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Task-specific visualization design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This case study in operational weather forecasting demonstrates the principles of task-specific visualization design: defining user needs, implementing that definition, and establishing techniques for different user goals. The current applications can generate visualizations for the Web after an intermediate step of migrating the products to a Web server. This proves advantageous in an operational environment because the forecaster has content control. However, direct generation within a Web browser, which requires a simplified user interface and content, will require further refinement of the task decomposition. The notion of task-driven customization of content and interface has succeeded in weather forecasting, but the idea also applies to other domains. The potential benefits should encourage visualization designers to adopt these principles in their application development  相似文献   

Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 2, pp. 42–52, March–April, 1995.  相似文献   

In classical mechanism design the outcome of the mechanism is computed by a trusted central party. In this paper, we consider the design of distributed mechanisms in which the outcome is computed by the agents themselves. We propose Distributed MinWork (DMW), a mechanism for solving the problem of scheduling on unrelated machines. We show that DMW is a faithful implementation of the MinWork mechanism, which was proposed by Nisan and Ronen in their seminal work (Nisan and Ronen (2001) [30]). We show that in addition to being faithful, DMW protects the anonymity of the losing agents and the privacy of their bids. Furthermore, we show that DMW is efficient as it has polynomial communication and computation costs.  相似文献   

Color design for illustrative visualization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Professional designers and artists are quite cognizant of the rules that guide the design of effective color palettes, from both aesthetic and attention-guiding points of view. In the field of visualization, however, the use of systematic rules embracing these aspects has received less attention. The situation is further complicated by the fact that visualization often uses semi-transparencies to reveal occluded objects, in which case the resulting color mixing effects add additional constraints to the choice of the color palette. Color design forms a crucial part in visual aesthetics. Thus, the consideration of these issues can be of great value in the emerging field of illustrative visualization. We describe a knowledge-based system that captures established color design rules into a comprehensive interactive framework, aimed to aid users in the selection of colors for scene objects and incorporating individual preferences, importance functions, and overall scene composition. Our framework also offers new knowledge and solutions for the mixing, ordering and choice of colors in the rendering of semi-transparent layers and surfaces. All design rules are evaluated via user studies, for which we extend the method of conjoint analysis to task-based testing scenarios. Our framework's use of principles rooted in color design with application for the illustration of features in pre-classified data distinguishes it from existing systems which target the exploration of continuous-range density data via perceptual color maps.  相似文献   

A knowledge-based system for visualization design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vista is a knowledge-based system that helps scientists design visualization techniques. It generates a technique for a given data set and lets users modify the design interactively using a compositional design methodology. To ensure the effectiveness of its designs, Vista uses many rules, mostly heuristic in nature, that were acquired through literature surveys and discussions with visualization experts. In general, Vista's design was based on research in graphical perception. It extends the design methodology of Automatic Presentation Tool (APT) (J.D. Mckinlay, 1986), a presentation tool for 2D graphics, to three dimensions. While Vista's primary function is to automatically generate an effective visualization technique design for a given data set, it also allows users to interactively modify this design and renders the resulting image using a variety of rendering algorithms  相似文献   

We investigate the design of declarative, domain-specific languages for constructing interactive visualizations. By separating specification from execution, declarative languages can simplify development, enable unobtrusive optimization, and support retargeting across platforms. We describe the design of the Protovis specification language and its implementation within an object-oriented, statically-typed programming language (Java). We demonstrate how to support rich visualizations without requiring a toolkit-specific data model and extend Protovis to enable declarative specification of animated transitions. To support cross-platform deployment, we introduce rendering and event-handling infrastructures decoupled from the runtime platform, letting designers retarget visualization specifications (e.g., from desktop to mobile phone) with reduced effort. We also explore optimizations such as runtime compilation of visualization specifications, parallelized execution, and hardware-accelerated rendering. We present benchmark studies measuring the performance gains provided by these optimizations and compare performance to existing Java-based visualization tools, demonstrating scalability improvements exceeding an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Product information visualization and augmentation in collaborative design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a collaborative system for product information visualization and augmentation is presented. The developed system allows the users, who can be remotely distributed, to view a product model, which is a geometric representation of the product, from different perspectives. They can choose to view design and product history, such as previous modification processes and feature information of the product independently. The product models displayed to the users are immediately updated after any design modifications have been made to the CAD model. Product features being discussed can be highlighted to draw the users’ attention. In addition, modifications can be displayed dynamically for the users to evaluate the design effect. The product history document module in the system provides a user-friendly interface for retrieving design records. After a specific record has been chosen, the related product model is displayed, and it can be aligned with the current product model for the ease of comparison and evaluation. The feature information of the product is displayed using virtual “floating” annotations linked to the related features. A user interface to enter annotations is provided, and the annotations entered by different users can be shared in real time. A cluster-based greedy algorithm is implemented to avoid overlapping annotations in the field of view.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a new approach and a system to develop parallel algorithms based on the joint use of the algebraic-algorithmic methodology of specification and development of programs and non-algorithmic (heuristic) techniques for code generation. The algebraic part of the methodology provides the formalized process of parallel program design through high-level algebraic-algorithmic specifications and automating transformations up to program code in a standard programming language. The heuristic part of the system is the dynamic adjustment of program code to a target platform and its optimization using self-learning code generation and heuristic technologies.  相似文献   

Let G=(V,E) be a simple graph with vertex set V and edge set E. A subset WVE is a mixed dominating set if every element x∈(VE)?W is either adjacent or incident to an element of W. The mixed domination problem is to find a minimum mixed dominating set of G. In this paper we first prove that a connected graph is a tree if and only if its total graph is strongly chordal, and thus we obtain a polynomial-time algorithm for this problem in trees. Further we design another linear-time labeling algorithm for this problem in trees. At the end of the paper, we show that the mixed domination problem is NP-complete even when restricted to split graphs, a subclass of chordal graphs.  相似文献   

Expert systems and knowledge based systems have emerged from “esoteric” laboratory research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) to become an important tool for approaching real world problems. Expert systems are distinctive in that they are designed to address problems in a similar manner and with similar results as a human expert. The basic structure of an expert system is comprised of three functionally separate components: (a) knowledge base, which contains a representation of domain related facts; (b) means of knowledge base use to solve a problem, inference mechanism; and (c) working memory, which records the input data and progress for each problem. Given the complexity and cost of expert system construction, it is imperative that system developers and researchers attend to research issues which are critical to knowledge engineering. These questions can be categorized according to the parts of an expert system: (a) knowledge representation; (b) knowledge utilization; and (c) knowledge acquisition. A knowledge acquisition procedure is presented which displays the relationship between subject matter expert expertise consisting of declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, heuristics, formal rules, and meta-rules. The knowledge engineer uses one or a combination of elicitation methods to gather relevant data to eventually build the components of an expert system. Further explained are the acquisition methods: (a) structured interview; (b) verbal reports; (c) teaching the subject matter; (d) observation; and (e) automated knowledge acquisition tools. The paper concludes with a discussion of the future research issues concerned with using knowledge mapping and task analysis vs. knowledge acquisition techniques.  相似文献   

介绍了基于数据可视化环境质量评估系统的设计与实现,具体包括系统体系结构、数据库以及基于EIS的数据可视化等。  相似文献   

We present four studies investigating tools and methodologies for artist-scientist-technologist collaboration in designing multivariate, virtual reality (VR) visualizations. Design study 1 identifies the promise of 3D drawing-style interfaces for VR design and also establishes limitations of these tools with respect to precision and support for animation. Design study 2 explores animating artist-created visualization designs with scientific 3D fluid flow data. While results captured an accurate sense of flow that was advantageous as compared to the results of study 1, the potential for visual exploration using the design tools tested was limited. Design study 3 reveals the importance of a new 3D interface that overcomes the precision limitation found in study 1 while remaining accessible to artist collaborators. Drawing upon previous results, design study 4 engages collaborative teams in a design process that begins with traditional paper sketching and moves to animated, interactive, VR prototypes "sketched" by designers in VR using interactive 3D tools. Conclusions from these four studies identify important characteristics of effective artist-accessible VR visualization design tools and lead to a proposed formalized methodology for successful collaborative design that we expect to be useful in guiding future collaborations. We call this proposed methodology Scientific Sketching.  相似文献   

The iterative and developing nature of designing a building involves the specification and handling of vague, imprecise, and incomplete information. A crucial factor for mitigating the impact of these uncertainties on the decision-making process is to effectively quantify and communicate them among the project stakeholders. The interactive visualization of 3D building models provides great support for evaluating building designs. However, the currently available visualization methods of the available authoring tools do not incorporate the potential uncertainties associated with the geometric and semantic information of building elements. Currently, building models appear precise and certain, even in the early design stages, which can lead to false assumptions and model evaluations, affecting the decisions made throughout the design stages. Hence, this paper presents a set of visualization approaches, including intrinsic, extrinsic, animation, and walkthroughs, that have been developed to present the uncertainties associated with the building elements’ information. The efficiency of the approaches developed in this study was evaluated through an online survey and interviews. More specifically, the approaches were compared in terms of intuitiveness, applicability, and acceptance. The evaluation results positively indicated the participants’ ability to understand the amount and impact of the uncertainties on the design by using the developed approaches.  相似文献   

The design and use of steerable filters   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
The authors present an efficient architecture to synthesize filters of arbitrary orientations from linear combinations of basis filters, allowing one to adaptively steer a filter to any orientation, and to determine analytically the filter output as a function of orientation. Steerable filters may be designed in quadrature pairs to allow adaptive control over phase as well as orientation. The authors show how to design and steer the filters and present examples of their use in the analysis of orientation and phase, angularly adaptive filtering, edge detection, and shape from shading. One can also build a self-similar steerable pyramid representation. The same concepts can be generalized to the design of 3-D steerable filters  相似文献   

The influence of computers on gun design is explained with three examples, an ion gun characterized by negligible space charge, a C.R.T. gun characterized by the influence of space charge and initial thermal velocities, and a gun without rotational symmetry characterized by calculation in three dimensions.  相似文献   

Ergonomic models and techniques are a fundamental issue in the design of comfortable and safe products and spaces. User studies, related to visualization tools are current issues in the ergonomics and design visualization literature. But researchers have begun to discover that user study is rarely straightforward, especially when drawing visualization data from interdisciplinary sources. The availability of a plethora of visualization techniques can make it difficult to determine the most appropriate technique to convey maximum possible understanding.The RT-MHV (“Real-time”– “Motion history volumes”) 3D computerized assessment model, developed by the authors, demonstrates a local risk evaluation of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs), based on real-time and on motion history volumes. With the model, the visual display of the WMSD risk level for each body segment is defined by color-coding at points surrounding an avatar's segment, representing an actual user. The values associated with areas with an increased risk of WMSDs can be identified and iterated quickly, so as to determine the “optimal posture”. Designers can share this knowledge by recording the user's postural interactions, defined through the mapping of geometric comfort data and WMSD risk level categories.The challenge in the development process was to overcome existing “gaps” between ergonomics data and designer requirements. Further research on the RT-MHV model is recommended, principally for developing stand-alone CAD software. An aggregated statistical information database and complete body joints visualizations will be computerized in due course. 2D tabulation and statistical information relating to body joints will be made available on demand.  相似文献   

The design of workspaces and consumer products using the bivariate approach is an important, but cumbersome process because of the general unavailability of the proper bivariate charts and the calculations required. This paper presents a simplified method for bivariate anthropometric design using computer generated charts. These charts are created based on the assumption that the appropriate anthropometric data can be adequately represented by the bivariate normal distribution. Four basic bivariate design types are chosen for the study and the ability to derive other types from them is detailed. This paper presents the necessary charts and tables for quick and easy reference in order to determine cutoffs based on the simplifying assumption that the bivariate target percentage will be met by using either equal or complementary univariate cutoff values for each variable as determined by the design problem. Examples show how to use the charts and tables for different design types.  相似文献   

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