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The objective of this study was to investigate the performance of the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor as the pretreatment system for silk-dyeing wastewater. Two laboratory-scale UASB reactors, with working volume of 15.59 I, were used during May 1998 to June 1999. The actual wastewater was diluted to reduce ammonium ion toxicity on anaerobic bacteria. The experiments were conducted at the organic loading rates (OLRs) of 0.52, 1.01, 1.04, 1.54 and 2.56 kgCOD/(m3 x d), treating only wastewater generated from the acid-dye process of mixed-species raw silk. It took approximately 4 1/2 months to reach the steady-state conditions. It was found that the COD removal was in the ranges of 74.1-85.3%, except at OLR 2.56 kgCOD/(m3 x d) where efficiency significantly dropped to 55.2%. The apparent color removal was in the similar trend as COD. During the study periods, wastewater input had various color shades while the effluent generally looked pale yellowish. The methane generation rates ranged from 0.18-0.31 m3/kg COD removed, with methane composition 81.0-88.1% in biogas. The average granule size in the sludge bed had slowly increased to 0.73 mm in the last experiment. It can be concluded that the UASB reactor is suitable as a pretreatment system for silk-dyeing wastewater. An OLR of 1 kgCOD/(m3 x d) and an influent concentration diluted to 2,600 mgCOD/l are suggested while COD and apparent color removal efficiency of 80% and 70%, respectively, can be expected.  相似文献   

A "fourth generation" down-flow hanging sponge (DHS) Reactor has been developed and proposed as an improved variant of post-treatment system for UASB treating domestic wastewater. This paper evaluates the potential of the proposed combination of UASB and DHS as a sewage treatment system, especially for developing countries. A pilot-scale UASB (1.15 m3) and DHS (0.38 m3; volume of sponge) was installed in a municipal sewage treatment site and constantly monitored for 2 years. UASB was operated at an HRT of 6 h corresponding to an organic load of 2.15 kg-COD/m3 per day. Subsequently, the organic load in DHS was 2.35 kg-COD/m3 per day, operated at an HRT of 2 h. Organic removal by the whole system was satisfactory, accomplishing 96% of unfiltered BOD removal and 91% of unfiltered COD removal. However, nitrification decreased from 56% during the startup period to 28% afterwards. Investigation on DHS sludge was made by quantifying it and evaluating oxygen uptake rates with various substrates. Average concentration of trapped biomass was 26 g-VSS/L of sponge volume, increasing the SRT of the system to 100-125 d. Removal of coliforms obtained was 3-4 log10 with the final count of 10(3) to 10(4) MPN/100 ml in DHS effluent.  相似文献   

Reetha (Sapindus trifoliata) seed extract and Chitosan were used as additives in the sludge bed of a UASB reactor treating low strength wastewater to enhance granulation. Five parallel laboratory scale UASB reactors were operated for 250 days with synthetic wastewater feed containing COD in the range of 600-800 mg/L. The reactors were seeded with spent sludge from a full-scale 5MLD UASB treatment plant at Jajmau, Kanpur, India. The seed sludge contained little or no granules. Different additives in the five reactors were as follows: control with no additive, cationic part of Reetha extract as additive, anionic part of Reetha extract as additive, bulk Reetha extract as additive and Chitosan as additive. The granulation rapidly increased in all the reactors beyond the 90th day of operation. The mean granule sizes as well as the fraction of granular sludge (particle size > or = 100 microm) were more in the presence of some of the additives compared to the control reactor. Chitosan significantly enhanced granulation followed by the cationic and anionic fractions of the Reetha extract. The bulk Reetha extract did not show enhancement of granulation. The ESEM/EDAX results showed that the bigger granules (3-4 mm) had porous structure and appeared as conglomerates of smaller granules.  相似文献   

对UASB反应器在中温下处理VC废水的工艺流程和设备进行了合理的改进,在容积为300 m3的UASB反应器中,以出水回流与高浓度废水混合稀释降低进水CODCr.生产运行效果表明,该工艺提高了进水的总碱度,同时控制反应器水力负荷,提高了反应器的处理能力,并节省了调节pH的用碱量约2 t/d和稀释水约230 m3/d.  相似文献   

Wastewater reuse in arid regions is important for the production of a water resource to be utilised for non-potable purposes and to prevent the environmental transmission of disease-causing agents. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of water quality on the comparative disinfection efficiency of viruses, bacteria and spores by UV irradiation. Furthermore, the microbial quality of effluent produced by coagulation, high rate filtration (HRF) and either UV irradiation or chlorination was determined. Using low pressure collimated beam, a UV dose of 80 mWs/cm2 was needed to achieve a 3-log10 inactivation of either rotavirus SA-11 or coliphage MS2, whereas over 5-log10 inactivation of E. coli was reached with a dose of only 20 mWs/cm2. B. subtilis inactivation was found to be linear up to a dose of 40 mWs/cm2 and then a tailing up to a UV dose of 120 mWs/cm2 was observed. It is worth noting that effluent turbidity of < 5 NTU did not influence the inactivation efficiency of UV irradiation. Operation of a pilot plant to treat secondary effluent by coagulation, HRF and UV disinfection at a UV dose of 80 mWs/cm2 resulted in the production of high quality effluent in compliance with the Israel standards for unrestricted irrigation (< 10 CFU/100 mL faecal coliform and turbidity of < 5 NTU). Sulphite reducing clostridia (SRC) were found to be more resistant than coliphages and F coliform for UV irradiation. The results of this study indicated that UV disinfection is suitable for the production of effluents for unrestricted irrigation of food crops.  相似文献   

An upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB)-submerged aerated biofilter (SAB) system that treats effluents from a jeans factory was evaluated. The 210-day operational period was divided into three phases (PI, PII and PIII), each with a different hydraulic retention time (HRT in h) and organic loading rate (OLR in kg COD/m3.d). In PI, the best performance was achieved using the UASB (HRT 24, OLR 1.3) with COD and color removal efficiencies of 59 and 64%, respectively; the corresponding values were 77 and 86% for the final effluent. In PII, the efficiencies were 50 and 55% using the UASB (HRT 16, OLR 1.2), respectively, and 69 and 81% for the final system effluent, respectively. In PIII, the UASB (HRT 12 and ORL 3.2) showed the poorest performance; the efficiencies decreased to 48 and 50%, respectively. The same phenomenon occurred in the system with corresponding efficiencies decreasing to 69 and 61%. Throughout the experiment, the system removal efficiencies were between 57 and 88% for nitrogen and between 14 and 63% for sulfate. The final effluent showed relatively non-toxicity or moderate toxicity using Daphnia magna as an indicator. Therefore, the overall results showed that the use of a sequential anaerobic-aerobic system is promising for treatment of textile industrial wastewater.  相似文献   

The performance of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and a hybrid UASB-filter reactor was investigated and compared for the treatment of domestic wastewater at different operational temperatures (28, 20, 14 and 10 degrees C) and loading rates. For each temperature studied a constant CODt removal was observed as long as the upflow velocity was lower than 0.35 m/h. At these upflow velocities similar removals were observed for both reactor types at 28 and 20 degrees C, 82 and 72% respectively. However, at 14 and 10 degrees C the UASB reactor showed a better COD removal (70% and 48%, respectively) than the hybrid reactor (60% and 38%). COD removal resulted from biological degradation and solids accumulation in the reactors. At 28 degrees C, a constant 200 g sludge mass was observed in both reactors and COD removal was attributed to biological degradation only. At lower temperatures, solids accumulation was observed in addition to biological degradation with an increase in reactor sludge as the temperature decreased. The decrease in biological degradation at lower temperatures was offset by solids accumulation and explains the similar overall COD removal efficiency observed at 28 degrees C, 20 degrees C and 14 degrees C. The decrease in temperature was also followed by an increase in the effluent TSS concentration in both reactors. At 14 and 10 degrees C a lower effluent TSS concentration and better performance was observed in the UASB reactor.  相似文献   

Water reuse for landscape irrigation requires the production of high quality virus-free effluents to minimize risk for human health. In order to establish the relevance of MS2 phages as an appropriate biodosimeter for UV design, a pilot plant study has been carried out with different types of wastewater effluents. The two pilot systems tested (low-pressure high output and medium-pressure UV units) were able to achieve 4 and 5 log MS2 reduction in tertiary filtered effluent at high calculated UV doses of 170 _ 10 and 300 mJ/cm2, respectively. UV disinfection was extremely efficient for MS2 inactivation in high quality effluents after reverse osmosis: detention times as low as one second and UV dose of 40 mJ/cm2 were sufficient to reach 5 log inactivation of MS2. UV irradiation also produced rapid inactivation of human pathogens such as poliovirus type 1 and indigenous enteroviruses at UV doses up to 3 times lower that those for MS2 disinfection. It was concluded that accurate UV unit design for a given type of wastewater could be ensured by pilot tests using laboratory-propagated MS2 as biodosimeter and collimated-beam tests as the calibration-check.  相似文献   

An Imhoff tank was reconstructed into a 250 m3 UASB reactor in order to treat a malting plant wastewater. The UASB was inoculated with sludge from an anaerobic lagoon used for slaughterhouse wastewater treatment. After two months of operation the reactor achieved full load with an HRT of 17 h, a COD removal higher than 80% and a biogas production of 300 m3/day (77% average methane content), with an organic loading rate of 3.6 kgCOD/m3.d (0.24 kgCOD/kgVSS.d). A yield coefficient of 0.09 gVSS/gCODrem was found from a mass balance. The fat present in the inoculated sludge (48 mg/gSSV) did not affect the start up performance. Sludge from the inoculum with high content of fat (270 mg/gSSV), was separated by flotation in the first week of operation. The COD removal efficiency was scarcely influenced by the reactor operation temperature (17-25 degrees C).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to verify the efficiency of removal of microorganisms in effluents of a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) comprising an association of a UASB reactor followed by three submerged aerated biofilters (BAF) and one tertiary filter. The WWTP designed to treat domestic wastewater from a population of 1,000 inhabitants showed high removal efficiency for organic matter and suspended solids. Helminth eggs were also efficiently removed from the tertiary effluent and were found in the sludge from the UASB reactor; however, removal of bacteria in this system was very low. To enhance the efficiency of the system, the effluent from tertiary filters was submitted to UV disinfection in a real scale reactor. Our results showed that UV irradiation was very effective at lowering the concentrations of E. coli, thermotolerant coliforms and coliphages to acceptable levels for agricultural reuse. Salmonella spp. and helminth eggs were seeded into the tertiary effluent before passing through the UV reactor. Salmonella was not found in the final effluent, but helminth eggs were not completely inactivated by UV irradiation and viable eggs were detected after 28 d of incubation.  相似文献   

在介绍南宁某污水处理厂的紫外线消毒系统基础上,对其处理效果和运行成本进行了分析.生产运行表明该技术运行成本低、处理效果稳定,处理出水满足景观用水和下游补水需求.  相似文献   

As part of an expansion to an average flow of 45.9 million gallons per day (174 mld), the Ypsilanti Community Utilities Authority wastewater treatment plant in the State of Michigan, USA, elected to install ultraviolet disinfection as a replacement for the existing chlorination process. This paper presents a unique methodology used in selecting the best system based on not only the life cycle costs, and O & M considerations but also the participation of the stakeholders. The Team members consisted of representatives of all departments at the Authority, and these Team members made the decision. The Team evaluated all criteria in the office, which was followed by verification at selected sites with similar types of equipment. The selected equipment then was pilot tested for validation of the dose-kill relationship under normal operation and also under reduced irradiation conditions. A low-pressure, high intensity system was selected, based on life-cycle cost, reliability, safety, and ease of operation. This paper describes the unique methodologies used in making that decision. The full-scale system is scheduled for start-up in Spring 2003.  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂设计进水水质确定和出水水质评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周克钊  周敉 《给水排水》2006,32(9):26-30
以广州市各污水处理厂的进出水水质的实测数据为例,通过概率分析,进行了城市污水处理厂设计进水水质确定和出水水质评价的尝试。这些实测数据,经过适当变换,可以与标准正态分布曲线良好符合,说明它们基本遵从正态分布规律,并更加遵从对数正态分布规律。按照保证概率确定了该地区或类似地区的城市污水处理厂的设计进水水质,并利用达标概率评价了广州市各污水处理厂的出水水质。  相似文献   

This study aimed at determining the influence of ammonia volatilization on nitrogen removal in polishing (maturation) ponds treating sanitary effluent from upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. An apparatus for the capture and absorption of volatilized ammonia in three polishing ponds in series was installed. Volatilized ammonia was captured by a chamber on the surface of the ponds and dissolved in boric acid solution, in order to estimate the amount of ammonia per unit surface area of each pond. Low rates of volatilization, below 0.2 kg/ha.d, in about 75% of samples from all the ponds, were observed. The mass balance of ammonia nitrogen of the ponds showed that the volatilization represented only about 2% of the total removal of nitrogen from the polishing ponds. The results obtained suggest that ammonia volatilization was a mechanism of little importance in nitrogen removal in the investigated polishing ponds.  相似文献   

A pilot-scale multi-staged UASB (MS-UASB) reactor with a working volume of 2.5 m3 was operated for thermophilic (55 degrees C) treatment of an alcohol distillery wastewater for a period of over 600 days. The reactor steadily achieved a super-high rate COD removal, that is, 60 kgCOD m(-3) d(-1) with over 80% COD removal. However, when higher organic loading rates were further imposed upon the reactor, that is, above 90 kgCOD m(-3) d(-1) for barely-based alcohol distillery wastewater (ADWW) and above 100 kgCOD m(-3) d(-1) for sweet potato-based ADWW, the reactor performance somewhat deteriorated to 60 and 70% COD removal, respectively. Methanogenic activity (MA) of the retained sludge in the thermophilic MS-UASB reactor was assessed along the time course of continuous run by serum-vial test using different substrates as a vial sole substrate. With the elapsed time of continuous run, hydrogen-utilizing MA, acetate-utilizing MA and propionate-fed MA increased at maximum of 13.2, 1.95 and 0.263 kgCOD kgVSS(-1) d(-1), respectively, indicating that propionate-fed MA attained only 1/50 of hydrogen-utilizing MA and 1/7 of acetate-utilizing MA. Since the ADWW applied herewith is a typical seasonal campaign wastewater, the influence of shut-down upon the decline in sludge MA was also investigated. Hydrogen-utilizing MA and acetate-utilizing MA decreased slightly by 3/4, during a month of non-feeding period, whereas propionate-fed MA were decreased significantly by 1/5. Relatively low values of propionate-fed MA and its vulnerability to adverse conditions suggests that the propionate degradation step is the most critical bottleneck of overall anaerobic degradation of organic matters under thermophilic condition.  相似文献   

This work presents the results of the application of an optimally controlled influent flow rate strategy to biodegrade, in a discontinuous reactor, a mixture of municipal wastewater and different concentrations of phenol when used as a toxic compound model. The influent is fed into the reactor in such a way to obtain the maximal degradation rate avoiding the inhibition of the microorganisms. Such an optimal strategy was able to manage increments of phenol concentrations in the influent up to 7000 mg/L without any problem. It was shown that the optimally controlled influent flow rate strategy is a good and reliable tool when a discontinuous reactor is applied to degrade an industrial wastewater.  相似文献   

考察了GAC强化砂滤池预处理对再生水消毒的强化效果及污水处理厂二级出水消毒紫外线剂量与灭活率的关系.结果表明,GAC强化砂滤池对浊度和色度的平均去除率分别为60%和26.5%,对粒径4μm以上颗粒物平均去除率为89.2%,紫外线对总大肠菌群和粪大肠菌群的灭活率分别提高24.5%、23.3%.当紫外线剂量达到13 mJ/cm2时,出水总大肠菌群低于100个/L.试验表明,在再生水消毒工艺中,GAC强化砂滤预处理可明显提高紫外线消毒效果.  相似文献   

The biological elimination of polymeric resins compounds (PRC) such as acrylic acid and their esters, vinyl acetate and styrene under methanogenic and oxygen-limited methanogenesis conditions was evaluated. Two UASB reactors (A and B) were used and the removal of the organic matter was studied in four stages. Reactor A was used as methanogenic control during the study. Initially both reactors were operated under methanogenic conditions. From the second stage reactor B was fed with 0.6 and 1 mg/L.d of oxygen (O2). Reactor A had diminution in chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency from 75+/-4% to 37+/-5%, by the increase of PRC loading rate from 750 to 1125 mg COD/L.d. In this reactor there was no styrene elimination. In reactor B the COD removal efficiency was between 73+/-5% and 80+/-2%, even with the addition of O2 and increase of the PRC loading rate, owing to oxygen being used in the partial oxidation of these compounds. In this reactor the yields were modified from 0.56 to 0.40 for CH4 and from 0.31 to 0.60 for CO2. The O2 in low concentrations increased 40.7% the consumption rates of acrylic acid, methyl acrylate and vinyl acetate, allowing styrene consumption with a rate of 0.103 g/L.d. Batch cultures demonstrated that under methanogenic and oxygen-limited methanogenesis conditions, the glucose was not used as an electron acceptor in the elimination of PRC.  相似文献   

A wastewater containing a mixture of methanol, isopropyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, acetic anhydride, methyl, ethyl and isopropyl acetate, acrylic acid, butyl and methyl acrylate, o, m and p-xylene and styrene was fed to an UASB reactor. Isopropanol addition diminished the removal efficiency to 60% and required a long adaptation time for its total mineralization. When acrylic acid was added to the mixture, the removal dropped to 83% and recovered after 40 days. As for the rest of the substrates, p-m-o-xylene addition had no effect on reactor performance, although in batch assays it showed low mineralization. Also the effect of volumetric organic load on removal efficiency was followed up. After diminishing the HRT to 4 and 3 h yielding 4.8 and 6.5 gCOD L(-1) d(-1), removal efficiencies decreased to 79 and 74% respectively.  相似文献   

采用悬浮填料技术对城镇污水处理厂二级出水进行极限脱氮研究,分析填充比、水温及硝酸盐氮表面负荷等关键因素对悬浮填料技术极限脱氮性能的影响,考察悬浮填料技术极限脱氮效果.结果表明,填料填充比宜控制在35%~50%,当水温23~27 ℃,硝酸盐氮表面负荷可控制为2.5 gNO3--N/(m2·d),HRT为30 min,当水...  相似文献   

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