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焊接及其相关工艺过程中的有害物质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏康  何立 《电焊机》2004,34(12):60-64
焊接及其相关工艺过程中的有害物质有2种形态,即颗粒状与气态。在此详细讲述了各种有害物质的产生过程、危害程度,并提出了在焊接工作现场中各有害物质的限定值。  相似文献   

(上接本刊第2期)欧盟值(EU值)是欧盟对职业性接触有害物质的限定值,如MAK或TRK值均为操作者在8h中接触的时间一权重的平均浓度。表9在焊接及其相关工艺中气态有害物质、限定值及其分类(1998年1月版)(a)气态有害物质有害物质K类空气中限定值mg/m3mL/m3类别短时限定值短时值时间长度有毒CO3330MAK2-MAK15min,均值CO290005000MAK4-MAK15min,均值COCl20.40.1MAK4-MAK15min,均值NO3025MAKNO295MAKMAK致癌HCHO30.60.5TRKTRKO330.20.1MAK…  相似文献   

(上接本刊第4期)4.1.4电阻焊在正常操作及通风条件下,对不同材料进行电阻焊时产生的焊接烟雾浓度(因材料飞溅或金属氧化物蒸发)一般小于对应的MAK或TRK值。在实际生产中,应尽可能避免对表面有油的钢板进行焊接。厚的油层会导致较高浓度的烟雾产生,其中含有不同比例的有机物质。在无飞溅焊接时,带油钢板产生的烟雾比无油钢板多30%。与其他电阻焊工艺相比(如点焊),闪光对焊产生的烟雾量较大,通常需要在焊接现场排风。4.1.5CO2激光焊接4.1.5.1无填充金属的激光焊接高能激光源引起母材的蒸发,导致有害物…  相似文献   

(上接本刊第5期)5检测方法在工作现场对有害物质检测,目的是为了获得关于有害物质的真实情况,以便能够作出相应的决策,采取预防措施。为了这一目的,对每一次特定的检测都应仔细地进行规划、准备与实施,只有这样,检测的结果才能真正反映出真实的情况。对所测结果要求的可信程度以及所需要的人力和物力,根据各实际情况制定了不同的检测方案。在工作现场对有害物质的检测方法通常包括以下几个步骤,即:①采样的安排②采样③样本的处理和保存④对样本的备制⑤结果的分析⑥结果的计算采样是通过用一个样本载体来收集有害的物质,在这…  相似文献   

在焊接及相关工艺过程中的有害物质(一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1前言随着新材料的不断出现与应用,焊接及相关工艺过程的生产方式也正在不断地进步和发展。与此同时,有必要对操作人员采取防护措施,以避免在工作环境中受到有害物质的影响,并寻求对工作场所状况的改善。本文中所描述的“有害于健康的气态和颗粒状态的物质”(包括气体、烟雾、灰尘等)统称为“有害物质”。本文的目的:(1)对焊接、切割及相关工艺过程中的有害物质的产生与影响提供信息。(2)对有害物质的判定提供指导。(3)对由有害物质导致的危险做出简要评估。(4)提供如何避免或减少有害物质危害的实例。2有害物质2.1…  相似文献   

在焊接及相关的工艺过程中,会产生气态和颗粒状态的物质。当这些物质达到一定的浓度,即超过了容许值时,就会对人体的健康带来影响。焊接时的烟尘和气体的化学组分取决于其设计、工艺、操作步骤、工艺参数、母材、保护气体、熔剂、填充材料、表面状况等多种因素(详见图1)。表1是焊接烟尘中颗粒状物质的尺寸、形态及其与所用工艺、材料的关系。为了采取必要的防护措施,需要对操作人员相关工作中的有害物质进行评估。对有害物质的化学作用可以从工艺过程、有害物质的作用、工作环境等三个方面进行分析:(1)工艺过程因素根据焊接工艺…  相似文献   

在焊接过程中会产生焊接烟尘,这一点即使是采用最新型、最现代化的焊接设备或者焊接工艺也没有办法避免。由于焊接烟尘可能危害身体健康,有的有毒,有的致癌,因而使得整个工作环境更加困难。基于生产技术、产品特性及工作安全和环境保护的原因,在大多数情况下,人们几乎是被迫的必须要对焊接烟尘进行捕捉、抽风和分离。  相似文献   

焊接过程中有害物质问题的研究及其进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
焊接过程中所产生的有毒气体、烟尘等有害物质污染了工作环境,直接影响工人的身体健康。焊接要清洁化、绿色化,要走可持续发展的道路。要研究从源头来减少或消除有害物质产生的办法和策略。本介绍了焊接过程中产生的有害物质,综述了国内外焊接过程中有害物质问题的研究现状以及研究方向,并对国内焊接烟尘问题研究工作做了展望。  相似文献   

在金属和有机物如木材、塑料或者橡胶的加工过程以及陶瓷工业当中,会很频繁的运用激光工艺。随着产能和精确度的提高,同时也使得有害物质中微米级颗粒的浓度提高。这将严重损害操作者的身体健康和激光机的功能,而这一点,是必须要避免的。因此,有一种技术被提上了日程:要能够提供绝对的烟尘捕捉和烟尘分离。  相似文献   

刘玉飞 《电焊机》2006,36(5):22-24
焊接及其相关工艺过程存在多种职业危害,损害工人的身体健康,包括呼吸危害、眼面部危害、噪声危害和其他一些伤害。对多种职业危害并存的工作环境,制订并执行有效的综合防护计划非常重要。着重介绍了眼面部的个人防护措施。  相似文献   

氩弧焊卫生与安全防护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓卫华 《电焊机》2005,35(3):21-22
介绍了氩弧焊过程中产生的有害因素及其对操作人员的身体健康可能带来的影响及其防护措施。  相似文献   

In recent years, analysis of the development of joining processes has resulted in the identification of two trends: the refinement and specialization of traditional processes on the one hand, and the development of novel technologies on the other hand. This dual line of trends has sometimes led to points of contact, with the development of the so-called hybrid technologies, involving the use of joining processes based on different physical principles for the creation of a single joint. The scope of this article is to provide a framework view of the state of development of conventional joining technologies with regard to shipbuilding applications.  相似文献   

This article deals with temperature characterisation by infrared thermography during welding. To demonstrate the versatility of this technique, two welding processes were investigated with different materials: cold metal transfer metal inert gas welding of al alloy and resistance spot welding of galvanised steel. Two experimental methods were used to characterise temperature without requiring implementation of thermocouples. The validity of these methods is demonstrated by metallurgical characterisations. The error on the measured values of temperature is assessed regarding the initial uncertainty on the apparent surface emissivity. The results show that it is possible to obtain absolute temperature values, cooling rates and informative visualisation of temperature gradients with a reasonable uncertainty.  相似文献   

As a result of the development of processes of gas-shielded consumable electrode arc welding with a constant electrode wire feed rate, characterized by different mechanisms of electrode metal transfer and large changes in the arc power with time, this study is carried out to supplement and generalize the concept of self-regulation of different arc welding processes.  相似文献   

高志国  黄坚  吴毅雄 《焊接》2007,(5):60-62
激光焊、激光填丝焊以及激光复合焊技术日趋成熟,并被一些著名船厂应用到生产上.我国造船业的激光应用研究正处于起步阶段.CCS-B是我国相当普遍的一种船用低碳钢,通常采用传统工艺进行焊接.采用以上的激光焊接工艺对CCS-B进行堆焊和对接焊,对它们宏观焊缝的差异进行分析,对相应焊缝金属的微观组织进行观察和分析.焊接金属的合金成分会影响其微观组织的形成,采用ICP-AES法对不同激光焊接工艺下的焊缝金属成分进行了检测分析.同时对接头截面的硬度进行了测试.  相似文献   

The paper describes a monitoring and control platform development for arc welding processes, which provides versatility and efficiency in the scientific study of the welding technology. The implemented system is capable of executing different welding processes and promotes substantial logical operation changes in a simple and didactic way. Among the innovations promoted by the development of the system is the ability to draw MIG/MAG welding process current waveforms, thereby allowing studies related to metal transfer, and, as a consequence of this, making technological innovations to this process. The monitoring and control platform has been developed to be able to absorb new technologies, allowing upgrades along the welding process evolution path. In this context, this system is a significant potential alternative to studies related to welding, in educational and research institutions within and outside the country.  相似文献   

This study examined development of the stir zone and plastic flow of the material during friction stir spot joining of aluminium alloys. The development of the stir zone was discussed through the observation of macro sections of the joints produced at various process times. The friction stir spot joining trial with insert of Au foil to lap surface and the dissimilar lap friction stir spot joining showed that the movement of the lap surface was attributed to the downward plastic flow from the upper plate to the lower plate around the probe. Additionally, it was clarified that the direction of the plastic flow was roughly the same as the direction of the tool rotation. The dissimilar butt friction stir spot joining suggested that the plastic flow occurred not only within the stir zone but also in a larger area below the tool shoulder. The present study revealed that the threads on the probe surface were important for producing the plastic flow of thickness direction during friction stir spot joining.  相似文献   

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