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Nup1p is a yeast nuclear pore complex protein (nucleoporin) required for nuclear protein import, mRNA export and maintenance of normal nuclear architecture. We have used a genetic approach to identify other proteins that interact functionally with Nup1p. Here we describe the isolation of seventeen mutants that confer a requirement for Nup1p in a background in which this protein is normally not essential. Some of the mutants require wild-type Nup1p, while others are viable in combination with specific nup1 alleles. Several of the mutants show nonallelic noncomplementation, suggesting that the products may be part of a hetero-oligomeric complex. One is allelic to srp1 which, although it was identified in an unrelated screen, was shown to encode a protein that is localized to the nuclear envelope (Yano, R., M. Oakes, M. Yamaghishi, J. A. Dodd, and M. Nomura. 1992. Mol. Cell. Biol. 12:5640-5651). We have used immunoprecipitation and fusion protein precipitation to show that Srp1p forms distinct complexes with both Nup1p and the related nucleoporin Nup2p, indicating that Srp1p is a component of the nuclear pore complex. The distant sequence similarity between Srp1p and the beta-catenin/desmoplakin family, coupled with the altered structure of the nuclear envelope in nup1 mutants, suggests that Srp1p may function in attachment of the nuclear pore complex to an underlying nuclear skeleton.  相似文献   

Yeast cells mutated in YRB2, which encodes a nuclear protein with similarity to other Ran-binding proteins, fail to export nuclear export signal (NES)-containing proteins including HIV Rev out of the nucleus. Unlike Xpo1p/Crm1p/exportin, an NES receptor, Yrb2p does not shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm but instead remains inside the nucleus. However, by both biochemical and genetic criteria, Yrb2p interacts with Xpo1p and not with other members of the importin/karyopherin beta superfamily. Moreover, the Yrb2p region containing nucleoporin-like FG repeats is important for NES-mediated protein export. Taken together, these data suggest that Yrb2p acts inside the nucleus to mediate the action of Xpo1p in at least one of several nuclear export pathways.  相似文献   

Nup153 is a large (153 kD) O-linked glyco-protein which is a component of the basket structure located on the nucleoplasmic face of nuclear pore complexes. This protein exhibits a tripartite structure consisting of a zinc finger domain flanked by large (60-70 kD) NH2- and COOH-terminal domains. When full-length human Nup153 is expressed in BHK cells, it accumulates appropriately at the nucleoplasmic face of the nuclear envelope. Targeting information for Nup153 resides in the NH2-terminal domain since this region of the molecule can direct an ordinarily cytoplasmic protein, pyruvate kinase, to the nuclear face of the nuclear pore complex. Overexpression of Nup153 results in the dramatic accumulation of nuclear poly (A)+ RNA, suggesting an inhibition of RNA export from the nucleus. This is not due to a general decline in nucleocytoplasmic transport or to occlusion or loss of nuclear pore complexes since nuclear protein import is unaffected. While overexpression of certain Nup153 constructs was found to result in the formation of unusual intranuclear membrane arrays, this structural phenotype could not be correlated with the effects on poly (A)+ RNA distribution. The RNA trafficking defect was, however, dependent upon the Nup153 COOH-terminal domain which contains most of the XFXFG repeats. It is proposed that this region of Nup153, lying within the distal ring of the nuclear basket, represents a docking site for mRNA molecules exiting the nucleus.  相似文献   

Tpr is a 270-kD coiled-coil protein localized to intranuclear filaments of the nuclear pore complex (NPC). The mechanism by which Tpr contributes to the structure and function of the nuclear pore is currently unknown. To gain insight into Tpr function, we expressed the full-length protein and several subdomains in mammalian cell lines and examined their effects on nuclear pore function. Through this analysis, we identified an NH2-terminal domain that was sufficient for association with the nucleoplasmic aspect of the NPC. In addition, we unexpectedly found that the acidic COOH terminus was efficiently transported into the nuclear interior, an event that was apparently mediated by a putative nuclear localization sequence. Ectopic expression of the full-length Tpr caused a dramatic accumulation of poly(A)+ RNA within the nucleus. Similar results were observed with domains that localized to the NPC and the nuclear interior. In contrast, expression of these proteins did not appear to affect nuclear import. These data are consistent with a model in which Tpr is tethered to intranuclear filaments of the NPC by its coiled coil domain leaving the acidic COOH terminus free to interact with soluble transport factors and mediate export of macromolecules from the nucleus.  相似文献   

Replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in non-dividing cells depends critically on import of the viral preintegration complex into the nucleus. Recent evidence suggests that viral protein R (Vpr) plays a key regulatory role in this process by binding to karyopherin alpha, a cellular receptor for nuclear localization signals, and increasing its affinity for the nuclear localization signals. An in vitro binding assay was used to investigate the role of Vpr in docking of the HIV-1 preintegration complex (PIC) to the nuclear pore complex. Mutant HIV-1 PICs that lack Vpr were impaired in the ability to dock to isolated nuclei and recombinant nucleoporins. Although Vpr by itself associated with nucleoporins, the docking of Vpr+ PICs was dependent on karyopherin beta and was blocked by antibodies to beta. Vpr stabilized docking by preventing nucleoporin-stimulated dissociation of the import complex. These results suggest a biochemical mechanism for Vpr function in transport of the HIV-1 genome across the nuclear pore complex.  相似文献   

Proteins to be transported into the nucleus are recognized by members of the importin-karyopherin nuclear transport receptor family. After docking at the nuclear pore complex (NPC), the cargo-receptor complex moves through the aqueous pore channel. Once cargo is released, the importin then moves back through the channel for new rounds of transport. Thus, importin and exportin, another member of this family involved in export, are thought to continuously shuttle between the nuclear interior and the cytoplasm. In order to understand how nuclear transporters traverse the NPC, we constructed functional protein fusions between several members of the yeast importin family, including Pse1p, Sxm1p, Xpo1p, and Kap95p, and the green fluorescent protein (GFP). Complexes containing nuclear transporters were isolated by using highly specific anti-GFP antibodies. Pse1-GFP was studied in the most detail. Pse1-GFP is in a complex with importin-alpha and -beta (Srp1p and Kap95p in yeast cells) that is sensitive to the nucleotide-bound state of the Ran GTPase. In addition, Pse1p associates with the nucleoporins Nsp1p, Nup159p, and Nup116p, while Sxm1p, Xpo1p, and Kap95p show different patterns of interaction with nucleoporins. Association of Pse1p with nucleoporins also depends on the nucleotide-bound state of Ran; when Ran is in the GTP-bound state, the nucleoporin association is lost. A mutant form of Pse1p that does not bind Ran also fails to interact with nucleoporins. These data indicate that transport receptors such as Pse1p interact in a Ran-dependent manner with certain nucleoporins. These nucleoporins may represent major docking sites for Pse1p as it moves in or out of the nucleus via the NPC.  相似文献   

We have identified a specific karyopherin docking complex within the yeast nuclear pore complex (NPC) that contains two novel, structurally related nucleoporins, Nup53p and Nup59p, and the NPC core protein Nup170p. This complex was affinity purified from cells expressing a functional Nup53p-protein A chimera. The localization of Nup53p, Nup59p, and Nup170p within the NPC by immunoelectron microscopy suggests that the Nup53p-containing complex is positioned on both the cytoplasmic and nucleoplasmic faces of the NPC core. In association with the isolated complex, we have also identified the nuclear transport factor Kap121p (Pse1p). Using in vitro binding assays, we showed that each of the nucleoporins interacts with one another. However, the association of Kap121p with the complex is mediated by its interaction with Nup53p. Moreover, Kap121p is the only beta-type karyopherin that binds Nup53p suggesting that Nup53p acts as a specific Kap121p docking site. Kap121p can be released from Nup53p by the GTP bound form of the small GTPase Ran. The physiological relevance of the interaction between Nup53p and Kap121p was further underscored by the observation that NUP53 mutations alter the subcellular distribution of Kap121p and the Kap121p- mediated import of a ribosomal L25 reporter protein. Interestingly, Nup53p is specifically phosphorylated during mitosis. This phenomenon is correlated with a transient decrease in perinuclear-associated Kap121p.  相似文献   

Three factors have been identified that reconstitute nuclear protein import in a permeabilized cell assay: the NLS receptor, p97, and Ran/TC4. Ran/TC4, in turn, interacts with a number of proteins that are involved in the regulation of GTP hydrolysis or are components of the nuclear pore. Two Ran-binding proteins, RanBP1 and RanBP2, form discrete complexes with p97 as demonstrated by immunoadsorption from HeLa cell extracts fractionated by gel filtration chromatography. A > 400-kD complex contains p97, Ran, and RanBP2. Another complex of 150-300 kD was comprised of p97, Ran, and RanBP1. This second trimeric complex could be reconstituted from recombinant proteins. In solution binding assays, Ran-GTP bound p97 with high affinity, but the binding of Ran-GDP to p97 was undetectable. The addition of RanBP1 with Ran-GDP or Ran-GTP increased the affinity of both forms of Ran for p97 to the same level. Binding of Ran-GTP to p97 dissociated p97 from immobilized NLS receptor while the Ran-GDP/RanBP1/p97 complex did not dissociate from the receptor. In a digitonin-permeabilized cell docking assay, RanBP1 stabilizes the receptor complex against temperature-dependent release from the pore. When added to an import assay with recombinant NLS receptor, p97 and Ran-GDP, RanBP1 significantly stimulates transport. These results suggest that RanBP1 promotes both the docking and translocation steps in nuclear protein import by stabilizing the interaction of Ran-GDP with p97.  相似文献   

During nuclear import, cytosolic transport factors move through the nuclear pore complex (NPC) to the nuclear compartment. Kap95p is required during import for docking the nuclear localization signal-receptor and ligand to the NPC. Recycling of this factor back to the cytoplasm is necessary for continued rounds of import; however, the mechanism for Kap95p recycling is unknown. We have determined that recycling of Kap95p requires a nuclear export signal (NES). A region containing the NES in Kap95p was sufficient to mediate active nuclear export in a microinjection assay. Moreover, the NES was necessary for function. Mutation of the NES in Kap95p resulted in a temperaturesensitive import mutant, and immunofluorescence microscopy experiments showed that the mutated Kap95p was not recycled but instead localized in the nucleus and at the nuclear envelope. Srp1p, the yeast nuclear localization signal-receptor, also accumulated in the nuclei of the arrested kap95 mutant cells. Wild-type and NES-mutated Kap95p both bound Gsp1p (the yeast Ran/TC4 homologue), Srp1p, and the FXFG repeat region of the nucleoporin Nup1p. In contrast, the NES mutation abolished Kap95p interaction with the GLFG repeat regions from the nucleoporins Nup116p and Nup100p. In vivo interaction was demonstrated by isolation of Kap95p from yeast nuclear lysates in either protein A-tagged Nup116p or protein A-tagged Nup100p complexes. The protein A-tagged Nup116p complex also specifically contained Gle2p. These results support a model in which a step in the recycling of Kap95p is mediated by interaction of an NES with GLFG regions. Analysis of genetic interactions suggests Nup116p has a primary role in Kap95p recycling, with Nup100p compensating in the absence of Nup116p. This finding highlights an important role for a subfamily of GLFG nucleoporins in nuclear export processes.  相似文献   

The long history of measurement in psychology was dramatically changed in the early 1960s when the role of measurement as a gate keeper to the rewards of American society achieved national attention. Since that time in the employment context, the U.S. Congress, state and city legislatures, and the courts have had strong roles in determining the future course of measurement. Debates in many circles continue to this day. Because of the results of a large amount of research focused on issues such as possible differential prediction and validity of tests for various societal groups, the focus of the debates has changed. The current issues are (a) alteration of test scores to achieve results consistent with some social policies, (b) accommodation of testing conditions for persons with disabilities, (c) limitations on the use of personality inventories in employee selection, and (d) substitution of alternate selection procedures for standardized tests. All of these issues have different bases in psychological research and present different problems. Particularly when the civil rights policies of the last 30 years are being challenged, psychologists must be even more diligent in efforts to ensure that policy deliberations are informed by sound research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Bidirectional movement of proteins and RNAs across the nuclear envelope requires Ran, a Ras-like GTPase. A genetic screen of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was performed to isolate conditional alleles of GSP1, a gene that encodes a homolog of Ran. Two temperature-sensitive alleles, gsp1-1 and gsp1-2, were isolated. The mutations in these two alleles map to regions that are structurally conserved between different members of the Ras family. Each mutant strain exhibits various nuclear transport defects. Both biochemical and genetic experiments indicate a decreased interaction between Ntf2p, a factor which is required for protein import, and the mutant GSP1 gene products. Overexpression of NTF2 can suppress the temperature sensitive phenotype of gsp1-1 and gsp1-2 and partially rescue nuclear transport defects. However, overexpression of a mutant allele of NTF2 with decreased binding to Gsp1p cannot rescue the temperature sensitivity of gsp1-1 and gsp1-2. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the interaction between Gsp1p and Ntf2p is critical for nuclear transport.  相似文献   

Gcd10p and Gcd14p are essential proteins required for the initiation of protein synthesis and translational repression of GCN4 mRNA. The phenotypes of gcd10 mutants were suppressed by high-copy-number IMT genes, encoding initiator methionyl tRNA (tRNAiMet), or LHP1, encoding the yeast homolog of the human La autoantigen. The gcd10-504 mutation led to a reduction in steady-state levels of mature tRNAiMet, attributable to increased turnover rather than decreased synthesis of pre-tRNAiMet. Remarkably, the lethality of a GCD10 deletion was suppressed by high-copy-number IMT4, indicating that its role in expression of mature tRNAiMet is the essential function of Gcd10p. A gcd14-2 mutant also showed reduced amounts of mature tRNAiMet, but in addition, displayed a defect in pre-tRNAiMet processing. Gcd10p and Gcd14p were found to be subunits of a protein complex with prominent nuclear localization, suggesting a direct role in tRNAiMet maturation. The chromatographic behavior of elongator and initiator tRNAMet on a RPC-5 column indicated that both species are altered structurally in gcd10Delta cells, and analysis of base modifications revealed that 1-methyladenosine (m1A) is undetectable in gcd10Delta tRNA. Interestingly, gcd10 and gcd14 mutations had no effect on processing or accumulation of elongator tRNAMet, which also contains m1A at position 58, suggesting a unique requirement for this base modification in initiator maturation.  相似文献   

Human p53 was expressed in E. coli, purified, labeled with fluorescein iodoacetamide (IAF) and characterized for sequence-specific DNA binding and epitope disposition. Injected into the cytoplasm or nuclei of 3T3 cells IAF-p53 was imported into or exported from nuclei within minutes. Import was inhibited by coinjection of the lectin wheat germ agglutinine (WGA). In contrast, the peptide-protein conjugate NLS-HSA carrying the nuclear localization sequence (NLS) of the SV40 T antigen was only imported but not exported. 3T3 polykaryons were injected with IAF-p53 and photo-bleached by Scanning Microphotolysis in such a manner that only a single nucleus per polykaryon remained non-bleached. IAF-p53 was found to migrate rapidly (halftime 10 min) from non-bleached into bleached nuclei, while NLS-HSA did not. In digitonin permeabilized cells IAF-p53 was imported into nuclei. When removed from the medium after nuclear accumulation IAF-p53 was exported from the nuclei. Nuclear import and export of IAF-p53 both were rapid (halftimes of a few minutes, 22 C) and strongly inhibited by WGA or incubation on ice. NLS-HSA was only imported but not exported. We conclude that the nucleocytoplasmic transport of p53, in contrast to that of NLS-HSA, is bidirectional and that transport in both directions is carrier mediated and energy dependent. These results suggest that p53 contains nuclear export signals (NES) in addition to import signals (NLS) and thus open new views on the potential regulation of p53 cellular fractions.  相似文献   

The location of origins of DNA replication within the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome is primarily determined by the origin recognition complex (ORC) interacting with specific DNA sequences. The analogous situation in vertebrate cells is far less clear, although ORC subunits have been identified in several vertebrate organisms including Xenopus laevis. Monoclonal antibodies were raised against Xenopus Orc1p and used for single-step immunoaffinity purification of the entire ORC from an egg extract. Six polypeptides ( approximately 110, 68, 64, 48, 43, and 27 kDa) copurified with Xenopus Orc1p. Protein sequencing also showed the 64-kDa protein to be the previously identified Xenopus Orc2p. Microsequencing of the 43- and 48-kDa proteins that copurified with Orc1p and Orc2p led to their identification as the Orc4p and Orc5p subunits, respectively. Peptide sequences from the 43-kDa protein also allowed the isolation of cDNAs encoding the Xenopus, mouse, and human ORC4 subunits. Human ORC5 was also cloned; its sequence displayed extensive homology to both Drosophila and yeast ORC5. Surprisingly, comparison of the amino acid sequences of Orc1p, Orc4p, and Orc5p suggests that they are structurally related to each other and to the replication initiation protein, Cdc6p. Finally, we present the sequence of the putative Xenopus and human Orc3p.  相似文献   

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