetite-weight gain decreased and craving increased between baseline and retest. CWS-21 is a reliable, valid, multidimensional measure of cigarette withdrawal symptoms that is sensitive to change over time and predicts relapse to smoking.  相似文献   

Tobacco withdrawal symptoms have been shown to play a significant role in mediating relapse to smoking in adult smokers; however, few prospective studies have examined the course of tobacco withdrawal symptoms over time and their connection to lapse in adolescent smokers. Withdrawal symptoms were assessed weekly for 4 weeks in a sample of adolescent smokers participating in a pilot cessation intervention. Adolescent smokers experienced an exacerbation in overall withdrawal symptoms, particularly of cravings and restlessness, although symptoms were generally mild. The course of symptoms was different for boys and girls: Girls generally experienced a peak and subsequent decline in symptoms early in the establishment of abstinence, whereas boys experienced a constant level of symptoms that did not decline over the 4 weeks. Finally, withdrawal symptoms experienced on quit day were not related to lapse to smoking during the course of treatment for either boys or girls. These results suggest that although withdrawal symptoms may be uncomfortable, they may not be the most salient to a lapse to smoking for adolescent smokers attempting to quit. These findings have direct implications for the design and implementation of treatment of nicotine dependence in adolescent smokers.  相似文献   

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