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The spectra of solutions, films and light-emitting diodes of rare earth complexes were studied. It is shown that the absorption spectra of PVK-dopping rare earth complexes can be red-shifted to the visible region and overlap with the emission spectrum of PVK, which makes the energy transfer possible from PVK to the rare earth ion.  相似文献   

Synthesis and Fluorescence of Novel Conjugated Europium Complex   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Organicelectroluminescence (OEL)hasbeenstudiedextensivelyforitslowdrivevoltage ,suitabilityforintegratedcircuitandpotentialapplicationforlargeflatpaneldisplay[1,2 ] .GreenandblueluminescentmaterialsforOELdeviceshavebeenbasicallysatisfiedforOELapplication[3 ] .Toourknowledge ,searchfornovel ,stable ,strongredluminescentmaterialsisur gentforapplicationofOELdevicesatthepresenttime .Becausesomelanthanideions ,e .g .,Eu3 + andTb3 + ,possessgoodluminescencecharacteristics (highcolorpurity)base…  相似文献   

A europium m-chlorobenzoate complex with 1,10-phenanthroline [Eu(m-ClBA)3(phen)]2 single crystal, where m-ClBA=m-chlorobenzoate and phen=1,10- phenanthroline,was prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction. It crystallizes in triclinic, space group P1- with a=1.10138(8)nm, b=1.18606(9) nm, c=1.32516(10) nm, α=112.5390(10)°, β=92.1700(10)°, γ=101.6220(10)°,C66H40N4O12Cl6Eu2, Mr=1597.64, V=1.5533(2) nm3, Z=1, Dc=1.708 g·cm-3, μ(Mo Kα)=2.325 mm-1, F(000)= 788, the final R=0.0424 and wR=0.0899 for 6856 independent reflections with Rint=0.0776.The crystal consists of binuclear molecules of the title compound. Each Eu3 ion is nine-coordinated to one 1,10-phenanthroline molecule, one bidentate carboxylate group and four bridging carboxylate groups. The carboxylate groups are bonded to the europium ion in three modes: the chelating bidentate, the bridging bidentate and bridging-chelating thridentate. Excitation and luminescence data observed at room temperature show that the title complex emits very intensive red fluorescence under ultraviolet light. The results of thermal analysis indicate that the complex [Eu(m-ClBA)3(phen)]2 is quite stable to heat.  相似文献   

Interaction between DNA with Complex of Eu~(3 )-Rutin by UV-Visible Spectroscopy and Electrochemistry  相似文献   

Scheme1Synthesisrouteof2benzamide5phenyl[1,3,4]oxadiazole(HL1)andgaveabuffersolution.After2h,thesolutionwas pouredintowater;andthewhiteprecipitatewascol lectedanddriedundervacuum.PureproductHL1was obtainedbyre crystallizationfromethanol,m.p.211~213℃.Ana…  相似文献   

Lanthanide complexes of Eu(III), Gd(III), Nd(III), Sm(III), and Tb(III) with phenylthioacetic acid were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, mass, infrared radiation (IR), electronic sp...  相似文献   

Anhydrous EuCl3 reacted with sodium carbon-bridged biphenolate LNa2 [ L = 2,2'-methylene bis (6-tert-butyl-4-methyl-phenoxo] in a 1:1 molar ratio in THF in the presence of HMPA (HMPA = hexamethylphosphoric triamide), then the product formed in situ was reduced by Na-K alloy to generate the divalent carbon-bridged biphenolate europium complex [LEu(HMPA)2]2(THF)4(1) in a good isolated yield. Complex 1 was fully characterized by elemental analysis, NMR and IR spectra, and X-ray structural determination. The crystal data of complex 1 are monoclinic, P21/c space group,a = 1.6521(3) nm, b =2.8274(3) nm, c = 1.2074(2) nm, β = 111.723(6)°, V= 5.2393(14) nm3, Z = 2, Dc =1.259 mg·m-3, μ = 1.304 mm-1, F(000) = 2092, R = 0.0815, wR = 0. 1723. Complex 1 is a dimer with two Eu - O bridges. The coordination geometry of each europium atom can be best described as a distorted trigonal bipyramid.  相似文献   

Amongpossiblealternativestothetraditionalan cillaryligandbis(cyclopentadienyl)setinrareearth metalchemistry,alkoxides(aryloxides)havereceived muchattentionandbecomeincreasinglypopularsince theyareeasilyavailable,tunableandevenpotentially recyclableancillarysetsformediatingthereactivityof theseelectropositivecations[1,2].Thechelatebiphenol andbinaphtholhavebeenfoundtobeabletoactasa dianionicligandintherareearthchemistry,whichhas theadvantagesofavoidingligandredistributionreac tions,andallowingth…  相似文献   

采用熔融接枝聚合的方法将含稀土铕配合物的线性不饱和聚酯Eu-ULP接枝到PP分子链上,制得新型的在UV下发射红色荧光的树脂。PP与Eu-ULP反应的扭矩时问曲线和接枝物UPP的IR分析结果表明Eu-ULP已成功接枝到PP分子链上,UPP为键合型的稀土高分子材料。荧光分析结果显示uPP具有良好的发光性能,其荧光强度随着接枝率的增加而增加,而DSC和WAXS分析结果则表明功能化基团Eu-ULP的键人起到类似成核剂的作用,有效提高PP的结晶速率,但同时也破坏了PP晶区的规整性。  相似文献   

UV-Vis spectroscopy was used to directly determine the concentration of Eu(Ⅱ) during electroreduction of Eu(Ⅲ) in hydrochloric acid medium. Electroreduction was carried out in a flow type electrolyzer with glassy carbon cathode at the constant potential of -800 mV vs. Ag/AgCl. The effects of oxygen and concentration of hydrochloric acid on the system were investigated. For 0.01 mol·L-1 hydrochloric acid, calibration curves for Eu(Ⅱ) absorption bands at 248 and 320 nm were constructed. Molar absorption coefficients were estimated to be 2016 and 648 L·mol-1·cm-1, respectively. The absorbance strongly decreased with decrease in pH of the solution, whereas concentration of chloride had only a negligible effect.  相似文献   

用循环伏安法讨论了在二氯甲烷、二氯乙烷、乙腈、丙酮、苯腈、吡啶、二甲基甲酰胺、二甲基亚砜等不同质子惰性溶剂中,硝酸铕与穴醚(2.2.2)配合物的电化学行为。结果表明,溶剂介质和大环醚的结构对Eu3+与穴醚配合物的氧化还原反应有显著影响。此外,讨论了扫描速率,电活性物质浓度等对伏安图的影响。  相似文献   

稀土元素对DNA催化水解切断的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在生理条件下,La系中Ce(Ⅳ)具有催化水解断裂DNA磷酸二酯键的功能。介绍了各种催化水解的机理。将DNA水解切割试剂和各种载体如寡脱氧核苷酸(ODN)杂交制得的人工脱氧核酸酶能对DNA链的特定位点进行催化水解断裂,为人工脱氧核酸酶的分子设计提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

陈曙生  聂民等 《江西冶金》2000,20(6):13-15,24
在比较传统工艺的基础上,提出以三出口为主体的富铕中钇矿萃取大分组的工艺及特点。  相似文献   

InteractionbetwenEuphenylalanineandDNAUsingCyclicVoltammetryandUVSpectroscopyShenHebai(沈鹤柏),KuaiLiheng(蒯丽衡),NiLihua(倪丽华),...  相似文献   

The preparation of hybrid mesoporous MCM-48 grafted by vinyl group via post-grafting process was reported and studied by X-ray diffraction, BET and 29Si solid MAS NMR.An organic β-diketonate Europium complex the corresponding luminescence property was characterized.  相似文献   

Europiumis one of the most important rare earth(RE) element .It is widely used as a component ofcathode ray tubes , with screen coated with red phos-phor ,as phosphorescent pigments ,andinlaser optics .It can also be used as neutron-absorbing material .In…  相似文献   

铕-柠檬酸-1,10菲咯啉三元配合物的合成及荧光性质的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈野  蔡伟民  崔丹  孙晓君 《稀土》2002,23(4):13-15
合成了铕的柠檬酸、1,10菲咯啉三元配合物 ,并用红外光谱、差热分析、热重分析和荧光光谱等手段研究了配合物的组成、结构及发光性质。结果表明第二配体的加入能有效提高能量传递效率 ,对铕的发光有增强作用  相似文献   

Rareearths (RE)arepowerfultracersinthestudyofevolutionofgeochemicalsystems .Theyhavebeenusedoverthepast 3 0yearsasatoolforsolvingvariousgeologicalproblems .TheapplicationofREabundancestopetroge neticproblemshascenteredsofarontheevo lutionofigneousrocks ,whe…  相似文献   

In China, scientists have applied inorganic com pounds of rare earths (RE), which act as a microele ment fertilizer, to agricultural crops since 1970s[1~3].Recent works have proved that RE can increase aquat ic production. RE has been widely applied i…  相似文献   

合成了新型三脚架结构配体E(2-苯甲酰胺乙基)胺及其稀土Eu(3+)配合物.通过元素分析、IR、1H-NMR、TG-DTA和摩尔电导对此化合物进行组成和结构推测,结果显示配合物[EuL(NO3)2]·NO3是1:1型配位,3个硝酸根中有两个处于配位内界与Eu(3+)配位,总配位数为8.通过紫外吸收光谱、荧光发射光谱、粘度法及其与溴化乙啶(EB)的竞争实验研究了配合物与ct-DNA的作用情况,结果显示,配合物与ct-DNA作用时,其紫外吸收产生明显增色效应,荧光强度增强;EB-DNA体系的荧光强度随配合物的加入迅速减弱;配合物的加入使ct-DNA的粘度增加;实验结果证明,配合物与ct-DNA以插入方式结合,其键合常数Kq=8.86×10(3)L·mol(-1).凝胶电泳实验表明配合物[EuL(NO3)2]·NO3不能将pUC19 DNA选择性的断裂成线型和开环型DNA,并分析讨论了其原因.  相似文献   

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