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A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of limit feeding on growth, feed efficiency, and manure excretion in Holstein heifers and subsequent milk production. Fifty-four gravid Holstein heifers were randomly assigned to replicate pens and fed 1 of 3 experimental diets for 111 d. Experimental diets included an ad libitum-fed control diet containing 11.3% crude protein (CP) and 2.46 Mcal/kg of metabolizable energy (ME). Two limit-fed diets of increased nutrient density were formulated to contain 12.7 and 14.2% CP and 2.55 and 2.68 Mcal/kg of ME, respectively. Feed intakes of limit-fed diets were limited to 90 and 80% of the control diet. Nutrient intake, growth, manure excretion, blood metabolites, behavior, and 150-d lactation performance were evaluated. Heifers fed 80 and 90% of the control diet consumed less dry matter (8.3 and 9.0 vs. 9.7 kg/d), but similar amounts of net energy for gain (9.5 and 9.4 vs. 9.4 Mcal/d) and CP (1.17, 1.15 vs. 1.10 kg/d) as compared with control diet-fed heifers. The weight gain and skeletal growth of heifers were not different, but heifers limit fed at 80 and 90% of the control had improved feed efficiency. Heifers limit fed at 80 and 90% of ad libitum intake excreted 0.86 and 0.36 kg/d less dry matter, respectively, as compared with control diet-fed heifers, but all heifers excreted similar amounts of N and P. Limit feeding did not affect calf birth weight, dystocia, or lactation performance. Limit feeding gravid heifers improved feed efficiency and reduced manure dry matter excretion without negative effects on lactation performance.  相似文献   

Data on calving ease and 90-day milk, fat, protein, fat percent, and protein percent were available on 8,817 Holstein cows enrolled in the Quebec Dairy Herd Analysis Service. These observations were distributed in 802 herds, and they represented 124 service sires. Estimates of the variance components associated with the service sire (sire of fetus) were obtained by Minimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimation procedures. Two models were fitted; one model included herd, month of calving, age of cow, and sire of cow as fixed effects and service sire and residual as random effects, whereas a second model included calving ease as an additional fixed effect. Variance components and percentages of variance accounted for by service sire were similar under both models. Proportions of variance accounted for by service sire were 1.1, .3, .5, .2, and .3% for 90-day milk, fat, protein, fat percent, and protein percent.  相似文献   

Effects of passive immunity on subsequent production in dairy heifers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dairy Herd Improvement data from a large, commercial dairy farm were used to evaluate the relationships of first lactation milk and fat yield and age at first calving on passively acquired immunity in Holstein heifers. Total serum Ig concentration was measured 24 to 48 h postpartum (mean = 25.5 mg/ml, SD = 19.2) on calves allowed to suckle their dams freely through 24 h postpartum. No additional colostrum was supplied and no attempt was made to ensure adequate colostrum intake. Calves were raised in Tucson, AZ until 6 mo of age, then transferred to Idaho to complete the growing phase and to be bred. Heifers were returned to Tucson during their 7th or 8th mo of gestation. Serum Ig concentration, measured shortly after birth, was an important source of variation for mature equivalent milk (b = 8.5 kg/Ig unit) and mature equivalent fat (b = .24 kg/Ig unit) production in the first lactation but did not affect age at first calving. It is impossible to ascertain from these data whether Ig concentration at birth was directly or indirectly related to production; regardless, supplying an adequate amount and concentration of colostrum at the appropriate time to dairy heifers may enhance their future productivity.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven primigravid Holstein heifers (600.7 +/- 9.4 kg) were used to determine the effect of recombinant bST, administered during the last trimester of gestation, on growth and subsequent 270-d milk yield. Treatments consisted of daily subcutaneous injections of saline or of 20 or 40 mg of recombinant bST. Four weeks before expected date of parturition, 8 heifers (3 receiving saline, 3 receiving 20 mg of bST, and 2 receiving 40 mg of bST) were fitted with jugular catheters, and blood plasma bST and insulin-like growth factor-I concentrations were determined in samples collected during a 9-h period. Feed efficiency (DMI/gain) was improved in heifers treated with 20 mg of bST, but DMI was not affected by treatment. Average daily gain was increased in heifers treated with 20 mg of bST, but not in those treated with 40 mg of bST. Fat-uncorrected milk yield following prepartum bST treatment was 19% higher in heifers treated with 20 mg of bST, but the 40-mg dose of bST did not increase milk yield. Percentage of milk fat was lower in heifers treated with 20 mg of bST prepartum, but daily milk fat yields did not differ among groups. Solids-not-fat yield was highest in the group treated previously with 20 mg of bST. The higher milk yield of these heifers became significant (P less than .05) only after 90 d of lactation. Plasma bST and insulin-like growth factor-I concentrations were both elevated in bST-treated animals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Rapid body growth during the prepubertal period may be associated with reductions in mammary parenchymal growth and subsequent milk yield. The objective of this study was to test effects of dietary rumen-undegradable protein (RUP) and administration of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST) during the prepubertal period on mammary growth and milk yield of dairy heifers. Seventy-two Holstein heifers were used in the experiment. At 90 d of age, 8 heifers were slaughtered before initiation of treatment. Remaining heifers were assigned randomly to 1 of 4 treatments. Treatments consisted of a control diet (5.9% RUP, 14.9% CP, DM basis) or RUP-supplemented diet (control diet plus 2% added RUP) with or without 0.1 mg of bST/kg of BW per day applied in a 2 x 2 factorial design. A total of 6 heifers per treatment (3 each at 5 and 10 mo of age) were slaughtered for mammary tissue analysis. Remaining heifers were bred to evaluate impact of treatment on subsequent milk yield and composition. Mammary parenchymal growth was not affected by RUP or bST treatment. Total parenchymal mass increased from 16 to 364 g, and parenchymal DNA from 58 to 1022 mg from 3 to 10 mo of age, respectively. Furthermore, number of mammary epithelial cells likely was not affected by diet or bST because the epithelial cell proliferation index, assessed by Ki-67 labeling, was not affected by treatment, nor was total parenchymal DNA and lipid content. Neither deleterious effects of increased rates of gain nor positive effects of bST were evident in prepubertal mammary growth. Subsequent milk production and composition was not different among treatments.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of accelerating growth rates and of imposing estrogen implants in prepubertal heifers on mammary development and subsequent reproduction and milk production. Sixty-eight Holstein heifers were assigned to 1 of 4 treatment groups by using a randomized complete block design in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. The treatments were standard growth rate (700 g/d) or accelerated growth rate (1000 g/d) and estrogen implant or no estrogen implant. The treatments were imposed over 20 wk, beginning at 4.5 mo of age and 130 kg of body weight (BW). During the treatment period, all heifers were fed individually and received the same diet, but the dry matter intake of each heifer was adjusted weekly to achieve the designated growth rate. The estrogen implants were removed at the end of the treatment period at 9.5 mo of age. After the treatment period, the heifers were group fed according to BW and age to allow the heifers to have a similar BW and age at calving. The accelerated growth regimen decreased age at puberty by 32 d. Age, BW, and body condition scores at calving were not significantly different among treatments. The accelerated prepubertal growth regimen decreased first lactation fat-corrected milk yield 7.1%. Prepubertal heifers given estrogen implants produced 5.2% less fat-corrected milk during first lactation than did heifers not implanted with estrogen. Estrogen implants stimulated a large increase in teat length growth during the treatment period, but the advantage was lost posttreatment. Over both the treatment and posttreatment periods, the estrogen implants reduced teat length growth by 30%. Accelerated growth rates from 700 to 1000 g/d and estrogen implants in prepubertal heifers decreased first lactation milk production.  相似文献   

Nine Holstein heifers whose estrous cycles were synchronized were observed during three subsequent consecutive cycles. Observations of heifers during each periestrus period began when the first heifer reached day 15 of an estrous cycle and ended 36 h after onset of estrus for the ninth heifer. There were 118 1-h observations at 6-h intervals during the three periestrus periods. Estrous cycles were divided into postestrual, luteal, preestrual, and estrual stages by blood progesterone profiles and estrus. Heifers of these four stages accounted for 27.5, 48.3, 15.4, and 8.8% of heifers available to mount during the 118 observations, and heifers of each stage made 9.0, 5.2, 18.9, and 66.9% of attempted mounts. When number of heifers in estrus simultaneously increased from one to five, total attempted mounts and stands per hour increased from 10.1 to 63.5 and from 4.5 to 48.5. Stands per heifer per hour increased significantly as number of heifers in estrus increased from one to two and tended to increase as number in estrus increased further. Presence of one preestrual heifer in a group containing one estrual heifer increased total stands per hour from 2.3 to 5.0. Efficiency of detection of estrus may depend on proportion of animals within estrous cycle stages that have highest mounting activity.  相似文献   

Data from 1341 Holstein heifers of 71 sires were used to study heritabilities of and genetic and phenotypic correlations among milk production traits (308-d milk, front and rear half yields), body measurements (heart girth, withers height, body length, and rump length), udder measurements (front teat length and diameter, rear teat length and diameter, teat distance and udder height), and age at first calving. Genetic and phenotypic parameters were estimated by the multitrait restricted maximum likelihood method. Multitrait estimates of heritability ranged from .37 to .47 for first lactation yield traits, from .19 to .51 for body measurements, and from .08 to .41 for udder measurements. Age at first calving averaged 22.3 mo with a heritability estimate of .11. Milk production traits were all positively correlated with body measurements, suggesting that high producing heifers would be taller, larger, and longer than low producing heifers. Multitrait estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations between udder height and yield traits were all negative, suggesting that high producing heifers tend to have lower udders. Of four body measurements studied, rump length showed the greatest genetic correlations with yield traits. Among six udder measurements, udder height exhibited the highest degree of associations with yield traits. Thus, rump length and udder height merit greater attention for prediction of lactational performance.  相似文献   

Forty-one Holstein and 6 Holstein crossbred heifers, 6 to 8 mo of age, were used to determine the effect of plane of nutrition on growth and mammogenesis prior to and during puberty. Animals were fed to gain 611 g (low), 737 g (medium), and 903 g (high) by a diet of cracked corn and chopped alfalfa-grass hay. Mammary biopsies were carried out in vivo to determine if they provide acceptable information on mammary composition (based upon morphometric evaluation) in comparison with dissected glands. Results indicated that NRC (1978) recommendations for average daily gain of Holstein heifers between 6 and 16 mo may be too generous. At puberty (first estrus), age and wither height decreased linearly with increasing plane of nutrition, whereas body weight and hip height were not affected by plane of nutrition. Five heifers were slaughtered at the beginning and 18 at the conclusion of the trial. Increasing plane of nutrition resulted in fatter mammary glands with decreased concentration of DNA, whereas total mammary DNA did not differ among treatment groups. In this study, morphometric evaluation of mammary tissue obtained through biopsies did not yield useful information in comparison to chemical analysis of dissected glands.  相似文献   

Decreased mammary development has been observed as prepubertal average daily gain (ADG) is increased; however, responses in first-lactation milk production to alterations in prepubertal ADG have been inconsistent across several experiments. Due to the continuous nature of ADG, body weight at calving (BWC), milk production, and milk composition, designing an experiment that encompasses a large range of ADG while maintaining an adequate number of animals at each ADG becomes prohibitive. Therefore, the objective of the current analysis was to quantitatively and statistically assess effects of alterations in prepubertal ADG and BWC on first-lactation production of milk, fat-corrected milk, milk fat, and milk protein. Eight studies that included Holstein heifers and were published within the past 15 yr were included in this analysis. The mixed model procedure of SAS was used to assess effects of prepubertal ADG and BWC on milk production independent of genetic or management differences that were evident between trials. Linear and quadratic effects of prepubertal ADG and BWC and their combinations were modeled including a random classification variable for each trial. Milk yield responses were associated quadratically with increasing prepubertal ADG; first-lactation production increased as prepubertal gains increased up to 799 g/d, the point of maximal milk production, whereas further increases in prepubertal ADG were associated with lower milk production. Increasing BWC within the range of 477 to 550 kg tended to linearly increase first-lactation milk production, but BWC significantly affected milk production in a model that included the linear and quadratic effects of ADG as well as linear BWC. In that model, which accounted for differences in calving weight, milk production was maximal at prepubertal ADG of 836 g/d. Milk protein yield was quadratically affected by alterations in prepubertal ADG, and milk protein yield was maximized when prepubertal growth occurred at 836 g/d. This analysis also revealed that yield of milk fat remained relatively constant independent of alterations in prepubertal ADG, which occurred despite the significant quadratic effect on milk and milk protein yield.  相似文献   

Ejaculates were collected by artificial vagina from 3 Holstein sires and sorted to 90% purity for X-chromosome-bearing spermatozoa (range 88 to 93%) using flow cytometry. Sorted sperm were diluted to 2.1, 3.5, or 5.0 × 106 sperm per dose in an egg yolk (20%), Tris, glycerol (7%) extender. Collections were repeated until >600 straws per sperm dose per sire were obtained. Each sperm dose was loaded into color-coded 0.25-mL French straws, with alternate colors used to define treatments across sires. Within sires, straws were packaged at 9 per cane (3 of each color) and strategically allocated to 75 Holstein herds with targets for 50% use in heifers and 50% in lactating cows. Straw color was recorded in the on-farm record-keeping system at the time of insemination. Data were analyzed separately for cows and heifers. Among heifers, a total of 2,125 usable records were retrieved from 51 herds (238 ± 5.5 services/ sperm dose per sire, range: 218 to 263). Conception rates in heifers were influenced by the sire × sperm dosage interaction. Within sire A, conception rates of heifers were greater for the 5 × 106 (59.5%) than for the 2.1 × 106 (46.4%) sperm dose and intermediate for the 3.5 × 106 sperm dose (52.2%). However, across sires, sperm dosage had no effect on heifer conception rates (46.7, 51.2, and 52.5% for the 2.1, 3.5, and 5.0 × 106 sperm dosages, respectively). Among cows, a total of 2,369 services were retrieved from 56 herds (263 ± 8.8 services/sperm dose per sire, range: 233 to 303). Conception rates of cows (29.4%) were not affected by sire or sperm dosage (27.0, 29.1, and 30.3% for the 2.1, 3.5, and 5.0 × 106 sperm dosages, respectively). In conclusion, these data indicate that an increased sperm dosage may enhance virgin heifer conception rates for some (but not all) sires, whereas neither sire nor sexed-sperm dosage affected conception rates of lactating cows. Additional studies of sexed-sperm dosage across a larger sampling of bulls are warranted to determine whether and how such a practice can be implemented cost effectively for the benefit of the dairy industry.  相似文献   

The somatotropic axis, consisting of growth hormone (GH), GH receptor (GHR), insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, IGF binding proteins (IGFBP), and IGF receptors, controls growth and mammary development in heifers. Manipulation of the axis with recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) improves heifer growth and reduces age at first calving. The effects of rbST are influenced by dietary energy through partially understood mechanisms. The objective was to characterize the somatotropic axis in Holstein heifers fed a diet for either low or high rate of gain and treated with or without rbST. Heifers (120 d of age) were assigned to one of 2 diets to gain either 0.8 kg/d (low, n = 18) or 1.2 kg/d (high, n = 20). Within each diet, half of the heifers (n = 9 for low and n = 10 for high) received daily rbST injections (25 microg/kg of body weight). Treatments and diets continued until slaughter (2 mo after puberty). Blood was collected 2x per week, and a frequent sampling window was performed 1 d before slaughter. Liver was collected at slaughter. Feeding a high diet or treating with rbST increased serum IGF-I and decreased serum IGFBP-2. The observed changes in serum IGF-I and IGFBP-2 were reflected in their respective liver mRNA amounts. Feeding a high diet decreased serum GH concentrations after rbST injection, but the stimulatory effect of rbST on serum IGF-I was nonetheless greater in high-diet heifers. The differential IGF-I response may be explained by greater GHR 1A in the liver of high-diet heifers. We conclude that a high-gain diet modifies the somatotropic axis in rbST-treated heifers by decreasing serum GH but increasing serum IGF-I after rbST treatment. Greater IGF-I (indicative of an increased GH response) may be a consequence of greater GHR 1A expression in the liver.  相似文献   

Selection for production traits with little or no emphasis on health traits has led to an increase in the incidence of disease in Canadian dairy herds. We describe here a patented protocol for estimating the breeding value for immune responsiveness in heifers that combines measures of both cell-mediated (CM) and antibody-mediated (AM) immune responses (IR). The ability of putative type 1 and type 2 antigens used to induce CMIR and AMIR, respectively, was assessed in replacement Holstein heifers, and the effects of age and pregnancy on type 1 and type 2 IR bias were estimated. Results demonstrated that the type 1 and type 2 antigens induced polarized type 1 and type 2 responses in heifers regardless of age and pregnancy status, and can therefore be used to identify animals with superior overall immune responsiveness. However, age and pregnancy status had significant effects on adaptive IR profiles, highlighting the need for appropriate statistical modeling of such effects when ranking animals on their ability to mount CM and AMIR. Responses became increasingly type 1 biased as heifers approached 12 mo of age, from which point, responses then became increasingly type 2 biased with age and length of gestation. Knowledge of how age and pregnancy influence the dynamics of type 1 and type 2 IR bias is expected to improve our ability to select animals with enhanced immune responsiveness and aid in the development of effective vaccines through strategic targeting of vaccine components to recipients.  相似文献   

A growth study and a companion N balance study were conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary protein on growth and N utilization of postpubertal Holstein heifers. Forty heifers (398 +/- 9.4 kg) were fed one of four diets containing 8, 11, 13, or 15% crude protein (CP) for 121 d. Body measurements were taken at the beginning and end of the experimental period. Blood was collected via jugular vein every 28 d and evaluated for serum protein, albumin, and urea nitrogen. Curvilinear relationships were observed between dietary CP and gains in wither height and hip width, with maximal gains occurring at 13% CP. Feeding heifers higher amounts of dietary CP resulted in linear increases in heart girth gain, serum protein, albumin, and blood urea nitrogen. In the companion N balance study, feeding increasing amounts of dietary CP to heifers resulted in linear increases in N intake, fecal-N, urinary-N, and absorbed-N. There was a numerical trend towards maximal N retention in heifers fed diets containing 13% CP. Curvilinear relationships also were observed between dietary CP and dry matter, organic matter, and CP digestibility with maximal nutrient digestibilities occurring when heifers were fed diets containing 13% CP. Data suggest 13% dietary CP was optimal for postpubertal (400 kg) Holstein heifers.  相似文献   

Standards of weight and height for Holstein heifers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To develop a modern appraisal of growth of Holstein dairy heifers, height at withers and heart girth (body weight) data were collected for 5723 heifers representing 163 commercial Holstein dairy herds from October 1983 through May 1985. Quadratic regression equations of height and weight on age were computed for each herd. Estimated weight and height of heifers at 24 mo from these equations were found to be correlated with herd variables such as herd average milk production and age at first calving. Means and standard deviations for height and weight were determined for each age (1 through 24 mo). Third order regressions on age were fitted to the means to describe height and weight. Estimated height (cm) and weight (kg) at 6, 12, 18, and 24 mo were 101.0, 167.2; 117.6, 299.1; 127.4, 420.6; and 132.7, 516.2. A subset of data containing heifers in 89 herds that had a herd average milk production of greater than 7264 kg were also fitted to third order regression on age. Weight and height of dairy heifers are moderately larger in herds with greater than 7264 kg average milk production. Based on the entire data set, commercial Holstein herds in Pennsylvania have heifers somewhat larger than those used to develop National Research Council recommendations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the rate and extent of Cu repletion in Holstein heifers using two Cu sources (organic and inorganic) at two levels (15 and 30 mg/kg). An additional repletion treatment included a Cu oxide bolus. Heifers (n = 50) were individually fed a total mixed ration fortified with S and Mo at 0.40%, and 15 mg/kg of dry matter of the total diet, respectively. After 111 d of depletion, heifers were stratified by liver Cu concentration and randomly allotted to one of five repletion treatments. Four treatments consisted of feed sources of Cu (feed-Cu), 1) CuSO4 at 15 mg/kg; 2) CuSO4 at 30 mg/kg; 3) Availa-Cu at 15 mg/kg; and 4) Availa-Cu at 30 mg/kg. Availa-Cu is an organic Cu source that produces a Cu-amino acid complex. A fifth treatment, consisting of an intraruminal bolus (IB), provided a single dose of 25 g of CuO needles. Repletion treatments were delivered in the same total mixed ration without supplemental S and Mo. Copper status was assessed in blood and liver samples collected on 14-d intervals for 70 d. Irrespective of treatment, all heifers increased in body weight during the repletion period. Liver Cu increased in each feed-Cu treatment over time. Heifers treated with an IB reached a peak in liver Cu concentration (165.5 mg/kg) on d 28. Mean liver Cu concentrations were higher in heifers receiving 30 mg/kg of Cu compared with heifers receiving 15 mg/kg of Cu. Red blood cell superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was higher (P < 0.001) in heifers receiving CuSO4 than Availa-Cu (0.98 vs 0.87 U). Also, SOD activity was higher when heifers were supplemented with 30 vs 15 mg/kg Cu (0.98 vs 0.87 U). Heifers receiving the Cu IB had higher SOD activity than heifers receiving feed-Cu sources (1.03 vs 0.92 U). Plasma ceruloplasmin concentration was higher (P < 0.001) in IB-treated heifers vs. other treatments. No differences in plasma ceruloplasmin were detected for feed-Cu source or level. These results indicate that all Cu sources evaluated in this study elevated Cu status of depleted heifers, particularly when provided at higher dietary levels.  相似文献   

Two groups of 10 prepubertal Holstein heifers (86 kg initial body weight) and two groups of 10 postpubertal heifers (292 kg initial body weight) each were maintained under 8 h light: 16 h dark or 16 light: 8 dark photoperiods for an average of 139 days. Then animals were slaughtered, and the total right half of the mammary gland was removed. Mammary parenchymal tissue was separated from surrounding adipose and connective tissue (extraparenchymal tissue). There was no effect of photoperiod on total weight of the mammary gland (parenchymal plus extraparenchymal portions). In contrast, mammary parenchymal weight increased 40 and 30% in prepubertal and post-pubertal heifers exposed to 16 light: 8 dark as compared with heifers exposed to 8 light: 16 dark. Similarly, mammary parenchymal tissue of heifers given 16 light: 8 dark contained 68 and 35% more total deoxyribonucleic acid (an index of cell numbers) than heifers exposed to 8 light: 16 dark. However, photoperiod did not influence concentrations of deoxyribonucleic acid or fat in parenchymal tissue. Extraparenchymal tissue weight was 12 to 35% less in heifers given 16 light: 8 dark than in heifers exposed to 8 light: 16 dark. We conclude that 16 light: 8 dark stimulates the mammary parenchymal tissue to grow into the fat pad (extraparenchymal tissue) of prepubertal and postpubertal Holstein heifers.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the effect of feeding monensin on growth performance, average age at breeding, and body composition of Holstein heifers. Forty heifers were divided by weight into two groups, averaging 330 kg (heavy) and 217 kg (light) at the beginning of the trial. Within each weight group, heifers were assigned randomly to either of two treatments: without or with monensin feeding (200 mg per head daily). All heifers were fed diets containing either corn silage at 2% BW or ad libitum grass pasture supplemented with concentrates (1 to 1.5 kg per head daily). Monensin had no effect on BW, average daily gain, height at withers, heart girth, length, coccae width, or body condition score. Feeding monensin significantly decreased the age at breeding by 15 and 24 d and age at calving by 36 and 61 d for heavy and light heifers, respectively. Estimated empty body water, protein, or fat percentages determined by urea space were not affected by monensin. Heavy heifers contained a smaller percentage of empty body water but higher percentages of empty body protein and fat than light ones. The results from this study indicate that monensin can reduce age at puberty in Holstein heifers without affecting BW and composition.  相似文献   

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