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分析废水中特征污染物质的组成、性质、来源等对于水污染控制、应急事故处理、环境质量责任认定等具有重要的意义和价值。荧光光谱技术利用物质的荧光特性,构建物质的特征光谱图,并以此分析物质特性,可用于分析废水中腐殖质、氨基酸、荧光增白剂、木质素、多环芳烃等多种有机污染物质。文章从荧光光谱技术的原理出发,主要对三维荧光光谱技术和同步荧光光谱技术在研究废水溶解有机物特征组成物质中的应用及环境因子对其影响进行了综述,并对该技术的发展前景进行展望,以期为废水溶解有机物特征组成物质提供完善可靠的分析方法。 相似文献
印染废水脱色研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
纺织工业的印染废水是危害水环境安全的重要污染源.总结了吸附、混凝、氧化还原、生化等方法,论述了印染废水脱色技术研究进展情况.吸附脱色只吸附染料,不破坏其结构,吸附剂再生利用成本高.混凝法产生大量污泥需二次处理.生化法占地大、投入高,处理效果不佳.高级氧化法脱色价格成本较高.酶催化降解与强化物理化学的方法将有广阔的应用前景. 相似文献
综合印染废水厌氧处理的工艺比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
绍兴污水处理厂为了进一步提高出水水质,最终达到一级排放标准,需对厌氧处理进行改造。对比了EGSB、ABR和ASBR三种工艺,中试表明,运行稳定后HRT为15~20h,CODCr去除率为10%~30%,单位处理成本可下降0.07元/m3左右。pH在8.5以内可提高厌氧处理效果。厌氧处理对TA去除效果不明显。SS、硫酸盐变化的趋势与CODCr削减趋势相一致,高浓度的硫酸盐会对厌氧消化过程产生不利影响。泥水分离效果好是保证反应器内有较高生物量的前提。ABR和ASBR将分别应用于一、二期工程厌氧处理的改造。 相似文献
棉纺印染废水的处理工艺 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
某纺织印染企业生产废水分为高、低浓度两部分,先将其分质处理,混合后采用水解酸化-接触氧化-混凝沉淀工艺处理.实践表明,出水水质达到<纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准>(GB 4287-92)二级排放标准.并对工程设计及调试运行中的问题进行了分析和研究. 相似文献
江阴某印染废水末端深度处理工程,设计水量为6 000m3/d,采用Fenton氧化法处理印染废水的二沉池出水。芬顿流化床反应时间为30min,控制反应的pH 4.5~4.8和循环比0.8,FeSO4和H2O2反应的加药量分别是0.48kg/m3废水和0.38kg/m3废水时,芬顿流化床出水的COD为35.6mg/L,COD去除率为73.5%。脱气池投加液碱,调整废水的pH 6.5~7.0、气水比为2.0和停留时间为4.1h时,使Fe3+与OH-生成Fe(OH)3,再投加PAM,形成Fe(OH)3混凝沉淀,出水清澈透明,过滤池出水达到《太湖地区城镇污水处理厂及重点工业行业主要水污染物排放限值》(DB 321072-2018)中表2的标准。 相似文献
以"分质供水,清污分流"为清洁生产方针,将印染废水的深度处理与回用研究和生产要求相结合,形成了完整的废水处理与回用系统。通过试验选择复合药剂对生化出水进行一级混凝气浮处理,一级混凝出水再与河水混合进行二级混凝处理,两级混凝处理降低了处理水的色度、浊度与有机物。实际工程运行表明:采用两级混凝—澄清—过滤—软化工艺对印染废水与河水混合比2∶1的混合水进行深度处理,处理出水再经螯合除Fe3 可用于化纤类产品染色生产,深度处理后出水再经反渗透膜处理可回用于纯棉类产品染色生产。实践表明,印染生产全过程的清洁生产减少了生产用水量,降低了废水COD以及处理与回用的难度和成本,废水回用率达66.7%,工程投资可在一年半内收回。 相似文献
锰砂与粉末活性炭对印染废水脱色的研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
利用除铁用锰矿砂(PGM)为处理剂进行罗丹明B与甲基橙模拟废水的静态脱色试验,并与粉末活性炭(PAC)进行对比。结果表明:PAC与染料的作用机理是物理吸附,脱色率受pH影响较小,对甲基橙和罗丹明B分别符合Langmuir和Freundlich方程。PGM在酸性条件下对染料的脱色是氧化与吸附的综合作用,较低的pH、较高的投量和恰当的反应时间可提高PGM的脱色效能,pH是影响PGM脱色能力的关键因素,pH=1.2时,符合Langmuir方程。酸性条件下较大的吸附容量和较短的平衡时间使PGM有可能应用于染料废水深度处理。 相似文献
改进型移动床生物膜反应器(CMCBR)是在普通移动床生物膜反应器中引入导流板,使填料在全池循环移动,消除了普通移动床生物膜反应器的死角。在CMCBR处理模拟生活污水的试验中,研究了有机物的去除效果,考察了容积负荷、水力停留时间、冲击负荷等参数对处理效果的影响。试验发现,在填料填充比例为50%(体积比),进水COD质量浓度为320~550mg/L,水力停留时间为3 h的条件下,出水COD质量浓度小于100 mg/L,达到国家污水综合排放标准的一级标准。反应器具有较强的抗冲击负荷能力,出水水质稳定。 相似文献
With variation of drainage basin environments, desorption of soluble matter has become one of the significant erosion processes in rivers. It has a considerable impact on flow and sediment transport, as well as processes of river bed deformation and landform evolution throughout a watershed. In this study, considering influences on sediment movement, especially on cohesive sediment transport, Ca^2+ and H^+ were chosen as characteristic ions of soluble matter, and the total desorption quantity of Ca^2+ and pH value when the desorption equilibrium is reached were employed as two indexes representing the desorption of soluble matter. By means of an indoor experiment, desorption of soluble matter as influenced by cations in static water was investigated. The results show that the total desorption quantity of soluble matter increases with the initial cation concentration until a maximum desorption quantity value is obtained and maintained. The total desorption quantity of soluble matter depends on properties of the specific cations in static water, and the stronger the affinity is between the cation and sediment surface, the higher the total desorption quantity will be. Finally, a strong approximate linear relationship between desorption quantities for different kinds of soluble matters was obtained, which means that variation of pH values can accurately reflect the desorption results of soluble matter. 相似文献
臭氧氧化法在深度处理难降解有机废水中的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
臭氧氧化作为一种有效的深度处理技术,对难降解有机废水具有良好的降解功效.介绍了臭氧的性质及氧化机理,分析了臭氧氧化法在处理纺织印染废水、造纸废水、垃圾渗滤液、炼油废水、焦化废水等难降解有机废水中的应用,指出了臭氧氧化存在的问题. 相似文献
The lower Colorado River from Laughlin, Nevada, to the border with Mexico is one of the most regulated rivers in North America. An analysis of particulate organic matter (POM) transport through the system was made to determine POM concentrations, composition and point of origin, as well as to determine the effect dams had on this transport. Particulate organic matter concentrations generally increased from upstream to downstream, and were dominated by very fine organic detritus (< 25μm size fraction). Reservoirs released more POM than they received during spring and summer, but less during autumn and winter. Reservoirs recycled POM, taking in organic detritus and discharging small limnoplankton. Backwater complexes functioned as filters during storm events, trapping coarse material and releasing fine material. Agricultural drains made only minor contributions of POM, but provided important nutrients for in-channel production of POM. Water diversions forced POM off-channel, whereas sluicing operations reduced inorganic loads in the canals. Despite the presence of six mainstem dams, the lower reaches support a diverse assemblage of detritivorous fishes, similar to that found in the lowermost reaches of natural, unregulated rivers. The food base for this fishery stems from autochthonous production of POM. 相似文献
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in aquatic systems originates from a range of sources. Some is allochthonous, transported from the surrounding landscape to the water body, and is derived from and influenced by the geology, land use and hydrology of its origin. Some is created in situ through microbial activity, which may provide an independent source of organic matter, or a recycling mechanism for that which has been transported into the water body. The relative contribution of each source depends upon the location and environmental conditions within and without the water body. Human activity is also a source of DOM, much of which is believed to be labile, which can enter the aquatic system through direct point discharges, diffuse leaching and aerial dispersal. Fluorescence spectroscopy can provide an excellent tool to source DOM fractions, and to monitor and understand DOM transformations in aquatic systems, as much DOM has an intrinsic fluorescence. In particular, recent advances in optical technology, enabling rapid investigation of shorter wavelengths, have enabled more detailed characterization of organic material and its reactions in water. In this article, we review the use of fluorescence spectroscopic techniques to measure the intrinsic fluorescence of organic matter and the application of fluorescent DOM analysis in marine waters, freshwaters and wastewaters. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献