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Thanks to the advancements in ubiquitous and wearable technologies, Personal Informatics (PI) systems can now reach a larger audience of users. However, it is not still clear whether this kind of tool can fit the needs of their daily lives. Our research aims at identifying specific barriers that may prevent the widespread adoption of PI and finding solutions to overcome them. We requested users without competence in self-tracking to use different PI instruments during their daily practices, identifying five user requirements by which to design novel PI tools. On such requirements, we developed a new system that can stimulate the use of these technologies, by enhancing the perceived benefits of collecting personal data. Then, we explored how naïve and experienced users differently explore their personal data in our system through a user trial. Results showed that the system was successful at helping individuals manage and interpret their own data, validated the usefulness of the requirements found and inspired three further design opportunities that could orient the design of future PI systems.  相似文献   

This paper describes a comparative study of a multidimensional visualisation technique and multivariate statistical process control (MSPC) for process historical data analysis. The visualisation technique uses parallel coordinates which visualise multidimensional data using two dimensional presentations and allow identification of clusters and outliers, therefore, can be used to detect abnormal events. The study is based on a database covering 527 days of operation of an industrial wastewater treatment plant. It was found that both the visualisation technique and MSPC based on T2 chart captured the same 17 days as “clearly abnormal” and another eight days as “likely abnormal”. Pattern recognition using K-means clustering was also applied to the same data in literature and was found to have identified 14 out of the 17 “clearly abnormal” days.  相似文献   

We present a new algorithm for digital terrain model (DTM) generation from an airborne laser scanning point cloud, called repetitive interpolation (REIN). It is especially applicable in steep, forested areas where other filtering algorithms typically have problems distinguishing between ground returns and off-ground points reflected in the vegetation. REIN can produce a DTM either in a vector grid or in a TIN data structure. REIN is applied after an initial filtering, which involves removal of all negative outliers and removal of many, but not necessarily all, off-ground points by some existing filtering algorithm. REIN makes use of the redundancy in the initially filtered point cloud (FPC) in order to mitigate the effect of the residual off-ground points. Multiple independent random samples are taken from the initial FPC. From each sample, ground elevation estimates are interpolated at individual DTM locations. Because the lower bounds of the distributions of the elevation estimates at each DTM location are almost insensitive to positive outliers, the true ground elevations can be approximated by adding the global mean offset to the lower bounds, which is estimated from the data. The random sampling makes REIN unique among the methods of filtering airborne laser data. While other filters behave deterministically, always generating a filter error in special situations, in REIN, because of its random aspects, these errors do not occur in each sample, and typically cancel out in the final computation of DTM elevations. Reduction of processing time by parallelization of REIN is possible. REIN was tested in a test area of 2 hectares, encompassing steep relief covered by mixed forest. An Optech ALTM 1020 lidar was used, with a flying height of 260-300 m above the ground, the beam divergence was 0.3 mrad, and the obtained point cloud density for the last returns was 8.5 m− 2. A DTM grid was generated with 1 m horizontal resolution. The root mean square elevation error of the DTM ranged between ± 0.16 m and ± 0.37 m, depending on REIN sampling rate and number of samples taken, the lowest value achieved with 4 samples and using a 23% sampling rate. The paper also gives a short overview on existing filtering algorithms.  相似文献   

The clinical process often involves comparisons of how one set of measurements is related to previous, similar, data and the use of this information to take decisions concerning possible courses of action, often with insufficient data to make meaningful calculations of probabilities. Self-organising maps are useful devices for data visualisation. To illustrate how visualisation with self-organising maps might be used in the clinical process, this paper describes the investigation of an osteoporosis data set using this technique. The data set had previously been used to show that backpropagation neural networks were capable of distinguishing between patients who had suffered a fracture, and those who had not using measured bone mineral density values; illustrating the power of these networks to model relationships in data. However, we had realised that this was somewhat of an academic exercise given that in reality a non-fracture case might be a fracture case waiting to happen. We felt it would be more productive to examine the data itself rather than model an imposed classification. As part of this investigation, the data set was examined using self-organising maps. From the results of the investigation, we conclude that it is possible to create a map, a compressed data representation, using BMD values which may then be partitioned into low and high fracture risk areas. Using such a map may be a useful screening mechanism for detecting people at risk of osteoporotic fracture.  相似文献   

With rapid advances in new generation information technologies, digital twin (DT), and cyber-physical system, smart assembly has become a core focus for intelligent manufacturing in the fourth industrial evolution. Deep integration between information and physical worlds is a key phase to develop smart assembly process design that bridge the gap between product assembly design and manufacturing. This paper presents a digital twin reference model for smart assembly process design, and proposes an application framework for DT-based smart assembly with three layers. Product assembly station components are detailed in the physical space layer; two main modules, communication connection and data processing, are introduced in the interaction layer; and we discuss working mechanisms of assembly process planning, simulation, predication, and control management in the virtual space layer in detail. A case study shows the proposed approach application for an experimental simplified satellite assembly case using the DT-based assembly application system (DT-AAS) to verify the proposed application framework and method effectiveness.  相似文献   

Learning often involves complex cognitive and motorical processes, and while most learners cope adequately with these challenges there are always some that struggle. When new kinds of knowledge are introduced there is a possibility that some learners will find this new knowledge hard to acquire, and thus manifest a dysfunction. Today the new knowledge can be found within the digital domain. Some learners need more time and more efforts to master the different aspects of digital literacy, some of these even need special attention from friends, teachers or others. Is it possible that this group of learners is experiencing some kind of dysfunctions? It is likely to think so, there are a variety of different learning dysfunctions related to many learning domains, and when a new domain is established it would not come as a surprise that a new form of dysfunction is discovered. This article seeks to answer the question: “Do digital dysfunctions exist?” The answer is given as indicators more than as solid proof. In this study a group of 144 pupils is reduced through a triangulation of qualitative and quantitative methods, and ends up with three cases where there are obvious lacks of digital literacy without any obvious reason. The study also deals with definitions on “digital literacy”, and tries to point out what construct the term “digital literacy” in the study material. This construct is then used for measuring digital literacy.  相似文献   

This work aims to investigate the design and implementation of digital filters for separating clusters in a clustered-orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing scheme for power line communication systems. In this regard, we formulate the mathematical problem and present a criterion which is capable of searching for digital filters that maximizes data rate. In the following, several finite impulse response and infinite impulse response digital filters are analyzed in order to validate the proposed criterion and to verify the best one which fulfills the given constraints. Furthermore, regarding only the best digital filters obtained, a finite precision and complexity analyses are carried out by using a field-programmable gate array device. Based on numerical results, we show that finite impulse response equiripple minimum phase and infinite impulse response Chebyshev type II digital filters yield the best data rates among the chosen digital filters. Moreover, we point out that equiripple minimum phase digital filters consume more hardware resources than Chebyshev type II digital filters, although the first one deal better with the field-programmable gate array constraints when more bits are used to implement the digital filter. Due to that, finite impulse response digital filters are more indicated to be implemented in a field-programmable gate array device.  相似文献   

Easy access to large information collections is of great importance in many aspects of everyday life. However, limitations in information and communication technologies have so far prevented the average person from taking much advantage of existing resources. Historical documentaries held by national archives constitute some of the most precious yet least accessible cultural information. The ECHO project has facilitated accessibility to this type of precious information by developing a digital library (DL) service for historical films belonging to large national audiovisual archives.  相似文献   

This paper presents an innovative investigation on prototyping a digital twin(DT)as the platform for human-robot interactive welding and welder behavior analysis.This humanrobot interaction(HRI)working style helps to enhance human users'operational productivity and comfort;while data-driven welder behavior analysis benefits to further novice welder training.This HRI system includes three modules:1)a human user who demonstrates the welding operations offsite with her/his operations recorded by the motion-tracked handles;2)a robot that executes the demonstrated welding operations to complete the physical welding tasks onsite;3)a DT system that is developed based on virtual reality(VR)as a digital replica of the physical human-robot interactive welding environment.The DT system bridges a human user and robot through a bi-directional information flow:a)transmitting demonstrated welding operations in VR to the robot in the physical environment;b)displaying the physical welding scenes to human users in VR.Compared to existing DT systems reported in the literatures,the developed one provides better capability in engaging human users in interacting with welding scenes,through an augmented VR.To verify the effectiveness,six welders,skilled with certain manual welding training and unskilled without any training,tested the system by completing the same welding job;three skilled welders produce satisfied welded workpieces,while the other three unskilled do not.A data-driven approach as a combination of fast Fourier transform(FFT),principal component analysis(PCA),and support vector machine(SVM)is developed to analyze their behaviors.Given an operation sequence,i.e.,motion speed sequence of the welding torch,frequency features are firstly extracted by FFT and then reduced in dimension through PCA,which are finally routed into SVM for classification.The trained model demonstrates a 94.44%classification accuracy in the testing dataset.The successful pattern recognition in skilled welder operations should benefit to accelerate novice welder training.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the generation of a high precision DEM (Digital Elevation Model) based on high density airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data for an interdisciplinary landscape archaeological study concerning the settlement history and environment in Sandy Flanders, a region to the north of Ghent (Belgium). The objective was to create a detailed topographical surface free of artificial features and topographical artefacts, in the form of a DEM, visualizing the natural and current topography through the implementation of true ground points only. The semi-automatical removal of these features and artefacts was based on topographical vector data, visual interpretations and slope analysis. Ultimately two DEM’s were constructed (1) a TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) model, whereby the inherent large file format restricts the usability to large scale and (2) a grid model which can be used for small-, medium- and large-scale applications. Both datasets were used as an image that is interpreted using ancillary data from historical sources. Its usefulness is illustrated in a case of field pattern and microfield topography. Starting from this DEM, the approach of this landscape historical study is mainly retrogressive, i.e. starting from the landscape structures and elements that are still present in the contemporary landscape and moving into the past.  相似文献   

Human-robot collaboration (HRC) can expand the level of automation in areas that have conventionally been difficult to automate such as assembly. However, the need of adaptability and the dynamics of human presence are keeping the full potential of human-robot collaborative systems difficult to achieve. This paper explores the opportunities of using a digital twin to address the complexity of collaborative production systems through an industrial case and a demonstrator. A digital twin, as a virtual counterpart of a physical human-robot assembly system, is built as a ‘front-runner’ for validation and control throughout its design, build and operation. The forms of digital twins along system's life cycle, its building blocks and the potential advantages are presented and discussed. Recommendations for future research and practice in the use of digital twins in the field of cobotics are given.  相似文献   

This paper reports a case study about lessons learned and usability issues encountered in a usability inspection of a digital library system called the Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library (NCSTRL). Using a co-discovery technique with a team of three expert usability inspectors (the authors), we performed a usability inspection driven by a broad set of anticipated user tasks. We found many good design features in NCSTRL, but the primary result of a usability inspection is a list of usability problems as candidates for fixing. The resulting problems are organized by usability problem type and by system functionality, with emphasis on the details of problems specific to digital library functions. The resulting usability problem list was used to illustrate a cost/importance analysis technique that trades off importance to fix against cost to fix. The problems are sorted by the ratio of importance to cost, producing a priority ranking for resolution.  相似文献   

The formulation and implementation of a digital transformation strategy (DTS) has become a key concern for many pre-digital organizations across traditional industries, but how such a strategy can be developed remains an open question. We used interpretive in-depth case study research to study how a European financial services provider has formulated and implemented a DTS. By focusing on the underlying processes and strategizing activities, we show that digital strategy making not only represents a break with the conventions of upfront strategic information systems (IS) planning, but reveals a new extreme of emergent strategy making. Specifically, we conclude that a DTS is continuously in the making, with no foreseeable end. By building on theory from IS strategizing and strategy-as-practice literature, we theorize an integrated process/activity model that characterizes DTS formulation and implementation in pre-digital organizations. Our model shows that the crafting of a DTS is a highly dynamic process involving iterating between learning and doing.  相似文献   

Design for the digital home is often predicated on an ideal, imagined domestic space that is expansive, stable, occupied by a “busy” nuclear family, and does not always match existing, real-life digital homes. Using American retirees living full time in recreational vehicles as our case study of actual digital homes, we argue that designing suitable and appropriate technologies for the home must be done with particular attention to the home as embodied, rather than the home as ideal. The challenges and advantages of designing for embodied homes are detailed in this paper. We contend that appropriate design must seriously engage not only the material body of the house, but the social fabric—the complex sets of social relationships and identities and practices they support—that make a house a home. An analysis of the salient aspects of the material body and social fabric of full time retired RVer household leads to bespoke design considerations for these real-life digital homes.
Michele ChangEmail:

According to the vision of Ambient Intelligence, technology will seamlessly merge into people’s everyday activities and environments. A challenge facing designers of such systems is to create interfaces that fit in people’s everyday contexts and incorporate the values of daily life. This paper focuses on tangible expressive interaction as one possible approach towards linking everyday experiences to intuitive forms of interaction and presents a number of principles for expressive interaction design in this field. A case study of a tangible expressive interface to control a living room atmosphere projection system (orchestrating living room lighting, audio and video-art) is presented to illustrate and reflect upon the design principles. Furthermore, the case study describes possible techniques towards integrating the design principles into a design method.  相似文献   

Knowledge and libraries – this conceptual symbiosis is as old as the idea of libraries itself: libraries collect artifacts of explicated knowledge and make them available for building up new knowledge in all areas of everyday life. Learning and qualification management support are further essential links in the knowledge supply chain, which starts at the expert knowledge of an author and ends at the targeted enhancement of another persons individual knowledge. Digital libraries and e-learning systems are thus important enabling technologies for the knowledge supply chain in the digital age.The e-Qualification project presented in this paper combines digital library, e-learning, and authoring support into an adaptable qualification management framework that provides integrated support and mediation for the various stakeholders involved in the qualification management process.  相似文献   

The MiniBlock synthesizer family began as an internal development project meant to meet an immediate technology need within a large pharmaceutical company (BMS). By adopting a rapid iterative design philosophy, the team was able to meet immediate business production needs while simultaneously driving toward a final design that was optimized for the intended application—in this case, parallel synthesis. The burden of maintaining production and support for a proprietary internal technology led BMS to seek a commercial partner (MT). After commercialization, the partners worked together to extend the product line. MT focused on new features to appeal to a wider user base (larger volume formats, temperature control and agitation accessories, and so on), while BMS focused on optimizing a companion reactor for an entirely new application (the XT-Plus).The result of this uncommon collaboration is that the MiniBlock and XT families are now used by almost every one of the top 30 major pharmaceutical companies in the world. Many companies in more than 20 countries have based their compound synthesis workflow around these platforms, confirming the applicability of the reaction blocks beyond the confines of a single pharmaceutical company. The collaboration and the reactor have been acknowledged with several industry awards including the 1999 ALA Achievement Award from the Association for Laboratory Automation and the 2003 Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award from the Research and Development Council of New Jersey. In addition, they have been featured in a number of industry trade publications.73, 74, 75, 76 and 77 We believe that this collaboration may be a useful model for future technology innovation and adoption in the laboratory environment.  相似文献   

High-reliability organizations (HROs) and their complex operating models have been a focus of scholarly work for more than three decades. Recently, HROs have been challenged by new market pressures that require them to digitally transform in ways that affect their identity and value creation models while still maintaining high levels of security and efficiency. This longitudinal, in-depth single-case study of a major European utility company examines the role of HRO identity in digital transformation (DT), specifically in terms of tensions between innovation and transformation on the one hand, and maintaining reliable operations on the other. Our findings show how tensions between HROs’ identity and key features of DT give rise to threat perceptions and self-protective behaviors by the IT workforce, that eventually may derail the transformation process. We develop a process model that highlights the sources and consequences of identity misalignment during major DT initiatives in HROs. In doing so, we extend the research on D T by highlighting the importance of bottom-up processes for DT success and failure, especially concerning the IT function’s perception of organizational identity.  相似文献   

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