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In this article, molybdenum particles were plasma sprayed on copper, zirconia, and glass substrates. The impact of the molten
particles was monitored using a fast two-color optical fiber pyrometer focused on a small spot on the substrate surface. The
apparent duration of the flattening process and the cooling speed, both determined from the pyrometer signals, were found
to depend on the substrate conditions and to vary with coating thickness. The substrate material and its roughness were also
found to influence the texture in the sprayed coatings. Furthermore, a transient thermal flow numerical model was used to
compute reliable thermal histories of the impinging particles and the underlying lamellae, the interfacial thermal resistance
being determined by comparison of experimental thermograms with computed ones. 相似文献
The application of optical pyrometry to low- melting- point plasma- sprayed particles can be limited by the plasma light scattered
by the particles themselves. From spectroscopic measurements of the plasma between 650 and 1050 nm and using the Mie scattering
theory, the intensity of scattered light has been determined in the case of nickel particles sprayed using an Ar/He plasma.
The results show that, even in spectral regions between the atomic lines of the plasma gas, the scattered light can be important
compared to the thermal emission of the particles. This scattered light leads to values of measured temperatures, which are
all the more overestimated because the particle temperature is low and the particle/torch distance short. For a 50- Μm nickel
particle at 1550 ‡C, located 10 cm from the torch, the measurement error made with a double wavelength pyrometer is estimated
at 100 ‡C.
This work is based on a presentation made at the 1993 National Thermal Spray Conference, Anaheim, California, USA. 相似文献
Common thermal-spray techniques use the strong acceleration of powder particles to produce dense ceramic coatings with high
bond strength. The residence time of the powder particles within the plasma jet is correspondingly low, and only relatively
small particles can be molten. In this work, on the contrary, an inductively coupled radio-frequency (RF) inductively coupled
plasma (ICP) torch was used to spray large oxide-ceramic powder particles under atmospheric conditions. The slow plasma flow
of a RF plasma leads to large residence times of the powder particles, so that the powder size of the feedstock can be 100
μm and more. It was observed that these particles will not be strongly accelerated in the plasma and that their velocity at
the moment of impact is in the range of 10 to 20 m/s. Ceramic coatings were ICP sprayed with a low porosity and a high bond
strength, similar to direct current (DC) or high-velocity-oxygen-fuel (HVOF) sprayed coatings. The morphology of ICP-sprayed
particles on smooth steel surfaces, as a function of the surface temperature, is described and compared with DC plasma-sprayed
splats. Furthermore, the degree of deformation was measured and determined by different models, and the pronounced contact
zones formed between the pancake and the substrate were investigated. The ICP-sprayed ceramic coatings show some special properties,
such as the absence of metastable crystalline phases, which are common in other spray technologies. 相似文献
L. Blanchi A. Grimaud F. Blein P. Lucchèse P. Fauchais 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》1995,4(1):59-66
Splat size and shape- factor distributions for plasma- sprayed alumina particles on various substrates were studied using
a setup derived from the line- scan test. Direct- current (dc) and radiofrequency (rf) plasma torches were used to study the
influence of particle velocity at impact. The influence of substrate temperature prior to spraying also was studied. Splats
collected on smooth substrates kept below 100 °C were extensively fingered and had poor substrate contact. When the substrates
were heated to 300 °C before spraying, the splats became disk- shaped and their substrate contact was very good. Similar results
were obtained for rough substrates. Coating adhesion decreased with particle velocity and was lower for the dc plasma torch
when using larger particles, which did not melt as well as smaller ones. Melting and adhesion were much improved with the
rf torch. 相似文献
Plasma spraying is one of the most versatile techniques used to form coatings for protection against oxidation, corrosion,
and wear. The plasma spraying is ideally suited for refractory materials, but there are a number of variables that need to
be controlled to obtain dense coatings. In spite of considerable progress made in the theoretical understanding of this complex
process, there is a need for a simple method to evaluate the interaction between the plasma flame and powder particles that
form the coatings. As reported in the literature, this involves metallographic observation of the powders collected from the
plasma. In the present study, the structure and morphology of plasma-sprayed splats are experimentally investigated using
different power levels and spray distances for alumina powder. The results show that the splashing occurs during splatting
of a completely molten droplet. It is found that at higher power levels and shorter spray distances, spreading of molten droplets
improves considerably. 相似文献
The correlation between particle temperature and velocity with the structure of plasma-sprayed zirconia coatings is studied
to determine which parameter most strongly influences the coating structure. The particle temperature and velocity are measured
using an integrated optical monitoring system positioned normal to the spraying axis. The total porosity, angular crack distribution,
and thermal diffusivity are correlated with the particle temperature and velocity. Results show that the temperature of the
sprayed particles has a larger effect on the coating properties than the velocity in the conditions investigated. 相似文献
冷喷涂Cu粒子参量对其碰撞变形行为的影响 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
采用有限元数值计算方法研究了冷喷涂过程中Cu粒子与Cu基体的碰撞变形行为,探讨了粒子速度、温度对其碰撞基体后的变形行为、界面温度变化与粒子和基体的接触面积的影响.结果表明,随粒子碰撞速度的增加,粒子扁平率与碰撞界面温度增加、接触面积增大.证实了存在使碰撞界面发生绝热剪切失稳变形的临界速度,该速度与粒子沉积的临界速度一致.当粒子速度大于产生绝热剪切失稳变形的临界速度时,粒子的变形扁平率显著增加,且界面温度与有效接触界面面积也显著增加;随碰撞前粒子温度的增加,碰撞界面的温度也显著增加.高达粒子材料熔点的界面温度与有效接触面积的显著增加,将有助于粒子与基体之间冶金结合的形成. 相似文献
Martina Di Ferdinando Alessandro Lavacchi Francesca Borgioli Carlo Giolli 《Surface & coatings technology》2010,204(15):2499-5429
Commercial CoNiCrAlY powders with the same chemical composition were sprayed by vacuum plasma spraying (VPS), air plasma spraying (APS) and high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) onto Hastelloy X superalloy substrates obtaining coatings of comparable thickness. After coating, samples were maintained at 1273 K in air for different periods up to 3000 h. Morphological, microstructural and compositional analyses were performed in order to assess the high temperature oxidation resistance provided by the different spraying systems. HVOF technique provided bond coats with higher oxidation resistance compared to APS and VPS. 相似文献
Effect of direct-current plasma fluctuations on in-flight particle parameters: Part II 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper is the continuation of previous work,[1] in which plasma fluctuations were shown to produce significant time-dependent variations in the in-flight particle temperature
and velocity, as well as in the number of detected particles. In this paper, the impact of the plasma fluctuations on the
coating microstructure and deposition efficiency is demonstrated. Alumina coatings and deposition efficiencies, obtained with
two sets of spray conditions showing similar in-flight particle conditions (velocity and temperature) with the DPV-2000 but
displaying very different voltage fluctuations, are compared. The coating produced in the less stable plasma condition (C-I)
is found to be more porous and contains a larger number of unmelted particles than the other coating produced in more steady
plasma conditions (C-II). Moreover, condition C-I yields a significantly lower deposition efficiency. Such large discrepancies
must be traced back to the physical characteristics of the particle jet. Laser illumination of the particle jet is used to
probe particles too cold to be detected by pyrometric means. Cold particles are found in a much larger proportion in C-I than
in C-II. They are ascribed to particles that are injected when the plasma is in a low enthalpy state. Periodic time-dependent
variations in the in-flight characteristics of cold and hot particles, synchronous with the voltage fluctuations, are revealed. 相似文献
A real-time, nonintrusive measurement technique was successfully applied to a Tafa Model 9000 (TAFA Incorporated, Concord, NH) twin wire electric arc thermal spray system to simultaneously measure particle size, velocity, and temperature within the spray plume. Aluminum wire was sprayed with the current varied from 100 to 300 amp, and the gun pressure (air flowrate) varied from 40 to 75 psia. For all cases, the average sizes of the molten aluminum particles along the spray centerline range from 33 to 53 μm. The particles accelerate to peak velocities between 130 and 190 m/s, then decelerate slightly as they travel downstream. The average centerline particle temperature ranges from 2004 to 2056 °C, and the temperature profile remains fairly flat throughout transport to the substrate. A stagnation pressure probe was used to quantify the gas flow regime in the unladen jet. The wires were found to have a pronounced effect on the flow, resulting in a complex three-dimensional flowfield with mixed regions of subsonic and supersonic flow. 相似文献
P. Chraska J. Dubsky B. Kolman J. llavsky J. Forman 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》1992,1(4):301-306
The formation of a plasma-sprayed coating that exhibits predictable properties requires the control of many process variables.
The phase changes that take place during plasma spraying are significant material variables that should be controlled. Several
different materials were deposited in air with a water-stabilized plasma torch (model PAL 160). Usually, air was used as a
carrier gas for the powder; however, argon was also used for some coatings. The injected powders (NiAl, Ni, ZrSiO4-based, Al2O3-based, etc.) as well as the coatings were studied for, among other properties, their structure, particle size, microhardness,
and chemical and phase composition. Phase changes induced by the different cooling rates of molten particles after their impact
on a substrate are illustrated for ZrSiO4. It has also been found that the oxidizing power of the water-stabilized torch is less than previously believed. For example,
coatings produced with nickel powder injected with argon as the carrier gas exhibited almost no oxides. Significant element
redistribution during plasma spraying was demonstrated with a two-phase NiAl feedstock powder. The coating exhibited almost
all the phases that are present in the binary NiAl alloy as well as envelopes of oxides and traces of amorphous phase. 相似文献
The effect of various small-particle plasma spray powder injection parameters on the in situ particle position, velocity,
and temperature is measured for yttria-stabilized zirconia and yttrium-aluminum-garnet powder. Using full-factorial experiments
and multiple regression analysis, carrier gas flow, injector angle, and powder feeder disc speed were found to significantly
affect the particle properties. Temperature and velocity were inversely related; on average, the cooler particles traveled
faster. These properties also correlated to the particle position in the flame, where particles above the centerline of the
flame traveled faster. The trends are discussed on the basis of residence time in the flame, as well as in terms of particle
size segregation effects. Coating density and splat geometry reflect the temperature and velocity differences between the
runs. Slower, hotter particles possessed more intrasplat and intersplat porosity and less splat-substrate contact area, leading
to lower overall coating density. 相似文献
A three-dimensional computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis using Fluent V5.4 was conducted on the in-flight particle behavior
during the plasma spraying process with external injection. The spray process was modeled as a steady jet issuing from the
torch nozzle via the heating of the are gas by an electric are within the nozzle. The stochastic discrete model was used for
the particle distribution. The particle temperature, velocity, and size inside the plasma plume at a specified standoff distance
have been investigated. The results show that carrier gas flow rate variation from 2 standard liters per minute (slm) to 4.0
slm can increase the centerline particle mean temperature and mean velocity by 10% and 16%, respectively, at the specified
standoff distance. A further increase of the carrier gas flow rate to 6 slm did not change the particle temperature, but the
particle velocity was decreased by 20%. It was also found that an increase in the total arc gas flow rate from 52 slm to 61
slm, with all other process parameters unchanged, resulted in a 17% higher particle velocity, but 6% lower particle temperature.
Some of these computational findings were experimentally confirmed by Kucuk et al. For a given process parameter setting,
the kinetic and thermal energy extracted by the particles reached a maximum for carrier gas flow rate of about 3.5–4.0 slm. 相似文献
In this study, corrosion behaviour of porous NiTi modified by plasma sprayed alumina coating has been investigated. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques were applied for the morphology and microstructure characterisation, while linear sweep voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were used for investigation of corrosion behaviour of coated and uncoated NiTi specimens. Induced couple plasma was conducted to measure ion release of the specimens in simulated body fluid at 37°C. The plasma sprayed Al2O3 coating on the porous NiTi improved the surface characteristics for biomedical applications. The alumina coating significantly hampered Ni ion release from the surface. In spite of slight decrease in corrosion resistance of the coated specimens, the corrosion mechanism changed from pitting to general corrosion. The breakdown phenomenon was not detected in the coated specimens, as well. Overall, it can be concluded the longevity of the coated specimen in the simulated biological system was enhanced, comparing to bare NiTi specimens. 相似文献
Nanostructured alumina (Al2O3) and nanostructured cermet coatings containing alumina dispersed in a FeCu or FeCuAl matrix, were deposited by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) from nanostructured powders. These coatings were characterized by SEM, EDAX, TEM, XRD and nanoindentation. Friction and wear behaviour were investigated by sliding and abrasion tests. TEM and XRD revealed that a nanostructuring was retained in the APS deposited coatings.The nanostructured ceramic and cermet coatings were compared in terms of coefficient of friction and wear resistance. Nanostructured cermet coatings appeared to offer a better wear resistance under sliding and abrasion tests than nanostructured Al2O3 coatings. The role of Fe, Cu, and Al additions to the Al2O3 coatings on friction and wear behaviour, was investigated.In the case of FeCu- and FeCuAl-based cermet coatings containing alumina, though the starting material consist of only two compounds, the coatings contain up to four different phases after plasma spraying. The mechanical properties of these different phases namely crack sensitivity and elasto-plastic deformation was determined by nanoindentation. The failure mechanisms were investigated and an attempt was made to establish a ‘structure-property’ relationship. It was shown that an appropriate balance between hard and soft phases results in optimum tribological properties of the nanostructured cermet coatings. 相似文献
S. Gu D. G. McCartney C. N. Eastwick K. Simmons 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》2004,13(2):200-213
A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is developed to predict particle dynamic behavior in a high-velocity oxyfuel (HVOF)
thermal spray gun in which premixed oxygen and propylene are burnt in a combustion chamber linked to a long, parallel-sided
nozzle. The particle transport equations are solved in a Lagrangian manner and coupled with the two-dimensional, axisymmetric,
steady state, chemically reacting, turbulent gas flow. Within the particle transport model, the total flow of the particle
phase is modeled by tracking a small number of particles through the continuum gas flow, and each of these individual particles
is tracked independently through the continuous phase. Three different combustion chamber designs were modeled, and the in-flight
particle characteristics of Inconel were 625 studied. Results are presented to show the effect of process parameters, such
as particle injection speed and location, total gas flow rate, fuel-to-oxygen gas ratio, and particle size on the particle
dynamic behavior for a parallel-sided, 12 mm long combustion chamber. The results indicate that the momentum and heat transfer
to particles are primarily influenced by total gas flow. The 12 mm long chamber can achieve an optimum performance for Inconel
625 powder particles ranging in diameter from 20 to 40 μm. At a particular spraying distance, an optimal size of particles
is observed with respect to particle temperature. The effect of different combustion chamber dimensions on particle dynamics
was also investigated. The results obtained for both a 22 mm long chamber and also one with a conical, converging design are
compared with the baseline data for the 12 mm chamber. 相似文献
Thermal shock characteristics of plasma sprayed mullite coatings 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
P. Ramaswamy S. Seetharamu K. J. Rao K. B. R. Varma 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》1998,7(4):497-504
Commercially available mullite (3Al2O3·2SiO2) powders containing oxides of calcium and iron as impurities, have been made suitable for plasma spraying by using an organic
binder. Stainless steel substrates covered with Ni-22Cr-10Al-1.0Y bond coat were spray coated with mullite. The 425 μm thick
coatings were subjected to thermal shock cycling under burner rig conditions between 1000 and 1200 °C and less than 200 °C
with holding times of 1, 5, and 30 min. While the coatings withstood as high as 1000 shock cycles without failure between
1000 and 200 °C, spallation occurred early at 120 cycles when shocked from 1200 °C. The coatings appeared to go through a
process of self erosion at high temperatures resulting in loss of material. Also observed were changes attributable to melting
of the silicate grains, which smooth down the surface. Oxidation of the bond coat did not appear to influence the failure.
These observations were supported by detailed scanning electron microscopy and quantitative chemical composition analysis,
differential thermal analysis, and surface roughness measurements. 相似文献
During plasma spraying of alumina with the stable α phase in the starting powder, metastable phases tend to form in the final coating. This is attributed to the rapid quenching associated with the process. In this paper the weight fraction of metastable phase formed, i.e., stable phase retained, and has been estimated using Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction data. This weight fraction depends on the process parameters like standoff distance, primary and secondary gas flow rate, nozzle size, etc., which in turn control particle melting. Under favourable melting conditions the weight fraction of the metastable phases approaches 1. 相似文献
S. Fantassi M. Vardelle A. Vardelle P. Fauchais 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》1993,2(4):379-384
The behavior of individual plasma- sprayed particles as they impinge on a surface was monitored using two high- speed two-
color pyrometers, one focused 2 mm before the substrate and the other focused on the substrate surface. The influence of the
velocity of the impinging particles (determined from the time of flight between the two focused points of the pyrometers)
on the deformation and cooling processes was investigated. Results on zirconia particles impacting on a smooth bare steel
substrate are presented in terms of apparent flattening time, splat diameter, and cooling rate determined from the pyrometer
signals. 相似文献