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静态手势识别是以手势驱动的人机交互系统的核心技术。针对静态手势识别问题,提出了一种基于深度图像进行静态手势识别的方法。为了消除静态手势识别过程中的平移、旋转和缩放不变性,提取手势轮廓的Hu不变矩,并以Hu不变矩作为特征构建静态手势深度感知神经网络模型,以此实现对静态手势进行分类识别。在VisualStudio的开发环境下实现了对该方法的验证,取得了良好的效果,并与传统的模板匹配法与基于卷积神经网络的深度学习方法作比较,静态手势识别准确率总体可达95%,识别效率高,能满足实时性要求。  相似文献   

基于交互式遗传算法和粗糙集的图像检索方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对如何在图像检索系统中客观地表达用户的感知,提出了一种基于粗糙集和遗传算法的相关反馈图像检索方法.采用粗糙集的方法求出图像的最简视觉特征子集,采用交互式遗传算法,对每一次反馈得到的候选图像集进行评价,利用遗传算子从图像库中选出接近用户需求的图像.实验表明该方法能有效的提高检索效率,是一种更为理想的检索方法.  相似文献   

基于 Live-Wire交互式医学图像分割算法研究及实现 *   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一种改进的 Live-Wire算法 ,结合迭代阈值分割算法对医学图像进行交互式分割。改进的算法避免了传统的 Live-Wire算法对噪声敏感、不能有效地区分强弱边缘的缺点 ,并且减少了动态规划寻找最优路径的时间和盲目性 ,在不增加算法复杂度的同时 ,提高了图像分割的准确性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an Interactive Object-based Image Clustering and Retrieval System (OCRS). The system incorporates two major modules: Preprocessing and Object-based Image Retrieval. In preprocessing, an unsupervised segmentation method called WavSeg is used to segment images into meaningful semantic regions (image objects). This is an area where a huge number of image regions are involved. Therefore, we propose a Genetic Algorithm based algorithm to cluster these images objects and thus reduce the search space for object-based image retrieval. In the learning and retrieval module, the Diverse Density algorithm is adopted to analyze the user’s interest and generate the initial hypothesis which provides a prototype for future learning and retrieval. Relevance Feedback technique is incorporated to provide progressive guidance to the learning process. In interacting with user, we propose to use One-Class Support Vector Machine (SVM) to learn the user’s interest and refine the returned result. Performance is evaluated on a large image database and the effectiveness of our retrieval algorithm is demonstrated through comparative studies.
Xin ChenEmail:

为解决大多数影像设备只能沿桌一固定方向获取图像序列的问题,分析了医学图像数据的特点,提出了一种医学图像切片二次交互式提取的方法.根据切片实时交互性提取要求高的特点,结合医学图像三维数据场的建立,设计冠状面,矢状面和横状面切片的相互提取;并在此基础上给出了切片沿所需路径交互式提取的基本流程与具体方法.最后利用Visual C++开发工具,结合可视化工具包VTK(visualization toolkit)编程表明了实现该方法的可行性.  相似文献   

In this paper we first give a brief overview of three-dimensional specimen recording and display using confocal microscopy and digital image processing. We then concentrate on some practical aspects of using this technique: We investigate how the specimen refractive index and detector integration time will influence image resolution and describe an interactive user interface to the computer environment.  相似文献   

Public participation is a key component in environmental planning and design. Yet too often, architects and planners are not equipped with effective tools and visualisation techniques to generate meaningful public input. Architects and planners are increasingly turning to computer technology; computer imaging can be used to support exploration of alternatives by enabling community members to visualise opportunities and scenarios before committing to a course of action (McClure, 1997). This paper explains how a Geographic Information System (GIS) and an artist played critical roles in a participatory planning process in Chicago's Pilsen neighbourhood. The GIS provided community leaders, planners, architects and designers with an interactive visualisation of the neighbourhood context. It also provided examples of design prototypes in relation to their geographic context. The artist, on the other hand, translated neighbourhood residents' ideas into quick sketches, merging their ideas and thoughts into a shared neighbourhood vision. Both of these elements – the GIS and the human artist – provided a means for residents to visualise past, present, and future neighbourhood conditions, enabling them to have a greater voice in the design of their neighbourhood. Our findings suggest that effective visualisation may be achieved through combining traditional and computerised visualisation tools, and that effective visualisation could assist in bridging the gap between professional designers and non-designers.  相似文献   

以铁路道口应用为例,设计了一种基于SD卡的信息数据存储警示系统。该系统可在需要警示的情况下,通过人工操作或自动触发发出相应的警示信息,包括LED显示屏显示文字警示信息、语音系统播放警示语音、警灯闪烁进行灯光警示。文字及语音警示信息的原始数据存储在SD卡中,针对不同的应用需求,只需修改SD卡中的内容,可适用于多种应用场所。  相似文献   

基于梯度及HVS特性的离焦模糊图像质量评价*   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在当前人眼视觉系统(HVS)特性研究的基础上提出基于梯度及HVS特性的离焦模糊图像质量评价模型(GVSSIM)。该模型利用Sobel边缘梯度算子提取图像的梯度信息,并根据人眼视觉特性进行视觉加权,得到新的结构相似性评价指标,进而获得图像质量评价指标。该方法与SSIM(图像结构相似度)评价模型相比,具有计算简单的特点,对离焦模糊图像的评价结果能更好地反映人眼视觉感受。  相似文献   

图像标题生成与描述的任务是通过计算机将图像自动翻译成自然语言的形式重新表达出来,该研究在人类视觉辅助、智能人机环境开发等领域具有广阔的应用前景,同时也为图像检索、高层视觉语义推理和个性化描述等任务的研究提供支撑。图像数据具有高度非线性和繁杂性,而人类自然语言较为抽象且逻辑严谨,因此让计算机自动地对图像内容进行抽象和总结,具有很大的挑战性。本文对图像简单标题生成与描述任务进行了阐述,分析了基于手工特征的图像简单描述生成方法,并对包括基于全局视觉特征、视觉特征选择与优化以及面向优化策略等基于深度特征的图像简单描述生成方法进行了梳理与总结。针对图像的精细化描述任务,分析了当前主要的图像“密集描述”与结构化描述模型与方法。此外,本文还分析了融合情感信息与个性化表达的图像描述方法。在分析与总结的过程中,指出了当前各类图像标题生成与描述方法存在的不足,提出了下一步可能的研究趋势与解决思路。对该领域常用的MS COCO2014(Microsoft common objects in context)、Flickr30K等数据集进行了详细介绍,对图像简单描述、图像密集描述与段落描述和图像情感描述等代表性模型在数据集上的性能进行了对比分析。由于视觉数据的复杂性与自然语言的抽象性,尤其是融合情感与个性化表达的图像描述任务,在相关特征提取与表征、语义词汇的选择与嵌入、数据集构建及描述评价等方面尚存在大量问题亟待解决。  相似文献   

提出一种基于混沌序列的图像空域水印算法。首先通过亮度、边缘、纹理特性计算出每象素视觉因子;然后由视觉因子和混沌映射确定每象素水印嵌入比特位;最后通过替换方式嵌入水印。水印提取时不需原始图像的参与,实验表明算法具有较好的水印透明性,并对一般信号处理攻击是鲁棒的。  相似文献   

Abstract— This study proposes an interactive system for displays, the technologies of which consists of three main parts: hand‐gesture tracking, recognition, and depth measurement. The proposed interactive system can be applied to a general 3‐D display. In this interactive system, for hand‐gesture tracking, Haar‐like features are employed to detect a specific hand gesture to start tracking, while the mean‐shift algorithm and Kalman filter are adopted for fast tracking. First, for recognizing hand gestures, a principal component analysis (PCA) algorithm is used to localize colored areas of skin, and then hand gestures are identified by comparison with a prepared database. Second, a simple optical system is set up with an infrared laser source and a grid mask in order to project a proposed horizontal stripe pattern. Third, the projected patterns are deciphered to extract the depth information using the Hough‐transform algorithm. The system containing hand‐gesture localization, recognition, and associated depth detection (the distance between the display and the hand), was included in a prototype of an interactive display. Demonstration of rotation recognition of a finger‐pointing hand gesture was successful by using the algorithm of radar‐like scanning.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于人类视觉系统和关系的离散余弦变换域水印技术。首先对二值水印图像进行混沌加密和Arnold置乱处理;其次对载体彩色图像的每一分量进行8×8分块的离散余弦变换;最后根据每一分块的亮度和纹理掩蔽特性和水印图像的像素取值来自适应调整选定位置的离散余弦变换系数的大小关系以嵌入水印。实验表明,提出的算法具有较好的透明性和抵抗攻击的能力,且在红色分量嵌入的水印比在蓝色或绿色分量嵌入的水印对滤波、有损压缩攻击等具有更好的鲁棒性。与同类算法相比,提出的算法具有更好的性能。  相似文献   

为了获取高品质的彩色图像,实现特殊作业现场的图像采集,提出了一种嵌入式彩色CCD图像传感器重构系统的设计方法.通过对图像边界方向的有效判断来完善图像高频区和低频区边界的质量,同时增加三原色之间的耦合性来提高图像清晰度,并且完成了系统的嵌入式底层实现.测试证明:该系统色彩还原效果良好,重构处理时间为34ms,稳定性好,实...  相似文献   

Color image enhancement based on HVS and PCNN   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Innovative systems for user‐computer interaction based on the user's eye‐gaze behavior have important implications for various applications. Examples include user navigation in large images, typical of astronomy or medicine, and user selection and viewing of multiple video streams. Typically, a web environment is used for these applications. System latency must be negligible, while system obtrusiveness must be small. This paper describes the implementation and initial experimentation on such an innovative system.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the types and magnitudes of localization errors of simulated binaural direction cues generated using non-individualized, head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) with different levels of complexity. Four levels of complexity, as represented by the number of non-zero coefficients of the associated HRTF filters (128, 64, 32, 18 non-zero coefficients), were studied. Experiment 1 collected 1728 data runs that were exhaustive combinations of the four levels of complexity, nine simulated directions of sound (no direction (i.e., diotical-mono), 0 degrees , 45 degrees , 90 degrees , 135 degrees , 180 degrees , 225 degrees , 270 degrees , and 315 degrees azimuth angles at 0 degrees elevation), two repetitions, and 24 participants). Binaural cues generated from HRTFs of reduced complexity (from 128 to 18 non-zero coefficients) produced significantly higher localization errors for the directions of 45 degrees , 135 degrees , 225 degrees , and 315 degrees azimuth angles (p<0.01). From the directions of 0 degrees , 90 degrees , and 270 degrees azimuth angles, the cues produced by HRTFs with reduced complexity did not affect the localization error (p>0.2). Surprisingly, cues produced by HRTFs of 128 non-zero coefficients did not have the lowest number of errors. From 45 degrees , 135 degrees , 225 degrees , and 315 degrees , the lowest numbers of errors were obtained from cues produced by HRTFs of 64, 32, 32, and 64 non-zero coefficients, respectively. Based on these findings, a prototype virtual headphone-based surround-sound (VHSS) system was developed. A double-blind usability experiment with 32 participants indicated that the prototype VHSS system received significantly better surround-sound ratings than did a Dolby stereo system (p<0.02). This paper reports results from an original ergonomics study and the application of these results to the design of a consumer product.  相似文献   

The human electroencephalographic (EEG) power spectra when viewing visual stimuli of a real motion image and of motion images with 60 frames/s (fps) and 240 fps were investigated. The EEG spectra in response to the 240 fps motion image stimuli were more similar to those of the real motion image stimuli than those of the 60 fps stimuli. This high frame rate (240 fps) motion image is considered to have a possibility of providing perceptions of motion image quality that are close to the impression upon looking at real world scenes.  相似文献   

基于小波变换和置乱技术的二值水印新算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出一种基于小波变换和置乱技术的二值水印新算法.将载体图像进行置乱变换和小波变换,将水印图像嵌入到低频系数中,嵌入时根据不同的能量范围设置不同的嵌入强度,且根据二值水印图像本身的特点对优值像素和劣值像素设置不同的调整因子.实验结果表明,该算法对加噪、JPEG压缩、裁剪、图像增强、滤波等处理都有很好的抵抗力.  相似文献   

Individualised head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) have been shown to accurately simulate forward and backward directional sounds. This study explores directional simulation for non-individualised HRTFs by determining orthogonal HRTFs for listeners to choose between. Using spectral features previously shown to aid forward–backward differentiation, 196 non-individualised HRTFs were clustered into six orthogonal groups and the centre HRTF of each group was selected as representative. An experiment with 15 listeners was conducted to evaluate the benefits of choosing between six centre-front and six centre-back directional sounds rather than the single front/back sounds produced by MIT-KEMAR HRTFs. Sound localisation error was significantly reduced by 22% and 65% of listeners reduced their front–back confusion rates. The significant reduction was maintained when the number of HRTFs was reduced from six to five. This represents a preliminary success in bridging the gap between individual and non-individual HRTFs for applications such as spatial surround sound systems.

Statement of Relevance:Due to different pinna shapes, directional sound stimuli generated by non-individualised HRTFs suffer from serious front–back confusion. The reported work demonstrates a way to reduce front–back confusion for centre-back sounds generated from non-individualised HRTFs.  相似文献   

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