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Analysis of everyday work practices in sociotechnical systems for eliciting design/intervention requirements involves appropriate work analysis frameworks. The current article provides an extension to one such framework — Cognitive Work Analysis (CWA) — by scrutinising its sociotechnical basis. CWA's forte depends on its ‘design for adaptation’, system related operations, and operators. In contrast, sociotechnical work systems require not only operators and adaptation, but also a significant emphasis on ‘users’ and ‘appropriation’. The current article extends CWA (based on Rasmussen's original concepts) for users; subsequently allowing for system flexibility and possibilities of ‘appropriation’ within acceptable boundaries of the system's correct functioning. To this end, the first phase of Work Domain Analysis is extended by adding a new layer to the abstraction hierarchy (AH), based on Rasmussen's original insights.  相似文献   

覃京燕  安燕琳  卢星晖  吴准 《包装工程》2019,40(12):134-139
目的 针对目前具身交互设计领域中具身认知和离身认知割裂的现状,将心理学第一代认知科学的离身认知与第二代认知科学的具身认知相结合,构建在多模态交互环境下的交互语法,指导智能体与人的具身交互和离身交互。方法 以智能体为多模态交互环境的媒介,通过把人类的具身性逐步转化为智能体的离身性,运用隐喻、转喻、隐转喻的方式,使智能体的离身性激发人类交互主体,产生新的具身认知。结论 在多模态交互环境中,把具身交互中的示能性、交互行为、交互前馈与离身交互中的符号、语义、交互反馈进行组建,形成完整交互语法体系。将交互事件中的3个要素进行映射,匹配到人与智能体的多模态交互关系中。  相似文献   

基于具身认知的儿童智能玩具交互设计研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王秀丽  蒋晓  赵丹琳  马凤娟 《包装工程》2019,40(16):165-170
目的 探究具身认知视角下的儿童智能玩具交互设计方法。方法 通过对具身认知和信息加工两种认知理论模型进行对比分析,提炼具身认知理论的核心特征;通过对具身交互和儿童智能玩具交互设计的具身性进行研究,发现将具身认知引入儿童智能玩具交互设计的机会和意义;通过分析儿童的具身认知特性并结合前期相关研究,构建基于具身认知的儿童智能玩具交互设计方法。结论 具身是儿童认识和理解世界最本能的方式。儿童智能玩具的交互设计需要同时考虑到儿童的具身认知特性以及融合了物理实体和虚拟计算在内的复杂交互系统的特点。通过将具身认知理论与儿童智能玩具的交互设计相结合,提出信息的多通道输入输出、交互行为的自然化和直觉化两个交互设计方法。  相似文献   

This article presents an argument for the applicability of Cognitive Work Analysis (CWA), particularly Work Domain and Worker Competencies Analyses, in supporting the requirements specification process for the acquisition of bespoke, socio-technical systems. We argue that the outputs of CWA should be included within requirements specification documents as they provide a comprehensive system model, in terms of constraints, opportunities and functional relationships, that would not be possible to represent in the current style of text-based requirements documents, and that communicating required system architectures to system designers is more effective using the graphical-based representations of CWA than by text alone. We also argue that the collaborative and iterative process of conducting a CWA should be continually performed throughout the acquisition cycle, involving Human Factors specialists, prospective end-users and subject matter experts.  相似文献   

罗哲辉  陈彩霞 《包装工程》2023,44(14):347-353
目的 基于具身认知理论,以广东太虚拳为例,研究体育类非遗互动产品设计路径,为当前传统体育类非遗的数字活化研究提供新的思路和实践参考。方法 进行具身认知理论及其应用现状研究;分析将具身认知理论引入体育类非遗互动产品设计的意义与机会,构建体育类非遗互动产品设计的具身认知模型,提出基于具身认知的体育类非遗互动产品设计路径;分析广东体育类非遗——太虚拳传承现状与需求,以其为例展开设计实践并进行设计模型与设计路径的可行性验证。结论 提出了面向体育类非遗的互动产品设计方法,强调了具身认知理论指导下的文化内容提取与转化、用户体验通道构建及体验情境设置,有助于提升用户体验体育类非遗文化的具身感与沉浸感,为体育类非遗的数字化保护与传播提供了一定的借鉴和理论框架参考。  相似文献   

杨先艺  王乔萌 《包装工程》2024,45(12):121-128, 136
目的 分析体知哲学对传统造物思维的影响,并阐释体知哲学下的当代设计认知模式。方法 通过对比分析中国传统“体知”和西方“认知”的结构,挖掘体知中蕴含的整体性、直觉性、践履性、关系性思维模式特征,并通过“解题模式”框架研究“体知”思想下的设计认知模式。结论 体知活动的基础是整体性思维下的天人合一;体知活动的主体是直觉性思维下的身心一体;体知活动的方法是践履性思维的知行合一;体知活动的结果是关系性思维的两一化生。体知哲学下的设计认知模式在整体思维中表现为满足约束限制与达成目标的过程;在直觉思维中表现为寻找表征的过程;在践履思维中呈现为行动反思与设定问题的过程;在关系思维中展现为联想组合的过程。  相似文献   

唐林涛 《包装工程》2019,40(20):1-8
目的 在视觉的、身体的、意识的三个维度上,理解人工物、生活世界与主体意识之间的关系,启发设计师跳出视觉性的窠臼,在更为广阔、深远的哲学和社会科学的语境下,理解设计中的“身体-意识”。方法 以现象学哲学、具身认知科学与意会知识论为基础,通过案例分析,系统阐述设计学中的“身体-意识”概念及其在体验设计中的具体应用。结论 从尺寸的、工程学的、我思的、无身认知的身体进化,到现象的、社会学的、我能的、具身认知的身体是一种认识论的转向,即从笛卡尔的主客二分转向现象学的“身体-意识”与“生活世界”的水乳交融。这样的认识论,也将成为诸多当代设计主题的方法论基础。设计是联结身体与意识、日常生活与物质世界的一个过程,所探索的是人类体验的“可能性”,而不是“必然性”。  相似文献   

虚拟现实影像颠覆了传统影像的观影方式,为观众营造了高度沉浸的虚拟幻境,由此产生了叙事空间中观众的具身认知需求,如何明确观众的叙事身份,在塑造具身认知的同时推动叙事,是虚拟现实影像创作中亟需关注的问题。从具身认知的角度切入,分析并总结虚拟现实语境下的认知结构,基于观影视角的叙事设计提出具身认知构建的方法论,为未来的虚拟现实影像创作与实践提供理论支持。  相似文献   

目的分析探讨具身认知视角下的无意识行为设计的实践价值和方法。方法结合当前具身认知理论和无意识设计的研究现状、成果及研究趋势,阐述具身认知和无意识行为的形成机制和特点,以及其在产品和交互设计中的运用价值。分析探究两者在设计方式上的关联性,在此基础上初步构建具身认知与心智模型的关系模型,并探索运用无意识行为进行设计的方式和意义。结论具身认知使得对于无意识行为的研究应用不再局限于外显的身体行为表象。进一步探究身体行为和动作的认知价值,为设计提供了新的实践方向。明晰心智模型、无意识行为与具身隐喻的关系,提出探索普遍共有的无意识行为动作,进行产品与交互设计,在一定程度上能提高交互效率、产品的易用性和用户满意度。  相似文献   

何抒琪  汪贤俊 《包装工程》2024,45(12):91-104
目的 对国内外基于具身认知的设计研究文献进行分析,以客观解读具身认知视角下的设计研究现状与进展,从而为设计实践提供前瞻性参考。方法 以Web of Science核心合集数据库和知网CNKI数据库中具身认知视角下的设计相关文献为数据来源,通过VOSviewer、CiteSpace工具对该研究的现状、研究热点、发展趋势等内容生成可视化知识图谱,结合相关参数进行综合分析。结论 文献计量分析结果显示,国内外具身认知与设计研究结合的文献年发文量呈上升趋势,研究内容与计算机科学、工程学、心理学、教育学交叉。英国为最具贡献力的国家;清华大学美术学院、英国研究图书馆等分别为国内外最有影响力的研究机构。根据关键词聚类分析总结,将该研究分为三类,即概念方法类、技术支撑类和设计实践类。整体发展趋势呈现由理论研究向实践应用发展并逐步细化的态势。  相似文献   

侯宁 《包装工程》2022,43(22):288-297
目的 探索具身认知理论视域下的河洛文化智能产品设计方法。方法 通过分析人们对河洛文化的具身认知过程,发现将具身认知理论应用到河洛文化产品设计中的机会和意义;对具身认知的感觉、运动通道进行分析,并与智能硬件的不同传感器形成映射关系;基于河洛文化元素外在形象、过程现象、精神内核三个层次的具身认知特性,从视觉、身体、意识层面提取河洛文化元素;综合前期研究,基于用户和河洛文化双维度构建融合具身认知的河洛文化智能产品设计过程。结论 具身认知是人们学习河洛文化的重要途径,河洛文化智能产品设计需要综合考虑用户的具身认知特点,将具身认知和智能硬件融入河洛文化元素提取和产品设计过程中,在产品的形态、结构、功能、交互方式和产品故事等方面进行整合创新。最后,基于儿童具身认知特征出发,通过调研绘制用户故事地图,挖掘用户需求,设计河洛文化儿童智能拼图,进行用户测试,验证河洛文化智能产品设计过程的合理性。  相似文献   

黄薇  邵恩雨  吴剑锋 《包装工程》2023,44(2):290-297
目的 从具身认知视角探索就医导视系统界面适老化设计,优化界面可用性,提升老年用户的交互体验。方法 引入具身认知理论,归纳总结具身交互特征,从功能目的、交互行为和情绪表现三个层面提炼产品界面适老化设计要素;调研老年用户就医导视系统交互过程中的使用体验与具身认知行为,绘制用户体验地图挖掘老年用户痛点,基于适老化设计要素解析得到用户具身认知需求并推出界面设计需求;结合就医导视系统设计层级,从“情境化”的功能流程、“生动化”的交互体验和“专注化”的情绪体验等方面提出基于具身认知的交互界面适老化设计策略;展开就医导视系统适老化设计实践,以验证该适老化设计方法有效性。结论 身体体验、心智模型及身体与环境的交互行为是影响认知理解的重要因素,老年用户在短期记忆、信息分析和决策力等方面的认知能力有所退化。因此,基于具身认知视角建立的交互设计方式,为适老化设计提升用户体验提供了一种可行的策略。  相似文献   

在人们情绪压力不断增大的当今社会,艺术疗愈以其创造性特征和非语言媒介帮助疗愈对象改善心理或身体状态,旨在讨论艺术疗愈空间中的环境媒介与疗愈过程中的具身交互关系、设计实践与价值。借助CiteSpace可视化软件分析近十年来的重要文献,揭示艺术疗愈的研究现状;运用文献计量学方法,探索环境媒介在艺术疗愈空间的应用,定义环境媒介的具身性、主体间性、沉浸性特征及三者间的关联;以具身交互理论为线索,结合设计案例分析疗愈空间中环境媒体的具身性实践与作用方式,以期进一步探索结合新兴技术的环境媒介未来在我国的应用发展。艺术疗愈空间的环境媒介能具身地影响疗愈对象的交互行为与认知,提高疗愈的效率和质量。环境媒介与具身交互能增进疗愈过程中的不同主体间的体验共享,并辅助疗愈对象沉浸地参与或融入艺术疗愈;数字技术的发展不断地丰富环境媒介的形式,提高艺术疗愈的效果。  相似文献   

This article aims to test the weight that main sub-components of the global competitiveness index might have on the logistics performance index. We deploy a novel technique based on three newly particularised clusters (‘infrastructure’, ‘institutions’ and ‘human factor’) to look into whether such clusters are related to efficiency in the 28 European Union’s countries. It is manifest that the human factor is far more important for improving the logistics performance index than infrastructure and institutions. It follows that in this new domain of analysis, all initiatives to prioritise investment on the human factor are appropriate means of stimulating innovation and economic outlook, perceived that the logistics sector accounts for an average of 10% of the European Union’s GDP.  相似文献   

This article presents a dynamic algorithm for job scheduling in two-cluster tools producing multi-type wafers with flexible processing times. Flexible processing times mean that the actual times for processing wafers should be within given time intervals. The objective of the work is to minimize the completion time of the newly inserted wafer. To deal with this issue, a two-cluster tool is decomposed into three reduced single-cluster tools (RCTs) in a series based on a decomposition approach proposed in this article. For each single-cluster tool, a dynamic scheduling algorithm based on temporal constraints is developed to schedule the newly inserted wafer. Three experiments have been carried out to test the dynamic scheduling algorithm proposed, comparing with the results the ‘earliest starting time’ heuristic (EST) adopted in previous literature. The results show that the dynamic algorithm proposed in this article is effective and practical.  相似文献   

Both the environmental and safety costs of road transport are considered to be unacceptably high. The ‘Foot-LITE’ project aims to encourage drivers to adopt greener and safer driving practices, with real-time feedback being given in-vehicle (during driving) and retrospective feedback off-line (pre- and post-driving). This article focuses on the early concept development of the Foot-LITE system, for which a Cognitive Work Analysis methodology was adopted. Presented are results from a Work Domain Analysis (WDA) conducted to scope the relevant driving domain and to identify the constraints on the system. Besides establishing a common framework and language for the project, the process will ultimately contribute to the design of the in-vehicle interface. This article also suggests an extension to the WDA framework to include novel methods for assessing the priority of lower level nodes and contributions of these nodes to the high-level objectives of the system.  相似文献   


Automated driving systems (ADS) with partial automation are currently available for the consumer. They are potentially beneficial to traffic flow, fuel consumption, and safety, but human behaviour whilst driving with ADS is poorly understood. Human behaviour is currently expected to lead to dangerous circumstances as ADS could place human drivers ‘out-of-the-loop’ or cause other types of adverse behavioural adaptation. This article introduces the concept of ‘meaningful human control’ to better address the challenges raised by ADS, and presents a new framework of human control over ADS by means of literature-based categorisation. Using standards set by European authorities for driver skills and road rules, this framework offers a unique, quantified perspective into the effects of ADS on human behaviour. One main result is a rapid and inconsistent decrease in required skill- and rule-based behaviour mismatching with the increasing amount of required knowledge-based behaviour. Furthermore, the development of higher levels of automation currently requires different human behaviour than feasible, as a mismatch between supply and demand in terms of behaviour arises. Implications, discrepancies and emerging mismatches this framework elicits are discussed, and recommendations towards future design strategies and research opportunities are made to provide a meaningful transition of human control over ADS.  相似文献   

目的 基于人口老龄化的社会背景,结合智慧社区的发展导向,运用具身认知理论探究适老化文娱设施的设计策略,优化智能文娱设施的可用性,提升老年用户的体验感。方法 通过文献数据库分析适老化设计的研究现状、具身认知的理论概念和应用于适老化设计的优势。以智能文娱设施为设计载体,运用深度访谈、实地调研等用户研究方法,绘制老年群体智能文娱设施用户体验地图,梳理老年群体的需求痛点,从设计的本能、行为、反思三个层次构建智慧社区文娱设施适老化设计策略模型,提出智能文娱设施适老化设计的设计路径,展开设计实践。结论 体验、心智,以及身体与环境的互动是影响认知的重要因素。具身认知理论结合智慧文娱设施设计,满足了老年群体的安全、易用,以及情感需求,为提升老年群体智能文娱设施的用户体验提供了一种可行的策略,也为智慧社区适老化设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

This article conceptualises a new multidisciplinary field by establishing the elements of an ‘ergonomic system’ (human beings, physical space and object/machine) and defining the term ‘surroundings’ (PESTE factors) while emphasising the ecological aspects of human activities. The definition of ergoecology is explained by an etymological analysis of the names of the contributing disciplines (ergonomics and ecology). The new multidiscipline combines and extends the scope of the two foundational disciplines using new principles, notions and concepts, such as ‘built environment’, ‘surroundings’, ‘ergoecology’, ‘ecoefficiency’ and ‘ecoproductivity’. The aim of ergoecology is to provide tools for confronting twenty-first century challenges. In line with the sustainability movement, we believe in the importance of using ecologic and ergonomic perspectives (in their broadest sense) to develop action aimed towards environmental preservation and the development of sustainable products, processes and service designs.  相似文献   

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