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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation has broad applications, and an increasing amount of computing power is needed to satisfy the large scale of the real world simulation. The advent of the many-core paradigm brings unprecedented computing power, but it remains a great challenge to harvest the computing power due to MD’s irregular memory-access pattern. To address this challenge, this paper presents a joint application/architecture study to enhance the scalability of MD on Godson-T-like many-core architecture. First, a preprocessing approach leveraging an adaptive divide-and-conquer framework is designed to exploit locality through memory hierarchy with software controlled memory. Then three incremental optimization strategies–a novel data-layout to improve data locality, an on-chip locality-aware parallel algorithm to enhance data reuse, and a pipelining algorithm to hide latency to shared memory–are proposed to enhance on-chip parallelism for Godson-T many-core processor. Experiments on Godson-T simulator exhibit strong-scaling parallel efficiency of 0.99 on 64 cores, which is confirmed by a field-programmable gate array emulator. Also the performance per watt of MD on Godson-T is much higher than MD on a 16-cores Intel core i7 symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) and 26 times higher than MD on an 8-core 64-thread Sun T2 processor. Detailed analysis shows that optimizations utilizing architectural features to maximize data locality and to enhance data reuse benefit scalability most. Furthermore, a hierarchical parallelization scheme is designed to map the MD algorithm to Godson-T many-core cluster and a simple performance model is derived, which suggests that the optimization scheme is likely to scale well toward exascale. Certain architectural features are found essential for these optimizations, which could guide future hardware developments.  相似文献   

随着嵌入式处理器技术的不断发展以及人们对嵌入式设备性能的要求越来越高,嵌入式处理器由单核时代进入多核时代。然而,传统嵌入式系统软件开发方法还是基于单核模式,并没有利用嵌入式多核处理器多核并行化的特点,没有充分发挥嵌入式多核处理器的性能。虽然在PC平台上,多核并行化方法相对更成熟,但嵌入式多核处理器在处理器数目、Cache以及总线等方面有很大不同,嵌入式平台多核并行化并不能借助PC平台的实践方法,因此基于嵌入式平台研究多核并行化的方法是很有意义的。  相似文献   

Shared memory parallelization of the flux kernel of PETSc-FUN3D, an unstructured tetrahedral mesh Euler flow code previously studied for distributed memory and multi-core shared memory, is evaluated on up to 61 cores per node and up to 4 threads per core. We explore several thread-level optimizations to improve flux kernel performance on the state-of-the-art many integrated core (MIC) Intel processor Xeon Phi “Knights Corner,” with a focus on strong thread scaling. While the linear algebraic kernel is bottlenecked by memory bandwidth for even modest numbers of cores sharing a common memory, the flux kernel, which arises in the control volume discretization of the conservation law residuals and in the formation of the preconditioner for the Jacobian by finite-differencing the conservation law residuals, is compute-intensive and is known to exploit effectively contemporary multi-core hardware. We extend study of the performance of the flux kernel to the Xeon Phi in three thread affinity modes, namely scatter, compact, and balanced, in both offload and native mode, with and without various code optimizations to improve alignment and reduce cache coherency penalties. Relative to baseline “out-of-the-box” optimized compilation, code restructuring optimizations provide about 3.8x speedup using the offload mode and about 5x speedup using the native mode. Even with these gains for the flux kernel, with respect to execution time the MIC simply achieves par with optimized compilation on a contemporary multi-core Intel CPU, the 16-core Sandy Bridge E5 2670. Nevertheless, the optimizations employed to reduce the data motion and cache coherency protocol penalties of the MIC are expected to be of value for CFD and many other unstructured applications as many-core architecture evolves. We explore large-scale distributed-shared memory performance on the Cray XC40 supercomputer, to demonstrate that optimizations employed on Phi hybridize to this context, where each of thousands of nodes are comprised of two sockets of Intel Xeon Haswell CPUs with 32 cores per node.  相似文献   

基于软硬件的协同支持在众核上对1-DFFT算法的优化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高性能计算需求的日益增加,片上众核(many-core)处理器成为未来处理器架构的发展方向.快速傅立叶变换(FFT)作为高性能计算中的重要应用,对计算能力和通信带宽都有较高的要求.因此基于众核处理器平台,实现高效、可扩展的FFT算法是算法和体系结构设计者共同面临的挑战.文中在众核处理器Godson-T平台上对1-D FFT算法进行了优化和评估,在节省几乎三分之一L2 Cache存储开销的情况下,通过隐藏矩阵转置,计算与通信重叠等优化策略,使得优化后的1-D FFT算法达到3倍以上的性能提升.并通过片上网络拥塞状况的实验分析,发现对于像FFT这样访存带宽受限的应用,增加L2 Cache的访问带宽,可以缓解因为爆发式读写带给片上网络和L2 Cache的压力,进一步提高程序的性能和扩展性.  相似文献   

Highly regular many-core architectures tend to be more and more popular as they are suitable for inherently highly parallelizable applications such as most of the image and video processing domain. In this article, we present a novel architecture for many-core microprocessor ASIC dedicated to embedded video and image processing applications. We propose a flexible many-core approach with two architectures one implemented in CMOS 65 nm technology containing 16 open-source tiles and the other implemented in CMOS FD-SOI 28 nm technology containing 64 open-source tiles. Each tile of these architectures can choose its communication links depending on the most relevant overall parallelism scheme for a targeted application. Both chips are fully functional in simulation. The layouts are presented with frequency, area and power consumption results. Various case studies are presented to illustrate the proposed flexible many-core architectures and enable to focus on architecture exploration, instantiated scheme of parallelization and timing performance.  相似文献   

异构众核架构具有超高的性能功耗比,已成为超级计算机体系结构的重要发展方向.但众核系统更为复杂的并行层次和存储层次,给编程和优化带来了极大的挑战,因此研究面向众核系统的并行编程技术,对于降低国产众核系统并行应用的编程难度、提升并行程序的性能都具有重要的意义.提出统一架构的多模式并行编程模型,包括异构融合的加速运算模型和按同构方式编程的自主运算模型,根据编程模型设计了Parallel C语言,能有效描述国产众核系统的异构并行性,与其它众核系统上MPI+X的使用模式相比,编程和系统优化都具有全局视角,在多级局部性描述、单边消息、兼容已有多核应用等方面具有特色;基于Open64构建了Parallel C编译系统,全面支持加速运算模型和自主运算模型,提出并实现了数据布局与自动DMA、编译指导的线程代理和拓扑位置感知的集合通信等优化.Micro Benchmark和实际应用在神威太湖之光计算机系统上的测试数据表明,Parallel C语言和编译系统具有良好的性能和可扩展性,能够有效支撑大型应用.  相似文献   

We present a scalable parallelization scheme for high-order stencil computations that also optimizes memory behavior on multicore clusters. Our multilevel approach combines: (i)?inter-node parallelization via spatial decomposition; (ii)?inter-core parallelization via multithreading and explicit non-uniform memory access (NUMA) control; (iii)?data locality optimizations through auto-tuned tiling for efficient use of hierarchical memory; and (iv)?register blocking and data parallelism via single-instruction multiple-data techniques to utilize registers and exploit data locality. The scheme is applied to a sixth-order stencil based finite-difference time-domain code. Weak-scaling parallel efficiency is over 98?% on 32,768 BlueGene/P processors. Multithreading with explicit NUMA control attains 9.9-fold speedup on a dual 12-core AMD Opteron system. Data locality optimizations achieve 7.7-fold reduction of the last level cache miss rate of Intel Nehalem, whereas register blocking increases data parallelism and thereby achieves 5.9 Gflops performance on a single core. Register blocking?+ multithreading optimizations achieve 5.8-fold speedup on a single quadcore Nehalem.  相似文献   

With Moore’s law supplying billions of transistors on-chip, embedded systems are undergoing a transition from single-core to multi-core to exploit this high transistor density for high performance. However, the optimal layout of these multiple cores along with the memory subsystem (caches and main memory) to satisfy power, area, and stringent real-time constraints is a challenging design endeavor. The short time-to-market constraint of embedded systems exacerbates this design challenge and necessitates the architectural modeling of embedded systems to reduce the time-to-market by expediting target applications to device/architecture mapping. In this paper, we present a queueing theoretic approach for modeling multi-core embedded systems that provides a quick and inexpensive performance evaluation both in terms of time and resources as compared to the development of multi-core simulators and running benchmarks on these simulators. We verify our queueing theoretic modeling approach by running SPLASH-2 benchmarks on the SuperESCalar simulator (SESC). Results reveal that our queueing theoretic model qualitatively evaluates multi-core architectures accurately with an average difference of 5.6% as compared to the architectures’ evaluations from the SESC simulator. Our modeling approach can be used for performance per watt and performance per unit area characterizations of multi-core embedded architectures, with varying number of processor cores and cache configurations, to provide a comparative analysis.  相似文献   

The short-range pair interaction consumes most of the CPU time in molecular dynamics(MD)simulations.The inherent computation sparsity makes it challenging to achieve high-performance kernel on the emerging many-core ar-chitecture.In this paper,we present a highly efficient short-range force kernel on the Sunway,a novel many-core architecture with many unique features.The parallel efficiency of this algorithm on the Sunway many-core processor is strongly limited by the poor data locality and write conflicts.To enhance the data locality,we adopt a super cluster based neighbor list with an appropriate granularity that fits in the local memory of computing cores.In the absence of a low overhead locking mechanism,using data-privatization force array is a more feasible method to avoid write conflicts,but results in the large overhead of data reduction.We adopt a dual-slice partitioning scheme for both hardware resources and computing tasks,which utilizes the on-chip data communication to reduce data reduction overhead and provide load balancing.Moreover,we exploit the single instruction multiple data(SIMD)parallelism and perform instruction reordering of the force kernel on this many-core processor.The experimental results show that the optimized force kernel obtains a performance speedup of 226x compared with the reference implementation and achieves 20%of peak flop rate on the Sunway many-core processor.  相似文献   

多核处理器上共享缓存使用效率,即程序局部性是影响并行程序性能的关键因素之一。提出了以足迹为基础的局部性理论。介绍了缺失率、重用距离和足迹之间的转化关系,并利用足迹可组合性特征建立了并行程序局部性预测模型。  相似文献   

以瓦片结构众核处理器一致性协议的设计为主线,综述了国内外近年来关于众核处理器cache一致性的相关研究;介绍了不同NUCA结构对一致性协议的影响;分析和对比了几种传统目录一致性协议的特性及其存在的问题;归纳了最新几个面向众核结构一致性协议的设计思想和特性。最后为设计具备应用程序适应性和可扩展性的cache一致性协议指出了几个关键的设计方向。  相似文献   

Hardware and software cache optimizations are active fields of research, that have yielded powerful but occasionally complex designs and algorithms. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the performance of combined through simple software and hardware optimizations. Because current caches provide little flexibility for exploiting temporal and spatial locality, two hardware modifications are proposed to support these two kinds of locality. Spatial locality is exploited by using large virtual cache lines which do not exhibit the performance flaws of large physical cache lines. Temporal locality is exploited by minimizing cache pollution with a bypass mechanism that still allows to exploit spatial locality. Subsequently, it is shown that simple software informations on the spatial/temporal locality of array references, as provided by current data locality optimization algorithms, can be used to increase cache performance significantly. The performance and design tradeoffs of the proposed mechanisms are discussed, Software-assisted caches are also shown to provide a very convenient support for further enhancement of data locality optimizations.  相似文献   

Exploiting cache locality of parallel programs at runtime is a complementary approach to a compiler optimization. This is particularly important for those applications with dynamic memory access patterns. We propose a memory-layout oriented technique to exploit cache locality of parallel loops at runtime on Symmetric Multiprocessor (SMP) systems. Guided by application-dependent and targeted architecture-dependent hints, our system, called Cacheminer, reorganizes and partitions a parallel loop using the memory-access space of its execution. Through effective runtime transformations, our system maximizes the data reuse in each partitioned data region assigned in a cache, and minimizes the data sharing among the partitioned data regions assigned to all caches. The executions of tasks in the partitions are scheduled in an adaptive and locality-presented way to minimize the execution time of programs by trading off load balance and locality. We have implemented the Cacheminer runtime library on two commercial SMP servers and an SimCS simulated SMP. Our simulation and measurement results show that our runtime approach can achieve comparable performance with the compiler optimizations for programs with regular computation and memory-access patterns, whose load balance and cache locality can be well optimized by the tiling and other program transformations. However, our experimental results show that our approach is able to significantly improve the memory performance for the applications with irregular computation and dynamic memory access patterns. These types of programs are usually hard to optimize by static compiler optimizations  相似文献   

阵列众核处理器由于其较高的计算性能和能效比已经广泛应用于高性能计算领域。而要构建未来高性能计算系统处理器必须解决严峻的"访存墙"挑战以及核心协同问题。通常的阵列处理器,其核心多采用单线程结构,以减少开销,但是对访存提出了较高的要求。引入硬件同时多线程技术,针对实验中单核心多线程二级Cache利用率较低的问题,提出了一种共享二级Cache划分机制。经实验模拟,通过上述优化的共享二级Cache划分机制,二级指令Cache失效率下降18.59%,数据Cache失效率下降6.60%,整体CPI性能提升达到10.1%。  相似文献   

On-Chip Interconnection Architecture of the Tile Processor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
IMesh, the tile processor architecture's on-chip interconnection network, connects the multicore processor's tiles with five 2D mesh networks, each specialized for a different use. taking advantage of the five networks, the C-based ILIB interconnection library efficiently maps program communication across the on-chip interconnect. the tile processor's first implementation, the tile64, contains 64 cores and can execute 192 billion 32-bit operations per second at 1 Ghz.  相似文献   

梅岩  王力生 《计算机工程》2005,31(21):78-80
在嵌入式系统中,往往同时存在多个进程,不同进程之间或多或少地存在着数据复用。该文讨论了进程调度策略的目标,即最大程度地复用cache中的数据,以提高程序的执行效率,其内容包含3个主要方面:对数据逻辑上分块,以某种顺序遍历数据块,重构程序代码。  相似文献   

Current computer engineering evolves at an accelerated pace, with hardware advancing towards new chip multiprocessors (CMP) architectures and with supporting software gearing towards new programming and abstraction paradigms, to obtain the maximum efficiency of the hardware at a low cost. In this context, Tilera Corporation has developed a brand new CMP architecture with 64 cores (tiles) called Tile64, and has launched several Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) cards to be used and monitored from a host Personal Computer (PC). These cards may execute parallel applications built in C/C++ and compiled with the Tile-GCC compiler. We have previously demonstrated the usefulness of the Tile64 architecture for bioinformatics [S. Gálvez, D. Díaz, P. Hernández, F.J. Esteban, J.A. Caballero, G. Dorado, Next-generation bioinformatics: using many-core processor architecture to develop a web service for sequence alignment, Bioinformatics, 26 (2010) 683–686]. We have chosen a bioinformatics algorithm to test this many-core Tile64 architecture because of actual bioinformatics challenging needs: data-intensive workloads, space and time-consuming requirements and massive calculation. This algorithm, known as Needleman–Wunsch/Smith–Waterman (NW/SW), obtains an optimal sequence alignment in quadratic time and space cost, yet requires to be optimized to take full advantage of computing parallelization. In this paper we redesign, implement and fine-tune this algorithm, introducing key optimizations and changes that take advantage of specific Tile64 characteristics: RISC architecture, local tile’s cache, length of memory word, shared memory usage, RAM file system, tile’s intercommunication and job selection from a pool. The resulting algorithm – named MC64-NW/SW for Multicore64 Needleman–Wunsch/Smith–Waterman – achieves a gain of ~1000% when compared with the same algorithm on a ×86 multi-core architecture. As far as we know, our NW/SW implementation is the fastest ever published for a standalone PC when aligning a pair of sequences larger than 20 kb.  相似文献   

Algorithms are typically designed to exploit the current state of the art in processor technology. However, as processor technology evolves, said algorithms are often unable to derive the maximum achievable performance on these modern architectures. In this paper, we examine the performance of frequent pattern mining algorithms on a modern processor. A detailed performance study reveals that even the best frequent pattern mining implementations, with highly efficient memory managers, still grossly under-utilize a modern processor. The primary performance bottlenecks are poor data locality and low instruction level parallelism (ILP). We propose a cache-conscious prefix tree to address this problem. The resulting tree improves spatial locality and also enhances the benefits from hardware cache line prefetching. Furthermore, the design of this data structure allows the use of path tiling, a novel tiling strategy, to improve temporal locality. The result is an overall speedup of up to 3.2 when compared with state of the art implementations. We then show how these algorithms can be improved further by realizing a non-naive thread-based decomposition that targets simultaneously multi-threaded processors (SMT). A key aspect of this decomposition is to ensure cache re-use between threads that are co-scheduled at a fine granularity. This optimization affords an additional speedup of 50%, resulting in an overall speedup of up to 4.8. The proposed optimizations also provide performance improvements on SMPs, and will most likely be beneficial on emerging processors.  相似文献   

As many-core embedded systems are evolving from single-memory based designs to systems-on-a-chip running on an on-chip network, implementing a cache coherence mechanism in large-scale many-core embedded systems turns out to be a technical challenge. However, existing coherence mechanisms are difficult to scale beyond tens of cores, which require either excessive area or energy, complex hierarchical protocols, or inexact representations of sharer sets. In this paper, we present a hardware-software synergistic design of a cache coherence mechanism by considering OS-level application allocation and hardware-level coherence operations. The proposed application-oriented sparse directory (AoSD) cooperates with a contiguous allocation algorithm to isolate cache coherence traffic and thereby reduce interferences among applications. The proposed micro-architecture of sharer set representations is area-efficient; moreover, it can also be configured dynamically to track a flexible and exact sharer set. We verify our design by analyzing memory requirements of different cache organizations and implementing our design on a popular simulator Graphite to evaluate cache coherence traffic improvement. The results show that our design is both area-efficient and efficient with improvements in memory network performance by 11.74%–28.72%. It is also indicated that our design is feasible to scale up to work well in thousands-of-cores embedded systems.  相似文献   

In a multiprogrammed system, when the operating system switches contexts, in addition to the cost for handling the processes being swapped out and in, the cache performance of processors also can be affected. If frequent context switching replaces the data loaded into cache memory before they are completely reused, the programs suffer from cache misses due to the damage in cache locality. In particular, for the programs with good cache locality, such as blocked programs, a scheduling mechanism of keeping cache locality against context switching is essential to achieve good processor utilization. To solve this requirement, we propose a preemption-safe policy to exploit the cache locality of blocked programs in a multiprogrammed system. The proposed policy delays context switching until a block is fully reused, but also compensates for the monopolized processor time on processor scheduling mechanisms. Our simulation results show that in a situation where blocked programs are run on multiprogrammed shared-memory multiprocessors, the proposed policy improves the performance of these programs due to a decrease in cache misses. In such situations, it also has a beneficial impact on the overall system performance due to the enhanced processor utilization.  相似文献   

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