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R. C. DeVRlES 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1964,47(5):230-237
Experiments on the system Al2 SiO5 at high temperatures and pressures with the belt apparatus indicate that kyanite melts incongruently above about 1500°C at 25,000 bars to Al2 O3 (corundum) plus liquid. The pressure-temperature curves obtained by starting with either a 1/1 Al2 O3 /SiO2 gel or with kyanite are essentially identical but differ considerably from the results with andalu-site and sillimanite. The structure of the starting material has considerable influence on the kinetics of the reaction and the metastable formation of corundum in this system. An "equilibrium" curve based on the andalusite-sillimanite data is described by P = 33.8 × 10-3 T - 26.4 (Pin kbars, Tin°C). 相似文献
R. F. CANON J. T. A. ROBERTS R. J. BEALS† 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1971,54(2):105-112
The effects of temperature, strain rate, and grain size on the mechanical properties of UO2 were investigated using the four-point bending technique. Strain rates were varied by two orders of magnitude, and test temperatures up to 1800°C were used. Data are presented on the ultimate tensile stress, yield stress, and plastic strain-to-fracture. Below the brittle-to-ductile transition temperature, Tc , the material fractured in a brittle manner, with no macroscopic plastic deformation. Between Tc and a second transition at a higher temperature, Tt , a small amount of plastic deformation was measured before fracture. Beyond Tt , the strength of UO2 decreased continuously, and extensive plasticity was observed. This high-temperature plasticity was characterized by a thermally activated rate-controlling process; this behavior is consistent with observations of creep behavior under high stresses. The following phenomenological equations for the strain rate fit the data for the material with 8-μm grain size above Tt :
where σp and σ88f are the proportional limit and steady-state flow stress, respectively, and temperature T is in °K. 相似文献
where σ
Ingeborg Kaus Kjell Wiik Bente Krogh Marit Dahle Karina H. Hofstad Siv Aasland 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2007,90(7):2226-2230
The chemical stability of SrFeO3 -based perovskites in H2 O- and CO2 -containing atmospheres at high temperatures and pressures has been examined. The extent of reaction as a function of p CO2 , p H2 O, temperature, and time has been determined. Either strontium carbonate or Sr(OH)2 ·H2 O was observed on sample surfaces after exposure. Observation of two different reaction-rate behaviors could be explained by the formation of different products. The stability of the perovskite has been found to increase when the activity of Sr is decreased. Chemical stability in H2 O/CO2 is important to understand in order to use these membrane materials for syngas production. 相似文献
In order to identify the mechanisms behind the adverse effect of oxygen contamination on the densification of TiB2 ceramics, densification and grain growth behavior during pressureless sintering (1700° to 2050°C) were examined as a function of oxygen content of the powder and compared with those observed during hot-pressing (1400° to 1700°C). Marked difference in the grain size-density relations was observed between the two processing methods. Specific roles of oxygen in various kinetic processes were analyzed and the likely oxygen-bearing species were also identified. 相似文献
KE-CHIN WANG LLOYD H. DREGER V. V. DADAPE JOHN L. MARGRAVE 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1960,43(10):509-510
The sublimation of chromic oxide, Cr2 O3 , has been observed in vacuum by the Langmuir technique using induction and solar heating. Extensive sublimation did not yield any new phases on the basis of X-ray powder studies, and condensates of Cr2 O3 were always obtained. Flash vaporization and flow experiments in CO or O2 atmospheres and in vacuum indicated no appreciable differences in rates of sublimation. Weight-loss experiments showed that the rate of sublimation was slightly higher than predicted for decomposition to the elements and suggested that small amounts of complex molecules, e.g. CrO and CrO2 , were also present in the equilibrium vapor. 相似文献
SHINOBU YAMAOKA OSAMU FUKUNAGA SHINROKU SAITO 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1970,53(4):179-181
Phase equilibrium in the system MgO-H2 O was investigated from 500° to 1450° C at 5 to 40 kbars by a quenching technique using a piston-cylinder apparatus. Brucite decomposed to periclase plus vapor at 810° and 10 kbars, 945° and 20 kbars, 1000° and 32 kbars, and 975°C and 40 kbars. The slope of the decomposition P-T curve became steeper with increasing pressure, infinite at 32- kbars and 1000C, and then negative above 32 kbars. The extrapolation of this curve to lower pressures agrees well with data of other workers who used hydrothermal techniques. 相似文献
Nicholas J. Welham 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2000,83(5):1290-1292
Titanium diboride can be produced by ball-milling a mixture of TiO2 , B2 O3 , and Mg metal for between 10 and 15 h. The reaction was found to be completed during the milling with no evidence of residual Mg. The unwanted phase, MgO, was readily removed by leaching in acid. The leached powder obtained after 15 h milling had a particle size of <200 nm and was highly faceted. The particle size decreased to ∼50 nm after 100 h milling and seemed to be relatively monodisperse. Scherrer calculation of the crystallite size showed that the product particles were probably single crystal. 相似文献
Matt K. Ferber Paul F. Becher Cabell B. Finch 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1983,66(1):2-C-3
Samples of a TiB2 ceramic containing 0 to 10 wt% Ni were fabricated by hot-pressing. Several properties, including fracture strength, indentation fracture toughness, and thermal expansion (between 25° and 1000°C) were measured. Resulting data were correlated with sample microstructure and composition. 相似文献
Golla Brahma Raju Bikramjit Basu 《International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology》2010,7(1):89-103
Unlubricated fretting wear tests on TiB2 and TiB2 –5 wt% TiSi2 ceramics against two different mating materials (bearing grade steel and WC–6 wt% Co balls) were performed with a view to understand the counterbody-dependent difference in friction and wear properties. The fretting experiments were conducted systematically by varying load (2–10 N) at an oscillating frequency of 4 Hz and 100 μm linear stroke, for a duration of 100,000 cycles. Adhesion, abrasion, and three-body wear have been observed as mechanisms of material damage for both the TiB2 /steel and TiB2 /WC–Co tribosystems. The third body is predominantly characterized as tribochemical layer for TiB2 /steel and loose wear debris particles for TiB2 /WC–Co tribocouple. An explanation on differences in tribological properties has been provided in reference to the counterbody material as well as microstructure and mechanical properties of flat materials. 相似文献
David H. Chmielewski Kenneth H. Sandhage 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1995,78(9):2504-2512
Bi2 Sr2 Ca2 Cu2 O8±δ -type compound thick films were exposed to oxygen-argon-gas mixtures (1% to 20% oxygen gas) at elevated pressures (up to 207 MPa) and temperatures (500° to 940°C) for times ranging from 5 to 96 h. At a sufficiently high oxygen fugacity and temperature, Bi2 Sr2 Ca1 Cu2 O8±δ decomposed via a solid-state reaction. Room-temperature X-ray diffractometry and electron probe microanalysis of decomposed films revealed the presence of Bi2 (Sr,Ca)2 -Cu1 O6±θ ro-type compound, Bi2 Sr2 ,Ca1 O8±δ -type compound, and CuO. Bi2 Sr2 Ca1 Cu2 O8±δ decomposition was accompanied by a modest weight gain, which was consistent with an oxidation reaction. The solid-state decomposition reaction could be reversed by heat treatment of decomposed films at 860°C in pure, flowing oxygen at ambient pressure. 相似文献
The use of monoclinic ZrO2 as an additive improves the mechanical properties of TiB2 -based composites without the use of stabilizers. In particular, TiB2 -30% ZrO2 compacts exhibited a transverse rupture strength of 800 MN/m2 , few pores, and a KI c of 5 MPa·m1/2 . The high strength and toughness are thought to result mainly from the presence of partially stabilized tetragonal ZrO2 and from solid solution of (TiZr)B2 formed in sintering. 相似文献
Cracks introduced into single-crystal sapphire broke up after annealing, first into channels of cylindrical voids and ultimately into rows of spherical pores, with the thicker gap spacings in the original crack remaining open. Breakup of the cylindrical voids on subsequent annealing conformed to the models for surface-diffusion-controlled material transport. At the temperatures of measurement, the magnitudes of the calculated surface diffusivities agree well with values reported previously. 相似文献
Shoichi Okamoto Akira Kawai Kenkichiro Kobayashi Masasuke Takata Tsutomu Yamashita Shiro Yamashita 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1983,66(5):78-C-
Boron ions were implanted at room temperature in Ti films at a high dose (7.1 × 10I7 and 2.3 × 1018 ions/cm2 ), The formation of TiB2 films was confirmed by X-ray diffraction. Boron concentration profiles in implanted films were studied by secondary-ion mass spectrometry. 相似文献
YASUO SHIBASAKI FUMIKAZU KANAMARU MITSUE KOIZUMI SHOICHI KUME † 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1973,56(5):248-249
The phase boundary between CrO2 and Cr2 O3 was reinvestigated under high O2 pressures by using a new type of gas compressor. The boundary curve can be represented as log Po2 = 7.16-(3579/ T ). Using the observed data, Δ G °, Δ H °, and Δ S ° for the reaction 2CrO2 ⇋Cr2 O3 +½O2 were calculated to be: Δ G °= -(1.55/100) T +7.60 kcal/mol, Δ H °= -8.19 kcal/mol, and Δ S °= (-15.8/ T )+0.0155 kcal/mol. 相似文献
Shiro Torizuka Kaoru Sato Hiroaki Nishio Teruo Kishi 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1995,78(6):1606-1610
Compacts of TiB2 with densities approaching 100% are difficult to obtain using pressureless sintering. The addition of SiC was very effective in improving the sinterability of TiB2 . The oxygen content of the raw TiB2 powder used in this research was 1.5 wt%. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy showed that the powder surface consisted mainly of TiO2 and B2 O3 . Using vacuum sintering at 1700°C under 13–0.013 Pa, TiB2 samples containing 2.5 wt% SiC achieved 96% of their theoretical density, and a density of 99% was achieved by HIPing. TEM observations revealed that SiC reacts to form an amorphous phase. TEM-EELS analysis indicated that the amorphous phase includes Si, O, and Ti, and X-ray diffraction showed the reaction to be TiO2 + SiC → SiO2 + TiC. Therefore, the improved sinterability of TiB2 resulted from the SiO2 liquid phase that was formed during sintering when the raw TiB2 powder had 1.5 wt% oxygen. 相似文献
The effect of adding BaCl2 to BaCO3 at elevated temperatures was studied. DTA and hot-stage microscopy revealed that a eutectic occurs at 840°C and 14.0 mol% BaCO3 . The microstructure in the reaction zone indicated that BaCO3 recrystallizes from the eutectic melt. Thus, BaCl2 additions can activate BaCO3 at a temperature as low as 840°C . 相似文献
The effect of adding BaCl2 to BaSO4 at elevated temperatures was studied. Differential thermal analysis and hot-stage microscopy revealed that a eutectic occurs at 865°C between BaCl2 and 13.5 mol% BaSO4 . The microstructure in the reaction zone indicated that BaS04 recrystallizes from the eutectic melt. Thus, BaCl2 additions can activate BaSO4 at a temperature as low as 865°C. 相似文献