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Absorbed fraction (AF) and specific absorbed fraction (SAF) are crucial values for the calculation of radionuclide S-values and consequently for internal dose estimates. The formalism of the Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) committee of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) has been utilised as a standard in the calculation of individual organ doses for biologically distributed radionuclides and for different types of radiation. Although those quantities are highly sensitive to individual anatomical difference, the SAF dataset calculated by Caucasian-based stylised phantoms have been applied to Korean population until now. This study was intended to calculate the SAFs by using realistic Korean voxel phantom and Monte Carlo transport technique for the first time and compare the results with those of the existing Caucasian-based data and the Korean stylised phantom published recently. The up-to-date realistic Korean voxel phantom, KTMAN-2, which was developed from computed tomography (CT) images of an average Korean adult male, was employed for Monte Carlo calculation using EGSnrc user-code, developed for the purpose of this study. The SAFs for 32 target organs and tissues from the photon source, uniformly deposited in a total of 37 source organs and tissues, were calculated from KTMAN-2. The results were compared with those for an adult phantom of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Korean adult stylised phantom. Two major reasons of discrepancy were analysed: (1) racial difference between the Korean and the Caucasian and (2) anatomical difference between stylised and voxel phantoms. When the source organ was identical to the target organ, difference in SAF caused by the difference in target-organ mass between the Korean and the Caucasian phantoms was mainly observed. When the source and target organs were not identical, significant difference in SAF was observed which was mainly attributed to the difference in inter-organ distance and organ shape between voxel and stylised phantoms.  相似文献   

Photon and electron specific absorbed fractions (SAFs) and S-values have been evaluated using mouse voxel phantoms. In voxel phantoms, it is important to choose the voxel size carefully since it affects the accuracy of results. In this study, two mouse voxel phantoms were constructed, with cubic voxels, one with 0.1-mm sides and the other with 0.4-mm sides. The sources were considered to be distributed uniformly in the main organs and the radiation transport was simulated using the Monte Carlo code EGS4. It was found that the effect of voxel size on SAFs for self-irradiation was not high (<10 %) for electrons and photons. However, it was appreciable for cross-irradiation especially for electrons. The effect of voxel size was investigated on S-values for some beta emitters such as (131)I, (153)Sm, (188)Re and (90)Y.  相似文献   

There is a need to calculate specific absorbed fractions (SAFs) in voxel phantoms for internal dosimetry. For this purpose, an EGS4 user code for calculating SAFs using voxel phantoms was developed on the basis of an existing EGS4 user code for external dosimetry (UCPIXEL). In the developed code, the transport of photons, electrons and positrons in voxel phantoms can be simulated, particularly the transport simulations of secondary electrons in voxel phantoms. The evaluated SAFs for the GSF 'Child' voxel phantom using the developed code were found to be in good agreement with the GSF evaluated data. In addition, SAFs in adult voxel phantoms developed at JAERI were evaluated using the developed code and were compared with several published data. It was found that SAFs for organ self-absorption depend on the organ masses and would be affected by differences in the structure of the human body.  相似文献   

Absorbed fractions (AFs) and specific absorbed fractions (SAFs)for internally deposited electron were calculated using a Koreanreference adult stylised phantom, where a total of 15 internalorgan volumes and external body dimension were designed to matchaverage Korean adult male. The walls of oesophagus, stomach,colon and urinary bladder were additionally divided into themucosal layer and residual wall to accommodate dose calculationfor weakly penetrating electron. The mucosal wall thicknesseswere determined by the data reported in the International Commissionon Radiological Protection Publication 89 and other literatureresources and by direct measurements. The Monte Carlo transportcode MCNPX (version 2.5.0) was employed to calculate the electronenergy deposited. The SAFs and AFs for monoenergetic electronswith the energies ranging from 10 keV to 2 MeV were calculated.The results were compared with those of the revised Oak RidgeNational Laboratory phantoms and showed considerable differencesup to 150% in SAFs, whereas no substantial differences wereobserved in the AFs.  相似文献   

A Korean adult male computational phantom was constructed based on the current anthropometric and organ volume data of Korean average adult male, and was applied to calculate internal photon dosimetry data. The stylised models of external body, skeleton, and a total of 13 internal organs (brain, gall bladder, heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, pancreas, spleen, stomach, testes, thymus, thyroid and urinary bladder) were redesigned based on the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) adult phantom. The height of trunk of the Korean phantom was 8.6% less than that of the ORNL adult phantom, and the volumes of all organs decreased up to 65% (pancreas) except for brain, gall bladder wall and thymus. Specific absorbed fraction (SAF) was calculated using the Korean phantom and Monte Carlo code, and compared with those from the ORNL adult phantom. The SAF of organs in the Korean phantom was overall higher than that from the ORNL adult phantom. This was caused by the smaller organ volume and the shorter inter-organ distance in the Korean phantom. The self SAF was dominantly affected by the difference in organ volume, and the SAF for different source and target organs was more affected by the inter-organ distance than by the organ volume difference. The SAFs of the Korean stylised phantom differ from those of the ORNL phantom by 10-180%. The comparison study of internal dosimetry will be extended to tomographic phantom and electron source in the future.  相似文献   

This paper aims at comparing dosimetric assessments performed with three Monte Carlo codes: EGS4, MCNP4c2 and MCNPX2.5e, using a realistic voxel phantom, namely the Zubal phantom, in two configurations of exposure. The first one deals with an external irradiation corresponding to the example of a radiological accident. The results are obtained using the EGS4 and the MCNP4c2 codes and expressed in terms of the mean absorbed dose (in Gy per source particle) for brain, lungs, liver and spleen. The second one deals with an internal exposure corresponding to the treatment of a medullary thyroid cancer by 131I-labelled radiopharmaceutical. The results are obtained by EGS4 and MCNPX2.5e and compared in terms of S-values (expressed in mGy per kBq and per hour) for liver, kidney, whole body and thyroid. The results of these two studies are presented and differences between the codes are analysed and discussed.  相似文献   

High-energy electron storage rings generate energetic bremsstrahlung photons through radiative interaction of the particle beam with the residual gas molecules and other components inside the storage ring. At synchrotron radiation facilities, where beamlines are channeled out of the storage ring, a continuous bremsstrahlung spectrum, with a maximum energy of the stored particle beam, will be present. At the advanced photon source (APS), where the stored beam energy is 7 GeV, bremsstrahlung generated in the straight sections of the insertion device beamlines, which are a total of 15.38 m in length, can be significant. The contribution from each bremsstrahlung interaction adds up to produce a narrow mono-directional bremsstrahlung beam that comes down through the insertion device beamlines. The resulting absorbed dose distributions by this radiation in a 300 mm×300 mm×300 mm tissue substitute cube phantom were measured with LiF:Mg,Ti (TLD-700) thermoluminescent dosemeters. The normalized absorbed dose, in a cross-sectional area of 100 mm2 at a depth of 150 mm of the PMMA phantom, was measured as 3.3×106 mGy h−1W−1 for 7-GeV bremsstrahlung spectrum.  相似文献   

In 1995, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) issued ICRP Publication 70 which provided an extensive update to the physiological and anatomical reference data for the skeleton of adults and children originally issued in ICRP Publication 23. Although ICRP Publication 70 has been a valuable document in the development of reference voxel computational phantoms, additional guidance is needed for dose assessment in the skeletal tissues beyond that given in ICRP Publication 30. In this study, a computed tomography (CT) and micro-CT-based model of the skeletal tissues is presented, which considers (1) a 50-microm depth in marrow for the osteoprogenitor cells, (2) electron escape from trabecular spongiosa to the surrounding cortical bone, (3) cortical bone to trabecular spongiosa cross-fire for electrons and (4) variations in specific absorbed fraction with changes in bone marrow cellularity for electrons. A representative data set is given for electron dosimetry in the craniofacial bones of the adult male.  相似文献   

用热释光剂量计对125I密封籽源在水中的剂量分布进行具有量值溯源性的测量,结果表明,125II密封籽源在水中的剂量分布随着离源距离的增加而快速衰减,同时受照角度对剂量分布也有一定的影响。模拟实验有助于改进放射性籽源植入治疗的剂量准确性和安全性。对测量误差和实验方法也进行了有益的讨论。  相似文献   

Quantifying organ dose to healthy organs during radiotherapy is essential to estimate the radiation risk. Dose factors are generated by simulating radiation transport through an anthropomorphic mathematical phantom representing a reference Indian adult using the Monte Carlo method. The mean organ dose factors (in mGy min(-1) GBq(-1)) are obtained considering the microselectron (192)Ir source and BEBIG (60)Co sources in the uterus of a reference Indian adult female phantom. The present study provides the factors for mean absorbed dose to organs applicable to the Indian female patient population undergoing brachytherapy treatment of uterus cancer. This study also includes a comparison of the dimension of organs in the phantom model with measured values of organs in the various investigated patients.  相似文献   

The International Commission on Radiological Protection Publication 103 recommended that ionising radiation doses should be assessed based on voxel phantoms. An anthropomorphic voxel phantom for the Reference Taiwanese Adult was built from analyses of computed tomography (CT) images. Thirty representative adult individuals were selected from normal patients in the hospital, with body mass index between 19.6 and 25.6 for males and 18.8 and 27.0 for females and body height between 163 and 175 cm for males and 152 and 162 cm for females. The Reference Taiwanese Adult was determined from these individuals by analysing their CT images for parameters characterising the size, position and orientation of several organs. Analysed parameters included the volume, surface area, major and minor axes, mean chord length, position relative to the body centre, and orientation with respect to the body axis, for liver, spleen, kidney, stomach, gallbladder and bladder. The person with the highest score was designated the Reference Taiwanese Adult.  相似文献   

A Japanese voxel phantom in upright posture, JM2, has been developed on the basis of CT images of a healthy Japanese adult male. Body characteristics of JM2 were compared with those of the supine voxel phantom, JM, previously developed using CT images of the same person. Differences were found in the shapes of the spine and lower abdomen and the locations of several organs such as kidneys, liver and stomach between the two phantoms. Specific absorbed fractions (SAFs) for 24 target and 11 sources organs were calculated for monoenergetic photon ranging from 0.01 to 4 MeV. It was found that the SAFs for the kidneys as source organ and the lower large intestine wall as target organ in JM2 were significantly higher than those in JM for all photon energies. The differences of the SAFs between the two phantoms were attributed to the differences in the organ distance and organ geometry depending on the posture.  相似文献   

Based on recent research, related literature data and updated model parameter values, the present internal radiation dose from intakes of radionuclides for Chinese adult men (except for radon and its short-lived decay products) has been re-estimated. Radiation doses obtained by using both direct and indirect approaches have been compared. It is shown that the total annual committed effective dose in Chinese men accounts for approximately 0.43 mSv, 43% higher than the world reference value. The average annual dose from (40)K is quite near to the world reference value, but those from the (238)U-series (with (235)U-series) and (232)Th-series are 2.1- and 3.2-fold higher, respectively. The dose by ingestion is about two orders of magnitude higher than that by inhalation. (40)K is the greatest contributor to the total dose, while, in the decreasing order, (210)Po, (210)Pb, (228)Ra and (14)C are lower. Other radionuclides contribute very little dose ( approximately 2.6%). These results provide a useful basis for clarifying the characteristics of natural radiation exposure and for establishing related reference values for Chinese adult men.  相似文献   

Calibration phantoms for in vivo measurements of low-energy photons should be anatomically realistic to minimise the uncertainties in the activity assessment. The calibration of the detection system can be performed using computational techniques based on numerical phantoms. The purpose of this work is to approach a numerical calibration by Monte Carlo (MC) technique of a Germanium detection system for the determination of 241Am in the knee. A specific voxel phantom was built from a computerised tomography of the calibration Spitz knee phantom. The phantom and the procedure to generate the associated input file for the MC code, namely MCNPX, have been described, as well as the characterisation of the detectors according to the manufacturer data and the energy calibration curves of the spectrometer. The detection efficiency and the pulse-height distribution have been determined for a homogeneous contamination of 241Am in bone.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic functions have been calculated from measured data on the specific heat of evaporation of the moisture absorbed by typical and colloidal capillary-porous bodies. It is shown that the relationships between the thermodynamic functions for adsorbed and capillary moisture are different, this being the result of the different nature of the forces holding the moisture in the body.  相似文献   

Internal dosimetry in non-human biota is desirable from the viewpoint of radiation protection of the environment. The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) proposed Reference Animals and Plants using simplified models, such as ellipsoids and spheres and calculated absorbed fractions (AFs) for whole bodies. In this study, photon and electron AFs in whole bodies of voxel-based rat and frog models have been calculated and compared with AFs in the reference models. It was found that the voxel-based and the reference frog (or rat) models can be consistent for the whole-body AFs within a discrepancy of 25%, as the source was uniformly distributed in the whole body. The specific absorbed fractions (SAFs) and S values were also evaluated in whole bodies and all organs of the voxel-based frog and rat models as the source was distributed in the whole body or skeleton. The results demonstrated that the whole-body SAFs reflect SAFs of all individual organs as the source was uniformly distributed per mass within the whole body by about 30% uncertainties with exceptions for body contour (up to -40%) for both electrons and photons due to enhanced radiation leakages, and for the skeleton for photons only (up to +185%) due to differences in the mass attenuation coefficients. For nuclides such as (90)Y and (90)Sr, which were concentrated in the skeleton, there were large differences between S values in the whole body and those in individual organs, however the whole-body S values for the reference models with the whole body as the source were remarkably similar to those for the voxel-based models with the skeleton as the source, within about 4 and 0.3%, respectively. It can be stated that whole-body SAFs or S values in simplified models without internal organs are not sufficient for accurate internal dosimetry because they do not reflect SAFs or S values of all individual organs as the source was not distributed uniformly in whole body. Thus, voxel-based models would be good candidates for dosimetry in non-human biota if further accuracy in environmental dosimetry is desired.  相似文献   

A voxel phantom of Chinese adult male called CNMAN was constructed from color photographs of the first Chinese visible human data set, for radiation protection purpose. This data set was obtained from a 35-y-old Chinese male cadaver by a medical university in China. The man, 170 cm in height and 65 kg in weight, was dead without any pathological changes. The image size for transversal anatomical photographs of the whole body was 3072 x 2048. After the photographs were semi-automatically segmented, the voxel phantom (CNMAN) with a voxel size of 0.16 mm x 0.16 mm x 1 mm, consisting of 29 tissues or organs was constructed. Combined with the MCNP Monte Carlo transport code, preliminary results for radiation protection dosimetry were obtained based on this Chinese voxel phantom.  相似文献   

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