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The grain handling and transportation system (GHTS) has been a defining component of the western Canadian economy since the early part of the last century. Only two major railways serve the grain handling industry, so the potential for the exercise of market power in transportation appears to be significant. In fact, spatially oriented regulations applicable to railways exist in Canada to mitigate this, but to date they have not often been used by shippers. While the reasons for this are not completely clear, we suggest that the regulations are now inadequate for the current state of the GHTS. Using a unique data set from the year 2000, we assess the effect on the grain handling industry of modifications to these regulations, and find that significant gains for shippers from these modifications are possible. These gains are computed to be on the order of C$10–15 million per year for grain shippers alone. We would like to thank conference and presentation participants (Transportation Research Board, Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, University of British Columbia, University of Leeds and California State University, Long Beach) as well as the anonymous reviewers who commented on the earlier versions of this paper. We would also like to acknowledge support from the Saskatchewan Department of Highways.  相似文献   

Summary The policy pattern for maximizing income growth indicated by this analysis stresses rural education and an extension of livestock farming coupled with less overall reliance on agriculture, and a reduction in tenancy. Efforts to gear the rate of mechanization of agriculture to the capacity of local industrialization to employ those released by agriculture also appear indicated.The authors are respectively Economist of the Human Resources Research Center, University of Southern California, and Professor of Economics, University of Maryland. They are indebted to the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Science and to the Agency for International Development for support of this research.  相似文献   

A controlled environmental chamber was used to study the effects of relative humidity, air temperature, and wind speed on moisture content of tobosa grass. Prediction equations were developed to show rates of change in fine fuel moisture content and equilibrium fine fuel moisture content for both absorption and desorption. Note: Mr. Britton is a Research Associate at Texas Tech University; Mr. Countryman, a Project Leader, Forest Fire Laboratory, Riverside, California; Dr. Wright, Associate Professor of Range Management, Texas Tech University; and Dr. Walvekar, Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering, Texas Tech University. Mr. Britton’s current address is Range Science Department, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas. Note: This paper is College of Agricultural Sciences, Texas Tech University Contribution No. T-9-111.  相似文献   

Summary In summary, we can state that econometric evidence suggests an elasticity of -.35 for household uses in Southern California. This is comprised of elasticities of -.24 and -.7 for inside and outside uses respectively.The data on industrial demand is less evident, but suggests an elasticity of well above -1.0 for low prices of water, that is, before recirculation systems have been installed. Only those using ground water or brackish water are paying prices around 5¢ per thousand gallons or $15 per acre-foot (Prices here mean the cost of pumping and sometimes for a pumping tax of acquiring such water.). If these industries should begin paying marginal costs of supplying water, then we can expect a substantial reduction in water consumption by them as they use recirculation systems. For industries which derive water from municipal supplies, they are already paying relatively high prices for water and therefore have already initiated water saving devices. For them the price elasticity is probably quite low, around -.2 or highly inelastic.In agriculture, with substantial opportunity for factor substitution, but less than expected possibilities of pricing crops out of production, an elasticity of-.5 seems appropriate, although this figure must be interpreted with caution as the data is just not available to confirm this estimate.Combining the above, the fresh-water demand for water will be in the neighborhood of -.3, as municipal demands are the dominant factor determining demand in Southern California. An elasticity of -.3 which is actually rather close to previous studies, is still less elastic than most. However, these conclusions must be tentative awaiting the results of another half year of study on a very complex market for water.The Author is Lecturer in the Department of Economics, University of California, Los Angeles.  相似文献   

Field tests assessed forest fireline construction capabilities of two power-assisted tooling systems—a chain saw system and a hydraulic power unit system. These were compared with the conventional handtool system as to fireline construction rate, cost, and other considerations. Note: Irene A. Althaus is a Natural Resource Economist assigned to the Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Berkeley, California, stationed at Riverside, California. Robert W. Weaver is Fire Research Coordinator with the California Department of Forestry, Sacramento, California.  相似文献   

在1951年北京农业大学造园组设立之前,已经有一些学校进行了长期的课程建设,国立中央大学在农科和工科中都开设了造园相关课程.通过梳理国立中央大学园艺、森林和建筑工程科(系)中庭园相关课程的开设情况、设置原因及授课教师,分析造园相关的科研、实践及其对风景园林学科发展的影响.研究发现国立中央大学造园相关课程主要由园艺系发展...  相似文献   

In this essay Christensen reviews her 50-year career as a planner, researcher, and teacher. A college summer internship in New York City exposed her to urban problems and initiatives, leading to her thesis and subsequent job at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, where she worked on interagency and intergovernmental projects. Later she studied at the University of California, Berkeley’s, Department of City and Regional Planning, where she became a member of the faculty. In her research and teaching she examined wicked planning problems (Rittel & Webber, 1973), uncertainty in planning, and organizational and intergovernmental decision making, as well as housing. To help students do better at doing good, she taught savvy through a course on planning institutions, and she continues to be engaged with planning theory.  相似文献   

More on Urban Renewal: Local Development and Enforcement of Housing Codes. By Gilbert R. Barnhart. Division of Housing Research, Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington, D. C. 1953. 55 pp. $0.40.

Preventing Tomorrow's Slums, A plan to Preserve Values in Older Neighborhoods. The Interim Commission on Neighborhood Conservation, Chicago, 111. 1952. 18 pp.

Blueprint For Neighborhood Conservation. By National Association of Real Estate Boards, Washington, D. C. 1953. 39 pp.

Problems of Urban Expansion: Transportation and the Growth of Cities. By Harlan W. Gilmore. The Free Press, Glencoe, Illinois, 1953. 170 pp., bibliography. $3.00.

The Rural-Urban Frikge. A study of Adjustment to Residence Location. By Walter T. Martin. Studies in Sociology, No. 1. University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. Nov. 1953. 109 pp.

Location of Industry: University of California The Planning Of Industrial Location. By Peter Self. University of London Press Ltd., London 1953. 47pp.2s.6d.net.

Planning Problems in the Vicinity of the A.E.C. Savannah River Plant. Planning Advisory Service, Special Report. American Society of Planning Officials, Chicago. 1953. 20 pp.

The Community and Industrial Development. Urban Land Institute, Technical Bulletin No. 21, Washington, D. C. 1953. 16 pp. $2.00.

Industries For Small Communities With Cases from Yellow Springs. By Arthur E. Morgan. Community Service, Inc., Yellow Springs, Ohio. 1953. 108 pp., illus. $2.00.

Redevelopment for Light Industry. By Shirley K. Werthamer and Newell B. Landes. Redevelopment Information Service, Special Publication No. 6. National Association of Housing Officials, Chicago. 1953. 13 pp. $2.50.

Geographical Features of the Automation Of Industry. By David G. Osborn. The University of Chicago, Department of Geography, Research Paper No. 30. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 1953. 106 pp., illus., bibliography. $3.00.

The Housing Problem: HOUSEBUILDING IN TRANSITION, Based on Studies in the San Francisco Bay Area. By Sherman J. Maisel. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles: 1953. xv-390 pp. $5.00.

Stabilizing Construction: The Record and Potential. By Miles L. Glean and Robinson Newcomb. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1952. xvii - 340 pp. S6.00.

Housing and Family Life. By J. M. Mackintosh. Cassell and Company, Ltd., London, 1952. 230 pp., illus., bibliography. $3.50.  相似文献   

This report discusses a model developed to estimate regional and national effects of specified pesticide withdrawals from cotton production. In addition,the Delphi technique, which was the method used to establish much the model input data, such as regional per acre yield and production cost responses to pesticide withdrawal, is presented along with some model results.The model contains five methods for estimating the impact of specified pesticide withdrawals. The impact is estimated assuming maintenance of present cotton acreages. Alternatively, regional cotton acreage shifts are estimated based on the relationship between per acre cotton net returns and the alternative crop net returns. Model results include regional cotton price per pound and regional and national cotton acres, bales of output, and net returns for cotton and the alternative crop to cotton.Technical article 10961 of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. This research was funded in part by the Environmental Quality Program, Texas A & M University.  相似文献   

本文记述了华南理工大学建筑学院与美国加州大学伯克利分校环境设计学院在旧金山湾区举行的工作坊,以其中Eden Green Way的概念设计过程为例,通过对工作坊当中transect(断面)分析方法及结合城市史、地理学、生态学等研究方法的运用介绍,探讨在教学当中如何指导学生进行大尺度空间概念设计,并总结了一些针对大尺度空间设计方法和过程的经验。  相似文献   

Like cats being gifted with a new life every time they just miss their demise, buildings are constantly propelled towards change and reinvention in order to sustain their existence. Here Jill Stoner , Director of the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism at Carleton University in Ottawa, and Professor of Architecture at the University of California, Berkeley, for 28 years, identifies and reflects upon nine possible future lives for buildings.  相似文献   

文章主要研究加州大学伯克利分校土木工程专业实践教学的目标和具体做法。文章研究了该校土木工程专业的课程设置如何支持学生能力的培养,介绍了该校课外实践活动的做法,包括参加专业协会和组织、结构和施工竞赛、本科生研究计划和专业资格认证计划的做法。文章旨在为当前中国土木工程教育改革提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

介绍了加州大学伯克利分校开发的三种结构可靠性分析软件:CalREL,利用FORTRAN编制的全面结构可靠性分析软件;FERUM,采用Matlab编写,用于简单有限元模型节点的可靠性分析软件;Open Sees,一种面对对象的程序,根据结构可靠性能,模拟非线性结构响应。这些程序中的可靠性分析方法包括FORM,SORM,Monte Carlo模拟和各种重要的样本方法。此外,提出了变量重要性和敏感性测试。  相似文献   

The Border Industries Program was initiated in 1965 as a series of agreements between Mexico and the United States to bring U.S. industries to the Mexican side of the border, and thereby provide employment and income opportunities in a region of relatively high unemployment. Since 1965, many U. S. industries have taken advantage of the Program, and located firms on the Mexican and U.S. side of the border. Supposedly this has fostered economic development of not only the Mexican border region, but also U.S. border communities. Part of this impact has resulted from the expenditures of Mexican Border Industry employees in the adjacent U.S. town. The objective of the research presented in the present article is to empirically estimate the impact of these expenditures on income, employment, and population in a specific U.S. border community. An input-output model of the Nogales, Arizona, area is used in a case study in making the analysis. The results indicate that the impact of the Mexican Border Industry wage payments on the Nogales, Arizona, economy have been significant. Policy implications for those interested in regional economic development are given.The authors wish to thank Dr. Sylvia Lane, Dr. George Learning, Dr. William Martin, and Mr. Harry Plumlee for comments and suggestions on an earlier draft. The research reported herein is a contribution to Western Regional Research Project W-113, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Arizona College of Agriculture. The article is Journal Paper No. 2057 of the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

The comments of Rodney Jensen, Alex Kerr, Peter Nijkamp and Lay Gibson are gratefully appreciated. This paper was written while the author was a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Economics, University of Queensland, Austrialia.  相似文献   

文章以麻省理工学院、加州大学伯克利分校和国内的土木工程专业本科教学作为研究对象,从力学课程设置到课程管理进行对比分析,针对目前国内土木工程本科力学课程设置和管理存在的问题,给出了课程改革的建议。  相似文献   

本文评论对土试件施加循环荷载的某些常用系统。介绍它们的主要特征和操作原理。详细介绍加州大学贝克莱分校新近制成的价格比较低廉的加荷系统。这种系统由电子控制的压缩空气产生正弦和其他形式的荷载,并用很易购得的部件装配而成。  相似文献   

Summary This paper is concerned with the formulation of a research design for measuring and evaluating the impact of a federal-provincial regional development program upon the Interlake Area of Manitoba. The evaluation process is approached through a comprehensive system of social accounts formulated after the two-region input-output model. The system of social accounts includes both current and capital accounts for business and government and provides the basis for the development of a dynamic model of the economy. The accounts also have special provisions for relating the development program expenditures to the public and private sectors of the two regions.A dynamic mathematical model is outlined that will simulate the growth of the Interlake Area and province over time as the basis for measuring and evaluating the programs of the development plan. To the extent that the research goal can be accomplished, progress will be made in understanding the impact of alternative development programs, in promoting regional development, and in developing a comprehensive model of regional economic growth.Funds for the support of this research were provided by the Manitoba Department of Agriculture and the Department of Agricultural Economics, the University of Manitoba.  相似文献   

刘亦师 《建筑师》2014,(7):13-21
回顾美国建筑学博士教育的发展历程,论述不同院校的博士教育理念、侧重点、课 程设置及培养阶段等各个方面,文章结论体现了美国建筑学博士教育的自主性与多样性,但学术研究在各校的博士教育中均占重要地位。文章还以伯克利加州大学为例,详述建筑学博士的培养,其研讨课方式及跨学科研究方法等方面值得我国建筑院校博士教育借鉴。  相似文献   

This study aims at comparing the predictions of skin temperature from different models of human thermoregulation and investigating the currently available methods for the prediction of the local and overall thermal sensations. In this paper, the Fiala model, the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) thermoregulation model and a multi-segmental (MS) Pierce model were tested against recently measured data from the literature. The local and overall thermal sensations were predicted for different room conditions, obtained from a recent experimental study, using the UCB comfort model coupled with the MS-Pierce model. The overall thermal sensation was further predicted using three other models. The predictions were then compared with the subjective votes obtained from that study. The equivalent temperature approach was also investigated based on the same experimental study. The results show comparisons of the predicted skin temperature by the thermoregulation models, under steady state and dynamic conditions, with the measured data as well as the predictions of the thermal sensations from the different models.  相似文献   

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