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针对判别最小二乘回归(DLSR)对图像噪声鲁棒性不佳的问题,提出一种基于潜子空间去噪的子空间学习图像分类方法(DLSSL).该方法在架构上不同于现有基于回归的分类方法,其在视觉空间与标签空间中引入一个潜在子空间,将传统的图像分类框架改进为两步,即先降噪后分类.该方法先通过欠完备自编码将数据的高阶特征提取到潜在空间,再利用此高阶特征进行回归分类,同时辅以组核范数约束控制类内样本间距离.潜在子空间的引入为算法框架带来了更多灵活性,缓解了视觉空间与标签空间中数据维度与特性的差异,使得欠完备自编码可以有效地对数据进行降噪,提升了分类算法的鲁棒性.在人脸、生物指纹、物体和深度特征数据集上设计了多组对比实验,实验结果表明,算法对于图像中的噪声具有较强的鲁棒性,获得的投影矩阵具有良好的判别性,相比现有图像分类算法,性能更好、普适性更强,能有效地运用于各种图像分类任务.  相似文献   

Based on the classification rule of sparse representation-based classification (SRC) and linear regression classification (LRC), we propose the maximum nearest subspace margin criterion for feature extraction. The proposed method can be seen as a preprocessing step of SRC and LRC. By maximizing the inter-class reconstruction error and minimizing the intra-class reconstruction error simultaneously, the proposed method significantly improves the performances of SRC and LRC. Compared with linear discriminant analysis, the proposed method avoids the small sample size problem and can extract more features. Moreover, we extend LRC to overcome the potential singular problem. The experimental results on the extended Yale B (YALE-B), AR, PolyU finger knuckle print and the CENPARMI handwritten numeral databases demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

基于特征子空间学习的跨媒体检索方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习不同模态的多媒体数据在底层特征上的潜在关系,在降维得到的特征子空间中通过基于相似度传递的优化算法对图像和音频的聚类质量进行修正.相关反馈过程中设计了3种主动学习策略用以计算用户标注样本周围未标注样本的条件概率,从而在反馈样本有限的情况下提高跨媒体检索效率.实验结果表明该方法准确度量跨媒体的相关性,有效实现图像和音频数据之间的相互检索.  相似文献   

毛晓蛟  杨育彬 《软件学报》2014,25(8):1781-1793
随着数据量的不断增加,快速而准确的索引算法对信息检索而言变得十分重要.针对上述问题,提出了一种基于子空间学习的索引算法.首先,利用部分有标签的数据进行子空间学习,在学习过程中,为了保证语义相同的样本在索引后保持局部性,以样本近邻间的距离衡量类内聚合度;同时,为了保证不同语义的样本在索引后增强判别性,以不同语义样本中心之间的距离衡量类间离散度.通过放松限制,用类似线性判别分析的方法进行子空间学习,将子空间作为哈希函数的投影向量.利用学习到的投影向量进一步计算偏移量,得到哈希函数.分别在数据集MNIST 和CIFAR-10 上进行编码判别性实验和局部性保留实验,并与相关方法进行比较,得到了较好的效果.实验结果表明该方法是有效的.  相似文献   

提出一种以电影视频中人脸图像为依据的视频检索方法.首先通过AdaBoost检测视频序列中的人脸图像,将检测到的人脸做标准化处理后投影到增量特征人脸子空间中,得到人脸图像的向量表述;然后应用单类支持向量机进行训练和分类,根据分类的结果动态地调整前面得到的最优分类超平面,实现对电影视频中特定演员的检索功能.由于不同镜头中同一人的人脸图像通常差别很大,该方法随时间序列动态地调整特征人脸空间,以适应人脸分布的变化.对电影《小花》、《Notting hill》等的实验表明,该方法在视频环境下可以较准确地检索出特定人像.  相似文献   

Fine-grained image search is one of the most challenging tasks in computer vision that aims to retrieve similar images at the fine-grained level for a given query image. The key objective is to learn discriminative fine-grained features by training deep models such that similar images are clustered, and dissimilar images are separated in the low embedding space. Previous works primarily focused on defining local structure loss functions like triplet loss, pairwise loss, etc. However, training via these approaches takes a long training time, and they have poor accuracy. Additionally, representations learned through it tend to tighten up in the embedded space and lose generalizability to unseen classes. This paper proposes a noise-assisted representation learning method for fine-grained image retrieval to mitigate these issues. In the proposed work, class manifold learning is performed in which positive pairs are created with noise insertion operation instead of tightening class clusters. And other instances are treated as negatives within the same cluster. Then a loss function is defined to penalize when the distance between instances of the same class becomes too small relative to the noise pair in that class in embedded space. The proposed approach is validated on CARS-196 and CUB-200 datasets and achieved better retrieval results (85.38% recall@1 for CARS-196% and 70.13% recall@1 for CUB-200) compared to other existing methods.  相似文献   

International Journal of Computer Vision - Due to the highly complex semantic information of images, even with the same query image, the expected content-based image retrieval results could be very...  相似文献   

图像检索中的主动学习及其可测量性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主动学习对于复杂、主观、使用少量训练实例的图像检索查询具有非常有效的作用。在图像检索中应用主动学习与支持向量机相结合的方法进行相关反馈,通过两者的互补来有效地提高图像检索的精度。对比了推理算法、简单主动算法以及角度多样性算法3种主动学习算法,并研究了最好的样本选择策略。还讨论了主动学习中概念复杂度的可测量性,并对未来的研究方向提出了建议。相信随着这些可测量性问题被重点提出,主动学习的成果可以被广泛应用。  相似文献   

图像检索中的主动学习及其可测量性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主动学习对于复杂、主观、使用少量训练实例的图像检索查询具有非常有效的作用。在图像检索中应用主动学习与支持向量机相结合的方法进行相关反馈,通过两者的互补来有效地提高图像检索的精度。对比了推理算法、简单主动算法以及角度多样性算法3种主动学习算法,并研究了最好的样本选择策略。还讨论了主动学习中概念复杂度的可测量性,并对未来的研究方向提出了建议。相信随着这些可测量性问题被重点提出,主动学习的成果可以被广泛应用。  相似文献   

Recommender systems usually employ techniques like collaborative filtering for providing recommendations on items/services. Maximum Margin Matrix Factorization (MMMF) is an effective collaborative filtering approach. MMMF suffers from the data sparsity problem, i.e., the number of items rated by the users are very small as compared to the very large item space. Recently, techniques like cross-domain collaborative filtering (transfer learning) is suggested for addressing the data sparsity problem. In this paper, we propose a model for transfer learning in collaborative filtering through MMMF to address the data sparsity issue. The latent feature matrices involved in MMMF are clustered and combined to generate a cluster-level rating pattern called codebook and a codebook transfer is used for transfer of information. Transferring of codebook and finding the predicted rating matrix is done in a novel way by introducing a softness constraint into the optimization function. We have experimented our methods with different levels of sparsity using benchmark datasets. Results from experiments show that our model approximates the target matrix well.  相似文献   

提出一个基于Bayesian学习的用户兴趣模型,用随机变量来刻画用户在图像检索过程中的个性倾向。重点分析了在随机变量的分布函数是动态变化的一族线性函数时,模型对检索效果的影响。实验结果显示,利用线性族的动态分布函数比固定正态分布函数以及均匀分布函数会获得更好的检索效果。  相似文献   

不同媒体数据间由于存在严重的异构鸿沟和语义鸿沟,而不能直接计算它们之间的语义相似度,从而影响了跨媒体检索的实现和效果.当前提出的共同子空间学习虽能实现跨媒体语义关联和检索,但多采用一般的特征提取技术,且在语义匹配时的分类效果较差,不能有效实现跨媒体数据的高层语义关联计算,影响了检索效果.对此,提出Stacking-DS...  相似文献   

提出了一种基于AdaBoost相关反馈的区域图像检索方法.结合图分割的图像分割算法和多区域匹配方法,利用用户的反馈信息对AdaBoost弱分类器的反复训练,得到一个具有较小错误率的强分类器.将其应用到区域图像检索中从而返回更加精确的查询结果.实验表明(图像数据库大小为10000),基于AdaBoost相关反馈的区域图像检索方法有更好的检索查准率和密集度,优于单一区域的图像比较算法和多区域比较算法.  相似文献   

Fine-grained image classification is a challenging research topic because of the high degree of similarity among categories and the high degree of dissimilarity for a specific category caused by different poses and scales. A cultural heritage image is one of the fine-grained images because each image has the same similarity in most cases. Using the classification technique, distinguishing cultural heritage architecture may be difficult. This study proposes a cultural heritage content retrieval method using adaptive deep learning for fine-grained image retrieval. The key contribution of this research was the creation of a retrieval model that could handle incremental streams of new categories while maintaining its past performance in old categories and not losing the old categorization of a cultural heritage image. The goal of the proposed method is to perform a retrieval task for classes. Incremental learning for new classes was conducted to reduce the re-training process. In this step, the original class is not necessary for re-training which we call an adaptive deep learning technique. Cultural heritage in the case of Thai archaeological site architecture was retrieved through machine learning and image processing. We analyze the experimental results of incremental learning for fine-grained images with images of Thai archaeological site architecture from world heritage provinces in Thailand, which have a similar architecture. Using a fine-grained image retrieval technique for this group of cultural heritage images in a database can solve the problem of a high degree of similarity among categories and a high degree of dissimilarity for a specific category. The proposed method for retrieving the correct image from a database can deliver an average accuracy of 85 percent. Adaptive deep learning for fine-grained image retrieval was used to retrieve cultural heritage content, and it outperformed state-of-the-art methods in fine-grained image retrieval.  相似文献   

基于深度学习的图像检索系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于内容的图像检索系统关键的技术是有效图像特征的获取和相似度匹配策略.在过去,基于内容的图像检索系统主要使用低级的可视化特征,无法得到满意的检索结果,所以尽管在基于内容的图像检索上花费了很大的努力,但是基于内容的图像检索依旧是计算机视觉领域中的一个挑战.在基于内容的图像检索系统中,存在的最大的问题是“语义鸿沟”,即机器从低级的可视化特征得到的相似性和人从高级的语义特征得到的相似性之间的不同.传统的基于内容的图像检索系统,只是在低级的可视化特征上学习图像的特征,无法有效的解决“语义鸿沟”.近些年,深度学习技术的快速发展给我们提供了希望.深度学习源于人工神经网络的研究,深度学习通过组合低级的特征形成更加抽象的高层表示属性类别或者特征,以发现数据的分布规律,这是其他算法无法实现的.受深度学习在计算机视觉、语音识别、自然语言处理、图像与视频分析、多媒体等诸多领域取得巨大成功的启发,本文将深度学习技术用于基于内容的图像检索,以解决基于内容的图像检索系统中的“语义鸿沟”问题.  相似文献   

一种结合多示例学习的图像检索方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一种基于多示例学习(Multiple—instance learning)的图像检索方法,将多示例学习应用于图像检索中,以有效的处理图像的歧义性。该方法首先将图像作为多示例包,其次采用自适应k—means图像分割算法将图像自动分成多个示例,然后根据用户选择的实例图像生成正包和反包,再采用EM—DD(expectation maximization diversedensity)算法进行多示例学习,实现图像检索和相关反馈,最终使用户得到比较满意的结果。  相似文献   

基于语义学习的图像多模态检索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对语义鸿沟问题,在语义学习的基础上设计图像的多模态检索系统。该系统结合3种查询方式进行图像检索。基于视觉特征的查询通过特征提取与相似度匹配进行排位。基于标签的查询建立在图像自动标注的基础上,但在语义空间之外的泛化能力较差。基于语义图例的查询能够在很大程度上克服这个缺陷,通过在显式或隐式的语义空间上进行查询,使检索结果更符合人类感知。实验结果表明,与基于纹理特征的图像检索相比,基于语义图例的检索具有更高的精度及召回率。  相似文献   

针对医学图像检索中底层特征不能完整地描述图像的高层语义的问题,提出一种基于图的半监督学习框架的医学图像检索算法.首先根据图像之间的距离关系构建图模型,并在标记传播过程中加入密度相似性约束,得到查询图像的类别归属度,即图像的视觉语义表示;然后提取图像分块SIFT特征,用词袋进行描述,以获取图像的局部特征;最后设计了结合视觉语义和局部特征的相似性度量准则.在ImageCLEFmed上的实验结果表明,该算法能够有效地表达图像的视觉语义,检索效率优于单一底层特征检索.  相似文献   

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