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Mohy S. Mansour 《Combustion and Flame》2003,133(3):263-274
The stability characteristics of partially premixed turbulent lifted methane flames have been investigated and discussed in the present work. Mixture fraction and reaction zone behavior have been measured using a combined 2-D technique of simultaneous Rayleigh scattering, Laser Induced Predissociation Fluorescence (LIPF) of OH and Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) of C2Hx. The stability characteristics and simultaneous mixture fraction-LIPF-LIF measurements in three lifted flames with originally partially premixed jets at different mean equivalence ratio and Reynolds number are presented and discussed in this paper. Higher stability of partially premixed flames as compared to non-premixed flames has been observed. Lifted, attached, blow-out and blow-off regimes have been addressed and discussed in this work. The data show that the mixture fraction field on approaching the stabilization region is uniquely characterized by a certain level of mean and rms fluctuations. This suggests that the stabilization mechanism is likely to be controlled by premixed flame propagation at the stabilization region. Triple flame structure has been detected in the present flames, which is likely to be the appropriate model at the stabilization point. 相似文献
Stochastic simulations of turbulent hydrogen-air jet diffusion flames at three different dilution rates with helium are implemented using the ‘one-dimensional turbulence’ (ODT) model. The approach is based on one-dimensional unsteady solution of boundary layer equations to represent molecular processes and a stochastic implementation of turbulent advection. The 1D scalar and streamwise momentum profiles represent radial profiles within the flames; while, the unsteady evolution of the solution is interpreted as a downstream evolution of the radial scalar and streamwise momentum profiles. Multiple realizations of jet simulations are used to compute conditional statistics of major species, NO, and temperature. The ODT computations are implemented with a five-step reduced mechanism for hydrogen combustion and an optically-thin radiation model. Computed conditional statistics of temperature, major and minor species are compared to the experimental data from a set of documented flames at Sandia National Labs. Reasonable qualitative and quantitative agreement between computed and measured statistics is found, including very good predictions of NO mean and RMS profiles. Both computation and experiment exhibit the role of dilution in enhancing finite-rate chemistry effects, which vary as a function of downstream distance and fuel dilution. 相似文献
This review discusses recent progress in understanding turbulent, lifted hydrocarbon jet flames and the conditions under which they stabilize. The viewpoint is from that of the empiricist, focusing on experimental results and the physically based theories that have emerged from their interpretations, as well as from the theoretically founded notions that have been supported. Pertinent concepts from laminar lifted flame stabilization studies are introduced at the onset. Classification in broad categories of the types of turbulent lifted flame theories is then presented. Experiments are discussed which support the importance of a variety of effects, including partial premixing, edge-flames, local extinction, streamline divergence and large-scale structures. This discussion details which of the categories of theories are supported by particular experiments, comments on the experimental results themselves and their salient contributions. Overall conclusions on the state of the field are drawn and future directions for research are also discussed. 相似文献
The effects of a proposed combustion technique, named as annular counterflow, on the enhancement of jet diffusion flame blowout limits were investigated by a series of experiments conducted for the present study. Annular counterflow was formed in a concentric annulus, in which fuel jet was ejected from a nozzle and air was sucked into an outer cylinder encompassing the nozzle. Three fuel nozzles and outer cylinders of different sizes were utilized to perform the experiments. Schlieren technique and normal video filming were employed for the visualization of diverse flame morphologies triggered by the said flow. Gas samplings were taken and scrutinized by the use of a gas chromatograph. Results showed that the blowout limits can be enhanced dramatically by an increase in volume flow rates of air‐suction. Mixing enhancement is achieved with frequent and strong outward ejection of fluids from the cold jet when this technique is applied. The blowout limits are further extended when the diameter of outer cylinders becomes smaller and/or that of the fuel nozzle becomes larger. The base widths of lifted flames were found to be narrower in the interim of annular counterflow application. The rates of increase in flame lift‐off heights and base widths along with an increase in fuel flow velocities become sluggish when the volume flow rates of air are increased. The amount of fuel that was sucked into the outer cylinder was found to be negligible and trivial. A model based on annular and coaxial jet was developed to predict the lifted flame base width and blowout limits. The coincidence between the prediction and experimental results unambiguously validates that the momentum of air‐suction dominates the beneficial effect. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The behavior of laminar jet diffusion flames in the presence of non-uniform magnetic fields has been investigated and the results of this experimental study are presented. It has long been recognized that magnetic fields can influence the behavior of laminar diffusion flames as a result of the paramagnetic and diamagnetic properties of the constituent gases. Using a magnet assembly consisting of neodymium iron boron magnets and gray steel prisms, a non-uniform upward decreasing magnetic field was applied to a laminar jet diffusion flame produced using a slotted burner port. The experimental results show that under certain conditions the application of the magnetic field decreased the flame height, prevented the flame from attaching to the prisms, increased the intensity of the flame, decreased the flow rate for which visible soot inception occurred, and increased the flow rate below which the flame extinguished. It was also observed that the degree to which these phenomena occur is proportional to the product of the magnetic induction times the gradient of the magnetic induction. A discussion as to the reasons for these observations is provided. In addition to traditionally defined dimensionless parameters, the previously defined magnetic Grashof number, the magnetic Froude number, and the ratio of the gravitationally induced buoyancy forces to the magnetically induced body forces are identified as key parameters for determining when a magnetic field will affect diffusion flame behavior. Using these dimensionless parameters, the experimental data was cast in a form that clearly indicated the universal nature of diffusion flame behavior in a non-uniform upward decreasing magnetic field. A power law curve fit to the dimensionless data is presented and discussed. 相似文献
The autoignition of hydrogen in a turbulent jet with preheated air is studied computationally using the stand-alone one-dimensional turbulence (ODT) model. The simulations are based on varying the jet Reynolds number and the mixture pressure. Also, computations are carried out for homogeneous autoignition at different mixture fractions and the same two pressure conditions considered for the jet simulations. The simulations show that autoignition is delayed in the jet configuration relative to the earliest autoignition events in homogeneous mixtures. This delay is primarily due to the presence of scalar dissipation associated with the scalar mixing layer in the jet configuration as well as with the presence of turbulent stirring. Turbulence plays additional roles in the subsequent stages of the autoignition process. Pressure effects also are present during the autoignition process and the subsequent high-temperature combustion stages. These effects may be attributed primarily to the sensitivity of the autoignition delay time to the mixture conditions and the role of pressure and air preheating on molecular transport properties. The overall trends are such that turbulence increases autoignition delay times and accordingly the ignition length and pressure further contribute to this delay. 相似文献
The conditional moment closure method (CMC) has been extended to improve reactive species predictions in flames with significant local extinction and reignition. Simple first-order closure of the conditionally averaged reaction rate term does not give satisfactory results due to large fluctuations around the conditional mean and an alternative closure is suggested here. The new closure is based on a precomputed parameterized reference field that maps reactive species mass fractions as functions of mixture fraction and sensible enthalpy. During the computations, the reference field is continuously adjusted to ensure consistency with the CMC solution and doubly conditioned chemical source terms that are functions of time, space, mixture fraction, and sensible enthalpy can thus be obtained. Integration over sensible enthalpy space yields the improved singly conditioned chemical source term that can be used for the solution of the CMC equations. Full closure can be achieved by assuming a β-PDF for the probability distribution in sensible enthalpy space and an additional conditional variance equation needs to be solved. The overall agreement between the measured and the computed variance is satisfactory and the extended CMC model is applied to Sandia Flames D, E, and F. Excellent predictions of temperature, major species, intermediates, and NO are obtained in Flames D and E while temperature predictions can be significantly improved in Sandia Flame F. 相似文献
Multiple mapping conditioning (MMC) has emerged as a new approach to model turbulent reacting flows. This study revises the standard MMC closure for velocity in turbulent jet flows from linearity in the reference space to linearity in the composition space. This modeling amendment ensures that the standard velocity model in conditional moment closure studies can now be used for MMC computation as well. A simplified model for the velocity-dependence of MMC drift coefficients is derived without loss of generality and is implemented for the revised velocity closure. Modeling results have been corroborated against the Direct Numerical Simulation database of a spatially evolving, planar turbulent jet flame. The revised model shows marked improvement over standard MMC closure in predicting velocity statistics close to the nozzle. 相似文献
Cherian A. Idicheria 《Combustion and Flame》2004,138(4):384-400
An experimental study was performed with the aim of investigating the structure of transitional and turbulent nonpremixed jet flames under different gravity conditions. Experiments were conducted under three gravity levels, viz., 1 g, 20 mg, and 100 μg. The milligravity and microgravity conditions were achieved by dropping a jet-flame rig in the University of Texas at Austin 1.25-s and NASA-Glenn Research Center 2.2-s drop towers, respectively. The flames studied were piloted nonpremixed propane, ethylene, and methane jet flames at source Reynolds numbers ranging from 2000 to 10,500. The principal diagnostic employed was time-resolved cinematographic imaging of the visible soot luminosity. Mean and root-mean-square (RMS) images were computed, and volume rendering of the image sequences was used to investigate the large-scale structure evolution and flame tip dynamics. The relative importance of buoyancy was quantified with the parameter, ξL, as defined by Becker and Yamazaki (Combust. Flame 33 (1978) 123-149). The results showed, in contrast to some previous microgravity studies, that the high-Reynolds-number flames have the same flame length irrespective of the gravity level. The mean and RMS luminosity images and the volume renderings indicate that the large-scale structure and flame tip dynamics are essentially identical to those of purely momentum-driven flames provided ξL is less than approximately 2-3. The volume renderings show that the luminous structure velocities (i.e., celerities) normalized by the jet exit velocity are approximately constant for ξL<6, but scale as for ξL>8. The flame length fluctuation measurements and volume renderings also indicate that the luminous structures are more organized in low gravity than in normal gravity. Finally, taken as a whole, this study shows that ξL is a sufficient parameter for quantifying the effects of buoyancy on the fluctuating and mean characteristics of turbulent jet flames. 相似文献
This paper presents simultaneous LIF images of OH and the two-phase acetone fuel concentration as well as detailed single-point phase-Doppler measurements of velocity and droplet flux in three turbulent spray flames of acetone. This work forms part of a larger program to study spray jets and flames in a simple, well-defined geometry, aimed at providing a platform for developing and validating predictive tools for such flows. Spray flames that use nitrogen or air as droplet carrier are investigated and issues of flow field, droplet dispersion, size distribution, and evaporation are addressed. The joint OH/acetone concentration images reveal a substantial similarity to premixed flame behavior when the carrier stream is air. When the carrier is nitrogen, the reaction zone has a diffusion flame structure. There is no indication of individual droplet burning. The results show that evaporation occurs close to the jet centerline rather than in the outer shear layer. Turbulence does not have a significant impact on the evaporation rates. A small fraction of the droplets escapes the reaction zone unburned along the centerline and persists far downstream of the flame tip. The proportion of this droplet residue increases with shorter residence times as observed for the higher velocity flame. 相似文献
Khalid M. Saqr Hossam S. Aly Mohsin M. Sies Mazlan A. Wahid 《International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer》2010
A two-dimensional axisymmetric RANS numerical model was solved to investigate the effect of increasing the turbulence intensity of the air stream on the NOx and soot formation in turbulent methane diffusion flames. The turbulence–combustion interaction in the flame field was modelled in a k − ε/EDM framework, while the NO and soot concentrations were predicted through implementing the extended Zildovich mechanism and two transport equations model, respectively. The predicted spatial temperature gradients showed acceptable agreement with published experimental measurements. It was found that the increase of free stream turbulence intensity of the air supply results in a significant reduction in the NO formation of the flame. Such phenomenon is discussed by depicting the spatial distribution of the NO concentration in the flame. An observable reduction of the soot formation was also found to be associated with the increase of inlet turbulence intensity of air stream. 相似文献
Previously unpublished results from multiscalar point measurements in the series of piloted CH4/air jet flames [R.S. Barlow, J.H. Frank, Proc. Combust. Inst. 27 (1998) 1087-1095] are presented and analyzed. The emphasis is on features of the data that reveal the relative importance of molecular diffusion and turbulent transport in these flames. The complete series A-F is considered. This includes laminar, transitional, and turbulent flames spanning a range in Reynolds number from 1100 to 44,800. Results on conditional means of species mass fractions, the differential diffusion parameter, and the state of the water-gas shift reaction all show that there is an evolution in these flames from a scalar structure dominated by molecular diffusion to one dominated by turbulent transport. Long records of 6000 single-point samples at each of several selected locations in flame D are used to quantify the cross-stream (radial) dependence of conditional statistics of measured scalars. The cross-stream dependence of the conditional scalar dissipation is determined from 6000-shot, line-imaging measurements at selected locations. The cross-stream dependence of reactive scalars, which is most significant in the near field of the jet flame, is attributed to radial differences in both convective and local time scales of the flow. Results illustrate some potential limitations of common modeling assumptions when applied to laboratory-scale flames and, thus, provide a more complete context for interpretation of comparisons between experiments and model calculations. 相似文献
A theoretical analysis is reported in the present work to quantify the increase of radiative emission due to turbulence for hydrogen and hydrogen-enriched methane diffusion flames burning in air. The instantaneous thermochemical state of the reactive mixture is described by a flamelet model along with a detailed chemical mechanism. The shape of the probability density function (pdf) of mixture fraction is assumed. The results show that turbulent fluctuations generally contribute to reduce the Planck mean absorption coefficient of the medium, in contrast with the blackbody emissive power, which is significantly increased by turbulence. If the turbulence level is relatively small, the influence of turbulence on the absorption coefficient is marginal. Otherwise, fluctuations of the absorption coefficient of the medium should be taken into account. The scalar dissipation rate and the fraction of radiative heat loss have a much lower importance than the turbulence intensity on the mean radiative emission. 相似文献
K. Alex FrancisR. Sreenivasan Vasudevan Raghavan 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2011,36(17):11183-11194
Investigations of structure and reaction zones of unconfined methane-hydrogen laminar jet diffusion flames are presented. In a lab-scale burner, experiments have been conducted using a mixture of pure methane and pure hydrogen in different volumetric proportions. Digital photographs of the flames have been captured and the radial temperature profiles at different axial locations outside the flame zone have been measured. Numerical simulations are carried out with a C2 chemical kinetics mechanism having 25 species and 121 reaction steps and an optically thin radiation sub-model. The numerical results are validated against the experimental data. Parametric studies have been carried out for a range of methane-hydrogen mixtures with volumetric proportion of hydrogen in the mixture varying from 0% to 80%. Variation of flame height, contours of temperature, mass fractions of product species and the net reaction rates of methane and hydrogen for various cases are presented and discussed in detail. Further, analysis of net reaction rates of important reactions involving methane and hydrogen with radicals such as O, H and OH are analyzed. The maximum temperature in the domain is seen to decrease for the fuel mixtures with higher hydrogen content. The overall flame length also decreases. For a fuel mixture having 40% hydrogen by volume, the net molar consumption rates of methane and hydrogen are found to be almost equal. Examination of individual reactions of fuel species with radicals shows that hydrogen is mainly consumed by its reaction with OH, whereas methane consumption is mainly through its reactions involving H as well as OH radicals. 相似文献
Quantitative measurements of OH concentration time series are presented for turbulent lean-premixed, methane-air jet flames theoretically in the thickened preheat regime. Picosecond time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence (PITLIF) reveals unique differences between these premixed flames and previous non-premixed jet flames. Time-averaged [OH] measurements are used to identify mean flame structures and to discern how these structures are affected by varying bulk flow velocities and heat release. More importantly, hydroxyl time series are inspected to distinguish among three main regions in these turbulent premixed flames. These regions include the reacting side of the flame brush, the mixing side of the flame brush (radially outside the location of heat release), and above the flame tip. Although the main reaction zone appears to be broadened by its associated high turbulent intensity, a combination of statistical analysis plus flamelet simulations suggests that the primary internal structure responsible for the OH distribution remains constant across the mean flame brush. Therefore, the absolute concentration of OH depends principally on the intermittency of this instantaneous internal structure. Outside the mean flame brush, mixing of OH with co-flow air shifts the distribution of absolute OH concentrations. Distinct autocorrelation functions are found within the three different regions identified for these premixed flames. Across the flame brush, integral time scales are dominated by turbulent convection, as verified by flamelet simulations. Above the flame tip, integral time scales are determined by a competition between turbulent convection and the reaction rate for OH destruction. 相似文献
Quantitative time-dependent images of the infrared radiation intensity from methane and dimethyl ether (DME) turbulent nonpremixed and partially premixed jet flames are measured and discussed in this work. The fuel compositions (CH4/H2/N2, C2H6O/H2/N2, CH4/air, and C2H6O/air) and Reynolds numbers (15,200–46,250) for the flames were selected following the guidelines of the International Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames (TNF Workshop). The images of the radiation intensity are acquired using a calibrated high speed infrared camera and three band-pass filters. The band-pass filters enable measurements of radiation from water vapor and carbon dioxide over the entire flame length and beyond. The images reveal localized regions of high and low intensity characteristic of turbulent flames. The peak mean radiation intensity is approximately 15% larger for the DME nonpremixed flames and 30% larger for the DME partially premixed flames in comparison to the corresponding methane flames. The trends are explained by a combination of higher temperatures and longer stoichiometric flame lengths for the DME flames. The longer flame lengths are attributed to the higher density of the DME fuel mixtures based on existing flame length scaling relationships. The longer flame lengths result in larger volumes of high temperature gas and correspondingly higher path-integrated radiation intensities near and downstream of the stoichiometric flame length. The radiation intensity measurements acquired with the infrared camera agree with existing spectroscopy measurements demonstrating the quantitative nature of the present imaging technique. The images provide new benchmark data of turbulent nonpremixed and partially premixed jet flames. The images can be compared with results of large eddy simulations rendered in the form of quantitative images of the infrared radiation intensity. Such comparisons are expected to support the evaluation of models used in turbulent combustion and radiation simulations. 相似文献
Results obtained from incorporating a semiempirical soot model into a first-order conditional moment closure (CMC) approach to modeling turbulent nonpremixed flames of ethylene and air are presented. Soot formation is determined via the solution of two transport equations for soot mass fraction and particle number density, with acetylene and benzene employed as the incipient species responsible for soot nucleation, and the concentrations of these species calculated using a detailed gas-phase kinetic scheme involving 463 reactions and 70 species. The study focuses on the influence of differential diffusion of soot particles on soot volume fraction predictions. The results of calculations are compared with experimental data for three sooting ethylene flames and, in general, predictions of mixing and temperature fields within the three flames show good agreement with data. Soot volume fraction predictions are found to be in significantly better accord with data when differential diffusion is accounted for in the CMC-based soot model, supporting the importance of such effects in sooting flames, as previously noted by Kronenburg et al. in relation to methane combustion. Overall, the study demonstrates that the CMC-based soot model, when used in conjunction with a model of differential diffusion effects, is capable of accurately predicting soot formation in turbulent nonpremixed ethylene-air flames. 相似文献