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卞恩林 《风能》2013,(4):58-60
我国海上风能资源丰富,且靠近电力负荷中心,随着国家扶持力度不断加大和我国海上风电技术的进一步发展,海上风电具有广阔的的发展前景。然而,技术不成熟、经验欠缺和投资收益率低等因素仍使现阶段大规模开发海上风电面临较大投资风险。  相似文献   

我国缺电原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国不少地区出现“缺电”现象,要解决这种被动局面,必须在科学合理规划的基础上加大电源建设力度,积极调整电源结构,加快发展电网和扩大联网,加强资源优化配置,加速推进电力需求侧管理,从发、供、用三方面入手,多管齐下,一定能缓解直至从根本上解决我国的缺电问题。  相似文献   

随着用电负荷的快速增长和近几年成批大容量机组的集中投运,电网建设滞后问题日显突出。为提高电网输送能力以缓解电力供需形势紧张的局面,我国电网建设力度也日渐加大。一方面大力发展特高压交、直流输电,以提高输电网输送能力;另一方面也不断加强110kV及以下主要承担供配电任务的地区电网的建设,投资力度日益加大。为了提高电网输送能力。  相似文献   

剖析福建省电力工业现状及发展存在问题,如火电和水电比重过大、未来核电容量大、电力负荷中心与电厂空间布局不一致以及电网建设滞后等。提出了调整电力结构、合理布局电厂、加大电网投资以及加快能源储备基地建设等对策措施。  相似文献   

在中国能源研究会团体会员工作会议上,专家们认为,我国能源工收应该实行。。J持续发展战略。为此,要优化能源结构,改变终端能源的消费构成,大力发展电力,加大水能资源开发的力度,提高水电在电力总量中的比重。专家们认为,国家应该把建设西南、西北水电基地,实现西电东送作为调整能源结构,持续发展能源的重要战略措施。同时将水能资源的开发作为投资扶持的重点。匣诊建立中央水电建设专项基金;降低水电建设贷款利率,延长还贷期;减免增值税、耕地占用说、矿产‘资源税,降低水电设备的进口税:对什综合效益的水电建设项目,应接…  相似文献   

随着大湄公河次区域(GMS)各国经济的快速发展,对电力的需求力度逐渐加大,加之次区域各国能源分布不均的特点,使次区域范围内电力贸易合作成为必然趋势。为有效优化次区域内的丰富资源,促进次区域各国之间的电力贸易,提出构建GMS电力贸易中心的设想,在分析次区域各国的电力基础设施发展现状及各国间电力合作现状的基础上,对电力贸易中心的概念做出界定,并从国际、国家及电网公司层面分别阐述了贸易中心的战略定位及其核心功能,进而提出贸易中心培育及建设的政策建议,以确保GMS电力贸易中心的健康成长和长期有效运行。  相似文献   

电力部部长兼国家电力公司总经理史大份在97年底全国电力工作会议强调要优化电源结构。要坚持优化发展大电,优先发展水电,适当发展核电,积极利用新能源发电的方针。要明确体现对水电的倾斜,切实加大水电的投资和建设力度,重视有较好调节能力的大中型水电站的建设。在沿海缺能省份,要发展核电和燃气蒸汽联合循环机组;要充分利用当地的水力资源和风能资源,因地制宜地利用新能源,可再生能源发电必须重视有调峰能力电厂的建设,特别是东部抽水蓄能电站的建设。对现有的小火电,要按市场经济优胜劣汰的规律,使它们尽快地停下来,为大机…  相似文献   

随着我国快速增长的经济水平,在电力、交通等各个领域的建设中都取得显著成就,但也消耗了大量能源资源,污染排放严重,使我国的资源环境与经济发展之间的问题日益凸显。因此,主要对发电企业的循环经济与节能减排进行分析,提出促进节能减排的发电企业循环经济方案,即加大对污染物的控制力度、以科学技术为支撑发展循环经济,实现粉煤灰的综合利用,促进节能减排的实施。  相似文献   

2008年,西宁电网将投资8.6亿元用于电网建设与改造,加强西宁电网与海东电网之间的联络,满足大华工业园区供电,同时把110kV浦宁变电站建成省内第一家数字变电站。近年来,西宁地区经济迅猛发展,用电量不断攀升,为满足用电需要,提高供电可靠性,西宁电网建设投资不断加大。按照资源节约型、环境友好型工业化的指导原则,  相似文献   

提出应用泛生产函数模型来研究电网投资、电力消费和GDP增长三者之间的关系,以陕西电网为例, 分时段动态刻划了陕西电网投资、电力消费与GDP增长三者之间内在规律,证明了目前电网迫切需要加大投资、转变发展方式。泛生产函数模型为研究电网投资、电力消费与GDP增长三者之间的相关性提供了较好的研究方法, 具有较强的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

It is well known that the price per unit of generated electrical energy decreases with increasing size of the generator, which implies longer transmission lines and hence larger transmission losses. Considering both these facts, the optimum size of a thermal power station has been obtained by using life-cycle costing analysis; the demand is proposed to be met by a base load generator and a peak load generator. The dependence of the investment ratio (the ratio of present worth of net income to the capital investment) on relevant parameters has been studied. It is seen that there exist optimum sizes of base load generator and peak load generator of a power station, for a given load density. The effect of electricity price, coal price and escalation rates on the optimum sizes has also been investigated. The analysis has been made for constant demand as well as for growing demand. The effect of the ratio of base load to peak load on the economics has also been investigated. The cost data from a recent study in India have been used.  相似文献   

"十一五"期间,我国电力工业在装机容量和电网规模上都取得了跨越式发展,但大而不强的问题十分突出,电力结构失衡。"十二五"电力发展必须紧紧围绕加快电力发展方式转变这条主线,着力结构调整,深化电力体制改革,改变国有电力企业经营业绩考核内容,合理确定电力发展目标、布局和速度,明确电网发展方向,加强配电网建设,促进我国电力工业全面、协调、可持续发展。  相似文献   

This study introduces a novel framework of an electricity and hydrogen supply system integrating with a photovoltaic power station for a residential area. The non-residential parts including the power grid and non-residential vehicles are added to ensure power balance and bring benefits, respectively. The optimal operational strategy of the proposed framework with considering uncertainties is proposed. The objective function minimizes the expected operational cost (EOC) by reducing the imported electricity from the power grid and increasing exported electricity/hydrogen to non-residential vehicles. Additionally, the demand response program (DRP) is applied in the residential load to achieve operational cost reduction. The uncertainties are modeled via various scenarios by using scenario-based stochastic optimization method. Notably, existing research for similar frameworks both lacks the consideration of uncertainties and DRP, and fails to distinguish the residential and non-residential vehicles with different charging behaviors. The results indicate that 1) The feasibility of the proposed framework is validated which can ensure the power balance of the residential area and reduce the operational cost. 2) The EOC is reduced when considering DRP.  相似文献   

Seasonal storage of hydrogen is a valuable option today increasingly considered in order to optimize cogeneration plants under continuous operation in an incentive framework where electricity sale to the national grids is becoming less economically profitable than in the past. The paper concerns the numerical study and optimization of a cogeneration plant installed in an industrial site having an availability of hydrogen over a continuous time scale, to meet the energy needs and mitigating the environmental impact of the plant operation by reducing the energy withdrawal from traditional sources. Two alternatives are analyzed into detail: the former regards energy production through an internal combustion engine, this last properly controlled to be fueled with blends of natural gas and increasing percentages of hydrogen, the latter concerning the addition of fuel cells to the proposed layout to further reduce the electricity integration by the grid. The dynamic response of the cogeneration system under examination is dynamically evaluated to efficiently fulfill the industrial loads to be fulfilled. First, optimization is performed by implementing a PID controller to better track the industrial demand of electric energy. The main results of this solution reveal a ?81% reduction of excess electricity, a ?7% reduction of natural gas consumed but a 47% raise of CO2 emissions due to the increase in thermal integration. Then, an additional energy generation from fuel cells is assumed. An economic analysis is carried out for each of the implemented configurations. The adoption of fuel cells, despite requiring a greater initial investment, allows obtaining a SPB of 1,4 years (? 16%), 1,17 Mln € of avoided costs (? 18,5%) and 1320 t/year of CO2 emissions avoided (? 95%) with respect to the initial layout.  相似文献   

基于系统动力学的输配电网投资规划仿真分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于电网企业正从以最大程度满足用户侧需求为目的,逐步向同时追求保障供电安全和合理的投资经济效益的投资模式转变,通过确定电网投资与负荷增长、投资效益、政策因素和市场作用之间的相互影响关系及设定投资规划各子系统之间及系统内部的参数方程关系,构建了基于系统动力学方法的投资规划动态仿真模型,并以某地区电网发展数据为模型输入,对所建立的模型进行了多情景模拟分析,分别获得基准情景、负荷增长趋缓情景和市场力影响增加情景的仿真结果,验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

针对不同电价对水电站装机容量影响的决策问题,通过水力发电过程相关物理参数的数学建模,揭示了水电站投入产出关系曲线的凸性,利用经济学的边际分析原理,得出在利润最大化的原则下,水电站年化投资的边际单位电度成本等于电价时,水电站取得最优投资和最优装机容量,从而阐明了电价与水电站装机容量相互影响的内在规律,为选择水电站装机容量提供了技术经济理论依据。  相似文献   

The demand for fast charging is increasing owing to the rapid expansion of the market for electric vehicles. In addition, the power generation technology for distributed photovoltaic has matured. This paper presents a design scheme for a fast charging station for electric vehicles equipped with distributed photovoltaic power generation system taking the area with certain conditions in Beijing as an example construction site. The technical indexes and equipment lectotype covering the general framework and subsystems of the charging station are determined by analyzing the charging service demand of fast charging stations. In this study, the layout of the station is developed and the operation benefits of the station is analyzed. The design scheme realizes the design objective of “rationalization, modularization and intelligentization” of the fast charging station and can be used as reference for the construction of a fast charging network in urban area.  相似文献   

The price per unit generated electrical energy decreases with increasing size of the generator, which implies longer transmission line and hence larger transmission losses. Considering both these facts the optimum size of thermal power station for growing demand has been obtained by using life-cycle costing analysis. The demand may be met by (1) a combination of base load and peak load generators (Sodha and Chandra, 1992) and (2) by a combination of base load generators only. The second option has been analysed in this paper. The dependence of investment ratio (the ratio of present worth of net income to the capital investment) on relevant parameters has been studied. It is seen that there exists a particular pattern (optimum combination) of base load generators. The effect of electricity price, coal price and escalation rates on the optimum configuration has also been investigated. The cost data from recent study in India have been used.  相似文献   

Previous calculations of the economics of large-scale wind power have been generally limited to the evaluation of the marginal cost of energy, assuming that the addition of a wind farm to an electricity grid does not change the mix of base, intermediate and peak load plant in that grid. Here a simple but powerful numerical generation planning model has been constructed for grids containing wind farms and three classes of thermal power station, but no storage. Electricity demand and available power are specified by empirically based probability distribution functions and the plant mix which minimizes the total annualized costs of the generating system is determined. Capacity credit of wind power is automatically taken into account in the optimization. Using the model, the breakeven costs of wind energy in a model British CEGB grid, containing coal, nuclear, oil and wind driven power plant, are evaluated under various conditions. For a wide range of parameter values, large-scale wind power is likely to be economically competitive in this grid.  相似文献   

A trend of increasing electrification will put a pressure on the reliability and stability of electrical distribution grids. Demand response, whereby the demand of electricity is adjusted to the availability, can ease this problem. A lab test setup was built to examine the potential of a heat pump for demand response purposes. With this test setup, it is possible to emulate the behaviour of a heat pump in a single household building equipped with either photovoltaic panels or a residential wind turbine. A market-based multi-agent system was developed to control the active heat pump. The goal of this active control was to limit the peak power demands of the building and to maximise the self-consumption of the locally produced electricity. For two weeks, the coldest winter week and an average winter week, the behaviour of the actively controlled heat pump was compared to a regular, heat-driven controlled heat pump.The tests show that the current heat pump controller is able to shave the power consumption peaks of the building. In this way, active control of the heat pump can diminish extra investment costs for grid reinforcement. Active control also enables self-consumption of locally produced electricity. However, because of the higher energy consumption, the current version of the active heat pump controller is not yet able to significantly decrease the consumption of grey electricity from the grid.  相似文献   

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