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Uncertainty and risk are key features of many social dilemmas, where individual decisions are often made with imperfect knowledge and variance in outcomes. In this paper, we investigate the evolutionary dynamics of the well-known public goods game using a recently introduced modelling framework encapsulating risk-sensitive assortment. Here, the population of mobile agents playing the game is divided into fixed-sized interaction groups. Individuals are defined by a single genetic trait—a risk sensitivity trait—that guides their decision-making. This trait is mapped to a continuous range of investment levels and also provides a mechanism to guide mobility (migration) decisions. Detailed computational simulation experiments confirm the relationship between risk orientation, decision-making and mobility in the game. As the size of each group increases, assortment levels tend to decrease and risk-averse individuals tend to dominate the population. However, in many scenarios, there was high variance in the proportion of ‘cooperators’ both in groups and between different groups, suggesting that risk-seeking behaviour is an emergent property of mobility induced positive assortment.  相似文献   

Recipients of phone calls face a constant dilemma between ignoring calls at the possible expense of offending the caller, missing business opportunities or neglecting family members on one hand; and answering them at the expense of interrupting their train of thought or appearing rude and impolite towards others with whom they share a social activity on the other hand. We studied people's attitudes regarding these dilemmas, with emphasis on their social aspects. In a cross-cultural study, conducted in Israel and in Germany, we surveyed both caller and recipient attitudes towards answering mobile phone calls in various circumstances. The study also assessed the aspects of providing contextual information about a call prior to it being answered, including types of information deemed most valuable. The results emphasise the importance of social norms in affecting respondents’ attitudes towards making or accepting phone calls regardless of role (caller or recipient), gender or culture. We also found that the norms in the physical context (e.g. being in a meeting) prevailed over norms in the virtual context (e.g. the phone call). Cultural and gender differences did not affect the degree to which people were frustrated by insufficient information regarding the other party's context. However, these factors did affect the suggested design solutions to this problem. The research provides insight into the social aspects of the problem of interruptive mobile phone calls and towards designing applications that help users maintain politeness while handling the caller–recipient dilemma.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》1995,28(3):167-176
This paper proposes a conceptual framework for end-user attitudes towards information technology and defines how end-users initially develop interest in and learn about computers. Additionally, it reports the results of an empirical inquiry in two industries, based on the conceptual model. The findings suggest that end users in the manufacturing industry manifest attitudes and intentions towards computer use that differ from those of users in the service industry. The research suggests the need for consideration of industry-specific characteristics in information systems research and applications. Finally, the paper discusses managerial implications of the findings and recommends that managers integrate end-user and computer technology.  相似文献   

A. Kaya  M.A. Keyes 《Automatica》1983,19(2):111-130
This paper reviews the state of the art and trends in paper and allied industry energy management. As a structural approach, the plant is first partitioned into unit operations convenient for the definition of multilevel control and optimization schemes: The applicable methods of control and system theory useful for energy management are presented. Problems and solutions at each level are identified and discussed. The process of implementation of energy management functions with computers is included along with a summary list of major energy mangement functions. Furthermore, some important optimization examples are presented and several methods are discussed. Although the paper emphasizes power generation and energy recovery area, the research on total mill energy management is reviewed and the main results are briefly presented.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of reference prices on companies operating within competitive industries. We confirm that even with competition, firms optimally price high in the short term to generate a high reference price and then decrease this price over time. Competitors' prices converge toward each other over time, emphasizing the short‐term nature of reference prices. We then show that pricing optimally to take advantage of reference prices generates a positive externality for other firms in an industry, such that competitors may generate higher profit. The longer the focus of a given firm, the more profit the firm generates, but less relative to its competitors. This arises because the externalities created through pricing high to increase reference prices outweigh the benefits of the higher reference prices themselves. If pricing managers are compensated relative to their competition, this suggests that short‐termism may be implicitly encouraged to the detriment of profit.  相似文献   

随着物联网产业的快速发展,RFID的应用领域越来越广泛。文章介绍了RFID技术目前在金融、移动支付、城市公共事业、交通、医疗卫生、食品安全以及商品防伪领域的应用现状。  相似文献   

The analysis of network effects in technology-based networks continues to be of significant managerial importance in e-commerce and traditional IS operations. Competitive strategy, economics and IS researchers share this interest, and have been exploring technology adoption, development and product launch contexts where understanding the issues is critical. This article examines settings involving countervailing and complementary network effects, which act as drivers of business value at several levels of analysis: the industry or market level, the firm or process level, the individual or product level, and the technology level. It leverages real options analysis for managerial decision-making under uncertainty across these contexts. We also identify a set of real options—compatibility, sponsorship and ownership option—which are unique to these settings, and which provide a template for managerial thinking and analysis when it is possible to delay an investment decision. We employ a hybrid jump-diffusion process to model countervailing and complementary network effects from the perspective of a user or a firm joining a network. We also do this from the perspective of a network developer. Our analysis shows that when countervailing and complementary network effects occur in the same network technology context, they give rise to real option value effects that may be used to control or modify the valuation trajectory of a network technology. The option value of waiting in these contexts jumps when the related business environment experiences shocks. Further, we find that the functional relationship between network value and the option value is not linear, and that taking into account a risk premium may not always result in a risk-neural investment. We also provide a managerial decision-making template through the different kinds of deferral options that we identify for this IT analysis context.
Ajay KumarEmail:

传感技术中网络安全问题是由传感器获取的信息或图象通过计算机网络传输时产生的 ,以保证网上获取信息的安全、可靠。主要论述采用口令、数据加密、防火墙、数字签名、网络安全管理技术。  相似文献   

网络安全技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年来,Internet技术日趋成熟,已经开始了从以提供和保证网络联通性为主要目标的第一代Internet技术向以提供网络数据信息服务为特征的第二代Internet技术的过渡.作为全球使用范围最大的信息网,Intemet自身协议的开放性极大地方便了各种计算机连网,拓宽了共享资源.本文将介绍网络系统的这五个方面及下一代互联网(Ipv6)技术.  相似文献   

Windows平台下的网络监听技术   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Sniffer对于网络信息安全具有特殊的意义,简要介绍了Sniffer的工作原理以及其在不同平台的差异。在WinPcap出现之前,在Windows平台下开发网络监听工具相当困难,而WinPcap使得开发变得容易起来。详细描述了WinPcap的体系结构,分析了其工作原理,并介绍了其所提供的功能和新特性以及其主要API函数。结合实例MiniCap,阐述了如何利用WinPcap开发网络监听工具。  相似文献   

张辽东  王晓军 《软件》2012,(11):113-115
伴随着互联网通讯技术的飞速发展,传统的课堂教学模式面临诸多挑战,基于互联网环境的新型教学、学习方式也越来越多样。流媒体技术在网络教学上的应用使得传统课堂教学方式转变为生动形象的影音模式。流媒体技术不仅为网络教学带来了诸多优越,也为移动学习带来了新的活力,一种适用于主流移动终端(Android、IOS)的流媒体技术实现方案将会网络教育带来新的思路。  相似文献   

网络通信中的数据安全技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文简要介绍了网络安全的基本内容,详细分析了RSA、DES、数字签名、消息验证码、密钥交换和管理等基本的数据安全技术。  相似文献   

网络欺骗能够显著地增加攻击者的工作量、攻击复杂度以及不确定性,从而使攻击者不知道其进攻是否奏效或成功,而且它允许防护者跟踪攻击者的行为,在攻击者之前修补系统可能存在的安全漏洞。本文主要探讨网络欺骗和嗅探技术。  相似文献   

提出了网络信息安全的重要性并介绍了常用的一些网络信息安全控制技术.在控制技术应用方面,主要针对电子商务方面和VPN的运用进行详细介绍,大概的说明了在其他方面的应用.最后提出信息安全控制不应该停留在当前的技术层面,应该不断的更新创造以适应纷繁复杂的网络环境.  相似文献   

随着科技的发展与进步,信息技术时代已经到来。网络通信已经成为人们日常生活、办公的重要组成部分,然而,随着网络通信技术的不断应用,越来越多的网络问题也开始出现,这些网络通信问题主要体现在技术故障和通信安全方面:技术上的故障一般是硬件连接与软件设置上的问题;通信安全则表现在信息泄漏、信息篡改、非法信息渗透、非法使用网络资源等方面。文章则将围绕通信安全与防火墙技术展开论述。  相似文献   

Wendy Martin 《AI & Society》1999,13(4):402-420
The Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) theory offers a useful conceptual framework for examining the social and cultural factors that may contribute to or detract from the successful integration of computer technology into educational environments. This theory, which grew out of studies in the history of technology and the sociology of science, suggests methods for studying the phenomenon of technological development, such as identifying the relevant social groups involved in the development process and the factors that either leave the technology in a state of interpretive flexibility or bring the interpretation of the technology to closure. This paper uses a SCOT approach to explore how personal and institutional beliefs can shape the ways in which technologies are used by teachers and students, and to identify the social, epistemological, cognitive and motivational factors that need to be considered as computer technology becomes an integral part of the educational experience.  相似文献   

网络安全态势感知系统是实现网络安全实时监测与及时预警的新型感知技术.本文主要针对网络安全态势感知系统的模型与关键模块运行进行分析,以供相关研究人员进行借鉴与探讨.  相似文献   

Adoption research has largely ignored the dynamic impact of network effects on technology adoption and diffusion. For example, some technologies become more attractive the more social peers use them as well. But adoption at the same time increases the value for the peers and thereby their adoption decisions as well. Unfortunately, interdependencies like these make adoption and diffusion patterns very complex. Drawing on network effect theory, we develop an adoption and diffusion model that explicitly considers the role of direct and indirect network effects for individual technology adoption, using mobile commerce adoption as application example. By applying a simulation approach we can exemplify and analyze the fundamental adoption dynamics given rise to by network effects. We thereby propose a way of how to incorporate network effects into adoption research and disclose the role of the technology diffusion lifecycle for individual adoption.  相似文献   

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