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一、雷电火灾发生频繁,损失严重。雷电或说雷击引发的火灾事故,我们在此称为“雷电火灾”。雷电火灾在我国或世界各地出现都比较频繁,给有限资源和人民生命财产都造成了严重的损失。在此略举几侧.一方面是为了说明雷电火灾灾情的严重性,另一方面也为我们分析雷电火灾的成因和寻找预防对策提供依据:  相似文献   

干燥的季节常有的担心就是可能发生火灾危险,这个季节也是旅游季节。许多人对于森林火灾总是有一些奇怪的念头。很少有几人认识到火灾是极易引发,并且他们总是估计用价值多少美元的木材来估计造成的损失。他们想象着危险的大火就是燃烧着的树林纷纷四处倒下,就像电影里经常所描写的。一个随意丢弃的还燃着的烟头或火柴就有可能引发一场火灾,并且在我们这地区,损失并不是根据木头来计算的,损失必须用其他几方面共同估计。比如损失中包括的美丽的景色、动物;最糟的是湿度保持的损失,湿度一直是溪水的源泉并使之保持水流不断。山区的一…  相似文献   

春季是火灾的高峰期,也是引发山林火灾的多发期,林木一旦着火,燃烧快、面积大、扑救难、损失重。因此加强对山林火灾的预防和掌握扑救山林火灾的基本方法,对预防山林火灾有着十分重要的意义。一、山林火灾的种类1.地表火在山林火灾中,发生率最高的火灾是覆盖在地面上的杂  相似文献   

介绍几起典型汽车火灾事故调查案例,有电气线路引发的火灾、机油泄漏引发的火灾、外来火源引发的火灾、纵火引发的火灾,通过调查分析得到几点体会。  相似文献   

在交通安全宣传标语中,常常可以看到“车祸猛于虎”这一句话.但我们通常把“车祸”仅仅理解为汽车碰撞、翻车等事故.殊不知汽车火灾已成为交通事故中的“另类杀手”.其造成的损失比一般交通事故甚至更为惨重。而且随着家庭汽车拥有量的不断增多.汽车火灾的发生率也越来越高。  相似文献   

火灾基本情况 全市共发生火灾356起,死亡5人,受伤6人,直接损失81.8万元。与去年同期相比,火灾次数下降28.5%,死亡人数增加1.5倍,伤人数下降40.0%,直接损失下降24.1%。本月未发生重大、特大火灾事故。本月火灾特点:厂房类火灾发展较平衡;居(村)民住宅火灾中人员死伤严重;一般单位、三小单位火灾较多;车辆火灾仍较突出;火灾中外来人员伤亡所占比重大。消防部门重要提示 随着市场经济的不断发展,汽车行业的发展非常迅速。汽车的增多虽然给人们的出行带来了极大方便,但稍有不慎也会带来灾难。在此,…  相似文献   

据统计,1997年我国电气火灾发生次数占火灾总次数的26.5%,造成的损失为总损失的43.9%。1998年相应比例为27.5%和37.3%,随着时间发展,电气火灾的发生次数以及所造成的损失均属各类火灾之首,据分析,其中由线路引发的占电气火灾的一半之多,所以合理地选择电缆是避免电气火灾或即使发生火灾也能可靠保证消防设备供电的连续性,进而尽早灭火,减少损失的重要环节。  相似文献   

杨坤  杨世民 《山东消防》2002,(10):17-17
近年来,汽车自燃事故发生率的成倍增长,给社会和人民的财产造成了很大的损失。通过对近几年来多起汽车自燃事故的原因分析,我们可以发现:一、高温湿热季节是火灾发生的高峰期。在高温湿热的天气,汽车内各处零部件的热量得不到及时的散发,整个车内的温度较高。较高的温度加速了电源线绝缘胶皮的老化;同时较高的湿度,又非常有利于电源线破损处对外放电现象的发生,这种短路状态产生的热量就会导致线路起火,进而引发火灾。从多起汽车自燃事故中发现,已经使用3~4年,电源线路已部分老化的旧车最易出现这种情况。二、车辆漏油。橡胶套…  相似文献   

介绍汽车燃烧热辐射理论和烟气辐射理论。建立基于汽车燃烧热辐射和烟气辐射的受限空间内汽车间引燃模型,讨论不同火源位置对背负式列车车厢火灾热释放速率的影响。针对凹底双层(SQ6型)背负式列车的车型结构,设计火灾热释放速率理论计算模型。车厢内下层汽车横向引燃仅需考虑着火汽车的辐射作用,上层汽车引燃需要同时考虑热烟辐射作用。针对SQ6型背负式列车,绘制不同火源位置下汽车燃烧的热释放速率曲线。研究结果表明:背负式列车火灾最大热释放速率约为11 MW,且下层汽车燃烧引发的火灾的最大热释放速率大于上层相同位置的汽车火灾,位于中部汽车燃烧引发的火灾的最大热释放速率值大于车厢端部汽车引发的火灾。  相似文献   

阐述了近年来汽车火灾造成的损失,分析了国内外对于汽车火灾开展的实验研究工作,指出目前国内外学者着重于汽车火灾发生后且达到一定破坏能力时的火灾特性研究。提出汽车火灾探测研究的发展趋势,强调分析汽车火灾发生原因机理的重要性,并从电气系统、油路系统、排气系统几方面分析汽车或者发生原因。  相似文献   

介绍了因发动机进水导致的车辆火灾,包括乘用车及专用车火灾的火灾调查分析过程。分析认为,此类火灾直接起火原因为发动机缸体破损机油泄漏被烤燃,根本原因为发动机进水后吸入气缸,高温气化的水蒸气积存于活塞顶部空间,导致连杆弯曲断裂,打破气缸体。在此基础上总结出涉水车辆火灾的特点和调查方法。  相似文献   

Many tunnels are equipped with longitudinal ventilation systems to control smoke in the event of a fire. However, the influence of such ventilation on fire development and fire spread has rarely been considered. This paper presents the results of a study investigating the influence of forced longitudinal ventilation on car fires, pool fires and heavy goods vehicle fires in tunnels. A Bayesian probabilistic approach is used to refine estimates, made by a panel of experts, with data from experimental fire tests in tunnels. Results are presented and the implications are discussed. The influence of longitudinal ventilation on heavy goods vehicle fires is predicted to be much larger than the experts’ estimates, causing a fire to grow ten times larger than if natural ventilation was used. The effect of ventilation on a pool fire in a tunnel depends on the size of the pool; the heat release rate of small pool fires may be reduced by forced ventilation, whereas it may be enlarged for large pool fires. The size of a car fire is not expected to be greatly affected by forced ventilation at low ventilation velocities.  相似文献   

依据北京市近几年的火灾数据资料,计算出近五年的火灾常量值,并加以对比,从中分析出火灾的六大特点:一是电气火灾多,短路是首因;二是死伤人数同期比增幅较大;三是城乡居民住宅火灾仍居首位;四是机动车火灾上升明显;五是放火案件上升,导致人员伤亡严重;六是违章操作呈上升趋势,且违章焊割占比重较大。并有针对性地提出需重点加强的工作。  相似文献   

The risk of fire in parking buildings is dependant on the probability of a fire occurring and the severity of the fire. This paper reviews the research data available on vehicle fires and suggests the severity of such a fire for a risk analysis. The paper then examines the historical data for vehicle fires in New Zealand parking buildings from 1995 to 2003 to determine the probability of the occurrence of such fires and the likelihood of multiple vehicle involvement. It is found that annual vehicle fire frequencies in parking buildings are generally lower than those in buildings of other occupancies but increases with the annual usage ratio.  相似文献   

Risk factors for fatal residential fires   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Residential fires are the most important cause of fire-related mortality in the United States. Previous research has concentrated on fatal fires in urban areas; considerably less is known about fatal fires in rural areas.We studied fatal and nonfatal residential fires in predominantly rural areas. Using a casecontrol design, we compared all 151 fatal fires (cases) in single-family dwellings in North Carolina during a 13-month period with a sample of nonfatal fires (controls). Case fires were identified through the medical-examiner system, and control fires that occurred within a few weeks of the case fires were chosen from the records of randomly selected fire departments statewide. For each fire, fire officials were interviewed about the dwelling, the fire, the people involved, and the fire-response system.Although heating incidents were the leading cause of fires, fatal fires were more likely to have been caused by smoking (31% of fatal fires vs. 6% of nonfatal fires). Mobile homes posed a higher risk of death if a fire occurred (odds ratio, 1.7; 95% confidence interval, 1.1 to 2.6), as did the absence of a smoke detector (odds ratio, 3.4; 95% confidence interval, 2.1 to 5.6). Smoke detectors were more protective against death in fires involving young children and when no one present was impaired by alcohol or drugs or had a physical or mental disability. The presence of an alcohol-impaired person was the strongest independent risk factor for death in the case of a fire (odds ratio, 7.5; 95% confidence interval, 4.4 to 12.7).In conclusion, residential fires are most likely to be caused by heating equipment or smoking materials. The risk of death is greatest in fires in mobile homes, in those involving alcoholimpaired persons, and in those in houses without smoke detectors. Reprinted with permission from The New England Journal of Medicine, 1992 Sep 17, 327 (12), pp. 859–863.  相似文献   

《Fire Safety Journal》2001,36(6):569-596
Many tunnels are equipped with longitudinal ventilation systems to control smoke in the event of a fire. However, the influence of such ventilation on fire development and fire spread has rarely been considered. This paper presents the results of a study using a Bayesian methodology to estimate the effect of forced longitudinal ventilation on heat release rate (HRR) for fires in tunnels. The behaviour of car and heavy goods vehicle (HGV) fires with a range of forced ventilation velocities is investigated. Results are presented and the implications are discussed. It has been found that forced ventilation has a great enhancing effect on the HRR of HGV fires, but has little effect on the HRR of car fires.  相似文献   

孙沛 《今日消防》2022,7(1):139-141
近年来,随着社会经济的快速发展,城市化进程的步伐不断加快,火灾的发生概率也呈现出了上升的趋势。火灾因素较多,还有很多是我们无法预知和不能控制的,所以,要想把火灾造成的负面影响降到最低,就要积极开展防火监督工作,它是防范火灾的关键渠道,可以在很大程度上降低火灾事故发生的概率,对保护我国居民的人身和财产安全有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

结合近年来河南发生的几起典型电动车亡人火灾案例,分析总结了电动车火灾规律和发展趋势,深入剖析了电动车起火原因及造成亡人火灾事故的原因,并通过对电动车行业发展现状的调研,提出预防电动车火灾和减少由此造成的亡人火灾事故的对策。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate whether current statistics can quantify the benefits of fire brigades. A detailed investigation by the London Fire Brigade of most fires in the greater London area has been underway since 1994. The present study concerns 307 fires in non-residential buildings between 1994 and 1997. Times to detection, to arrival of the fire brigade, and to extinguishment of the fire, as well as the process of extinguishing it, are compared to the final property damage caused by the fire. In half of the fires, the final fire area equals the area at detection, and in three-quarters of the fires, the final fire area equals the fire area when the fire brigade arrived. No support was obtained for the hypothesis that the period between ignition and the time the fire brigade intervened correlates with fire area. However, the hypothesis is supported for fires still spreading when the brigade arrives. Both water flow rate for extinguishing a fire and water application time are proportional to the square root of the fire area. Total water demand is proportional to the fire area.  相似文献   

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