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《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(3):275-278
Sorption of strontium on a number of minerals and rocks has been studied by varying aqueous concentrations of strontium. Distribution coefficients (K d) of strontium determined by a batch method remained constant at a low concentration level and decreased with increasing concentration at a high concentration level. Values of K d,tr at trace concentrations were considerably different depending on types of geological samples. A linear relationship was observed between the values of K d,tr and the cation exchange capacity (CEC) for cesium as: log K d,tr=log CEC+constant. The values of K d,tr of strontium changed almost linearly to those of cesium for individual samples suggesting a similarity in physicochemical interactions between geological samples and these ions. 相似文献
Makoto Maeda Keisuke Maehata Naoko Iyomoto Kenji Ishibashi Koji Takasaki Keisuke Nakamura 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(4):509-513
The L X-ray photons emitted by transuranic (TRU) elements are expected to be useful for developing nondestructive TRU monitors. Energy spectra of L X-rays emitted by 241Am, 238Pu and 239Pu sources were measured by a transition edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeter, which allowed precise peak identification with high energy resolution. In the measurements using the TES microcalorimeter, the full width at half-maximum energy resolution was 62.6 eV at 17.222 keV for 239Pu source, 62.5 eV at 17.222 keV for 238Pu source and 60.9 eV at 17.751 keV for 241Am source. This study demonstrates the separation of 241Am and plutonium isotopes by L X-ray spectroscopy using a TES microcalorimeter. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(5):421-427
The neutron capture cross sections and capture γ-ray spectra of 167Er were measured in the neutron energy region of 10 to 90keV and at 550 keV. Using a neutron time-of-flight method with a 1.5-ns pulsed neutron source by the 7Li(p, n)7Be reaction, the measurement was performed by detecting prompt γ rays from an enriched capture sample with a large anti-Compton Nal(Tl) spectrometer. A pulse-height weighting technique was applied to observed capture γ-ray pulse-height spectra to extract capture yields. The capture cross sections were derived with the error of about 5% by using the standard capture cross sections of 197Au. The present results were compared with the evaluated values of ENDF/B-VI and the previous measurement. The present measurement at 550 keV was the first one. The capture γ-ray spectra were obtained by unfolding the observed capture γ-ray pulse-height spectra. An anomalous shoulder was clearly observed around 3 MeV in the γ-ray spectra and the energy position of the shoulder was consistent with the systematics obtained in our previous work. The multiplicities of the observed γ rays were derived from the γ-ray spectra. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(2):61-66
Measurements using nuclear emulsions have been made on the neutron spectra and on the fine structure of neutron fluxes in the cell of the I-4 core of the fast critical assembly at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. The I-4 core is a graphite-diluted fast core with 3:1 volume ratio of 20% enriched metallic uranium and graphite. The nuclear emulsions were irradiated in two typical patterns of arrangement of the cell (systems with graphite plates (a) bunched and (b) distributed among fuel plates). For the distributed graphite plate system a marked discrepancy was found between the direct measurements and calculations based on the Monte Carlo method. This is attributed to anisotropy in the incident neutron flux due to the parallel plate arrangement of the simulated materials. It is concluded that Reines' formula requires correction to amount for such anisotropy, even when the emulsions are irradiated at the core center. A simple method for treating this anisotropy is proposed for use in fine structure analysis. The method utilizes, in part, the calculated results. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(10):865-876
The neutron capture cross sections and capture γ-ray spectra of 147,148,149,150,152,154Sm were measured in the neutron energy region of 10 to 90 keV and at 550 keV. A neutron time-of-flight method was adopted with a 1.5-ns pulsed neutron source by the 7Li(p, n)7Be reaction and with a large anti-Compton NaI(Tl) γ-ray spectrometer. A pulse-height weighting technique was applied to observed capture γ-ray pulse-height spectra to derive capture yields. The capture cross sections were obtained with the error of about 5% by using the standard capture cross sections of 197Au. The present results were compared with the evaluated values of JENDL-3.2 and previous measurements. The capture γ-ray spectra were obtained by unfolding the observed capture γ-ray pulse-height spectra. An anomalous shoulder was clearly observed around 3 MeV in the γ-ray spectra of 150,152,154Sm, and the energy position of the shoulder was consistent with the systematics obtained in our previous work. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(4):354-356
Sputtering of the solid hydrogens by light ions has shown isotope effects which are greater than for any other solid targets. These hydrogenic solids are unique because of the extreme volatility and because the first step of the electronic sputtering process is identical for all hydrogenic solids. The sputtering for protons in the energy range from 5 to 10 keV can be qualitatively described by an electronic spike of cylindrical geometry. The sputtering yield of solid tritium has been evaluated on the basis of results for solid H2, D2 and HD. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(4):406-412
The capture cross sections and capture γ-ray spectra of 209Bi were measured in a neutron energy region from 5 to 80keV and at 520 keV, using pulsed keV neutrons from the 7Li(p, n)7Be reaction and a time-of-flight method. The capture γrays from a bismuth or standard gold sample were detected with a large anti-Compton NaI(Tl) spectrometer. The capture yield of the bismuth or gold sample was obtained by applying a pulse-height weighting technique to the corresponding capture y-ray pulse-height spectrum. The derived capture cross sections from 5 to 80 keV were in good agreement with recent measurements, but that at 520 keV was about half of previous measurements. This large discrepancy at 520 keV was ascribed to the incorrect background-subtraction in the previous measurements from a comparison between the present and previous capture γray spectra. Strong transitions from the capture states to low lying states of 210Bi were observed in the present γray spectra. The multiplicities of observed y rays were obtained from the γray spectra. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(10):757-766
Neutron transmission measurements were carried out on the separated isotopes of Ba at the JAERI electron linac. Resonance energies and neutron widths were determined for a large number of resonances in the neutron energy range from 400 eV to 4.6 keV for 135Ba, 15 keV for 137Ba and 63 keV for 138Ba. Many of these resonances were newly observed in this experiment. The s-wave strength functions obtained are S 0= (1.33±0.22) x 10-4 for 135Ba, and S 0= (0.51±0.12) x 10-4 for 137Ba. An apparent energy dependence of the strength function was observed for 135Ba. New resonance parameters of 138Ba were also obtained for several weak P-wave levels. 相似文献
Fidelma Giulia Di Lemma Jean-Yves Colle Markus Ernstberger Rudy J.M. Konings 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2016,53(3):391-401
Experimental tests have been performed to characterize the aerosols representative of radiological dispersion devices (RDDs, a.k.a. “dirty bombs”) by applying to chosen surrogate compound rapid high temperature transients, vaporizing the sample and forming aerosols mainly by rapid cooling of the vapour. The materials, which were tested in their non-radioactive form, had been chosen from the radioactive sources widely used in industries and nuclear medicine applications, Co, CsCl, Ir and SrTiO3. Our analyses permitted the characterization of the inhalable fraction of the aerosols released, and the study of the influence of cladding materials on the aerosol release and on its characteristics. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(11):1133-1142
Measurement of differential γ-ray production cross sections, i.e. (n, x γ) cross sections, of Fe was made for neutron energies from 6 to 33 MeV. Neutrons used in the experiment were white neutrons produced with (p, n) reactions by 35 MeV protons using a thick Be target. The neutron energy was analyzed by the time-of-flight method and bunched into 3 MeV wide energy bins, for each of which the spectrum of secondary γ-rays produced in an Fe sample was measured by a BGO scintillator at an angle of 144° to the neutron beam direction. The obtained (n, xγ) cross sections agreed well with other data and the evaluated data file of ENDF/B-IV at neutron energies below 15 MeV where data were existing. The JENDL-3 file overestimated the γ-ray spectra at γ-ray energies of 3 to 7 MeV. The present work newly provided the data in the neutron energy range above 20 MeV. The GNASH calculation made by Young reproduced the measured data fairly well even at these higher energies. 相似文献
Dingzong ZHANG Youjun HU Nong XIANG Cheng YANG Wei SHEN Yanqing HUANG Hongbo LIU 《等离子体科学和技术》2021,23(11):115101-8
The classical prompt loss of fast ions produced by minority ion cyclotron resonance heating(ICRH)is studied by a guiding center orbit following code in the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak(EAST).It is found that the loss of fast ions produced by ICRH mainly appears in both ends of the resonance layer,while the loss of fast ions in the middle resonance layer is very small.The dominant fast loss comes from trapped ions,rather than from passing ions.Controlling the location of resonance layer at the plasma core may be more beneficial to the EAST tokamak ICRH.In addition,the loss distribution of fast ions is studied.The results show that the fast ions are mainly lost near the midplane in the poloidal direction,but almost uniformly in the toroidal direction.Moreover,we investigate the dependence of fast ion loss on the ICRH power.The simulation results show that the loss fraction of fast ions in both ends of the resonance region increases with the ion cyclotron range of frequencies(ICRF)power,but barely affects the loss of fast ions in the middle region. 相似文献
Yuyang WANG Cheng CHENG Peng GAO Shaopeng LI Jie SHEN Yan LAN Yongqiang YU 《等离子体科学和技术》2017,19(2):25503
An atmospheric-pressure air plasma is employed to treat C6 glioma cells in vitro.To elucidate on the mechanism causing cell death and role of reactive species(RS) in the medium produced by the plasma,the concentration of the long-lived RS such as hydrogen peroxide,nitrate,and ozone in the plasma-treated liquid(phosphate-buffered saline solution) is measured.When vitamin C is added to the medium as a ROS quencher,the viability of C6 glioma cells after the plasma treatment is different from that without vitamin C.The results demonstrate that reactive oxygen species(ROS) such as H_2O_2,and O_3 constitute the main factors for inactivation of C6 glioma cells and the reactive nitrogen species(RNS) may only play an auxiliary role in cell death. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(2):179-181
A new ICRP human respiratory tract model, Publication 66, consists of a larger number of clearance compartments than the former lung model in Publication 30. The number of the differential equations which express the retention of inhaled materials in the compartments increases from 10 to 27 in the new model. It needs long calculation time to solve numerically the differential equations with a conventional personal computer, because the integral time sometimes reaches 50 years. In the present paper, analytical solutions of the differential equations under instantaneous intake of unit activity are presented so as to calculate rapidly the retention of the deposited activity. 相似文献