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Compelling evidence shows that the episodic and cyclic secretion of hypothalamic luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH), the primary stimulator of pituitary LH release, is subject to regulation by neuropeptide Y (NPY). We have reported earlier that sequential treatment of ovariectomized (ovx) rats with estrogen and progesterone to stimulate a preovulatory-type LH surge elevated the levels of both NPY and preproNPY mRNA levels in the hypothalamus concomitant with dynamic changes in LHRH activity. The present study was designed to determine whether these elevations in NPY content and gene expression represent new synthesis of NPY that is crucial to elicit LHRH discharge. Ovx, steroid-primed rats received intracerebroventricular injections of an unmodified 20-mer oligodeoxynucleotide (oligo) complementary to the NPY mRNA sequence. Control rats were injected similarly with either saline or the sense or missense oligos. Results showed that control rats displayed a characteristic surge-type elevation in plasma LH levels that was not affected by the administration of missense or sense oligos. However, in rats injected with the antisense oligo, the steroid-induced LH surge was completely blocked. In an additional experiment, NPY peptide levels were measured in microdissected hypothalamic sites following the injection of antisense or missense oligos. NPY antisense oligo administration blocked the significant increases in NPY levels in the median eminence-arcuate area, the medial preoptic area and lateral preoptic area seen in control rats. These results suggest that sequential ovarian steroid treatment augments NPY synthesis in the hypothalamus and this newly synthesized NPY is critical for induction of the LHRH and LH surge.  相似文献   

Biodegradable particulate systems have been considered as parenteral drug delivery systems. The adsorption of plasma proteins on micro- and nanoparticles is determined by the surface properties and may, in turn, strongly influence the biocompatibility and biodistribution of both carriers. In the present study the influence of the polymer composition and the production method of microspheres on the in vitro plasma protein adsorption were investigated using two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). Microparticles were prepared from poly(l-lactide) (l-PLA), poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), and ABA triblock copolymers containing hydrophilic poly(oxyethylene) (B-blocks) domains connected to hydrophobic polyesters (A-blocks). Two different microencapsulation methods were employed, namely the w/o/w emulsion solvent evaporation method and the spray-drying technique. It could be demonstrated that the polymer composition and, especially, the encapsulation technique, influenced the interactions with plasma proteins significantly. For example, the percentages of several apolipoproteins in the plasma protein adsorption patterns of spray-dried PLGA- and l-PLA-particles were distinctly higher when compared to the adsorption patterns of the particles produced by the w/o/w-technique. Some adsorbed proteins were found to be characteristic or even specific for particles produced by the same method or consisting of identical polymers. Polyvinyl alcohol used as stabilizer in the w/o/w-technique may decisively influence the surface properties relevant for protein adsorption. The plasma protein adsorption on particles composed of ABA copolymers was drastically reduced when compared to microspheres made from pure polyesters. The adsorption patterns of ABA-particles were dominated by albumin. The plasma protein adsorption patterns detected on the different microspheres are likely to affect their in vivo performance as parenteral drug delivery systems.  相似文献   

X-ray fiber diffraction of poly(dA).poly(dT) subjected to variation in the relative humidity, has allowed us to demonstrate the effects of temperature on the conformation of the polynucleotide. When the temperature of the poly(dA).poly(dT) is greater than 30 degrees C and the relative humidity near 80%, a new diffraction pattern is obtained. We observe a transition between the classical alpha B' form of poly(dA).poly(dT) and a double helical structure, B*, which remains stable at a temperature up to 70 degrees C. This new conformation of poly(dA).poly(dT) is a right-handed double helix with 11.4 nucleotide pairs per turn and a pitch of 36.7 A.  相似文献   

We have previously reported expression of WT1 in acute leukemia. To elucidate its biological significance, we examined the effect of the suppression of the WT1 expression by WT1 antisense oligomers on the growth of the leukemic cells expressing WT1. When 20 different WT1 antisense (AS) oligomers covering from the 5' cap sites of the WT1 gene to the 3' end were examined for the inhibitory effect on the growth of K562 cells expressing WT1, four WT1 AS oligomers inhibited the cell growth, whereas WT1 sense and random sequence oligomers had no effect on the cell growth of K562. Moreover, WT1 AS oligomers significantly inhibited the growth of the clonogenic cells of fresh leukemic cells in six of 14 patients with acute myeloid leukemia, in one of two patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) chronic phase, and in one of one patient with CML blastic crisis. However, these oligomers did not inhibit normal colony-forming unit-granulocyte-macrophage. Western blot analysis clearly demonstrated the significant reduction in the WT1 protein levels in the K562 and fresh leukemic cells that were treated with the WT1 AS oligomers, confirming that the inhibitory effect of the WT1 AS oligomers on the cell growth operates via the reduction in the WT1 protein levels. These results show that WT1 plays an important role in leukemogenesis.  相似文献   

The cost-benefit ratio of tetravalent rhesus rotavirus vaccine (RRV-TV) in Finland for prevention of rotavirus gastroenteritis was assessed in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Costs related to vaccination, side effects, and gastroenteritis were identified. Children received RRV-TV (n = 1,191) or placebo (n = 1,207) at 2, 3, and 5 months of age with other infant vaccinations. Prospective follow-up averaged 1.0 years per child. An intention-to-treat analysis was performed from the perspective of society. Nine cases of severe rotavirus gastroenteritis occurred in the RRV-TV group, versus 100 in the placebo group (P < .0001); mean cost per vaccinated child was 4 Finnish marks (FIM) in the RRV-TV group, versus 203 FIM in the placebo group. Side effects with related costs occurred after 11% and 7% of doses in the RRV-TV group and placebo group, respectively (P < .001); mean cost per child was 89 FIM vs. 75 FIM. The break-even cost (i.e., net benefit, excluding cost of vaccine) of RRV-TV in prevention of severe rotavirus gastroenteritis was 109 FIM (U.S. $19.60) per child.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and IGF-II, acting under the regulatory control of growth hormone, are the principal mediators of vertebrate growth. We have previously demonstrated that like humans, but unlike rodents, rainbow trout maintain high hepatic IGF-II messenger RNA levels into adulthood. Here we describe a rainbow trout IGF-II gene with a proximal promoter that contains two CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP) binding sites (TCBS1 and TCBS2). Nuclear proteins corresponding in size to rat C/EBPalpha and C/EBPbeta were detected on Western immunoblots of growth-hormone-treated and mock-treated trout liver extracts. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay of these nuclear extracts further suggests the presence of C/EBPs in trout liver and confirms the ability of TCBS1 to form a complex with trout liver nuclear proteins that is identical in mobility and specificity to that formed by a mammalian consensus CBS construct. In both Western blot and mobility assay results, the growth-hormone-treated trout livers appeared to have a greater accumulation of C/EBP, suggesting a molecular mechanism by which growth hormone can influence the level of serum IGF-II.  相似文献   

We propose that water of hydration in contact with the double helix can exist in several states. One state, found in the narrow groove of poly(dA).poly(dT), should be considered as frozen to the helix, i.e., an integral part of the double helix. We find that this enhanced helix greatly effects the stability of that helix against base separation melting. Most water surrounding the helix is, however, melted or disassociated with respect to being an integral part of helix and plays a much less significant role in stabilizing the helix dynamically, although these water molecules play an important role in stabilizing the helix conformation statically. We study the temperature dependence of the melting of the hydration spine and find that narrow groove nonbonded interactions are necessary to stabilize the spine above room temperature and to show the broad transition observed experimentally. This calculation requires that synergistic effects of nonbonded interactions between DNA and its hydration shell affect the state of water-base atom hydrogen bonds. The attraction of waters into narrow groove tends to retain waters in the groove and compress or strain these hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

This study examined intertask consistency in handedness across multiple measures of hand use in a sample of 187 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Hand preferences for 2 to 6 measures were collected from the sample, and hand preference scores were derived on the basis of the individual hand preferences for each measure. Seven of 15 possible intratask correlations were significant, with some degree of clustering depending on the motor demands of the tasks. Two overall measures of handedness revealed population-level right-handedness in the chimpanzees, although the degree of bias was reduced for chimpanzees tested on more than 3 measures of hand use. The results are interpreted in the context of several recent studies that proposed theoretical models of handedness in nonhuman primates. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) is thought to be an important autocrine/paracrine factor for chondrocyte metabolism since mice lacking the PTHrP gene exhibit abnormal cartilage development. To determine the biological role of PTHrP in chondrocytes, we first compared the agonist potency of human (h) PTHrP(1-34) with hPTH(1-34) in cultured rat articular chondrocytes. Neither hPTHrP(1-34) nor hPTH(1-34) altered basal DNA synthesis, but attenuated the stimulatory effect of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta). Both agents suppressed the expression of alpha(1) type II collagen mRNA in a dose-response fashion with the same potency. In addition, the action of exogenously added hPTHrP(1-34) and hPTH(1-34) on intracellular cAMP and [Ca2+]i levels was similar. We next compared the effect of PTHrP within its entire amino acid sequence (1-141). With regard to thymidine incorporation, alpha(1) type II collagen gene expression and accumulation of cAMP and [Ca2+]i level, there was no significant difference between hPTHrP(1-34) and hPTHrP(1-141). PTHrP C-terminal (100-114) did not show any function. To further investigate PTHrP function, intracellular PTHrP translation was inhibited by a transgene of antisense oligonucleotides against PTHrP. Antisense oligonucleotides decreased PTHrP mRNA translation, specifically inhibited DNA synthesis in control as well as TGF-beta-treated chondrocytes and enhanced alpha(1) type II collagen mRNA expression in TGF-beta-treated chondrocytes. These results suggest that there is no significant difference between exogenously added hPTH(1-34), hPTHrP(1-34) and PTHrP(1-141) with regard to the biological action of these agents, including cell growth, differentiation and second messenger pathway. However, the result of DNA synthesis in the antisense PTHrP-inhibition study suggests that intracellular PTHrP may have an as yet unknown biological role, in addition to a classical PTH/PTHrP receptor-mediated function in the rat articular chondrocyte.  相似文献   

Four mouse anti-human Fc gamma RII (CD32) (6C4, 2B2, 3D3, 93.4) (IgG1, kappa) and one anti-human Fc gamma RIII (CD16) (7.5.4) IgG1, kappa) MAbs were raised. An in vitro switch variant, 7.5.4Sw50 (IgG2b, kappa), was also derived from the 7.5.4 MAb. 6C4, 2B2, and 3D3 MAbs bind both Fc gamma RIIa and Fc gamma RIIb isoforms. Two of them (6C4 and 2B2 MAbs) allow a complete blockade of the binding of immune complexes to Fc gamma RII. All three MAbs immunoprecipitate the receptor and bind both its glycosylated and nonglycosylated forms. The fourth anti Fc gamma RII MAb, 93.4, directed against the intracellular region of Fc gamma RIIa1/2, allows its detection by Western blotting only when it is not phosphorylated. The 7.5.4 MAb binds both Fc gamma RIIIa and Fc gamma RIIIb, can be used in Western blotting and does not inhibit aggregated IgG binding. ELISA using IV.3 (anti-Fc gamma RIIa1/2)/6C4 and 3G8 (anti-Fc gamma RIIIa/b)/7.5.4Sw50 MAb pairs make it possible to detect soluble Fc gamma RIIa1/2 and Fc gamma RIII, with a sensitivity of 200 pg/mL and 1 ng/mL, respectively. Surface plasmon resonance analyses indicated that the KD of two of the three anti-Fc gamma RII and of the anti-Fc gamma RIII are in the same order of magnitude (6C4: 0.78 nM, 2B2: 0.28 nM, 7.5.4: 0.47 nM). The anti-Fc gamma RII 3D3 MAb exhibits an off-rate constant higher than the 6C4 and 2B2 MAbs and a KD of 2.19 nM.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the role of dissimilarity on context effects in person perception. Most research predicts similar people to be similarly evaluated and different people to be contrasted with each other. However, some research suggests that similarity may enhance comparison and contrast. To explain these opposite effects, the authors argue that dissimilarity may influence 2 different processes with opposite consequences. Dissimilarity may decrease common categorization and thus the likelihood of comparison, resulting in reduced contrast, whereas during comparison itself dissimilarity may increase the perceived dissimilarity of features and thereby increase contrast. To investigate this, the authors conducted 3 studies in which they manipulated dissimilarity by inserting morphs that were related or unrelated to the context and target faces before judgments were made. The results indicate that dissimilarity may affect the likelihood and the outcome of comparison, with contrasting consequences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present studies were undertaken to examine the expression of the high density lipoprotein (HDL) receptor, SR-B1 messenger RNA (mRNA) in ovarian cell types during folliculogenesis and luteinization using in situ hybridization histochemistry and to examine its hormonal regulation using Northern blots. For the in situ study for HDL receptor mRNA localization, 21-day-old rats were treated with 50 IU PMSG, and ovaries were collected 0, 24, and 56 h postinjection. At 56 h, animals were treated with a single dose of hCG, and ovaries were subsequently collected at 6-, 12-, 24-, and 72-h and 5-day intervals. In addition, on day 4 of pseudopregnancy, a second dose of 50 IU hCG or saline was administered, and ovaries were collected at 12, 24, and 48 h to determine the induction of the expression of HDL receptor mRNA. The results of in situ hybridization histochemistry showed that in the immature ovary, HDL receptor mRNA is associated with theca interna and interstitial cells (stroma). The mRNA expression in these cell types increased with PMSG treatment, but no signal was detected in the granulosa cells. Northern blot analysis also showed a marked increase in mRNA content in thecal and interstitial cells during follicular development. During luteinization, the intensity of the signal began to appear in the luteinized granulosa cells. With the completion of luteinization, the signal in the corpus luteum tissue became more intense. Further treatment with hCG increased the HDL receptor mRNA content compared with that in the saline-treated control. These results demonstrate that the cholesterol-using cell types of the ovary, namely the interstitial cells, thecal cells, and fully luteinized granulosa cells are endowed with the HDL receptor mRNA, which provides credence to the functional significance of the role of HDL receptor SR-B1 in cholesterol transport and ovarian steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the special series. It notes both diversity and commonalities in approaches and highlights areas for future research. Conclusions include the fact that the use of homework appears to be increasingly widespread across a range of therapeutic approaches. However, more research is necessary to document features of homework that will assist practitioners from both a common factors model as well as within a specific approach. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The behavior of 34 California ground squirrels was measured in the field, and all behavioral samples occurring within the same 5?×?5 m quadrat of the 100?×?100 m study area were pooled. The number and proximity of burrows, rocks, and trees around the center of each quadrat were measured, and these microhabitat attributes were used as predictor variables in multiple regression analyses in an attempt to account for interquadrat variance in time allocated to common behaviors. For the 3 most common behaviors (forage, vigilance, and locomotion), 56–75% of the variance among quadrats was accounted for by the microhabitat variables. Each behavior was accounted for by a unique combination or ordering of the predictor variables. Testable hypotheses are offered as to the adaptive significance of the observed behavior–habitat correlations. Results support the contention that the utility of a behavior varies spatially according to the probability of encountering biologically important factors and that these probabilities are partly predictable by small-scale characteristics of the habitat. (68 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent studies have demonstrated the usefulness of gene-modified tumor cells for immunotherapy. Using the tumorigenic murine fibrosarcoma, MCA 106, we investigated the effects of localized interferon-gamma (IFNg) secretion on tumorigenicity and on long-term memory. METHODS: The murine IFNg (MuIFNg) gene was introduced into tumor cells. High and low IFNg-secreting clones were isolated. C57BL/6 mice were injected subcutaneously (s.c.) with either parental (P), high or low IFNg-secreting (H- or L-IFNg) cells, and tumor growth was assessed weekly. Spleens were harvested on different days postinjection (p.i.) to assess in vitro cytolytic activity. In parallel, tissues from injection sites were stained with macrophage-, CD4-, and CD8-detecting antibodies. Mice were injected s.c. with H-IFNg MCA106 tumor. After 150 days the animals were rechallenged s.c. with MCA106P in one leg and with irrelevant syngeneic tumor in the other. RESULTS: Both P- and L-IFNg cells had similar growth, whereas the H-IFNg cells never grew. Only splenocytes from the H-IFNg animals showed in vitro CTL activity persisting until day 30 p.i. Histological data revealed a macrophage and CD4+ infiltrate much earlier in the H-IFNg group compared with the P group. Only the irrelevant, syngeneic tumor grew in animals previously injected with H-IFNg cells, whereas both P and irrelevant syngeneic tumors grew in controls. CONCLUSIONS: Transduction of MCA106 cells with the MuIFNg gene diminished in vivo tumorigenicity in proportion to the amount of IFNg secreted. Immunization with H-IFNg cells elicited a host response characterized by macrophages and CD4+ cells. Long-term tumor-specific memory was seen after immunization with H-IFNg cells.  相似文献   

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