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OBJECTIVES: Determine sensitivity and specificity of a new urease reagent strip (URS) test for detection of Helicobacter pylori in gastric biopsy specimens. METHODS: Six paired biopsy specimens were obtained from the greater curvature of the distal antrum, the lesser curvature near the incisura, and the corpus along the greater curvature during 66 procedures on 59 patients with endoscopic findings of gastric antral mucosal erythema or erosions, or gastric or duodenal ulcers. One biopsy from each site was tested with the URS. The second was evaluated with histology. A final antral biopsy was evaluated with a urea/gel test. RESULTS: Twenty-eight of the 66 cases were histologically positive, with H. pylori observed in at least one of the three biopsy sites. The URS test correctly identified all 28. Of 193 individual biopsy specimens, 78 were positive for H. pylori. The URS correctly identified 77. Sensitivity was 0.99, specificity 0.95, positive predictive value 0.93, negative predictive value 0.99, and kappa 0.92. Average time to positive was 20 min. Twenty-seven antral biopsies were histologically positive for H. pylori. The URS test correctly identified all 27, whereas the urea/gel test correctly identified 21. For antral sites, URS sensitivity was 1.00 and specificity 0.95 versus urea/gel test sensitivity of 0.75 and specificity of 1.00. CONCLUSIONS: In this sample, the URS test is as accurate as histology in diagnosing H. pylori infections, and it provides results in less time and at a lower cost than histology.  相似文献   

Presence of multivessel coronary artery disease (MVD) identifies a high risk subgroup after acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) has recently emerged as a promising non invasive test to detect the presence and extent of coronary artery disease. Forty six consecutive patients (38 males, 8 females; mean age 48.6 +/- 10.4 years) of Q-wave acute myocardial infarction were subjected to submaximal treadmill test (TMT) and dobutamine stress echocardiography to see their ability to predict multivessel coronary artery disease as detected by coronary angiography before hospital discharge. Dobutamine infusion was started at 5 micrograms/kg/min to a maximum of 40 micrograms/kg/min, to achieve 70 percent of the age predicted heart rate. Appearance of new regional wall motion abnormality was interpreted as positive DSE for MVD. Mean peak infusion dose of dobutamine used in the study was 28.56 +/- 5.67 micrograms/kg/min. In none of the patients, the test had to be terminated due to side effects. The sensitivity and specificity of DSE to predict MVD was 80 percent and 93.7 percent, respectively as compared to 45 percent and 86 percent for submaximal TMT. Thus, DSE in patients of AMI before hospital discharge is a safe procedure with fairly accurate prediction of multivessel coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare eight media, four nonselective and four selective media, to determine the best combination of media for the primary isolation of Helicobacter pylori. Over a period of 5 months, mucosal antral biopsy specimens were obtained from 222 consecutive dyspeptic patients undergoing endoscopy. Biopsy samples were plated in parallel on all eight media. Egg yolk emulsion agar (EYE), Skirrow's medium, Dent's medium, and modified Thayer-Martin medium were used as selective media; modified chocolate agar (MCHOC), Triptycase soy agar (TSA), brucella agar, and brain heart infusion agar were used as nonselective media. Overall, by using these eight media, H. pylori was recovered from biopsy specimens from 114 of 222 patients, yielding an isolation rate of 51%. Comparison of all possible combinations of the eight media showed that the highest rate of isolation of H. pylori was 100% (114 of 114) with EYE-MCHOC, followed by 96.5% (110 of 114) when EYE-TSA was used. Conversely, it was found that none of the media used alone yielded a 100% rate of recovery (the maximum recovery rate was 95%, which was achieved with EYE). These results indicate that the association of EYE and MCHOC yielded the maximum recovery of H. pylori from gastric biopsy specimens. Therefore, the use of selective and nonselective media in parallel offers optimal recovery rates with only a slight increase in costs.  相似文献   

The adult isoform of human cardiac troponin T (TnT) contains 288 amino acids, 14 of which (4.9%) are encoded by the rarely used arginine codons (12 AGG, 2 AGA) in Escherichia coli genes. To generate sufficient quantity of TnT protein for antibody production, we cloned the corresponding cDNA and expressed it in E. coli. A low-level expression of TnT that comprised only about 1% of total cell protein was initially observed with the use of the native cDNA. The existence of two pairs of consecutive AGG codons AGG(165) AGG(166) and AGG(215) AGG(216) in the cDNA was suspected to be the main cause for this low-level expression. These two pairs of consecutive AGG codons were successively replaced with the major synonymous codon CGT by site-directed mutagenesis. As suspected, a 10-fold increase in TnT expression was obtained when one pair of the rare arginine codons was replaced and a 40-fold increase was achieved when both pairs of the rare codons were replaced. Our finding demonstrates the importance of consecutive rare codons in the suppression of high-level expression of heterologous proteins in E. coli and suggests that in order to maximize protein expression, a similar approach may be taken with other genes which contain consecutive rare codons.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), known as one of the potent activators of macrophages, has inhibitory effects on the proliferation of normal macrophages and macrophage-like cell lines. We report here that LPS dose- and time-dependently suppressed the tritiated thymidine ([3H]TdR) incorporation into the acid-insoluble fraction with a significant inverse correlation to the tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) production in the J774.1 macrophage cell line. Among the three tested enzymes involved in DNA synthesis, only thymidine kinase (TK) activity decreased progressively in parallel with the decline in [3H]TdR incorporation, reaching 97% inhibition within 12 hr of LPS treatment, while changes in the activities of other two enzymes, DNA polymerase alpha and thymidylate synthase (TS), were less significant. On the other hand, LPS inhibited the cell proliferation only incompletely, as judged by 62% inhibition of cell growth at 36 hr. Even in the experiments done in a TdR-free medium, cell growth was inhibited by LPS to the same extent, suggesting that TK was not directly involved in the proliferation of J774 cells. LPS also inhibited the conversion of TdR to thymidine monophosphate (TMP) in murine peritoneal exudate macrophages (PEM). Thus LPS-induced suppression of TdR salvage related to TNF production is common in both normal and neoplastic macrophages, and therefore may be of potential importance in the process of macrophage activation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The role of Helicobacter pylori in various gastroduodenal diseases is universally accepted. In this study, we aimed to determine the proper number and sites of the gastric biopsies in order to achieve the highest diagnostic yield through the use of a urease test and histopathology. We also compared the histological findings encountered in patients who had Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) colonization. METHODOLOGY: Fifty patients referred for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for dyspeptic complaints were included in the study. Our mapping protocol included 2 biopsies from antrum and 2 biopsies from corpus. We obtained 2 biopsies from each biopsy site for urease test and histopathological assessment. Golden standard positivity for the presence of H. pylori colonization was defined as concomitantly positive urease test and histologically detected bacteria found at the same biopsy site. RESULTS: Forty-three patients had H. pylori colonization. Colonization rates of H. pylori, sensitivities of urease testing, and histopathology in 4 biopsy sites were not statistically different. Sensitivity of urease testing was 81.4% for 1 biopsy and 100% for 4 cumulative biopsies. Sensitivities of histological assessment were 93% and 100% for 1 and 4 biopsies, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Results of this study suggest that 2 biopsies for urease testing and 1 biopsy for histopathology obtained from the antrum or corpus of the stomach were sufficient to obtain the highest statistically significant diagnostic sensitivity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rapid urease tests are commonly used as a convenient method to detect Helicobacter pylori infection. Our previous experiments demonstrated enhanced efficacy of agar gel rapid urease test compared with reagent strip rapid urease tests. We evaluated the efficacy of PyloriTek, a new reagent strip rapid test for detecting H. pylori infection. METHODS: Gastric antral mucosal biopsy specimens were obtained for comparison between agar gel rapid urease tests and PyloriTek (200 specimens). The rapid urease test to be used first was selected randomly. H. pylori status was determined using the Genta stain. Culture was performed to confirm H. pylori status when false rapid urease tests were suspected. RESULTS: One hundred patients were studied; 68 had H. pylori infection. There were two false-negative and one false-positive PyloriTek when scored at 1 hour, compared with only one false-positive and no false-negative tests at 2 hours. With the agar gel rapid urease tests, there were no false-positive tests and 5 false-negative tests when scored at 1 hour, 2 false-negative tests at 12 hours and 1 at 24 hours; there were no false-positive tests. At 1 hour, 3% (95% CI = 1% to 9%) of PyloriTek tests had an erroneous categorization of H. pylori status compared with 5% for the agar gel rapid urease tests (95% CI = 1.6% to 11%) (p > 0.7). CONCLUSION: The new reagent strip rapid urease test, PyloriTek, is rapid and comparable in accuracy to agar gel rapid urease tests for detecting H. pylori Infection.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the performance before and after sterilization of Enhance and Min-Identoflex finishing and polishing systems on TPH and Z100 composites. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Finishing and polishing instruments consisted of a light-cured resin cup impregnated with an abrasive and a silicon dioxide impregnated rubber cup. Sterilization methods included microwaving and autoclaving. RESULTS: Performance of the finishing and polishing instruments were affected more by the composite being finished and polished than by autoclaving or microwaving.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori gastric infection in children is a public health problem. Classical diagnostic tools such as endoscopy are excessively invasive in the usual clinical context. Serology at this age has multiple drawbacks. The urea-13C breath test seems today the most appropriate alternative method. The principle of the test relies upon the indirect detection of H pylori through its high urease activity. The test uses a stable (ie, non radioactive) isotope, which allows its repeated use. The main indications are the detection and the follow-up of H pylori infection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Numerous reports have established the association of Helicobacter pylori and recurrent abdominal pain in children. We investigated the clinical, bacteriological and therapeutic features of our patients seen over a 1 year period. METHODS: We investigated 121 children during 1992 in Hospital Saint Vincent-de-Paul, Paris. At endoscopy, biopsies were taken and sent for histology and bacteriology and urease testing. A decision regarding treatment by amoxicillin and metronidazol was made after positive results of bacteriology and/or histology. RESULTS: Heliobacter pylori was found in 47 antral biopsies after pathology examination with Giemsa staining alone 16 times, bacterial culture 9 times and both methods 22 times. Abdominal pain was the prominent symptom, occurring in 35.5% of Helicobacter pylori+patients. In 25 of the positive negative patients, a nodular gastritis was observed (53.1%) and in 27.6% of them a weight loss or a delay in weight gain. Few patients became after combined treatment with amoxicillin and metronidazol whereas eradication rates after triple therapy with amoxicillin-metronidazol and H2 antagonist or proton pump blocker were higher. CONCLUSION: Helicobacter pylori related gastritis is a common cause of abdominal complaints in children. The most common symptom is recurrent abdominal pain. Antral nodularity is a peculiar endoscopic finding in children. Two-drug therapy associating amoxicillin-metronidazol is often ineffective to eradicate the bacteria whereas eradication rates after triple therapy amoxicillin-metronidazol and H2 antagonist or proton pump blocker are higher.  相似文献   

The influence of omeprazole on urease activity of 13 Helicobacter pylori strains was assessed in vitro employing different inocula of the bacteria and various concentrations of omeprazole. Bacteria were grown in liquid culture supplemented with omeprazole for 48 h. Afterwards, bacterial numbers were assessed and urease activity was measured in a spectrophotometric assay. In 10 strains, omeprazole had no influence on urease activity at concentrations up to 8 mg/l; higher concentrations had a bacteriostatic effect. Three strains were more resistant to omeprazole: These showed a marked diminution of urease activity although bacterial numbers were only slightly reduced. Thus a possible inhibitory effect of omeprazole should be taken into account when urease of Helicobacter pylori is measured for diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

Osteolytic lesions of the skull are an unusual complication in patients with AIDS. We report a case of multiple cranial abscesses as the major manifestation of a disseminated infection due to Mycobacterium kansasii in a patient with AIDS.  相似文献   

The ability of systemic immunization to induce protection against Helicobacter pylori infection has been evaluated in a mouse model. It was observed that if appropriate formulations and adjuvants were used such immunization elicited in outbred Swiss mice levels of protection similar or better than those induced by the oral route in the presence of cholera toxin or Escherichia coli heat labile toxin. Recombinant urease mixed with adjuvants, which induced strong Th1 and Th2 responses elicited better protection than urease mixed with adjuvants which induced a predominant Th2 type response only. These experiments demonstrate the feasibility of parenteral immunization against H. pylori and suggest that an appropriate balance between Th1 and Th2 type responses is required to achieve complete protection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Continent urinary diversion may be necessary in a range of urological abnormalities. In circumstances where the standard techniques are not possible, alternative innovative techniques may be used. METHODS: In a female patient with bladder exstrophy, a continent diversion was recommended. The appendix was not available, the ureters were not suitable and a continent stoma was fashioned from an isolated segment of colon. RESULTS: The stoma proved to be continent, although it was somewhat stenotic. However, clean intermittent catheterization maintained its patency. CONCLUSIONS: A continent catheterizable stoma may be constructed from a segment of colon. The technique may be considered when other well recognized methods are not feasible.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: The metabolic and urease responses of Helicobacter pylori to variations in gastric acidity are unknown. The aim of this study was to determine effects of changes of environmental pH on metabolism, urease activity, and survival of H. pylori in an unbuffered environment. METHODS: Bacterial metabolism and urease activity were determined by measuring pH changes in perfused microphysiometer chambers over a pH range from 2.5 to 9.0 with or without urea and survival by restoration of metabolism at pH 7.4. RESULTS: Glucose metabolism by acid-adapted H. pylori occurred at a perfusion pH between 3.5 and 8.6 and was highest between 7.4 and 8.2. Metabolism was irreversibly inhibited at pH <3.5 or >8.6. In the presence of 2.5 mmol/L urea, the chamber pH increased to about 6.2 during perfusion between pH 5.5 and 4.0. At pH 4.0 and below, urease activity increased several-fold without change of chamber pH. Urea in the perfusate enabled retention of metabolism after acid exposure but was toxic at pH 7.4. CONCLUSIONS: The metabolic range of acid-adapted H. pylori is between an environmental pH of 3.5 and 8.6. Extracellular pH-regulated internal urease activity allows metabolism in the pH range between 4.0 and 2. 5 by maintaining periplasmic pH at 6.2. The organism is an acid-tolerant neutralophile due to internal urease activity.  相似文献   

A pseudo-tumour due to metallosis is described in association with an iso-elastic hip replacement. This is a relatively rare lesion which may be difficult to diagnose. Scintigraphy and radiography may be helpful in distinguishing the lesion from a primary or secondary neoplasm, but the presence of osteolysis adjacent to the prosthesis will suggest the true nature of the lesion.  相似文献   

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