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我国是一个农业大国,在当前“三农”问题备受关注,全面建设小康社会的伟大实践中,加强农业基础地位,高度重视并积极推进县域农业经济的发展,意义十分重大。农业是国民经济的基础,也是社会发展的基础,进一步加快农业特别是县域农业经济的发展,对我们紧紧抓住并切实用好21世纪头20年的重要战略机遇期,实现全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标,加快推进社会主义现代化进程,具有十分重要的意义。一、我国县域农业发展中存在的主要问题(一)农业产业结构不合理现象严重农、林、牧、副、渔各业在自然界能量转化中是一个整体,任何一方都不应当被忽视。但是,…  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of city age on a specific city characteristic--the violent crime rate of that city. As such it has five basic parts: an introduction, a summary of a model of violent crime which has been previously developed, a development of a theoretical model of the effects of age on violent crime, a specification and testing of that model, and a conclusion.Although city age has recently become of interest to urban economists, there has been little work which uses it as an explanatory variable of violent crime.Before the direct effect of age can be determined, the model of violent crime must first be examined. This paper summarizes a model previously developed, which relates the violent crime rate to economic and demographic variables, using the tools of utility maximization. Using two stage least squares to account for simultaneity bias, a model of violent crime was estimated.In the third section of the paper, a model of aging was developed. This model utilizes the dynamics of citizens making residential decisions based on the price of housing and the costs of commuting. From this model it is possible to make a prediction of how age of cities is related to the crime rate: as age increases, crime should increase, but, at some point, after the city reaches a certain age, the crime rate will fall.After the model is postulated, it is operationalized. Seventy-seven California cities were selected and placed in different age of city categories. Then, the crime model was re-estimated, using the age categories as dummy variables. It was found that, for the most part, the age dummy variables were as predicted in terms of size, and that their inclusion did significantly reduce the sum of squared residuals. Thus, it was concluded that this line of analysis may be a profitable area for future research.The author further wishes to thank Thaine Allison, Jr. for his helpful comments.  相似文献   

A linear programming model is developed to investigate some of the characteristics of alternative rates of expansion of the irrigated agricultural economy of the Rio Negro basin in southern Argentina over a twenty-year period. While essentially a demandled model, expansion rates can be imposed and the economic impact of such suboptimizing behavior then compared to the optimal outcomes. The approach used is a multiperiod linear programming model in which both farm and social infrastructure investments in a given period have an impact on both output and physical and human resource availabilities in subsequent periods. These activities give rise to time streams of costs and returns which are discounted at alternative discount rates to observe the behavior of the model under differing assumptions as to the proper rate.An analysis of the outcomes of applying the model indicates that the higher rates of expansion of irrigated agriculture in the basin are excessive and an economically optimal rate would be relatively modest. An attempt is made to relate this outcome to approximate overall labor force and population levels in the Rio Negro basin in the next two decades.This paper reports research undertaken by the author while a Research Associate with Resources for the Future, Inc., Washington, D. C., in residence as a visiting researcher at the Centro de Investigaciones Económicas, Instituto di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The author has had the benefit of many comments and suggestions of Ronald Cummings and Pierre Crosson of RFF on earlier versions; the remaining errors are solely his responsibility.  相似文献   

Conclusions This analysis of the consumption function based on the income and expenditure accounts recently developed for Hawaii underscores the value of using appropriate data fin regional analysis. It shows that consumption functions developed at the national level can be successfully used at the regional level. The importance of the explanatory variables changes when one moves from the national aggregate to the regional components. In particular, the results obtained point out the effect of the region's growth rate and the origin of income on the level as well as the composition of consumption.To the extent that regional variations in these variables exist, national estimates of the coefficients of the consumption function are unreliable substitutes for regional coefficients. Although this warning is familiar to economists engaged in regional input-output studies, it has not been heeded by all those engaged in regional macroeconomics. The results reported, as well as their implications, strongly support the call by some regional economists for the development of regional macroeconomics.  相似文献   

A number of policy tools are used to reduce soil erosion from agricultural lands in the United States, including education and technical assistance, financial assistance, land retirement, and conservation compliance requirements. Education and technical assistance by public and private sources can be effective in promoting the adoption of conservation tillage by farmers for whom that practice will be profitable. Financial incentives may be necessary to induce the voluntary adoption of conservation tillage by farmers for whom the practice would not be more profitable than conventional tillage but on whose land the use of conservation tillage would provide substantial offsite benefits.  相似文献   

以国家的发展战略为背景,对导致太原区域影响力下降的核心问题进行了研究,提出了提升太原区域地位的三大战略,对太原实现跨越发展具有深远的影响。  相似文献   

太原市在省委省政府提出的"示范区""排头兵""新高地""双提升"和"五个扎实推进"指导思想下,确定太原市的发展目标为"文明、开放、富裕、美丽"。在这一背景下,太原市开展编制了《太原市城市发展战略暨总体规划前期研究》一系列课题,分别从城市发展战略、城市发展定位及目标、区域协同发展、市域空间布局优化、总体城市设计等方面进行研究。希望通过一系列课题的研究过程和规划结论分析总结太原市过去城市建设和发展中存在的问题,提出未来在城市规划和建设中的相关建议和策略,使太原市真正成为中西部地区重要的区域中心城市。  相似文献   


Building on and empirically enlarging a previous study on aggregate Italian national data, this article tests whether the introduction of the property tax into the Italian system has dampened construction activity, as proxied by building permits. The latter are also good indicator of regulatory policy and local government behaviour. The heuristic hypothesis put forward in this article is that, because of concomitant favourable market conditions and the devolution process that began in the 1990s, the introduction of the property tax (ICI) induced municipalities to adopt less tight urban policies to offset budgetary needs and compensate for the reduction in central government transfers. To this end, it estimates an econometric model to verify the impact of the main economic variables on new housing supply. Unlike other studies, this article run an analysis at regional level and test for fixed effects and structural break. Our estimates support our hypothesis, evidencing a time effect. They also confirm that introduction of the ICI tax did not affect the construction sector. Careful attention, therefore, should be given to the issue of whether leaving urban planning and the power to levy property taxes under the same jurisdiction.  相似文献   

以阳山休闲农业园为研究对象,通过分析上位规划与现状发展存在的偏差,探讨了休闲农业园存在的问题,依据建筑规划学与景观设计学理论,从规划设计的视角提出了阳山休闲农业园的发展策略。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the assessment of major regional development strategies such as the three Coastal area development strategies (East Coast Development, South Coast Development, and West Coast Development) and the Seoul-Pusan development corridor strategy in terms of efficiency and equity. Multiregional Computable General Equilibrium for Korea is developed to capture the economic impact of regional investment expenditures, estimating the time-series influences of regional development alternatives on economic growth, inflation, welfare, income distribution, and interregional economic inequality for ten periods. In a sense that the main point of concern in the national development planning of Korea is with the question of improvement of national competitiveness with more equitable interregional income distribution, it is necessary to promote the West Coast region rather than the Seoul-Pusan development corridor. The West Coast regional development can lead to substantial gain in GDP and reduction in regional income disparity. In a multinational economic perspective, this regional development is expected to contribute to the economic cooperation of Northeast Asia and to enhancing the joint comparative advantages between China and Korea. However, it might worsen the income inequality in the long run. Received: September 1999/Accepted: September 2001  相似文献   

As indoor air quality complaints cannot be explained satisfactorily and building materials can be a major source of indoor air pollution, we hypothesized that emissions from building materials perceived as unfamiliar or annoying odors may contribute to such complaints. To test this hypothesis, emissions from indoor building materials containing linseed oil (organic) and comparable synthetic (synthetic) materials were evaluated by a na?ve sensory panel for evaluation of odor intensity (OI) and odor acceptability (OA). The building materials were concealed in ventilated climate chambers of the CLIMPAQ type. When information was provided about the identity and type of building material during the evaluation, i.e. by labeling the materials in test chambers either as 'organic' or 'synthetic', the OI was significantly lower for all the 'organic' materials compared with evaluations without information. Similarly, OA was increased significantly for most 'organic' samples, but not the 'synthetic' ones. The major effect is probably that OA is increased when the panel is given information about the odor source. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: As providing information about the source of odors can increase their acceptability, complaints about indoor air quality may be decreased if occupants of buildings are well informed about odorous emissions from the new building materials or new activities in their indoor environment.  相似文献   

The importance of understanding crime in the United States assumed enhanced protrusion in the wake of the increased crime rates year by year in certain cities. Neighborhood social demographic variables have been largely used to measure their associations with crime. Other than those social factors, street lighting is a feature of urban and suburban settlement which is widely thought to be a necessary element in preventing crime. Previous research has drawn mixed conclusions about the relationship between street lighting and crime, and the effect of streetlights on neighborhood crime is not entirely definitive. To address this challenge, we examined the spatial associations between street light density, neighborhood social disorganization characteristics and crime (e.g., burglary, vehicle theft, weapons offenses, etc.) in Detroit, Michigan in 2014. Using the street lighting data from the Detroit Public Lighting Authority, crime data from the City of Detroit, supplemented with Census 2010 data, we conducted a Generalized Least Squares model of neighborhood crime in 879 census block groups to test the random effects of the spatial variables and different hours of day on crime. The results show an inverse relationship between street light density and crime rates across census block groups in Detroit and the effects of time period of a day vary according to different types of crime. These findings provided more credible evidence for researchers and policy makers to effectively optimize scarce public safety resources, such as improving street lighting in disadvantaged neighborhoods.  相似文献   

The central concern of this article is with measurement of the economic impact of demographic change at a regional level. To facilitate this, a method is developed which involves the linking together of two hitherto separate analytical techniques: labour market accounts and extended input-output models. The application of the method is demonstrated by reference to three UK regions – West Midlands, Merseyside, and East Anglia – with contrasting demographic and economic histories over the time intervals 1971–1981 and 1981–1991. The employment impact of consumption derived from demographic change is measured in relation to individual elements of the labour market account and comparisons are made with the effects of economic change over the same time periods. Received: 27 February 1997 / Accepted: 5 March 1998  相似文献   

Analysis of the Spanish automobile industry during the global economic crisis of 2008 shows that the number of relocations was comparatively lower than in the period before the crisis. Uncertainty weighs more in relocation decisions than the advantages that multinationals can gain from their operational flexibility. The main drivers of relocation in the sector are conditioned by relocation costs and the risks inherent in such processes. The main implication of the research is that it helps identify vulnerability in relocation under conditions of uncertainty. This is key for defining public policies aiming to avoid the impact of relocation on regions that have traditionally been affected by such processes.  相似文献   

A Todes 《Cities》1995,12(5):327-336
The author describes her experiences with the Durban Development Forum (DDF) and the strategies used in the Durban Functional Region (DFR) of South Africa. Policies are generally concerned with low income people, spatial distribution, and the organization of development and only partially concerned with gender issues. This paper discusses general urban development strategies in South Africa, gives an overview of the position of women in the DFR, and the strategies of the DDF. Prior to 1994 urban development plans focused on righting the inequalities and inefficiencies of apartheid cities, promotion of local economic development, and development implementation that was highly political and excluded major inputs from Black people. The DDF was formed in 1993 and aimed to be inclusive of all population groups in development planning. A set of principles were developed to guide development based on consensus decision making. Women's groups were included from the beginning, but little research was and is available on specific conditions and needs of different groups of women. Durban experienced since the 1980s a rise in the number of women in the labor force, a rise in female migrants to the DFR, and movement into "more insecure, poorly serviced newer settlements." Under apartheid, low income housing for Blacks was situated on peripheral areas or more distant locations that were away from employment in commerce and service industries in the central city. Women in urban slums survived with few sanitation amenities and limited access to an adequate water supply or electricity. Most development policy in the DFR ignored gender differences and gender power relations and focused on improving land, housing, and amenities for the poor in the central city. Although the general approach to improve infrastructure and facilities and to remove obstacles to development may have benefits for low income women, there are in fact mixed benefits for women.  相似文献   

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